,, Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, October 20, I960 Victoria leporfc K I by J. K ie IV, n Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince j Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association ' O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, Premier Carries On From Hospital Bed-Depending on Liquor Profits Why No Labor Chairman By ELMORE PHILPOTT 8.uu;. ay Mail, Per Month, 5uc; Per Year, $5.uu. sfts P. Hung, the chairman since Hs inception, died In July and so far no new appointment has been made. The minister of labor, II jn. John Cates, remains silent on the matter. It's no secret that many Liberal and Conservative party workers are after the Job it pays $7500 a year, and the duties aren't heavy-Organized labor, though. Is getting a bit annoyed. Organized labor says that if the boar:' can get along without a chairman this long why can't It get along without a permanent chairman all the time that one of the four members of the board can act as chairman when the board meets. Organized labor would seem to have something here and the taxpayers would be saved $7500 a year. PILES'" BEAR LICKS BOB VICTORIA Premier Byron Johnson is carry- EVERY TIME I write ing on what government business he can from his about Bob Edwards ot hospital bed in Royal Jubilee Hospital. He 3 in a the Calgary Eye Opener I get letters from old timers who add to the great SUITS - SUITS - SUITS FOR MEM and YOUNG MEN SINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED STYLES. WELL TAILORED MADE TO FIT OF QUALITY WORSTEDS AND GABARDINES. OUTSTANDING BARGAINS plaster cast up to his waist and he's not very comfortable but he's the first to admit he's lucky to bo alive following a bad motor crash near Quebec City. j fund Of facts and legends His executive assistant, Percy vims nmi eucii uy 1,,,., v, f.mniis rharacter itticnaras, &o t BertVi "tells with- hto most Important mail. One froro from Bert lidnman f man ? I . minut..rs tn see him I of an editorial excnange .....--,- - t..,,, r.i Dr.rt Hnh Jon important matters. There The sales tax, however, is keeping up well, and it seeni3 now the government will get more than the $24,000,01)0 It budgeted on this year. When the sales tax was first brought In durins 1948 the government Bald it would bring in $12,000,000 a year. r . iZ ,,ih ect of the have been such floods of callers nfof UongVr?nT Mr? ,that his doctors finally ordered r, L haH written that it was'" "Povely No Visitors" Sign on a shame that Bob was rulnlaB,th?,door. Mrs. Johnson recovered rap- or IVhai Ton rcaioT tha internal 'hum at pit-! you get worthwhile reautta that lait. Thal'i tba huiJ mhjq fur Pyllona'a real auui-raa. No Matter wbat you ban 5 uuc I. if tlua I or lure, or kom lung-alaadiai and atubtMiro your eaaa. wiMl.rn at-irni-a haa the auiwar ta tba w Pyllona Tratmiit fa liouid takt-a by woithh Vmif ffrar Uttla pmvra ttua or I ha price refunded at onca. Thet'i our guarantee of Pyllona't auality. 1.7 at all loo.l.ra drufgiata. f T-l Bob', himself With liquor. But 37-50 45-00, Nobody can understand why the Labor Relations Board hasn't got a new chairman. -I. Idly. She's carrying on in their Uplands home and twice a day she goes to see her husband. The premier will be in hospital another month. Finance Minister Anscomb, retort was a bit too ribald for me to reprint In this column-0O0 IN THE SAME mall I got a letter from a former resident 11 PI TROUSERS EdwarXpau ed there awMe deputy premier, is in the eat on ? . . ...v... v, ,.. Rovernment business and so At- eneral Wlsmer or Pr- nf Htah R ver and !ctlaled.ouLLH g.hfIaHio Uncial Secretary W. T. Stralth InraciHo at iihlnct. meetings . Expertly tailored Troi Latest shades ond Economics - Old and New T IS IMPOSSIBLE to know when our ancient forefathers stopped bartering on an individual ' asis and set up trade relations on a grand scale, labylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Spain, France, ment in the annals of history, earned its reputation nent in the annals of history, earned its reputatio as often through its trade commerce and industrial development as it did through wars of conquest. All too often wars were the tools of commerce, opening up new supply lines with the sword where diplomacy and bargaining had failed, says a University of British Columbia circular. . Trade and commerce aw a necessary part of the social set-up. Our security and livelihood depend almost entirely on smoothly functioning sys-terms that combine our skills and energies with raw materials to produce finished products for markets, within the nation and beyond. The result that interests us primarily is the pay check we receive for our efforts. Money puts us on the receiving end. With our crisp dollars we buy what we need and someone else works to supply us. We are an essential part of theiprocess of trade and commerce. ' It is a far cry from the old days of simple barter when the requisites for successful enterprise were an ability to haggle and a flair for in-trigue. Now the process is vastly more complicated. World boundaries have been extended. Machines have taken the place of manual labor. Exchange standards call for intricate knowledge, cartels, ;. monopolies, political systems. Accelerating scientific discoveries make training in commerce more essential than ever before if the economic balance of the nation is to be maintained. Eye Opener in Calgary. "Bob liked his liquor pretty However; the government appears to be In a period of doldrums and cabinet meeting have reached a new low as far CUT OPERATING COSTS BV tyrd, fabrics. Zipper oituttj well, and one Saturday night he passed out in the barroom of as important matters are zLtcmrr ygur farm Install titer Prices are now much lower than can be duplicated. Health and Welfare Minister Douglas Turnbull took to the air the other night to tell BritUu Columbians what a line job the DIESEL DRIVEN MORRISON" The '"MerrlMrt Autwiutlt" the Alberta Hotel. His company ions carried him up to his room. It was a sultry hot night in July. To make him comfortable they took all his clothes off. "Next day some of the boys were still whooping it up. Somebody remembered Bob and they wondered how he was getting on. They staggered up to the second-storey room. Bob was still snoring peacefully. THESE ARE REAL BARGAINS government Is now doing with health insurance. I He talked as if the govern- ' ment was giving away something for free when It pay the hos 425 6-00 7.95 10.00 12 "Some of the pranksters thought it would be a good A.C. Farm Llohtin Plant with tha diraxt couplad Patter dietel angina casta 11 lata ta run than a taaallna machine; maintenance cettt are lower, tea . . . the Patter dietel engine, with fewer working part than gaao line engine, eperetet at enly 1,200 r.p.m. Inauret lewar upkeep coiti and longer aei Ice life. ' pital bills of all patients. He seemed to forget that ths public is paying its own premiums. The minister gave no hint that hospital insurance premiums ' BOYS' PANTS All wool, nicely tailored, for school ordres A big selection to choose from. chance to pay back Bob for all ithe tricks he had played on 'them. They swiped a can of sy-'. rup from, the hotel kitchen and may be increased next year. N" 2.25 2-95 3.50 7i poured this over Bob's skin . Then they got the tame bear Recent increase in the orlce which was kept chained in the 0 Hquor is bound to cut the t j backyard of the hotel. They put government's liquor profits. In ' the bear in Bob's room and shut recent months liquor sales have 'the door- been dropping not seriously, I LIGHT & POWER RT DOLLAR SAVINGS The Britiih-made aelf regulating Morriten generator, with rtt Pttter dietel engine, make up thit dependable inttantaneoua "twltch-afarting" lighting plant. The compact Marrltoo-Automatk comet fully equipped with all acceuoriet; It ready for ute at toon at inttalled. Morriton Automatic! are world famous . . . po other plant it "iutt at good". , Two modalt ttocked: 1,500 and 5,000 watts. . Price complete $10S and $1410 NO IXTRAS. Immediate Delivery. . Models supplied up to 25,000 watts. "Bob woke up when the bear but enough to cause the Finance began to lick his face, etc., to Department some worry for a eet the syrup. He jumped out of great deal of political economy , the window on to the big balcony is based on sale of firewater. It'a that ran all around the hotel, at not good, this method of flnanc-1 the second storey. He was shout- ing, but the government is now 1 Ing to the top of his lungs, so used to big fat profits from FINE PRINTING AT 'Jesus Christ, save me I . Jesus liquor that it doesn't know how Christ, save me!" This happen- to change or what to do. . nrmi nnnurr I.. Z f-ic iiLuML rm lh I 3 Phone 24 222 Second SUCCESS IN SPORTS CANADIANS needn't take a back seat to any nation in sports, Frank Clair, U.S.-born-and-trained coach of the Toronto Argonaut Football Club, said in a series of talks recently. Summing up fundamentals of the game for the benefit of young players and their coaches, Clair stressed "condition" and "desire" as the two most important factors in football. "I'm impressed with the Canadian boys I've seen," he added. "I like their attitude, competitive spirit and their ability to absorb rugged contact, such as you get in hockey." "Adapt your system to the player, not the player to the system," Clair says. ''I can always tell when a player on my team has been well coached in high school because of his attitude and the habits he has brought with him." Clair, now considered one of Canada's top coaches, said the real secrets of coaching success are a sound knowledge of a game's fundamentals, plus proper presentation and organization of practices. ed Just as the congregation was coming out of church. There ari some of those old pranksters who set the bear to a-licking Bob still living in Wetaskiwin." oOo ' THE CRISIS in the government of Israel has somewhat the same background as the shake-up in the Congress party In India. In both cases a liberal prime minister is in office. But in both cases that leader Is partly dependent for support on reactionary religious elements. Israel's basic difficulties are economic. The Jewish population of the country has been increased by no less than 70 per cent since the inauguration of the new state in May 1918. It will take a desperate effort to make Israel a self-sufficient country. At present almost all the industrial raw materials and two thirds of the livestock feed must be imported. Tt)e whole country is severely rationed as follows: ANNOUNCEMENT We ore not taking any clea ling of pressing at present We shall attend to efficient service on Tailoring, Alterations and Repairing . , jf New Fall Samples have just arrived Ofler now for better choice LIN G TH E TAILOR GEORGE COOK JEWELLER Assure you of Quality-r- ..... . Milk y2 glass per day-Meat 1 lb. per month. Eggs 8 per month. Sugar 2 lbs. per month. Soap '2 cake per month. Suits 1 per year; Shoes 1 pair per year. , The furious arguments in Israel are the natural result of '""Ha ence SCRIPTURE PASSAGE FOR TODAY "Thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee ' openly.'- Matthew 6:6 fdJM 00 125 a7 rr Beautiful 3-Diamond ; Engagement Ring this economic crisis. vw,,. The j,"' gov so. advertlsement , ot publl8hed ernment has Increased agricui-0r dlspiayed by the uquJ -control tural productoin by 05 per cent Board or by the Oovernmmt of Brtttuh Columbia. CREDIT IS A SACRED TRUST Ouard it as a matter of personal honor. Keep your credit record "PROMPT" by paying each charge account in full by the 10th of the month, and contract purchases on each iue date. CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT on your next and industrial output by 35 per cent in two years. But nobody pretends that Israel can be made selfsupportlng for many years to come. CHARTER FLIGHT CHAPTER FLIGHT PLANES ovoilob Blonde Limed Bleached Fire Might Have Been Much Worse I Almond O Aerial Surveys O Aerial Photography O Private Charter a Timber Cruising, tc' Silver Grey ' . .. acTALPOH AND DARK BEDROOM SUITES We Have Them All VANCOUVERVICTORIA Sunday, 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam ALICE AEM. STEWART AND J. Shubert had a near miss from a serious fire Tuesday morning when the house of Bernard Fortune next door suffered $2300 damage. His house actually caught fire and sustained damages amounting to about $50 or $60. Some of the siding was charred and six lights of glass in a window were broken. Firemen today said that if the fire had occurred in winter dut ing some of the periods when a truck cannot navigate the nil' leading up to Herman Place, it ALL INTERIOR ANU cw.y- For RES" RATES INFORMATION PHONE 476 j ; - PHONE PHONE 79 79 Piarnumj HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE tpV 4-Piece Suites with Vanities or . . . jpV The Popular Mr. and Mrs. 125-00 Suites from QUEEN CHARLOTTE A - PORT SIMPSON i Sunday, Coquitlam, U p.nv rOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ! ss. Camosun Oct. 13 and 2V io p.m. FOB SOUTH QUEEN r CHARLOTTE ISLANDS j ss. Camosun, Oct. 6 and 20 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 868 8lJ ....... 8 rhristopher would have been likely that Mr Fortune would have lost his entire house and that Mr. Shubert would likely have lost his before hose could have been got to the scene of the fire by hand. They felt that by Improving the grade on the existing road it could be made passable at all times. A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. . GOOD PLACE TO BUY OVER A QUARTER CENTURY 327 3rd Avenue Phone 775 . .L nil 0" Air l-rign -