'-" NORTHERN AMD HKWSPAPKB I TAXI rTT Tilt i a. l i:;, E-jK, Blue Phone 0jjsTnn Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVII, No. 39. . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS yhatWillTh eyDoWifchT w nviiiUDOciiUollllairs K A uv ;? ienhower Warns United States To Be Prepared That Is Question Facing Aged Couple in Victoria VICTORIA (CP) "The teletrra ni did pivfl na a ER OF WAR CONSTANT - WOULD IN VERBAL EXCHANGE I flutter but we were over it within a matter of min Asks For Restraint I OF QUICK, RUINOUS BLOVS BAD STORM DOWN COAST utes. I hat is the way 82-year-old Mrs. Arthur Love-kin described her reaction to word received that she had inherited 52,000,000. HI(rON, D.C. (CP) General Dwight P, '. who retired last week as chief of staff; H r .;; ; Dear me," said the old lady, "I don't know what 'nited States Army, on Sunday gave Defence I President Truman akes Appeal in llegard to Palestine Situation . i.,.T(.t:u a I a re wen re port in wmcn no Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island (letting Back to Normal Today ' ' ' . . . t i.i a constant, danger ami me coun- Washington; d c. cp that war is MAY DEPORT UNION HEAD President Truman today made ws mav prove inadequate. VANCOUVER CP' After the most severe storm on trie Pa The United States Army, Ei-ja Personal and direct appeal to inhow.fr rPiK)rtcd."U not rradvolhrr governments for "re- ED TO ! lralnt in dealing with the Pal-because to respond to an emergency call : its ttlobal distribution jestinc situation." cific Coast this w inter, power i and communication and trans- j portation services are getting ! Secretary of National Maritime Union Arrested as Alien Communist 111 do with it. My husband (aged 86 1 and I are comfortaWe ! now," A telegram Saturday annuim-ced Mrs. Lovekin was to receive one-third of a $3,000,000 estate left by her brother, Mos T. Stevens, textile magnate of Boston. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lovekin are patient-guests in Mount St. Mary's Hospital. Mr. Lovekin is a semi-invalid. S PACT not only !eaes it weak in every in a .statement released from I sector but prevents tlie concen-; tlie White House, there was no1 tration of anything beyond the ; elaboration of the President's' sun With (.crinanv merest handiui lor tactical use. .message but it i.s presumed to t AsaiiM Time, , l nave oeen prompted by ques- .... . ... Oen. Uscnhower warned that!,, ., . , .. , , lussia back to normal today. j WASHINGTON, D.C, CP Fed- "al a8ents arrested Fer- Gale winds and in some cased snow crashed telephone and tele- dma"d Christopher Smith, na-graph lona se"etary CJ-- Na" wires as a 50-mile wind ofhf Unlon as an slashed the Lower Mainland. I'3' Mantu? , alien communist. Vancouver Island and Fraser, Cmi(v Smith, native ,., , T . a of Jamaica, Valley districts. British East Indies, has been Victoria was blacked out for removed to Ellis Island without i i - Ku-.-..i said Sat-1 HARRY ARCHIBALD v. .is foreffl HUMPHREY MITCHELL the next war would be one of j lightning power with devastat ; lng instruments. There .should: be strong forces ior defence! wun.-. aii.tiii uut ui ti rauio report that Mr. Truman had appealed directly to the kings of Saudi Arabia and Iraq to use their influence to urevent the Charge each jr. -a other with simulating disagreeable European sentiments. auute.vsion treaty in VXi'.i in a Hunt any and counter-offensive action, i unread f viniencn a time Saturday night when bond Pending deportation pro-' 1 aw, ihi- Soviet Union trees fell across key power lines. . "BS- 1 r...l Great Britain and j I THE WEATHER LITTLE PROGRESS ON IMPORT QUOTA Local fruit and produce dealers who, in conjunction with the trade and commerce committee RUSSIA SETS UP PUPPET GOV'T IN KOREA IN AGREEMENT VIOLATION ,d -hand the pre-war j xiic vs i am, cnarges mai Plane service was delayed over ; Smith entered the country with- I the Rockies with one pilot re- out a visa and had been before porting encountering a 110-mile and after his entry a "member -urtu.sj w;.r Dctwecn: j Synopsis 'I Cloudy weather i.s general I throughout British Columbia to-! PLEADS GUILTY TO BREAKING INTO HOTEL gale at an altitude of 19.000 , of an organization advocating feet near the Crows Nest Pass I the overthrow of the govern-district. jment of the United States by : force and violence." The only casaulty reported was Ronald Ritchie, aged 45, who is! in New Westminster hospital , f ANGOR. Northern Ireland CP day with rain showers in the southern Vancouver Island and Lower Mainland arcaa and scattered snow flurries elsewhere. ,d Germany and th" I :.v. p.M'l as an alter- J ,ve. iltird chapter of their j Uii.'aa Sta'.ci docu-1 :P Russians also said ; ; i S'.atts had support j rv nay the "ruinous-' Gieat Britain and of the PTince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, have been working with a view to having quotas set for this city and district separate from Vancouver's quota, on which this area is now de SEOUL, Korea. 9 A hjgh American official said today that a Russian puppet government had been established in North Korea. He declared it has an army, flag and constitution in open defiance of international agreements. The official charged the establishment of a government was timed to coincide with the United Nations commission's recent announcement of failure of Its mission in Korea. It is reported that the puppet government has an army of 200.000 equipped with Russian materials, tanks and light planes. John T'llinic. 21. who told Uv 'court that he was 'drunk and had no Intention ol stealing,-' , was remanded f"r sentence by ! Magistrate W. I) Vance in po- A storm centre located about 10C0 miles off the Oregon coast af ter being struck on the head With good wishes from her 13 i pendent, are continuing their ' is moving toward the B.C. coast I and is expected to give rain along the southern coast to- by a high voltage power wire. TODAY'S STOCKS 1 lice court Saturday morning al-( , .. ... . . i children, 35 grandchildren and efforts although they have not 17 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Ag-jmet with much encouragement nes Crooks, 80. married John j so far. The latest reply Irom Steenson, 82. who 70 years ago J Ottawa does little more than to pulled her red hair in their Bet- ask for , f urthext information ai fest school. to the consumption of this area. ! ' . . .. Inluht and tomorrow. Skies will IS IN BARBARA AHH WORLD CHAMP break inu -tl weniiK into trie ... . f " TCourtry S. D -It baatoa Co. l" . : remain cloudy with .scattered a.Svoy Hotel during the night siiuw flurries tlironghout the rest of the province. ilArr Tolmie stood in the prisoner'.. j Ketains Figure Skatinf j total of 1,643.0 points for a 42.3 1 Title Returning to Canada j margin over Eva Pawlik, 22-year-! ! DAVOS PLATZ. Switzerland CV old Austrian champion. Third! box with his hand bandaged' from Injuries apparently re- ' Continued mild weather Is cx- Involving Well (nasi Officials reived when he smashed a pane of glass in a basement window - Barbara Ann Scott on Sunday j place went to 16-year-old Jirina wound up her 1948 European i N 1 k o 1 ov a of Czechoslovakia, figure skating campaign witl j Martly Ruth Take of Toronto 'the third major victory in a ! placed twelfth and Suzanne Vancouver Bralorne 9.50 I B. R. Con 03 I B. R. X 07 ! Cariboo Quartz 2.05 j Dentonia 1134' Grull Wihksne " 0434 ' Hedley Mascot 72 j Minto 02 Pend Oreille 2.35 j Pioneer 3.30 I peeled throughout .southern B.C. I with below normal temperatures I persisting in the northern sec-' Hons of BC. for the next 33 i hours. I Forecast 'MR P: .mourns af- 111 u,p r,'!"' r U1r nolf'1 m,lst ;; k:-.Aui R.rific rn-.st I of the shattering window at- o! the Canadian Na- CITY DIGS OUT AFTER SEASON'S HEAVIEST SNOWFALL AT WEEK-END Ten-Inch Snowfall Knocks Down Telephone Lines, Hampers Traffic Prince Rupert today is still digging itself out from a 10-inch snowfall that came down in an eight-hour period Saturday night, snarling up traffic and putting a large section of the city's telephone system out of service as lines dropped to the ground under ay.s passenger traf- 'month, retaining the world title j Morrow, also of Toronto, thir-j she won last year at Stockholm, teenth. Char-1 Twice - crowned European! mss 50011 Plans an eal"!y re" ,'chnmmon 'and Canada's first I turn to Canada in order to take tracttd the, attention of the night clerk who rushed downstairs In time to sc a man disappearing He called the police. Constables White and David- e annour.r-ccl by K. L Prince Rupert. Queen lottes and North Coast- 'fi.'Tal n a . s e n g e r J.i... .i. .i r: nnpt In t h n T"Wm i n inn rhamntfin. Premier Bofder .0434 t Privateer 27 BC The channes fjl- Section C In ud v winner oi uie uiympic ngurc - - - - - Southern fin. rrbruary 1(5. of son ,lt(,r ,,ieki d up Tolmie on with scattered snow flurries to- ir, ClstriCt ItiiSMlHitM- ! t. - ....! .....i- l,;.., t . j i i, , T,tnL Ar,t its- 1 's r laser cnicei auu nnti uuu w.iuy aou luiiiiii. i m-auoj. I'la. ' v,.-,,i,.,l ttm lii- ininroH (...n, il (nl,i ,iilvnf4 ruin nfiH unnu.' t.' ilir ...JL..VU ItlillJLvi ill. UNA. U ...111 HUM I. Curtis, citv skating gold medal. Barbara 1 snlPs l Calgary in Marcn. Ann was a "thrilled and happy" I girl as she rested In a dressing ! room following the free-skating! SCIENCE AT OLYMPICS which clinched the! performance LONIXN Cf-In the high-jump world competition. j events at the olvmplc Games t(; "Its wonderful," she said. i i,e held in Britain in 1948. In- tirket ,.lnri tirviteH The Iniuries re- WinHs; Hoht Indav and southeast i was plowed out on Sunday. District Public Work Engineer J. C. Brady said this morning. Reeves McDonald 1.15 Reno 10 Salmon Gold " .20 Sheep Creek J.00 Taylor Bridge 45 'i Congress 03 Pacific Eastern 06 Hedley Amayg 02'i Spud Valley 12 " wc- quiml .several stitches Earli. wi:h the new U5 m.p.h.i. Temperatures normal. Lows tonight and highs iu aiii-nt, passcn- Tuesday -At Port Hardy 32 and 40. tllt'in. He will have Efforts will be made to have the Skeena River Highway opened as far as Kwlnltsa this wek. Tohnie told the court that he, hal come to Prince Rupert a roup!: of days ago from Van-1 dcrhoof. Previously he had besni After the compulsory figures j visible rays passing between the "vr V a uniuvf f Northern Section - Cloudy to-! were linlshed. the 19-year-old ; posts and picked up by selenium Tntory. r Cni-t, Mr. Brady said that road will record the exact day and tonight. Tuesday over- Ottawa girl whirled through a j cells. 01 14 .43 Central Zeballos Silbak Premier . He came origin-1 Nwl in civic allairs t Vancouver crews from Terrace were nQirk- ally from Ontario and had served J ing on the eastern sec,tin of Oils A in the army. 'liairman of thj ftoria Sch.Kii Board,, rai!jy 30 years agjj cast w ith snow Hurries, vv mas j four-minute iree-skating rou-; height of the jump acnievea. All light. Continuing cold. Lows to- tine to hold safe from nineteen other events including long night and highs Tuesday AV( rivals representing eight coun-' jumps, track events and fencing Massett 22 and 35. Prince Ru- tries. : will also be recorded electric- pert 20 and 35. I Barbara Ann accumulated a ally. P. Con 15 the road and had planned to open the highway for through Magistrate V a n r c withheld sentence for one week. 1 as a tu ki t ,.1,.,-if S' Loutit. pa.s.seng.T j lesont;,tive. Vancou-' 'ht C-N'-R. in Vancou-j 1920. becomes city their burden -of snow. j Sunday morning the city lay festooned with white under a bland sun that broke through after the surprise snowfall the heaviest of the winter. Temperatures last night dropped to ten degrees above, the lowest so far this season. Residential streets throughout the city are channelled by single motor tracks and driving is a precarious business because of the danger of getting stuck in passing traffic requires drivers to pull out of the snow ruts. In the downtown section, the grader has been put to use as a snow plow and is piling the snow in windrows in the centre of Second and Third Avenues. Greatest damage was done to the telephone service. Telephone lines were transformd into thick, white ropes by snow which clung to them and later froze. Weight of the snow dragged scores of lines to the ground throughout the city. Telephone superintendent Bruce Love said this morning Bituminous Coal Strike Now Over Calmont 44 ' C. & E 3.75 Foothills 3!40 Home 5.65 Toronto Athona 07 Aumaque 1934 Beattie 64 Bevcourt 48 Bobjo 13li Buffalo Canadian 12 i 4 Consol. Smelters 93.25 "' v'i'Mn.i. A past-01 the Vancouver Pax il's As.soci:!!,,,,, FOUR THOUSAND ALBERTA MINERS RETURN TO WORK ' "'ll til 11.1 G.vrt' Club work Mr i tharge of nassen,.,.,- traffic to Terrace by next Friday but the week-end snowfall may cause some delay. Up to this morning, he had not received word on the depth of new snowfall along the Skeena. There were no reports of traffic accidents in the city but the cold weather gave car operators difficulty in starting their automobiles. Rather than drive. In the snow, many left their cars at home and walked. Electric light and power lines bore up well under the snow, only one break occurring early Sunday morning. C.N.R. telegraph lines remained in service. Radio aerials also suffered from weight of snow. 't'frs nt Jasper Park summer, returning to ,uv" Post in Septein- .83 .90 Conwest Donalda CALGARY (CP) The thirty-five day old strike of some four thousand mine workers ended today as the Western Canada Bituminous Coal Opera Eldona 1.05 W"'k,'tl. who becomes DEFER THREE- . POWER TALKS Hireling of U.S., Britain and France On Germany Next Week iralli,: representu- 'Oliver, where retunis from lie tran.sfei-rpfi S0. aftfr occupying tors' Association and the United i Mine Workers of America an-! nounced they had reached an ! agreement on a contract in the r, i .mi , ...... i i irij . ! rs " s 1 v n ; s a t f U ft. t U I v.s sv v A .. J. f .'i s sift sX.i hit. - r.. v j "uuns in v .60 5.50 .80 .13 .07 T9 .35 .05 .45 .12 .08 Elder Giant Yellowknlfe God's Lake Hardror'k Harricana Heva Hosco Jacknife Joliet Quebec Lake Rowan Lapaska 'ancouver ( Rupert, j PARIS CP The French niin since 1923. that they were still unable to I tell how many lines were out of ' order. It is believed that liter i.stry of foreign affairs announ- dispute. is is -ii pro- ;0IU in charg "K. ii'ti.t -s '.V 1. M f... ... ced today that three-power talks J There is no immediate about Germany, scheduled to I tion of settlement of the dis-iopc.i ween the Union and the in London on Thursday. ! ?ute Al In....... 11 "'""T U domestic coal operators in ..v .succecos t.-an,lerred to Ml'- McPhors,.,, have been postponed until next ally hundreds of 'phones were affected. "It will be quite some time before we get things back to normal." Mr. Love said. "This is the biggest break in a long time." In addition, the cables run berta and British Columbia in- j A,bft. Sa.sku.,., vqlving another six thousand miners. Tlie bituminous mines agreement calls for a $2 per clay wage increase effective today. ! Monday. Plans for the con- ference were announced last week. i Russia objected to the ference as it would violate the I Potsdam agreements on Ger-j many. . " 8ncf '921. laU(,v , HOCKEY SCORES SATURDAY National League New York 3, Boston 3 Uie) Montreal 2, Toronto 4 SUNDAY Montreal 1, Chicago 2 Toronto 4, New York 4 (tlet Detroit 1, Boston 3 SUNDAY Pacific Coast Tacoma 5. Seattle 4 Lexs Angeles 6, New Westminster 5 San Francisco 6, San Diego 5 Fresno 5, Oakland 2 SUNDAY Seattle 5, New Westminster 2 Tacoma 7, Portland 2 "touvet. 11 Little Long Lac 1.21 Lynx 09 2 Madsen 2.89 McKenzie Red Lake ... .56 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 1.37 Moneta 32 Negus ... 2.G0 Noranda 46.25 Louvicourt 1.34 Pickle Crow 2.20 Regcourt 07'2 San Antonio 4.10 Senator Rouyn 59 Sherrit Gordon 2.25 Steep Rock 2.15 Sturgeon River 19 Silver Miller 37 COLCHESTER, Eng. W A sec- ning to the radio-telephone towers at Montreal Circle went down, halting radiophone transmission from the local telephone office. Villages and boats in the area are therefore without service. t uiui .nnui j ii uuti stavue Ul lilC Russia is not invited to the Roman god Mercury, said to have RL TIDES to the Canadian Appe GIVES HIS DAY S PAY-P.espondh.fe for Children. Rt. Hon. c. D. Hove, recently appointed minister of Wnakiug his donation of one is pictured trade and commerce, bXeenator W. McL. Robertson, day s pay. He Is accompanied R. Doane, HaWax Chairman government senate leader, and Harvey of the Canadian Appeal for f hildren. The appeal seeks to 400 million children in war-devastated raise $10,000,000 to assist will be used to purchase countries in Europe and Asia. Money food, clothing, educational and medical supplies for these boys and girls. been dumped by a plowman as useless, was found here. , conference. The announcement said that 1948 TO OPEN ROAD TO KWINITSA 5:49 18.34 12:36 the meeting was delayed to per- J attend. Douglas is now in Wash-nilt Lewis W. Douglas, United ington attending conferences on States ambassador to Britain, to I the Marshall plan. 188 feet 15.3 feet, 7 3 fee!, The highway to Port Edward