I 3 be considered. Delegates to the - - - - prfnee uupctt Dan? "rectos rtn wr-x w x. fiotnrdnv March 2S. 1949 1. UlERSTO VISIT COAST !TO MEET FOR iiA,fc ... .... , .... rAtiwriiTiMi 1 " ' AiiUiJUK convention will be named. The local Association has also to consider the matter of a i "Advertise in the Daily News! Waterfront KufclV tfclilK UK-i tLCW Vl lilt" 1 iJl UH LU LUHYtMIUH ' TABLE TE.'iXIS Final eames in the first round 1 nnminnt.inn of a candidate tOJ jFine fly land Montreal traiiu, partieu-P i larlv the renovated sleeping contest the Prince Rupert rid- i Prince Rupert rjrovkn- ing in me jruu.ua. f tK-r-x. Liberal Association will f ,t is I cars in which there has been', cial uihi.h It i nrnir agreed IS OJ1IV i f , Whiffs - - HEW ROYAL HOTEL 1 , movc. - of the Civic Centre table tennis ; nis toumauiem. were played ; yesterday and the second round, will be posted tomorrow. In yesterday's play Don Prevost defeated Bobby Woods, Penio Pen- a tendency to replace sections : be having a general session with the attractive new typ4 json to consider line of action rpomette with its latest appli- j for the provincial convention ances, pastel shade panelling j which has been called for April and lighting. Mechanical lm- j 7 and 8 when the issue of con-nrovements also make forjtinuins in the coalition is to a matter of two or three months removed. The decision on this matter, seeing as It is already gone so long, may now be left until after it is seen what stand and Wording W Wil- Nation T h..k from a ! war. He has experience in Ravi- SALMON SPAWNING the provincial body will take on A Home Away Prom Home M Rooms. Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Four parties o fisheries In- gation on the-British Columbia off won over Allan Shepherd, Allan Mostad bested George Haugen, Marlon Greenwood defeated Marlyn Olsen, June Ratchford eliminated Rena Ingram and Edith Jordan won over smoother riding. j coalition. pectors flora the Prince Rupert coast. The local official found i was four below. In comparison r r c conference in office of the Department of I ! weather still cold in the east, with this the balmy spring air Phone Ml P O. Box 1M I Fisheries are out. inspecting the'KFXORD SALMON PRICE current herring spawn which is! While little, H any spring sal- Nellie Pavich. J .. muf the Winnipeg having it eight below of Prince Rupert is something i;ksp" now with snow while at Jasper' it ( to be appreciated. Classified adveniMng aiays brlns results. 1 nMDI""" p in full fiwirst on tin: north coast. ' mon, is yet being landed in Reports indicate a good spawn 1 Prince Rupert except for the odd both in the IMla Bella area and fish to the local retail trade, all- - imllH - I I" r I "Ti l III II' I'll nil ' mimmm::m-jt alonR Tsimpst-an peninsula.1 time record prices are being paid Since the fisheries boats were' at Ketchikan. History was made equipped with echo sounders, at the "First City" this week mum: in WNCOl VER A it. r. . PRonurr the inspectors are able to do- wnen an uan puia i: wui t two trips which were soon ferine the -sie of lhs spawning body and nolo the' movenvnt of shipped fresh to Seattle. Two THERE thefish inshoie for Ui. ir propa- , small boats caught the mgr prices, galory effort l ttie Randl (I. Myking) with 1000 pounds, and the Clara T C. E. ... sit Inst! A French lrei;.ht-r, the Vitre,! Kenton t with 400 pounds. is expected to arrive at Walson , : of the light-of Island on April 7 with 1,000 tons1 Construction steel from Belr.lum for Col- house tender and buoy vessel. ' a U'fe cliesel crait ior use-a-. umbia Cellulose Co.. Oriuinaily is to take place Prince Rupert juBeluiaii snip v.uh rxufcu-il. but, ; apparently. sin.: th.n, tlw; phms t the Burrard Drydock Co. Hi - X have chaned. The ship will yarus. ou vuuH. hundred will find m-lon Two mn dork at Porihmd first to un-1 there. The contract l ca.po, then p..Kerd to Port P'oyment Ectwurtl. ' was 0,'i'?inallY awarded to Yar- , ',' .' j rows Lt., at Victoria, but was Li:ATin:n (jlovks are again available in good supply Ak fr them at your local lealr. An1 to he sun of poniiin' quality look for the tMni "Walwn" (.lumped on the palm uikI faftlener . . . This is your protection. .lOllxX WATSON LTD. VANCOUVKK Frnr.if vj i r.rhnip;.' ' f retiWiir ' switched to North Vancouver to iChilliwack, Capt. Walter Holm- relieve unemployment mere. 1 m,t t... .!Krl!..-ir..'n,!,ii.1-i!ii.s To look the situation over in fi,i,i , i '.'.li. ,;,,, rr. 'advance of the opening of the The vessA hal been at lnvei-, season. DeWltt Gilbert, editor of the Pacific - Fishermen's News. ness cannery before arriving at Port Edward Tomorrow the I published in Seattle, is making 4 Chilliwack is due in Prince Ru-a visit to the north coast. He pert and from here will proceed s been as far norm as Juneau und neighboring points and will to Port Siinp.son. " be in Prince Rupert bttore re turning south. Other, stopping Rev. Peter Keliev. D.D., for V 1 points will include Sitka, Petersburg, Wrangell and Ketchikan. a ON MONDAY. MARCH 28. The merger of Kolhapur state! many years the captain of the "Thomas Crosby IV," the mission boat that plies the waters of the Inner Passage from Prince Rupert to Queen Charlotte Sound in British Columbia, has been forced by ill health to ask into Bombay province took ef ED. SAUNDERS WILL BE TAK- 1NG OVER THE BUSINESS OF i ALEX McRAE CO. LTD., AND i fect recently. The state had an area of 3,200 square miles and . Until i 1.. .1 t film moie uu t .n....... , i.i, ,...,1, ,ui popuiauuu to b( WILL CONDUCT A COMMER- CIAL PRINTING PLANT UN-) uuu. June. Dr. Kelly is at present! I a patient in the United Churiih nFR'THF N AMR OF ? Hospital at Bella Bella. Ray-burn II. McColi, a prospective crftduate of Union Colk"e, has volunteered to carry on the work (A tpific imtam-e of ninny iutll HtMKis il.rtMiHtitMil (.atwta in tl. Sriog bak.-up. liHH.) which Captain' Kelly is' laying! JOHN H. BULGER 3PTOM ETR f ST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Awn. "Mr. MiCVil' served with dtsliction as a lieutenant in the Hoyul Canadian Navy during the o YOUR PRINTING MENTS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL TENTION . . . PHONE 24 . . . OR DROP IN AT OUR, PLANT. SPRING STYLE !ur REP CQ0SS BISASTEtl RELIEF bids ready for all emorgeswies REGAL PRINTERS SECOND AVENUE ; P.O. BOX 423 Prince Rupert's Finest Eating: Place BROADWAY CAFE BEST FOOD BEST COOKING h instant as the above, the Canadian Red Cross quickly 7 S beekbn workers U.nh, ng. f. kk! ,6r iW-n, serve both ton victims and .eary rescue Hed Cross NX ater Safety Ins tructo 1 n the ar a, Uc rushed to the scene. cui.unent are and both fVed.ng centres their canteens serv.ng as work tirelessly, ,d nurses and Nutritionists til protection stations. ' I -0 f j - y THE LUXURY TAX IS OFF! V maintain Canada's Ked Cross fvier Relief, ;.nd the many other fes it H'rates to save lives and fv human sulTering, the Ked s must have money. "n't you do your part? Please i1 JT i ... t BARATHEA SLACKS - Finely L 1! M0 LT7 AND WE ARE SO HAPPY WE'D SING IF WE COULD . . . a Specialty CHINESE DISHES FOR TAKE-HOME OHDERS PHONE 200 tailored, these slacks are a-ail-able in t w o s h a d e s of brown. Priced at $1 !.!" SCAMPERS -.Moccasin style -a lfo to services olio Include: Blood Trons- ; with crene soles. Priced at G08 WEST THIRD AVENUE f. Outpost Hospitals, Aid o Sick and i'-i Veterans, Treatment for Crippled l"-n, Nutrition Services, Home Nursing Si.(H and $T.O(t S C A MPEHS -Single strap jwiiimuncj and Wulf;r Safetyt:etc Everything at Bulger's is Now style in BuiruSHly red with red hi;; soles. Priced at X'Jt" i This space sponsored by T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAIU? FOR 1UPERT RADIO R. Fl FfJRIC OVERWAITEA LTD. ACME CLOTHING STORE Free of the Luxury Tax A watch that forfherly cost you $20 with tax, will now cost you $10. This Illustration applies to everything in the store. ALSO OUR SPECIAL DIAMOND VALUES WU.X BE ON DURING THE PERIOD OF LENT OR TILL EASTER. . . WALLACE PHARMACY VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT !!iiinii!l,liiliiH;HiilN!1i;;h,1.,rM,Ji1iil:i,:iiiii"iuii'iiiii" BR0WHW00DS FRASER & PAYNE GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. 3rd Ave. at c.th St. SMITH & EIK1MS LTD. Lf. TINKER & CO. LTD. For Reservations Write or Call , CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. m m Commodore Cale COMPLETELY RENOVATED ' "Better Than Ever". I A PICKET FENCE TO mm MEND OR A HOARD mwmn, )Wl ;auto show jERRACE CIVIC CENTRE 1 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 1 2-5 P.m. ' 1 !! p.m. . 3"5 P nv : WALK TO FIX? 7 . . - , ..ts rs. , i I 3 . ' 1 Porch Paint ifmtmmr I For Repair jr l.uiltlinff Supplies PHONE 3f3 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors PHONE 3C3 I Tl!c Concovt Orchestra will play from 3-4 p.m. Sunday , Mrs. H. Sfiton, soloist KEN'S It Is a simple matter to keep your steps and veranda always looking cheerful, using BAPCO PORCH PAINT RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service Call 53 718 Second Avenue West Best Food and Service In City Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders Third Ave. David Chow. Mgr. Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. jJJWICE MACHINE SHOP AMD GARAGE