PROVINCIAL LI33A.1Y, f I V VICTORIA , E. C. onr.iEs 'mm Daily Delivers NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHOIIE 81 ; VOL. XXXVIII, No. 72. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1949 ' PRICE FIVE CENTS ' i k n ID) H laims Seized at IN 8W OFK Q) nad CHARGES UIIIOII WITH nussinii hero VJK1S IAT10IIAL INCIDENT Oil MAGNIFICENT ABOARD H.M.C.S. MAGNIFI AND DISRUPT" TACTICS Immigration Status of Trio Being Questioned N K W Y 0 It K (CP) Three Canadians were seized by federal agents last night at a world peace conference meeting here. The three men and a woman were taken into custody by eight immigration agents on orders of the Department of Justice. They CENT en Investigation Is being '! iv Former Mayor of Toronto Gets $100,000 ' ' A1NTREE, England CR Russian Hero romped home ahead of Roimond and Royal. Mount ,rL "Tlie strike which the Canadian 'nioti called against the Canadian National i.uKr Rodney' last Monday has now been conducted aboard the Canadian aircraft carrier Magnificent into an incident in which 32 ratings include the company's motor ship, the Challenger which has arrived at Halifax tltw has been forbidden by the C.S.U. to failed to heed a call to muster on the flight deck, it was announced today. The incident occurred March 21 as the Magnificent, in com- sign articles for a new voyage are held for questioning on their immigration status. 1 ' ; : 1 Tlmy had been regarded as guests eati ii:r today to win the 103rd running of the Grand National Steeplechase. Russian Hero is owned by W. F. Williamson and ridden by L. McMorrow. He was 66 to 1 in the betting. The Dally Worker, the British Communist party's official paper, selected the nine-year old of honor. pany witn snips oi tne uanacuan R. C. Vaughan, president of tin: Canadian National (West Indies) Steamships, stated today. "The orders of the Union forbidding crews of the Canadian IS1 Would Arrest Mrs.a"d Ryal Navy Plied the Car" The trio are Mr. and storm which Barker faiilcy or Toronto and "J" "uo- ,rUH'in roast ciui - John Ooss of Vancouver. Fairley' , , " 0"u'uv i is now moving National Steamships to sign ar- Ernie Dalskog aid will nt rravi ( udes for a new voyage under is vice-president of the Cana-"1" a" 11 dlcale their apparent disgruntle- dSan Council of American- u,t until this - 11 f ' w ,, ft the old agreement have been Soviet Friendship. His wife, ment witn some oi iMe conditions aboard the carrier. Cloudy' skies and i Latest Move in Connection With I.W.A.'s $130.00 hIh will aceom- gelding to win the race. A field of 43 horses started in the classic, the world's most famous and gruelling steeplechase. Cromwell, the favorite, finished fourth, dashing the hopes issued despite the fact that, In the case of the Canadian Paclfi'c Beaverbrac' and the Elder , amiss Hie m- VANCOUVER '(ft A. T. R S of t'"' pUPVtltf-O. Dempster Line's 's.s. Cargil,' the Campbell, counsel for the In cr will prevail Margaret, is a member of the cultural committee of the Labor-Progressive party, formerly the Communist party of Canada. Goss Is a theatrical producer. He had been seated on the dais as a "distinguished guest" and Detter HJeal For Veto ;at sections tins 4 eveninu with ternational Woodworkers o f America (CIO), sought court permislon yesterday ; for the Union has given the crews of these vessels the right to sign under the old agreement. As a result, the 'Beaverbrac' has sail- of the jockey-peer, Lord Mlld-may, of besting a jinx that has snatched a Grand National vic expected Sunday. arrest of Ernie Dahkog. former tory from him twice before. Bernard M. Ismail, British Columbia Command president protested vigorously when ac president of the I.W.A. In Bri ,h iiiwn rhir-icd 011 schedule and the 'Curgill Russian Hero was fully eight L liUVI ) .' costed by federal agents. tish-Columbia. He seeks a writ ,s with intern) it- lengths ahead of Roimond at of the Canadian Legion, told a meeting of the Prince Runert The Fairleys, seated at a I ol attachment from the Sup the finish. Lord Bicester's Roi choice table, left quietly. I branch last nlc'ht that while aning cloudy with iv.ers S u i) d a y. ry, 25 miles per mond was quoted at 22 to 1 ana Later immigration authorities 1 "yOV1 ale members of a very Is expected to do so." ' Meanwhile the two Canadian National ships continue to bi strikebound with the C.S. U. crews refusing to sign. The "Lady Rodney's' crew is remaining on board although they have been ordered off by the ship's NKW RECORD? Mis. Jack McDonough. R.R.2, Arthur, near Kitchener, has given birth to four children in less than 16 months. Twins, John, Arthur and Linda Elizabeth, were born November 17. 1947, and on February 28 another set of twins, Francis, Anthonly i.nci Heather, were born. Mrs. McDonough has two other children, Mary Pauline, who will be five In September 26 months. CP Photo) and Gloria Joyce, ordered Goss and Mrs. Fairley iai-ge organization, I frankly : to westerly 25 ( to return to their homes while don't think that' we have the reme Court, charging Dalskog with non-payment of $130,000 to a court receiver. Dalskog and Harold Pritchett last October 3 led a 'swift disaffiliation move from the I.W. A, and formed the rebel Woodworkers' Industrial Union of the tldrd place Royal Mount, owned by Mrs. M. Harvey, start- ed at 18 to 1. . . SWEEPSTAKE WINNERS ' Three Canadians, two Irom Toronto and another from Klnf Fairley was permitted to remain. power that we should have. a and decreasing .-rly '15' Sunday, oi Lows tonight The Vancouver barrister who is regional head of the veterans' f i , TP.., ., .. r . liiiulay-at. Port officers and they are being fed Cambridge won j 49; Miissctt. 3 Biuup , w ur ,a 1. Hey. Saskatchewan, each noon to attend the mecUng al ' Canada of which Pritchett is r HuM'il. 33 and $100,000 In the BWe,psUke sweepstakes. The now president, a supreme wnicn ne nmaueu rrmee bu- . . ... . , w H nnwiv. Court order. amolullntc the WARNS GOV'T OT UNEMPLOYMENT C.l'.L. Makes Us Annual Siilimission at Ottawa Patricide In Slaying Alleged Prominent Vancouver island Business Man Shut Ut Death In Store irom trie mocks Dy picscts. "There is no difference of any kind," said Mr. Vaughan, "between -the terms which Union members have been permitted to accept. In the case of the two shipping' companies mentioned Is Winner pert branch officers for 1949- or to al Kln. bO lie delivered an address Baskatchewan 30 mUes west following the iustallaUou cere- 2B-. Saskaloon; George Oreig, , ' iiiotnes. i district registrar as receiver for British Columbia I.W.A. funds, directed that all money and CRASH LONDON Cambridge', MMllh(,r,,hio lu the Canadian ". olQ lOT?u.i!. " property be turned over to the raced from behind to win thoSI (Dlm, ap ' th, rmmtrv totals ePWyee, anu uaipn y..- OTTAWA -Warning that receiver. 300.000. of which 31,000 paid-up mn5Lirr-, .,.,. and ordered to refuse in the case of the Canadian National, in all three cases, the terms of- JThe $130,000, It is alleged, as""'":rou u-huiu-uuumbv. unemployment ls strikinu Can erilwted. a . an l.W.A. strike , mmk. .Y uawc-w. Mm If- A Un- In British Cuium-I-... rftwlnberft art nwmt fa haVp ada, the Caiuidiau CHmuiess f t DUNCAN, Vancouver Island, -r-MU, Winter . Kfrot,. WlB9l ioenl .merclymt .and president of the Ibincan Cliambrr of lengtli today before a huge Ji-iwl-Ut -UiO-ineu -were MenU-.4. crowd lining and eucircling the Thames course. ' lund under Dalskog's direction. LOCAL TIDES Iield tickets on horses wmcn failed to place. They will ge $470 each. ' Three top prizes in the Army vTj.imifl aboard tiIit in Labrador, rriKirlcil. The i Commerce, W'as.slwt aeuu in nis be expanded to 40,000. "I want you to know that anything I say about our governments or government de The victory today Was the :,t.ore here at 5:30 last evening. Five shots from a 25-calibre ! lifty-first for Cambridge in the Sunday, March 27, 1949 d ail-mi limo mile.; ft can only be assumed, therefore, that the Canadian Seamen's Union is seeking to apply the formula of divide and disrupt. This is a formula characteristic of the Communist doctrine but. foreign to dnio- i Ouoso B.iv. Planes I,alxr Friday called on the government to enlarge its "rainy day" public wmlM program and immediately put it UtU operation Ut provide work. In its annual legislative submission to the cabinet, the 3'it).(i()0-))iai) Canadian Congress or Labor also urged government action on housing, lower taxes. automatic, pistol wer pumped Higl into hls-bw.y. His 23-year-old I ki.ii. Doneias Cool:, has been Low 19.0 feet classic event which has been 19.4 feet J held off and on since 1829. 6.6 feet J Oxford has won 43 times wth 4.5 feet1 one dead heat. , 0:31 12:27 6:31 18:40 and Navy Sweepstake of Quebec went to residents of tho United States. Bruce Kerr, 67-year old Burns Lake man, drew two horses but they failed to place. -. Bay ami Harmon tiyiim to the scene, 'n alxant are re- Icratic procedure. The Union has deliberately chosen the , C.N.S.E. for this purpose. Con- charged with murder. Cook was proprietor of West-well's dealers in confectionary, fancy goods,' china and toys. TING TENSION NOW OFF IN COAL FIELDS ' .srqucntly the strike becomes not only a strike against one of several companies but. In effect, a strike against the Government of Canada w hich owns the ships":" renewed price controls, measures against inflation and deflation, extension of the federal labor code, social security measures and legislation In a wide range of other labor and social RED partments Is not said In a political manner," he declared. "We should forget politics in the Canadian Legion. However, I Insist on our right to criticize the government hi our struggle to get better conditions lor our comrades." He told that the primary duty of Second World War veterans is "to see that War Veterans Allowance recipients get a square deal which they never have done." Basic rates, which now stand at $85 a month for married recipients and $50 monthly for single men, should be sharply increased and the Legion will continue to insist that the PITTSBURG W Tension ; is l1 -Newclniumds to off today in the American coal f"'!5 mT b- , This measure is the lust of a HOUSEBREAKING IS ADMITTED Two men were remanded for sentence in city police court Friday after they pleaded guilty to a scries . of breakings and enterings of city residences. One of the men aiso pleaded guilty in- 11UUM! 1)1 LOII1- i.Hl, ,.,1,!,.), much Iw. Trapp Tech Eliminates Rupert hi Hoop Series Locals Take Heart-Breaking Defeat Gamely Vancouver College Also In Final VANCOUVER (CP) Trapp Technical School of New Westminster did it again last night as they did two years ago. They sidelined Bo-Me-Hi Rainmakers of Prince Rupert in the semi-finals of the British Columbia inter-High School basketball championship contest. The score was ',A to 27 and the game was as hard fought as the count lndi-i- 1 : ' , Mllll.a 111 will., niuwi i'lay as members pam.d b(.fOI.e tho end of this iusion of (he debate u ,, w,i.r,.i m-e t.d KNOW YOUR MAN BRISTOL, Eng. (P A know- fields and in the industries which depend upon coal for Operation foiiowing the order of John L. Lewis to his miners to return to the pits Monday, thus ending a two-week work stoppage of 463.000 members of. United Mine Workers In the lts east of the Mississippi. ... continue. the-man, know-llie-diseasc list given by Dr. Frank Bodmaii at ii health conference included: worriers Ret gastric ulcers; top' to a charge of robbery with schedule be increased .to an wrnment's control Tht drmaiids were ? -'bat of the "I a bill providing: ar extension of food b"ards established to needed to fill con- STOCKHOLM, Sweden ? -Sweden's shipping Increased 11 percent In 1948 over 1947. Last vii.ienep lout from which and heart a mount considered adequate dogs, blood pressure t ra u b 1 e ; martyrs, heumatlc amounted to 00 cents. Mr. Isman crlticl.ed the pro year, her merchant marine in Wilfred Brass, a recent ar- vincial government for Its fall creased by 145.000 gross tons to fever; muddlers, diabetes;' ana a total of 2,057,000 gross tons. gamblers' are prone U accidents. riv-.i from the nrairies and cated. It was a heart-breaking their shooting form which help- ure to revise the Liquor Act to he United Kingdom. PAPER IS FINED, loss, for the northern lads but ed to keep Prince Rupert in the reduce the license- fees which they took It gamely. running. Rube, with ninp, and Fred White, a native, pleaded tiUilty lu four charges of break-in;; and entering, two at the King Tal rooms and two at cab Legion clubs pay on a gallonage basis for beer. Some clubs pay up to $1000. a year merely for license fce.j ' The most important factor In ins on Eraser Street wectnesuay nidit. i t Haiiley, with seven, were high scorers for Trapp. In the hurd-f ought .close game no team was ever leading by more than four points. Prince Rupert, playing cautiously, was behind 8 to 9 at the quarter. l " N J i - Brass also pleaded ginu.y io Equally close was me other bracket of the semi-finals In which Vancouver College eased past Fentlcton by a score of 37 to 32. , Trapp Tech and Vancouver College meet tonight in the final to wind up the series. Prince the Canadian Legion, lie asserted Is not the Dominion or provincial commands, but the EDITOR IS JAILED Contempt of Court Found In Old Country Murder Trial LONDON if The High Court yesterday fined the proprietors of the London Dally Mirror $40,000 for ; contempt of court and ordered the editor, Silver -star Bolan, to be detained in prison for three months. a charge of breaking and enter-tni the cabin of E. J. Maloney. Wantage Road, and theft of a radio. The radio was later re-r(vered bv .police. local branch, which, has duties The game went slowly, Trapp not only toward ex-servicemen , Rupert meets Pentlcton for third and women, but to trie community, in which It exists. having the edge In the second quarter. Prince Rupert at one point led 16 to 14. Trapp pressed Brass entered a plea of guilty piace. lo a chaw of robbery with- In the consolation series last i si i "We must show people that the Legion is not only ready to afc 'W TJ -i1 in the third quarter and took back the lead but Prince Rupert came back to tie and then re violence asainyt Mr. iwawu-jv Hign& ijukc oi onnaugnis. oi He forcibly took a sum of New Westminster defeated King money, 'amounting to about 00 George of Vancouver 39 to 27 and aid ex-servicemen but that it s" j gain the lead 23 to 21. . cents from .his victim. West Vancouver won over Powell River 36 to 28. K2! The consolation final will also The contempt consisted of an article published in the Mirror which was held to prejudice the the trial of John Haigh, 39-year-old c npany director, charged with the murder of Mis. Olive Durand-Beacon, rich elderly widow who disappeared from a London hotel. The Daily Mirror had alleged that Haigh was guilty of "murder after QUI Country Trapp took the lead finally with seconds remaining and led by two points. However, the Rainmakers could not get the tying points, Trapp scoring again with the bell. be played tonight. Trapp Tech knew they'd been in a straggle before they fin .- . ...AH also is ready to take afull part In the affairs of the community. Mr. Isman paid " tribute to John S. Wilson. Prince Rupert zone commander, and to charter members of the Prince Rupert branch, which was founded in 1926. Mr. Wilson acted as chairman prior to the Installation of officers and introduced Mr. Isman; Following the meeting, there were refreshments and musical entertainment. :: Football ally prevailed over Prince Ru- " JO SAFETY Saved from towering waves in a blinding snowstorm by modern radio '"e Great I ni . , .u.n )nrn heinir Liiwed to Dort Spring and Flaten were tops rtiElioii Cup Semi-l' inais pens ruggea Boom Memorial i'orii . , commercial iisning tug rerrociuu i fihRidc which loe,.rt v,. c,.i wi.. ho Frrroclad. 20-year old, 13.-ton tislmm in scoring, playing aggresively " Port I), 1, Leicester City 3 - 8" cnooi quimc Aciuauy ..ivnH.n.ootnn Wanderers l, Rudy Wiley's lads outplayed and but losing on the rebounds which "v" on Lake Eric. About 10 a.m. the vessel began to fill Willi waici uom a V- ere of Ilvii ti ... . i ,. i n, h.,t.t. Rut. the enormous seas foicecl hurt their chances. Spring bag ouUrtiul the northcoasters Manchester United 1 (overtime throughout but they , were offiged eleven points, Flaten 7. EXHIBITION tie) ll'n to Northsule, so me c gh their until the sinking ship. They kept her afloat v?ifthe "me, reached the scene This aerial photo also shows another urUdentiU Scottish Cup Scnu-I'inais The following officers were installed by Mr. Isman: BASKETBALL TONIGHT 8:15 INTERNATIONAL SERIES CHALLENGE GAME President, James Nicoll First vice president Rod Mc- Leod (in absentia) Second vice president Alex Haig. Executive council W. H. Mur KXfi nnn l'KINCK KUPKICT ALL-STARS Clyde 2, Dundee 2 (overtime) , Rangers 3, East Fife 0 I Scottish League Division A Celtic 2. Saint Mirren 1 Queen of the South 0. Aberdeen 0 (tie) (Albion Rovers vs. Clyde, Dundee vs. Motherwell, East Fife vs. Hearts, Morton vs. Rangers, postponed due to Scottish Cup semi-finals) y Fashion Footwear (Intermediate Champs) vs. ,. ? II 1"C II vs. To the Citizens of . . . : Prince Rupert and Northern B. C. Owing to circumstances beyond my control I find it necessary to relinquish my practice. I wish to express my most sincre thanks to all those who have reposed their confidence in me during the 30 years I have served you In my professional capacity. I have endeavored to find successors Jn whom you and I may have complete 'confidence and I know they will serve you well. C. H. 1IANKINSON, M.D., CM. J fl ISa M"ExLAKATLA (Alaska) A. V. ray, Allan M. Hurst, Graham Alexander, Victor Duncan, Nell Savoys (Senior League) Cameron, J. S. Greet, Miss Frances Thomson, Charles Monday and Tuesday 8:30 p.m. ALL SEATS RUSH 25c STUDENTS 10c AH Passes Cancelled Proceeds to Benefit Fund TICKETS (Hibernians vs. Falkirk also : Reserved 80c Rush 55c Students 30c Sergeant at Arms James postponed) ,Tax Included) NOW ON SALt- Taylor.