of the tinal learn before it left: circumstance the capital to get an inkling of ,,..,.1...... '. K m T3rinrc Rupert Oaiiv nctos ttO. Monthly. February Hi. 1)4R iu iiuU-uUulilii-s. "The prs.",.hi ' Jul Vt' t . . SHORT SPORT: t team is In no way comparable nium . tea Sports Today , .1... . j . nil .. Ost.ash.ower 183 172 204 McMeekin 167 274 141 E. Smith ! P. Dickens to the squaci inui iookco so i euy . Sports faas in general and bad against Mr-GUI and army Jhe p, ilU f, writes Tommy e u-adv headquarters." to in particular m snort columnists IS' ncIpecially the Ottawa CItfcen. - ?. J BASKETBALL j SAVOYS WIN CLOSE GAME Consolidated Hold in Senior' Honors Port Edward and ., I.. SI 11; ':, LADIES' LEAGUE BOWLING SCORES . ... 162 181 108 192 168 170 835 943 82o Totals COASTERS 5C0TIANS IN LEAD n. a. croim who members care Any w mad against McGlll in an ex- lin. They ' to , to admit they were wrongeve c . :v-; noma hnrn In n trim UlllPr im tve 152 212 187 181 125 115 138 216 246 115 212 101 125 181 134 M. Scharff In the Ladles' Five Pin Lea?ue b. Knutson ... last week. Rosa Lee's were up M. Lewis - front defeating Watts and Nick- A rpnt.nn if th;U' home team wins run- , - :'""!! MEN'S B" LEAGUE 5 PINS ! TEAM Pts SCOTIAN9 25 FISH DOCK 24 THORNCLIFFS 23 GROTTO ::l MOOSE 21 STONES 21 THOM 3. M 19 CANFISCO 18 SIGNALS -x 17 CO-OP 17 MUTTS MAPLE LEAFS . .. 14 valuation or u.e present team - im While no- trarv to nrrdictijiis. Fish IliM'k in Second Place ' in Five Pin Howls Totals 712 946 783' -:-" should De tnrown away. -uUfd ability u rpallv unluumv that 01l H; . ... iH cv.-iiisive Canada's Olympic hockey team erson three games and bowling the highest team score of .839. Zona Hedley starred for the team, bowling the high three MILLER BAY j Savoys consolidated their pos- Peterson 101 f 167 164 ukm at the top of the clty bas- n H,rt 84 87 ketball senior "A" league frame- ' leadership of the Men's Five Pin showed its heels to the rest of ( what many forget is that after SCRATrf r," t.,,,,,, ot the end of the world at St. Moritz. column- McGill game. Ottawa I- - t.i: nil mil, ti i . v - - "kii le" Do, 127 1.18 1 1 1 work Saturday night by deteat- game score of 726 for an aver- smith .. 82 137 85 the week by defeating Mutts twd ists from coast to coast are still ,aciing team in the S?nior Ot- f. i ".lines to one. Fish Dock drop- j regarding th? feat as "an ex- tawa city League New Etlin-, - ing Brownwoods 46-38 in the 571) 600 ('.22 Civic Centre gvm after a slow , start that saw the shoemen Stones with 13 points. lato a rfnminant. nnsitinn until The scorers: ping to second place as a result , ceptional up-et" or conclucling mirgh donated five players:! : of a clean sweep defeat at the (n)m the results that Europe's Rt,s spnroeter. Ab Renaud. Pe'e fikJKl hands of Co-ops. Sam Jurmain teams were given too much ol ' Lr-U-nnitz. Ted Hibberd and age of 245. 1 Totals Ethel Knutson .of Savoy bowl- ect the highest single game with T"- Braun a score of 276. 1 L.' Thornton The team scores were as f ol -1 W. n lows: 'G Van Meer 145 211 231 124 139 167 110 114 81 138 228 212 203 174 185 720 866 876 Individual scoring: Senior of Maple Leafs monopolized the an acjVance build-up and wire j p ran Dunster. all regulars in 1 www half time. In the two intermediate league games. Port Edward defeated Morgan's 37-27 and Bo-Me-Hi high scoring honors witn a nign lu)t j;,,; competition. Mho winning Olympic team. J Brownwoods Forman 3, Lav- Totals igne 8, Hartwig 4. Gurvich 9. single game of 339 and the high Anwns th ise who don't hav? ' Murray Dnwey, Wally Haider and j Pierce 4. Scherk 4. Total. 38. jaggre ite of 694. t(( b;u k-pedal now are Ottawa George Mara, who starred over- j 135 103 I overcame Fashion Footwear 34- Rosa Lee's 3. Watts and Nick erson 0. Annettes 2, Coasters 1. Scuby's 3, Miller Bay 0. Moose 2, Blowers 1. MOOSE-H Astoria D. Hilton . 200 261 Savoy M. Holkestad 4, Davis; The team scores were as lot-1 Raiibirds who saw just enougn sens cast their Toronto Com- ) 159 197 '90 uhile in the Junior League. 105 l,)l) l.s;)i. , ti,u OnUnl v,ir a o TJlL-otnrt 17 H:in?flll Al- liu-- D. Taylor merclal League team a number j tr- . . . , 111 1.10 ic OLUiies uvtriiaii xiimi 01 huui vj u, iv. wv ... -o - HOI Grisdall Lucky Strikes 2. Sweet Sixteen fn?1,?p 104 187 92 a 31-15 score. , exander, Arney 7, Morgan 8.' Co-op 3, Fish Dock 0. 148 206 180 158 167 120 1. 199 103 131 Mel Thompson and Reg Lav- Dominato 2. Murray, McClymont Klo,ies 2. Thorn Sheet Metal 1 - iscm igne of Brownwoods set a pace 2. Total, 46.- ;Thonvliifs 2. Canfisco 1. , Smlmons 915 829 of certain wins. We do not hold the opinion," says Shields, "that any one part of.Canada can lay claim to any special distinction for the Flyers' Olympic triumph. While three Scotians 2. Mutts 1. I Totals Intermediate I BLOWER S-L. KKeaves F. Morrison .. E. Houston . C. Hinton .... M. fcalderoni Totals Bankers 2, Manson's 1. Variety 2, Comets 1. Orange 2, Westview 1. Toilers 2, Cosmos 1. Savoy Swingers 2, Big Sisters 182 87 92 that brought the shoemen 11 : 124 179 120 p0U1ts during the first quarter. I Fashion 728 666 737 This 8ave them a seven point enzlea 6. Carl Zarelli, ? Phone 37 k, FRASER STL Prince Rjj- 173 204 198 223 133 201 Footwear Teng 4. Vukovich 8, James 2. Moose 2. Maple Leafs 1. ' B MM'cNab Signals 2. Grotto 1. ; n i.indseth The individual scorine was as : W. Smith 14.1 174 113 lptid thnt hart diminished to five I McChesnev. Slatta 2, Arnsten 132 l.i6 outstanding players were added ) R. Houston 145 842 follows. from Toronto, that was Just a I SWEET SIXTEEN E. Duncan 182 19 F. McKinnon 136 at half time and t0 a five"Point Total. 22. 187 139 103 115 deficit at the three-quarter Bo-Me-Hi Shier 12. Scherk 173 142 804 947 206 201 142 157 182 243 198 172 ' 13 13 94fi H. Wriaht ... 1. ROSA LEE'S-Mary Postuk Elsie Morse S. Famsav Z. Hedley I. Ramsay 123 148 196 CO-OP N. n Powell V. Ward G. Viereck 115 150 134 247 130 13 iJ time whistle. i2. Spring 2, Olsen, Davidson ',. 115 203 145 Savoy broke loose in the third Carlson, Boulter 2. Total, 34. 109 198 J. Novak 243 218 D. Nelson 176 215 138 160 147 186 177 145 142 198 13 190 122 265 247 979 Port Edward Totals bdo 8.1'J isv quarter when Rupert Holkestad LUCKY STRIKES trained his sights on the hoop Venn a. n. rj. ward 900 A Message lo 792 875 I Totals I SCOTIANS W. McChesnev 183 J. Wide l150 J. Davidson 223 T. Graham . ,r' Handicap 13',i Totals 10j MOOSE 824 Parlett r Bellamy 11. Hamoton 147 E Friesen 97 H. McKinnon nn! Totals 872 988 Totals iti n-n r.i,rn(iB A Wn lrfr Hl'nOKS t in WATTS & NICKERSON- J Bou ter and dropped in four baskets and 0" " zvl B. Smith li? HO 119 ., , , . , Gurney 7. Woods, Harris. nn Dan- Totals 106 843 830 Evcrv (laiiiulian Family ifi fi'5 i; warren oy ; iels. Barton 2. Vickers 8. Total. FiSH DOCK- 172 142 172 179 190 107 15!),"'T'tais 700 804 950 37 netting Pope Watson, Lien 8. Letter 209 17rf i alllU WiLil l LuiiiLa A. Pierce 223 J. Shenton 132 A. Wrathall 137 K. Moxlev 151 V. Wraathall 234 Totals 877 ANNETTES Montgomery 131 Morgan's 781 two in each of the first " two 832 9441 BANKERS - . W Ilsirk 137 148 118 ."' Rill 6. Jones 4, Scharff 7, Roth- JJohn.son 189 200 j 142 154 : 91 181 189 10ft 180 232 956 1014 163 195 149 101) 193 162 ; 189 163 I 18 18 I 813 798 I LIFE INSURANCE MAPLE LEAFS- Miller 154 135 163 121 146 132 202 161 88 186 142 138 4 4 745 742 ' Jarmain 339 1(18 quarters, iu in me inira anu ,. . , . . i;,i,.; Eidsvick ,l. ,,r n , well, Carlson, Webster, Wallace ... oi 211 l .t .i. three in the fourth. . , 0 118 '2. Total, 27. T Low Score 148 142 b Nelson 171 301 ,M. Amadio 117 119 175 180 213 1 me energetic start maae oy , junior ' Handicap 171 207 133 18 973 754 883J708 Brownwoods inspired a measure , h Sc.hoolLaree 1. Smith Totals !of hoDe in the fans that here at . . , 103 Whittaker 4 ' D Ziapka Hilton '"l Handicap Totals 1 GROTTO -,,9 Leverett 148 Anderson 193 Vuckovich is.eicneson, joiuisuo. oun- Q7 qi ,J " last was a victory for the un- , nlapk. wehber. Weiss . THOM SHEET METAL 171 184 M. Baxter Totals MANSON'S B. Manson T. Dell A. Sparks J. Christensen B. Cowgill . Totals Chest Colds Miller 71 100 168 cierciog snomen dui, as usual, , . . ;,, Tnt,i is E. 185 148 138 174 141 166 152 174 201 142 181 '.'33 I 249 130 , 180 211 17 ' 228 '37 I I9 112 thpy failed t0 carrv out the 'stnp'i.'- rarlsnn Dumas 2. E. Speers Tubb nn ion 190 lO i-OO 1J1 ,,vt i '.q TVinmntnn tA t V o Cfnr- . . t Ok.t.,. 721 717 7.1 wesch. Walsh 2, Lesieur 13. Holt. -".'. Act promptly to 844 1045 920 ing xor orownwoous wiui .one 1 M"lsp McChesney 6 ChrIstoff 8. Total, points, followed by Lavigne Lavigne ,, J. De Wage VARIETY 31 185 203 175 Shrubsall 247 191 Totals 17-,' ARMY -. . , MacQuarrie .a 140 140 140 Ho R MiHisallem ... 95 relieve muscular soreness and tightness, fits of coughing in the night. Tonight, at bedtime, I C K S rub on time-tested H. Edgar 160 160 180 180 with un eight. eigm.. L. Lvkeeaard 118 , Thp lcaue standings to date: I !&u,- 990 v 44 Port Edward's vlftory over Senior League r. v.rmwv.iv T . 1 . -. ' ,, v n.,n.nn - W -. . . . V, t- H3. 175 . 163 122 1 i 9 ii; . 1V 1o 141 100 838 938 , 137 162 171 179 175 1 17 934 A. McLean 164 172 164 s "'""S"1 Savoy 11 a 1034 985 900 Stanleton ,-i lJ1 w, I.iisiineton .Shier i Hfinriirap .689 .667 .176 Handicap Totals W. Bremner STONE'S -13. Windle B Simondson L Totals ui in mat n tne suoarDannes naa got co-ops 11 5 COMElfe ... into the conflict last fall instead n,fiu,,i rmris 1 14 296 Totals lla oi im . N. Douaher'.v f mij ti, tr K Reid 130 252 189 Intermediate I.eauue 174 ; i r itrr:iiTftV r ri Oo'jphui l ' i l i us sianame m tne lntermeaiaie 203' 178 158 260 225 184 186 272 170 .. 14 j.iu i....i r l lili Nit. -i I I -f l D. McKenzie 0 1000 j. Minton 7 .461 D. Stewart ?o ioi League would have been a de- .?? ii? 155 nit- ti,,,t t th rsua Merchants Z,,3i 'l..i. I iflern (l"o. BliH'k I ltlnn"i ' B. McBeth OOU tOl iLi '-ll-V LllllUt VJ 1.111. VV-tilia Totals .... 40(1 H. Duncan Fashion Footwear Port Edward 6 9 4 9 1 U ORANGE . .., .no tors have made a eood showina .303 .08? E. Anderson nst) vjt 10.3 " " umqnv iaq 19Q 140 every time thev have Dlaved. "u'fa l E. Johansen F. Gardner A. Wide ..... . 114 125 165 123 98 153 O. Newton 52 Hish score for Port Edward Ladies' League 148 was T. Venn, with nine points. People's Store ,8 1 73G Lien of Morgan's marked up 3 High School '3 4 points for his team. ; Sweet Sixteen 1 7 Totals 692 727 WHFBKAH smlsfitriorv prir or ln.s of tlif Btinvp Orli'icntc nf Tttlf Is ued in the name nt Kliahi ih Mat-well Y'iUiikin Iiik l-en tiled In UHJ ntfiee. notice is hereby flven tlmt I of one month i -.hall Bt the expirntum from the !te of the firi pnliH. -tli.n hereof. U-,ne Prnvnloiml fir- , tiliriite of Title In lieu of the kiOiI Inst Cert If Irate unless In the menu-; time vnlld ohjertlon be rmide to me In writing. n'l KD nt the I mil IleMrv Offlre Prince Hnpert lie. thli 12' h rtuy of Jiinunrv. 1-1 A D w.w i ! ANDHEW THOMPSN Deputy Registrar ol Titles. ; Totals 923 1004 1002 CANFISCO P. Paulson . 90 122 190 L. Moonev 104 121 100 M. Stokes 56 113 199 F.: Shier 199 181 201 L. Garner 125 lfft) 178 Handicap . 78 99 73 Totals 652 896 947 THORNCLIFFS - M'lthevm .. 194 244 312 Crawlev 187 152 270 WESTVIEW V. McDonald 152 138 .889 .429 .125 .923 .833 .154 " wt-iin luttiinrvimui. junior i.eae'ue 147 D. Dibb 168 133 199 A. Parker 155 ar"cs 6""'c, ov-mc-ni tuminu- (,3 Taxi VI 1 112 ed its unbroken series of vie-i stone's 10 2 143 164 93 S. Hartwia; Low Score 98 123 li torie by sweeping over Fashion ' nvrns 2 11 Totals nu ioi T?nn,,vo- Footwear in tho the f,-,w fourth quarter '. ,. , Two sailings per week for VANCOt'VF.It VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday. 1:30 pm.. Cata'n Fiudavs. 12 midnight, Cardena STEWART and A I. ICE AKM Sundavs, 12 midniaht Ol'F.EN ( IHRI.OTTES VUll MASSETT AMI POUT CLEMENTS February 6 and 20 FOR SOl'TII ISLANDS February 8 and 22 j High School in alter trailing them during the j 117 ! DlRin l.Y OR indihh'TI.y, Life Insurance liemfiis 0l from coast to coast . . . olil aiul voun" . . . inowi eJvlvv ui vT ill lit) cc 173 128 periods. The two teams reached I 108 three-quarter time with a 20-20 : life. Ihis report tells how more than Ml I.Ht zoo tie. companies in Cianaila male V) iT another vi'.ir oi 726 Shier and Scherk of Bo-Me-Hi expulsion ami preparation for the luiiirc. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Anent Third Ave. Phone 563 ' 1 Protects more people th HOE SAL , l-'vrry yt-jr Inure ''" lite imuume ditv mm' hi .lure their riU. N " .,llc,t ' millHn p"i..yh"l "'! .'',r!' lv x . " lone It't.iK ru-.it TOILERS B. Ellison 79 128 G. Richards 107 153 J' Hill 138 105 M. Wide 177 150 J. Menkes 173 145 Totals V.. 674 681 COSMOS A. Holkestad 220 77 R. Black 157 147 A Lindseth 90 144 M Petersen 182 120 B. McChesney .... 198 145 j Totals 847 639 I SAVOY SWINGERS j E. Knutson 276 167 A. Kellett 135 119 p Mnn'nes 172 125 L. Erickson 238 166 :R. McCallum .. . 165 187 ; Totals - 986 764 BIG SISTERS B Gomez 138 163 B. Alexander 81 100 J. Dickens 116 11a 1 E. Rothwell . - 155 198 ; M. Hougan 61 227 Totals 551 833 Oivt WUR CAR PtRSONAL 10UCH 77 shared top in scoring honors with 146 12 points each while Vukovich lc,i was heavy marksman for Fash-11? ion Footwear. His three baskets 0 in the first quarter gave the shoemen their lead wheih they jjc, held until late in the game. J3g In the Junior game, Stone's 109 led the striving High School If'? team in all of the four quarters 801 i , ... . of a game that was unique be- 177 i cause of its large number of 144 frce throws. In the second and T KELPS US WWttLS TURNING' 2 Helps families meet emergencies! K In lM7, over $ 0 milium was .i..I 10 bene- 0 . , lni.in tor ili-jih lUinu! 'Ihu numcy luliH'i wnlows to nuinfjni thrtr homes, i-tliuaic tlieir , - (InUlieii, auJ incci (iirieni cxixfii. ', in'. third quarters, High School 175 scored 12 successive free throws. "li , Simundsen scored four and em Dan's Service Station McBride St. Green 605 3 Thousands of happy . endings! .. . erged with a record of 12 points Mure tlun M t ol all mr Advertise in the Daiiy News! tops for his team. -rnt to ' pdlkyhoMers! f',4 Watch the Classified Ads! I Lesieur was top scorer for . t jnjilum rcteiveii roe iu lomtortjMe ipnrnne.uv pi.J"' lolltjie cJuuCiou iof b- 1,lJ il':1' ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF 4 These dollars really work! L.it year ilic lile iiiMiraiiie lompunies intcil many millions of dollars in liurlwurs, railways, nniitr nl.inis ami other iru'ustrics. public -oiks &arlUtr NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold ' Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 anl government bonds ... us cli as ii f.ir1s Children's Shoes i Also Prices (Jrcatlv Reduced on CHILD'S, YOUTHS' and I JOYS' ami homes, llicse ins-estments create new jnm help raise living standarils lor all. 0 5 Toward a healthier Canada l' . . . ... :.. MM'-'"'1' io Pn'.tl.e , - ' .1.- hit bit Li Y 11A ". . . ""' i,m...a. linancial sui'l"'" i J ' pmiKB. Mote help bt ihr ; !he menace o(u..uer t,,Ur help (or builtlins a healthier nam RUHHER HOOTS Shop Now!! And Save !! COLORS Rrown Hlacli : " While - v. IJIatk Patent SIZES Infants' ()0-5 Children ..... fi-lO'i Misses' and Youths' 11-5 A Dessert U tlie crowning IVjTTTSn M I I m touch of a meal hIioii JGShSrfl I you servft "Royal City" fjfl I I ltarllttt Pears." I' PimyT I I t (SJiRI I I 6 Meeting higher living costs! Ki the tost ot livin.K rises, mure life insurance protection is needed. S) to help provide lor today greatly increased demands on lamily budects, many people piircluH-d iidditional hie insutancc diirmK the past year. SALE COMMENCES MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1 1948 FOU ONE WKEK ONLY AT , j 1 1 It is good ritizenslii , LIFE INSURANCE ?4 v CANNED FOODS 1 j A mugc I mm the lilt lmHmnce Comane i A PIECE OF GOOD LUCK And it won't come by picking up a horse shoe. You'll have all the good luck you need for buying or selling needed services and articles by using the classified section of The Daily News. The Daily News " - ... I I Thursday, Friday and Sa turd- New Metlakatla vs. Rupert-