day and expenses" for Prince j RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION" Continued from page 1 Prince Rupsrt Daiiy News Friday, October 20, 1950 Rupert's domestic water surv;y which he believes is still in. RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles CFPR jgEEaS 332ID city manager be? . What if we progress. prove successful,, Said Mr- Mc- have a Door one. like we sav Recrvnnsihim. n o Wor (Subject to Change) st) me our cltv engineers have mpn nuM nn v, mtonavorc 1 Kay. ( rjim 32c FR1LAY P.M. 4: 15 StocK Quotations and interlude 4:30 Sleepy Time 8torles 4:45 Lyrical Lady 4:55 CBC News 5:00-Bond Show 5:30-T.B.A. been?" asked August Wallin. according to Mr Griffiths- He tnairman r erguson asked tnat In such a plan the city coun- said that Cardiff,' Wales, has Its lhe secretary write to the City cil would elect the manager, own city-run transportation and Managers Association so infor-which according to Mr. McKay electricity, managed through a ma tl." tne. Pla" mav tbe n would have to be hired from voluntary city council much like a. P'eDlsclte Ior tne next city outside. Mr. McKay warned that Prince Rupert's council. , , ... It would be a great responsibil- LACK OF INTEREST 1?e meeinJ opened with re- ity of the city council to elect, Lack of Interest shown by Prts read James Pressy, the city manager- citizens between elections in city tourer, nd John Eyolfson. .0250 case (at the . - - "GHOST" MANAGER I government was mentioned by .. -""s --" ' "It seems we already have a Jonn Eyolfson as a reason foritary- ' ghost manager," . quipped Mr. Pr management. IIYfrnif'flO McKay, . saying that the city "There were four ' spectators lal VLIXISlIJ council accepted the new cem- in the gallery at the last meet-' "Trouble never come singly" they ai etery location but "didn't know ing of the city council," said, f" ,ak' fr. Ct-, Kidney-Liver Poii anything about It.' , Chairman Ferguson. ESLS fSd?TSl. you" M JZ "How many men COUld qualify "Then it Is Up to US tO make: lwer brcaune it relieve, both liver and to handle a million dollars a ratepayers understand wh at i Painful : - 1'" 'H lhe,.baa hm uuiui-iie and ana w Bay Store SAVE ON DRYGOODS! SALE NOW OH! Cf RUPERT FISHERMEN'S I lointa which ao often result. Dr. year?" he asked indicating the their duties are," affirmed Mr. unaae a nam to depend on. . so -CHASE'S PERATIVE ASSOCIATION OIL HEATING at its Best MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS Convenient, Economical High mechanical efficiency. VORTEX Automatic Burners ., 80 saving in heating costs. .' . TERMS ARRANGED Smith & Elkins LIMITED Plumbing and Heating; Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 aDinty needed by a city man- uruitns. "mere is no use nav-ager. Ing a ratepayers' association "For city manager you would without a good council. We must need an engineer with adminis- elect the right aldermen, trative ability," said Mr. Grif-' "The city council would eleit fiths. the city manager. All the de- "Now there is no co-ordina- partments would come under tlon between departments. The him. The city manager takes engineer should have command directions from the council, co- ken u'" in Flood REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED 5:45 Bill Good, Sports Review 6:00 Supper Serenade C: 15 Henri Rene Orch. 6:30 Musical Varieties C:45 Saddle Rockin' Rhythm cuo cue News 7:15 CBC fcews Roundup 7:30 Toronto Symphony "Pops" Concert 8:30 Fall fair 9:00 Music by Eric Wild 9:30 -England as I Saw It 9:45 Canadian Forum 10:00 CBC New. 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Club Date 10:30 Riverside Rancho 10:55 Interlude 11:00 Weather 11:06 Sign otf SATURDAY A.M. f: 00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good B: 15 Hits and Encores 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty. 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 CBC Stamp Club k; 45 The Answer Man 9:59 Time signal 10:00 Bandstand ' 10:15 Minuet 10:30 "Melody Time" , 10:45 CBC News Wedding at Kitsegukla I ui liieni an me loreman snouiu oiuiuaung ueparunents . unuer Ll-The officers and I f the Canadian na- t,tys SUDSi:nui u a xw- nave no say. Today they buck council direction, but is head each other," said Mr, McKay. executive. There wouldn't be It was suggested by Robert someone else's oar in the way,' Ferguson, chairman of the meet- declared Mr. McKay. Ing, that to bring in a city man- "Should the council find an fcTQ to tne muiwwua R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) ft KITZEGUCLA A pretty wedding' was solemnized at the United Church last Friday when Miss Lvla J. Milton, daughter of Mr. 'aged would "make us lose con- applicant for city manager who Cold Water Cause Of Salmon Failure VANCOUVER id Water tern perature variation five degree; too low pilfered an estimated $13,000,000 from the British Columbia fishing Industry, scientists said here., Biologists, following a confer ence at Kamloops, said that failure of the Adams River salmon run was due to cold water at spawning four years ago In a cycle year. ' I Fund. Tins was ;, here today when vice-president and .he romwiny, an- fldence in the city council." Mr. would stand on his own feet, he) Ferguson mentioned the cost of would perhaps agree to one pro- , the Bonnycastles water investi- bationary year, providing he was i gatlon "thirty-five dollars a hired for five years should be r final results of Hie' and Mrs. George H. Milton of uSS j Skeena Crowing, was united l n ti mnrrlliiro tn Tluif! HnnH n nf tkM Sure nesuiwi - -- mi. nu mi a, f iru uijuu UI XYIL- wancool. , Rev, J. Hayhurst of Kitwanga officiated. Organist .R OF JOHN IIANLEV, 'iffifag SANDY'S CAFE NEXT DOOR TO BELMONT HOTEL NOW OPEN DAILY 6:30 A.M. lo 1 A.M. was Walter Wesley, fclCE that as AUmlnlBtra- by tne court. The bride, given In marriaga cake was cut by the bride and p Briuih co-by het lather;- wore a beautiful, groom. Out-of-vlllage guests 2ih day i ix-aem- j-whlte satin gown with floor- Kitwiin- came from Kitwanga Miuire ail crwiitors mid length veil and a corsage of pink 10:55 Weauiei and Interlude 11:00 Saturday Date cool and Hazelton. During the evening a wedding cimus anaiiin " anci white roses and sweetpeas Enjoy Real Home-Cookfed Meals and Pastry! Weather Report dance was" held in the Comniun- 11:30- : ;r ta" atuir-si.' men- Her matron, of honor was Miss ,n or b.-1'ire the 15th i Aggie Good who wore a white ity Hall which was decorated 11:31 Message Period taffeta gown. There ware fourlwjth pink and white. Music was j ll:33-Recorded Interlude bridesmaids, the Misses Matilda by Douglas Wesley and his string ' 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies BUCKET LUNCHES YES SIR We will cut you a lunch that you will certainly relish. SATURDAY P.M :,Wr. WW, ufur which ,mcmi to distribute the t entitled by law. hav-,ulj to siH.i clulms at ; thru have been notl- r Uilw not'ee Uutt all iifd to said estaut are wngni, ttena uooa, vera uer-iband. rick and Merla Margon. who woie Delicious refreshments, pre- 12:00 CBC News ice D ue taiieta gowns. ' pared by the bride's mother, i2:03-Saturday Magazine Ld tli-ir UiUeuUHiuesa to Spaghetti and Fish and Chip orders to take out Phone 575 this Crmr Rupert, B.C., timber. 1DS0. 1:00 Saturday Serenade f : - $ f V' - 1:30 London Studio Melodies $ "' ,-, 2:00 Dance Music $ x V 3:00-This Week J TCtliYYlS " S B w 3:15 CBC News Jf 3:25 Rec. Interlude . ' ' E,.cl,E,JH.,ByA1., . J II miWljllln qI II i Usher was Albert Douse. , Good and Vera , Derrick. Mrs. Following the ceremony a re- Geoffery Johnson of Skeena ception was held at the commun-j Crossing, Mrs. Fred Johnson of lty hall. The Kltzegulcla Brass Kitwanga and Mrs. Marlon Wll-Band led the wedding party 'to Hams, Skeena Crossing, sang as the hall under the leadership of did Harold Sinclair. The dance Walter Wesley. Mrs. Fred Oood lasted until daybreak, ending and Mrs. Milton welcomed the with three cheers lor the bride guests. A three-tier wedding and groom. .,' h FACTORY TO YOU FOR A REAL TREAT Try our Italian Dishes or Our Steaks and Chops ( CHENILLE DSPREADS e in Canada. Beautl- iJity, completely tuft- See You a! BO for Breakfast fting showing. All able or single bed red or solid patterns, Sent COD. plus :inifdiat money-back Order one, you will Town &: Country Xhs rv ' si 'k 1 " - - 1 z, f Mountain Sights St., unebw. hn - s'li- f M rr -ri I Ctirl j for gifts or for Yowsell n, lourleoiis Service Call 1 I -65 TAXI t Sr w Management ilon't have a car, f.. v-i n j i rs m n) call you one. a : - t? SLIPPERS FROM Brownwoods E i r . fc. J f 1.! i. r - fval Jury Sreomer h WJI' ' TRANS-CANADA NETWORK ' 5.50 295 to il GEORGE SAILS FOR l; :. T -vr M1C0UVER ... . . Oet Your . . . Xmas Intermediale Ports h Thursdoy ' H p.m. . ''' I I IB ' Qi m3l JiH" '1.7.M fyjrj j : CONFIDENT TURK t- Walter "Turk" Breda,.' v.ietaanetminder of Toronto Map:e Leafs, smiles; confidently as his worried team mates questioivtil waistline. -.during their pre-season workouU at St. Catherines. Turk's contract this year re ulates his pay cheque according to his waist and CaDtain Ted ! s J? P KETCHIKAN line.. Left to right are: Sid Smith,' left wing; Broda; Gus Mortson, defence Kennecjy. ' , " ifie Cards 1. p.SI)AY MIDNIGHT r Nervations 11' it LimM ( 'ajaFN? ' "rite or Call "IY OK i)U.()T OFFICE CHRISTMAS GREETINGS ... FRASER and PAYNE SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SELLING 1 ( t I I . (It ' PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Jfr '.4 fa. i Prince Rupert Phone 234 . . 3rd Street PRINTERS STATIONERS Turkish Towels OFFICE SUPPLIES LADIES' 95c Pastel shades. Extra heavy aualitv. Laraesize. Each I Ladies Satin Slips Lace trimmed, all sizes. 4 QQ White only. Each XU and Winter Underwear Eall a An? if. $1.00 Waffelrknit wool mixture. Panties, S.M.L. Pair It H English Type Turkish Towels 'Good heavy quality .... fr ,00 Good weight, small size for QQ Ladies' Silk Panties IIYLOtl HOSE Wheels that are out of bal- nee or out of line can cut tire mllcare almost In half! Reru- 1.39 Ladies' Blossom Printed 1 v: Pyjamas 51 Guage, dark seams. Assorted shades, all sizes. Pr. lar wheel check and align- ment will SAVE tire mileage save on driving costs. See us today tor a wheel check-up! Inning BUILDING PAIRING Coll 363 $2.98 SUBS 45 guage, dark seams. Assorted shades, all sizes. Pair Fleecy soft flannelette Sizes, S-M-L Pair plain shades and lace 69c 98c Radio stripes, trimmed. SPECIAL. Pair iflCHHl PHONE 83 Bob Parker Ltd. Ford-Monarch Dealers The Home of Friendly Service Prince Rupert, B. C. Men's Semi-York Pants Good hard wearing cloth. Dark colors. Off QC Wool mix Serge. All sizes 32 to 42 VtJtF CURRIE Men's Yama Cloth Pyjamas Assorted pastel shades. Piped edges. 3.95 All sizes. Suit - - 2j 1 r Cant, ration