Hotel. . Prince Htipm Oaflo iDftas LtD Monday, February 16, 1948 Local News Items... llORY will be an oratorical contest tonight at the Civic Centre when eiht contestants will compete in expressing their views on the intriguing topic of "It's Great to be a Canadian," Each contestant will be allowed up to fifteen minutes and Judging will be on the basis of material, presentation and de- c rrrvas at Piil)ln llililiC v xvieeiuig 01 tne Horticultural! Deane's Quality Cleaners.' Society of the Civic Centre Tues-; pick-up and delivery. Phone 283. i ... ll..iril at been under the tutelage ofR O Moore, principal of King Edward School, will be Edward Mussal-lem, James Sabourin, Carlo Han-son, A. P. Crawley, Lloyd Rice Percy Knutsen, S. A. Cheeseman and Jack Mussallcm. In Denmark citizens are entitled to congregate for purpose of worship in their own way, but nothing may be taught or done contrary to morality or public order. Civic Centre 10 Ir " lirf Tnnichl Basketball tickets available by phoning 231. (tO ,!ir ", 11 l11 Prince Rupert W. H. Benoit, Vancouver; C. Cruikshank, Inverness; J. E. Ormheim, city; R. Bowering, Victoria; W. M. Post, Los Angeles; C. A. Stanwyck, Vancour day, February 17, at 8 o'clock. (40) General Meeting, Prince Rupert Film Council, Civic Centre, Monday, February 16, 8 p.m. bci-ii con-1 poi tment. The judges will be h HaVf Rupert G. A. Hunter, Rev. Basil S. the Pruin 9 Annual meeting Museum Board, Civic Centre, 8 p.m., Tuesday, February 17. (40) C. C. Mills returned to the Prockter and R. D. Cleland. The budding orators, who have ,i Cmmercr ,,., w-vr'.tl months 39) ver; K. E. Rymes, Vancouver; F. Cooper. Terrace; Mr. and A C?vmhrnrinri n 5srMtv nrnan- ization 'meeting Civic Centre." on ,the fat evening Thursday, 8 p.m. All Mrs. O. A. Wilson, city; P. J. Crack, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ingram, city; J. Degen-hardt, Ex.stew; Mrs. E. J. Max-ted, Terrace; J. D. Livingstone, SCOUT-GUIDE WEEK FEBRUARY 15-22 please attend. (41) is ver for hospital treatment. Coquitlam Returning To Northern Run Miss Mae Carter of Edmonton Windsor, Ontario; Mrs. C. Hick- was here recently visiting her TUESDAY Sports A.M. 9; 00 Bo-Me-Hi Gym Class P.M. 1:00 Bo-Me-Hi Gym Class 2:30 Annunciation Gym Clas.s 3:30 Rup-Rec Junior Boys 8:00 Rup-Rec Men Basketball Games 4:00 Juvenile Practice 6:30 Stone's vs. 65 Taxi 7:30 High School vs. Sweet 16 8:30 Merchants vs. Port Edward 9:30 Co-op vs. Savoy Special Events 7:30 Leathercraft Group 3.00 Electrical Workers' Union Horticultural Society Museum Board Annual Meeting Symphony Practice enbotham and daughter, Enda-ko; R. Dickey, Vancouver; Capt. G. A. York, Vancouver. ...iu iiaa uccu living ill this city for years. Miss Carter is in the service of the Alberta government. s Annual Meeting Prince Ru- 7 Union Steamsnips coastwise j vessel Coquitlam, one of the; company's "white" fleet, which1 has been off its northern run j .since the middle of December, j will be returned to the Sunday i Vancouver Prince Rupert -Ste-' wart service, arriving here from J I pert Branch Nay League of Canada, Tuesday Feb. 17, 8:00 Announcement All ;.d'.i.i UM.-m-iit-- li. ttiU LoliiiiiU will be charged for full month at 25 cents a word ,7 p.m. -avy urm nail lounge imc-Bride St. entrance): Election of officers, etc. All interested are urged to attend. (It) RALLY 7 P.M., FEBRUARY 20 in the Naval Drill Hall (by courtesy Officer Commanding H.M.C.S. Chatham) Special buses leave Conrad Street School, 6:30 p.m. Friday t United Church Valentine Tea Feb. 19. Mrs. A. Dominate, 500 Taylor St. Mrs. W. Ross Thomson of Ter- .n Scout -Guide Rally. Friday , race arrjVeci jn the city from the the south , according to an an. nouncement made at the company office here today. The Coquitlam will replace the Catala which will go into dry dock for annual overhaul next week-end on completion of her present trip. February 20, 7 p.m., Navy Drill interior on Saturday night's Hall. S. O. N train and sails tonight on the Basket Social and princess Adelaide for Vancou- i my Dance, ladies with baskets free.jyer where she will attend prov everyone welcome. Blacks Orcn-:incial meptinos ,f the rnnaHhn! estra, Oddfellows' Hall, February , Red Cross Society to be held .4U. !latr this twk SAVE THE CHILDREN Job's Daughters Dance, Mas-' NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Association will be held at the city Hall on Friday, Feb- LISTEN IN TO CFPR FOR SCOUT AND GUIDE PROGRAMS AT 6:30 p.m., Monday, Feb. 16 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 18 onic Temple, Feb. 20. Tne 16-year old daughter of Delicious and Nutritious You'll want Van Camp's often I i Mr- and Mrs- w- B' Cornish, for- Presbyterian Missionary Tea, .. ....... ... , , ,merlv of Prinre Runprt anrt nriu,' ocorge Aiucneus, eo. x. ' . -". . i ruarv 27. 1948. at 8 n m OUR WORLD . . . nving in victoria, is making'- 'ness: notable progress in her music ', . ..... To reeelve Auditors report nt...riiP nrtiniari th- Card party. Catholic School Hall, 8 p.m. February 2G. You are invited to come and see the boys and girls of Prince Rupert Kinsmen Leap-Year Dance, ! according to those who have'iand BaIance sheet fr 19-Civic Centre, Feb. 27. 'been recently in the south. L ToJele,ct five memlers to the Board of Management. Elephant! Conrad P.-T.A. White , ' Gordon bcott. traffic repres- To appoint an auditor. Sale, Feb 28 2 p m lentative, Canadian Pacific Air! To adopt a revised set of by-Women of the Moose Spring Lines Vancouveri afler d. laws as wrjUen Notice t0 Bazaar. March 4 and 5. ing the past ew days ,n cUy Members. Training to Serve Canada Marcn k iatnonc btnooi nan on company business, left by j Membership fee of $1.00 per wc ...... ..f r-matlian woi-kcrs, lea, Home t-ojKini?. Apron ana this afternoon's plane for Sand-(annum may be paid at the Hos Roveuy &aie. i.w p.m. t-ara!Spjt, He plans t0 visjt Port cle , pital or Ormes Drugs prior to Party. 8 p.m. jments, Massett and o t h e r Monday, February 23rd at 5 p.m Presbyterian Tea, March 18, Queen Charlotte Island points on which date membership list Presbyterian Church Hall. j before returning to Vancouver, j W'H1 close. Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E.,1 wmlnm c, , ., . , . . '; All interested citizens are urg- YOUR BEST EATING PLACE FL'LL-COIRSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND PARTIES CHINESE DISHES ; ed to take out membership in e... ia holiday tr'P south- spending ; ,ne Association. Daffodil Tea. March 29. Canadian Legion W. A. Sale, March 31. D. C. STEVENSON, most of the time in Victoria where his father, brother Jack (40) ! ' Anglican Easter Sale, April 1. and sister, Mrs. Cornish, and the I COTTAGE CHEESE I New Creamed Fresh MadeU Presbyterian Spring Sale, April ; latter's husband reside. Other 15. ; brothers, Tom and Len, are lo- Women of the Moose tea at cated in Vancouver. Mr. Sher-the home of Mrs. C Mrlntvre man sr- has reached the ad- VALENTIN DAIRY ' Your Dally ( ALL-WEATHER SERVICE I BROADWAY vanced age" 'of 86. He still feels 540 8th Ave. East on April 22. Orange Tea, April 21. United Church Spring ri w the effects of being hit by a streetcar but is able to be up and about. The Shermans are all old timers in 'Prince Rupert, having Sale, CAFE 608 3rd Ave. W. Phone 200 1 April 29. St. Peter's spring sale. May 6 You saw it lp the Dally News! been here In the early days. Mrs. l-lJI )r-)lt(iii((()C j ur vorkl today. jrt ol ihcir oNxn. W d and l-'-kSrTU-Lv -st have food. .1 c -rt doming and urld for Oi:R ch,ldren. sha " us lht onportunuv to usurcdofthc is V apparent that imparlance vsorkcrs cr Js of Canadian upport , ,mmi:L l)f our organuafons Appeal tor Children. . the Canadian hchind this appeal an appeal Labour s r IS is mIkH M)lidlv of the depends, I hich the future upon PR. BtNGOUGH A. R. MOSHER ,.,,,. W o i--' , ubour U F.A.W U. whlot and cribbage, j Sherman died years ago. 111" B Metropole Hall, every Saturday,; at 8 p.m. (43) ! Advertise in the Daily News! K The PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION ONE WEEK SALE commencing Monday, February Kith A few lines of clothing, bedding and dress shoes, offered at prices vou will find interesting. MEN'S SI' ITS from $25.00 MEN'S TOPCOATS from 15.00 MEN'S DRESS PANTS from 4.50 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS from 1.75 MEN'S AM. WOOL SWEATERS from 3.50 MEN'S DRESS SHOES, black and brown .... from, .pair 4.50 MEN'S RAIN (OATS, dress and semi-dress from 8.50 A lew pairs All Wool. Special Australia full size blankets, superfine quality, soft, warm and durable, in white, pink and blue. Note the special ?ale price, pair S27.50 EMBROIDERED PII I.OW CASES, boxed, now at SJ.25 REVERSIBLE BED THROWS, fine all wool quality, bound ends of pure silk ribbon S8.50 Visit this Sale during the "week at Dry Goods Department of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative, Waterfront. MISSES SHORTY COATS 4 only Sizes 12 to 14x, Special Reduction S12.95 SUIT YOURSELF At the ACME! LARGE SELECTION Single and Double-Breasted SUITS Pure Wool Sharkskins and Worsteds COMMANDO CORD English Gabardine Coats ACME CLOTHING STORE MISSES AM) GIRLS COATS Full flared backs with hoocfc. Satin lined. Sizes 12 to 14 CIA CA Lxceptional values WlvawU I'EASANT RLOl'SES Just Arrived. AA Q-Sizes 12 to 14x. Very Smart Values VaLvD 35 .-.-''.-Tr THE WORLD'S FUTURE Ormes Drugs ANNETTE mansell Walk Upstairs in Stone Building BEING DECIDED KJCX7 . . . PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS -an.ulia,ls will want U) lKp . thc )Kp uf ALL is needed if uniP"p)'s minimum objective of $10,000,000 is to be attained. r :ii i... . . i ..'!.- c- mi - Good) ear AIRFOAM c- receneu ac anv n.'irv. juia jouwiii not dc assi-d, .ill your sympathy and good wishes will be wasted unless UlvC tlle trouble to get out and go to your bank and Daily car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday PHONE 81 WE CAN GIVE YOU A I1ATHKOOM LIKE THIS AT A REASONABLE PRICE. ESTIMATES FREE Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating PHONE 108 r I c5io: The wonder miracle material 95 pure latex. Dustless and lintlrss Germproof , Mothproof, Verminproof and Antiseptic. It is truly air-conditioned and does not heat. Is practically indestructible and will last for years. "Airfoam" Office Cushions list 5.25 "Airfoam" Mattresses (tt.50 to 89.50 "Airfoam" cored sections, solid slab, surgical slab and other hospital items also available. GOODYEAR TIKE & KUBHEK CO. LTD. PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE (a iow AimUiblel RADIAN APPEAL FOR CQ9REN Phone 632 712 2nd. Ave. hoi "OW ke;n. . . ... ... ... 3 WIIUUwICU jUMlllf FEB. 15 to 22 "TRAINING TO SERVE CANADA" ,vjnom a i , , . . . . Nil fo Hf3eal ror Children and Canadian -iiirruction through UNt:-U. rMilJili'1 I,rovilM''al Hun. Chairman: J STICK WENUEix . FARKIS HID n ' rov"uial t o-C hairmen: IBS GREER & BRIDDEN ; BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS j - - Repairs Construction Alteration! j . Floor Sanding a Specialty j Phone RED 561 P.O. Box 721 j LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL ruvin,.:.., . r .11 I.Mir IH.H I W k . ' . . . . . nil ''Idntv . ,r,,,ai: Hit. N. A. M. MaiKENZlK Phone 311 MiBride St. i i i' rrw I f. r fnonp Ail i hum .. . 'niip Blilif., Van.. Tel. Ml tin