THIS AND THAT lrfnrc Ruprrf DaHjr Jrtos in, Monday, February 1C. 1948 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER ') '( One Hundred Women Hear Address bv Mrs. R. W. Large - - Classified Advertising z - ClawrtflMh: 2c pi-r word per Insertion, minimum chnrsre. 50c. Birth Notlre, 50c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notices. M:irrtnge and Enpapement Announcements. 2. , Outstanding items from the 78th ANNUAL REPORT ;.,,-,- -i-nifi ;iit of tin- ht ic pivcri Canailian l.y. lliis Company One hundred women of various RPWARly FOR SALE Protestant denominations in the city gathered Friday afternoon at First United Church when Mrs. R W Laree of Toronto REWARD S5.00 for exact loca-! tion of any Even-Rude out-' board motor in Prince Rupert! area. Phone Green 803. 41i gave the address at the World j Day of Prayer program here. Her subject "The Lord's Prayer," . Mrs. Large said that the prayer MKTAlj WORK'- FOR SALE Four sacks of coal with heater, cheap. Apply 653 7th Ave East. (41 FOR SALE Four-room houss and lot, 9th Ave. West, tw j blocks off.MtBride. Apply G. P. Tinker & Co. 44t FOR SALE Local fresh eggs at 308 7th Ave. West. Phon Blue 973. (44) was learned in youth" bnt It took i the whole of one's life to ap-! PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL (,ni I' MI N I S TO POl.lC.YIlOl.m'.liS AM) i:im:ik :ii:ii:s ........$ u,..' CLiiiii'. Miilnri'il I'olicii'-. lr.) s( IM'II - IMiM'l IV . . . $ S. 132.111' , I'm. i i.liii" pri'iniiiiii ii-ilin-liin tltiuiili inl,.) M i icn:i-:s paid rou in ivn .... smo.oi2.:'.2f . ni ii-iiml-l WORK. Furnaces, tanks, i eavestroughing . and stack) work. Letourneau & Sons, 629; Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) j predate the fullness of its meaning. Miss Hel?n Hurd of th Women's Missionary Society of the United Church let!' the .service. Mrs. J. C. Gilker was organist FOR KK.T FOR SALE 1 829 Model A. Parts. Good engine, new 000x18 wheels and tires. Dan's Service Station, McBrfde Street. (44) . $.'ir..2.'!.iiu : Mi--, i ilcil ill ViiiiiijI III (Kill.) FOR RENT Warm eomfortab'e j room, reasonable. 80G Fraser Street. - 1 39 1 and Miss Grace Merrill sang) ' The Lord's Prayer." Hymns , were ' Dear Lord' and1 Fattier," j Holy, Holy, Holy," "I' Lore Thy J Kingdom, Lord," "There Is aj FOR SALE 5-room modern house. Phone Black 990. (39) FOR RENT Three room cottage, partly furnished. Phone Green 620. (tf) 1h Itw Cmrtr Cr,,rcr M..ltl-w M..ltl-w 4V 4VI .-rir .-rir. f.. f.. ' "Maybe it IS impossible, but my husband was standing here just a moment ago!" FOR SALE General store In Interior, with Post Office. Building includes store, apartment and' dance hall and over one acre of land. Full particulars from Prince Rupert Realty Co. Box 556. (tf) FOR RENT-Four room furnished suite and furniture for sale. Dybhavn and Hanson, 315 3rd Ave. (40i and is led by Mis. A. E. Smith CATHOLIC GUIDES, and Mrs. L. Shannon. wi i:nci;s in roiir.i:, wc. 31. 1017 . . .,-i I liiiu-l ( III in l '.illl.lli.lll. I I ,11n ill lii' 1 im'f- ri pnrt it) thr , rniji m ihr I , ' minimi in,-. mi.'. In-Ill nl IIi-ihI lltjttr nn fi-hrimry .5, I') III, uill liv im r,-.,.,,-,. The Mutual Life Assurance Company OF CANADA UK i OlTICK W.VTKKI.OO, ONTARIO BROWNIES TAKE This evening, the Guide com- pany will hold a guest night at FOR RENT Housekeeping room in private home. Close to town. 720 Gth Ave. West. Blue 325. (tfi ! W i d e ri e s s in God's ' Mercy," ! "Lead On, O King Eternal.'" j Prayer leaders included Mr. ' Chambers of the Salvation Army, j Mrs. MacDonald of the Pente-i i ! costal Assembly, Mrs. F. E. An- field and Mrs. A. L. Holtby of St. Andrew's Cathedral, Mrs.' Price of St. Peter's, Mrs. G: R..S. ' Blackaby of Regular Baptist Church and Mrs. Fred Antro- bus of First Baptist Church. j Mrs. J. S. Irvine read the scripture, John 17. j Mrs. George Cicrone and Mrs. H. E. Amos had charge of the ( : collection, the proceeds of whictt fare for missionary work. ' IMPORTANT PART the Catholic Hall '- hile on nesday night they wil entertain Imnortant in i.i r.iri niH their mothers and friends. On Wednesday night, also, District I Commissioner Miss Honora Sil- ROOM AND HOARD ROOM AND BOARD $43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals Mrs. Lawky, C22 Fraser Street (tf) Activities is the work being done by the First Catholic Guide FOR SALE New and Used Fur niture, Hardware and Office Furniture, etc. New articles--Gurneys Kitchen Ranges. Bookcases, Chests ' of' Drawers, House Desks, Dinner Sets, British India Rugs, Electric Double Hot Plates, Cookin? Utensils, Hardware, etc. Slightly used articles Chesterfield Beds, Radios Typewriter, Clothes. Logging Boots, Rubber Coats. Other useful articles at reasonable prices. Have you any good furniture for sale? See us, It will pay you. B.C. FURNITURE CO. versides will enral a number of work waited mi is i.. i w;, Y. II. SOll li nil;, ( irr-l'rt-siilinl nnil Crnrrul Mimnarr MIDDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phonr Green 588. (tf) company and the Third Brown-' Brownie recruits, ie Pack who tnls week are ob- on Sunday, both Guides and serving local national Scout-j Brownies will attend a church Guide Week with other troops, parade at Annunciation Church, companies and packs in the city. Both groups will join other Scout. Sponsored by the Catholi-; Guide, Cub and Brownie groups Wompn's League, the Girl Guide in Friday night's display and company is under leadership of rally in the Navy drill hall. Miss Pat Clarke, guider, and The Catholic Brownie pack is Miss Margaret Doiron. lieuten- the newest one to be formed in ant. The Brownie pack is spon- the city and Ls showing a great sored by Annunciation School deal of enthusiasm. Train Schedule ' For the F.asi Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m From the Cast-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m Black 324. IF YOU WANT saws sharpened leave them at Pacific Repair . SHORT SPORT 'Continued ;r :m Pier 4) Shop. Second Ave., or call A. 1 FOR SALE Simplex "Engines Income t. Prince Rupert' Florists 300 3rd AVe. Box 518 Tel. 777 I lowers For All Occasions urni Prepared 8e Vikberg, 2196 Seal Cove Circle. (39) : IV2 to 31 H P. air cooled; 30 to 185 H.P. Marine Straight 01 Reduction Drive; also Stationary-Industrial. Northern B.C. Agents. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS. , (t) E. M()KTI.MK. in Near CFPR PERSONAL Advertise In tut- uaily News' j facing them in all parts or Etn-ope, the Flyers micht even corn" back as a definite throat for Allan Cup honors. But only thv lc:al rink-.siders seem to have an Idea of what to expect. FREE ENT ERPRISE and employ . ment insurance if investing Business and Professional with Fay B. Gamblin, heating j FOR SALE Sealed tenders whl announced by the chief super vi.-:nr, A. J. Whitmore, in the In terfsts of conservation. The hening fishing was closed north of a line drawn from Wright Eound. just above Butedale Since then the only herrinr areas still open was the Queen Charlottes and the southern part of the central aira. be received by the undersigned until 12:00 o'clock noon February 26, 1948, marked "Ten- specialist. Phone Green 471, Prince Rupert, Station "B". (41) t J T r Rendezvous with SPRING For such a light-hearted occasion you'll want something with dancing lines. What could be better than one of hpa nt i f nllv stvlerl .Slllierhlv ; der IX.D.E. Hall" for the i land and premises at 5th Av HELP WANTED IH HJARNASOX : ' : and Decorator i Ave. rtione 112 Ta:l JONES NEWS STAND We handle Eastern and Western Papers. TfANAIMT) FREE PRESS NOW AVAILABLE sixth Street Red 808 enue East near McBride Street Lots 19 and 2(T Block" 2, Sec- URGENTLY NEEDED Capable vcman or girl as mother's' I Hnn B lrnnwn as mnP Hn il .1 V C P R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. Fred McGraw. is clue in port at 5 o'clock this evening from Vancouver and way-points and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return south. help Two children. State wages wanted. Phone Red 288 after 6. i41) v " " ' ' created v .m i d Premises may be Inspected by arrangement with Mrs W. D. Weiss, 101 5th Avenue East (Phone Green 1sbi Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Brown & Harvey, Box 658. Prince Rupert. (441 HELEN'S I KAIJTY SHOP ! wanfnt Waving Bf.'ity Culture In & branches. ! "'ft Phone 655 ' WANTED Furnished apartment or house in desirable locality, I for 3 or 4 months from April ASTORIA'S 1 EICHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Prompt Service Baggage Freight Expres Phone Blue 2R9 322 Sixth St Night Calls Ore-en 882 t : BALLERINA SUITS? Select your new Spring Ballerina here today. If your thoughts stray to coats you will be delighted with our flare back SHORTIES, TOPPERS and new BALI.ERINE FITTED .styles. 1, by middle-aged couple. FOR SALE b-ioom house anr Highest references. Box 315 bath, furnished! Close in Daily News. (40) Cash proposition. A real snap. See Prince Rupert Realty Co. at once. (4.f i These lew, who saw the fin ally-constituted Flyers 'except for "shutout" Dowcyi realized the re-built team, while short on training in the fortnight they were whipped together, had a long potential. They weren't surprised that it paid off. "When it came time to leave." says Tommy, "there were few who conceded them any chance, others who would hav? prohibited the trip . . . We'll wager that it will be a different storv when they come home . . . Flyers are certain to come home to a noLsy and sincere welcome." SHIPS and WATERFRONT Union steamer Catala, dipt" John Boden, arrived in port at 9:30 last night from Vancouver and waypoints, sailing at midnight for Alice Arm. Stewart and other northern poin'; whence she will return here tomorrow morning to sail at 1:'V) p.m. .southbound. LOST ASlt FOUND 'f;HK MrWHINNEY l.Tl.f, AND I'KH IIAXCINd '-'"I FH'.ti.- Black 48!) IV Tm: SI lUI'MK col HT OF I1KI1IMI' l'Oi rll IV IKIHttTt: In Itir Mdtl.T tlrr KM ill r ivtrr Mrt'iirlnne. lM-art TENDERS for the purchase of the prorxit y of the aborr-niimed dp-cmvd. late of Newton. HC. who diPri on June 1st 1M6. known as the Northwesterly 160 acre of lot 1420. Hiiniro 5. Coast DIstrlM. will be received by the underslijnerl tip to 5 pm the 27tli dav of February AD TKHM8: Cash. Tlte hllient or any Tvnder not necessarily accepted. DATKD at New WestmliiKter. B C. this 11th dav of rVbruarr A D. 1948. J M. STHKinHT Ofiirt-.l Artmlnl-itrntur Lathe Comity of Westminster. W7 Columbia St.. New Westminster. B C. tttl Remember you can buy a complete ensemble on Sweet 16 s Personalized BUDGET PLAN." No Interest No Carrying Charges FOUND Three keys on ring FR SALE 1942 Dodge 4-door near Borden Street School. sedan. Can be inspected at Owner may have same by call-, Rupert Motors Ltd. (40 ing at the Daily News and pay-' FOR SALE-Tmg Plymouth n,g for this advertisement. UOj Spedal De,UX(f 4door spdan FOUND Car chain. May be had heater, radio and spare parts, by paying for this advertise- Like new. 914 Hays Cove Ave 'HKX KIIICKSON N0 TrcHMflAN AM) KI.I'AIRS 1,1 'HI Wi st, 71)! Avo. JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 PRINCE RUPERT MOTTLE COLLECTOR and MESSENGER PHONE GREEN 955 Agent for Pacific Bottle B C. Ltd ment. Aunlv Dailv News (tfi Phone 537. (40) FOR SALE Dry scrap wood, random lengths. $6.00 per cord. 3 cords $16.00. Bert's Transfer, Phone Blue 810. (42) M.CIUNM FOR SALE 1 TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern aim up-to-ctate type National ! Portable Sawmills manufac 11 HI. KIN'S LTD. ;:'i"'i and HcaJing Eniineers :'4 I'D. l)nx 2?1 tured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. ut) FOR SALE Two buildings on Wantage Road. Can be easily moved or occupied on present site. Apply 625 Taylor Street or Post Office Box 171. (42) FOR SALE Cabinet bunks with drawers In bottom. Phone Blue 562. (tf) :1' -T. CHENEY I1KNT1PT ;'f: 'V SMITH BLOCK Radio Service CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles PO. Rnx H01 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Mgr. 13(11 Overlook Specializing in Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work. 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 884 With weather unfavorable anc: no substantial run of fish since the recent Oricn Channel "bonanza," the coast herring fleet is considering tying up. The herring area at Ogdcn Channel, just south of Prince Rupert, where an important herring strike was made recently was clo.scd down, officially, a week ago Saturday. The closure was (Subject to change) ft ' MONDAY -P.M. L R0RIE LO VI N'S HI. I E 818 330 2nd Ave. (Next to CFPR) CREDIT TERMS Prompt Mail Order Service Get the most from your radio. Bring in your Jubes for Free Testing 15 Stock Quotations and Int. untant, Audltnr 4: 4: 4: 30 Especially For You 45 Magic Adventure 5: 00 Latin American Rhythms ' - v , . Tax Returns Compiled. ' B1,"'k - Phone 387 '''DYMAN "HE SERVICE HOUSES! HOUSES! HOUSES! 3 Room Bungalow; near Conrad Street; Immediate possession $850. 4 Room Modern Home; basement; furnace, smartly dee-orated; electric range and unit sink; harbor view; very reasonably priced. Former Katy's Kleen Kitchen. Seventh and Fulton, Seven 5: 15 VaughanMunroe and Orch. DON'T DELAY - PHONE TODA 5: 30 Hartley and His Music 5: We guarantee our radio repair PHONE 6 45 Yours Sincerely, Wpg. 00 Supper Serenade BILL'S MESSENGER SERVICE Phone Green 955 Day and Night Service 6. 15 Martial Airs 6: 6: 30 Musical Varieties Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NKWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 4:00 P.M. TO 3:30 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 6: :45 According to Record m R"pairs of allkmn. : 50 Recorded Interlude hiinnevs i.-,h --""uuii Burners 00 CBC News 8: 7: 7: 7: '7: 15 CBC Newa Round-up Rooms; basement and furnace; ideal for conversion to duplex. Rock bottom price. 6 room house with three room suite; close in; good conditionEasy Terms. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 PHONES: 30 Solo Guest 45 Canadian Short Stories "n 486 Rpd 894 8: tf It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS - BASEMENTS Your house and yoursell fully Insured while I do the work. CO The Varsity Show 8: 30 The Smiths of Hollywood Sl'PF.nmr. 00 National Farm Radio 9: Forum and News CBC 'ORATORS 30 T.B.A. :00 CBC News torBIack245 : 10 B.C. News 9: 10: 10: 10: 10: 11: C-O-A-L Until (he strike is settled in Alberta the only COAL that we can deliver will be 1UTLKLEY VALLEY LUMP COAL riace Your Orders Early ALBERT & McCAFFERr LTD. 15 Provincial Affairs Advertise In the Dally News! 01" Thornton : 30 Dance Orch. FOR THE REST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . . , See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Buick Chev. Trucks I'onliac Oldsmobile G.M.C. Trucks MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, B.C. FOR SALE Lot and building known as Industrial Marine Repair. $4,000 (terms). Also the following: one electric motor, 220-volt single phase, $95.00; one V3 h.p. motor, $18.00; one electric hoist, one-ton Yale (new), $300; one Ford 'B" coach. '32 model, $350.00, mechanically sound, n e e d j quite a bit body work. Apply Box 314 Daily News. (41) , """'rin, indll,(r. Oo Weather and Sign-off TOKSDA? A.M. 30 Musical Clock 00 CBC News QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave 7: 8: 8: 8: COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES 15 Morning Song PHONE 117 HIONE llfi 30 Music for Moderns B'I'E 980 . ll