GRIM FOREBODINGS Local ucai Ba THIS AND THAT Editor. Dally News: uaHR.. I Prince ttupcrt Dai!? r3cto0 Ltrj. Tuesday. March 30, 1948 What with this Easter Bun- Ha 'St anQ-Uo J r I clay's radio couuueiitatorg ! abroad, striving desperately to with a nuffi. the erim Outlook. Easter's Ner .o, .,,.. tnga : O. A KITKTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Dlreetor. pi'olnu evrv alternoon exrept. Sunday by Princs Rupert Dally News LI.:.. 3rd Avenue. Prtnee Rupert. Britlnh Oolmbl. An Independent daily nmwspHrv devoted tn the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities eompHa..ig northern -and een'.ral Brltlah Columbia (Authorized as Second C.siig Mail, Post Ofiliw Department. Ottawa) MEMBKR CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ; .look was latriy overshadowed. ,,.. 6 msuA I CITY INSURANCE i of the holder of that contract. I All of which Is understandable. aiui aiicralt .... ... . Evidently all members of the nut when rlrenms vi fr w "e havine w. 1 eox,nril were not familiar with of hladtlowrf supremacq "portending" the althou,l In your report of the last BtTBSCRTPTION RATES City Carrier, per weeK. lfto: Per Month. B5r; Per Year. 7 00: By Mall, Per Month, 40e; Per Year. 1-100. meeting of the city council it u,e Pr'0" ul --- gravity oi tnr new outiooK . . . "" w. ...... ... .... Otherwise I do not believe thev tit ie iuut ton nmrh Pur in.i.. liuk.'h ....... was siaiea mat tne council nan ' -. n!iu;tl, , . . . . . tH .o....ow t would have voted - for the crea- n two successive nluhts mv of llw "nit u. Dr. .. ). MacLean tion of tnls Ply. Perhaps ""mer J the finance committee that in- ntle slumberings have been camp ,r.,,o r nil .it...rf K..UH- thpy may look Into this and let intercepted dramatically by two njm-s- Fiuimkit J ingsand equpiment be made the ratepayers know the full respective dreams. In the first ".""inj in ,1 I INSI'KCTACULAR but hard-working and per- through" a Vancouver firm and lr,ms- """ 1 wus very a a pres.l a contract on these lines be fav- " Wl11 be argued that the pro- , fucking Mama, in a brand "'cers m ( orecl, posal is in the best interests of new role. Alter seeing floz?ns ni d sratlual inJ the city as it will provide for miniature barely submerged sub- listrne'it. I wonder if the ratepayers are uniform and complete coverage marines in Prince Rupert's har- - aware of what this means. This cnmrM t nH,i,nH i. .imi. by having one firm taking care Dor. irom wnere i stood on tlw " y sot, .' .. . .' ... . .... of the wriLine of all Dolicies. wharf, as well as almost simul- y n of lar to one presenwci to me un- " cume m srimor , taneously a gigantic heap ot un. ance committees in 1945 and However, this can -easily be ...... . . shntiruns nenrhv T Vi.-isl Iv orah. "' ,IO"l the kni 194H and which the finance com- obtained by having the proper , , fore thev tni. 1 "UU Ulle 01 the nd Jl, ..nHnr.he eltu nff.e.,,1 rh-lr .11 n llirie t "frly IrighteneJ out of my New " chairmanship of Aid. Hills, would and see that the necessary cov- i.un, .iuu i.ivu uic ui- ........ u csj erage is seourea botn m tne rii!ht "if. . .r ltm- 11 s i ... , i i , i n fee- Breathless and speech ess Just the not recommend to the council, j Under the '.enn.s oi the contracts all po'.cies would be writ- . . .. I raised the shoteun as mute evl- "a,l'ng by air- renewal or existing ones. " stanrier rience . . . when it accidents! v ""'"r n a n 1 looked i . Th t.-f.ii-- Matltimr .Mwa Nrvi1, 1w. J ten by the company or agen: Why should city Insurance be flred straight into the midst of ed Certainly, it k 'This is my friend Herman. We grew up together." noiuing ine TuiiLruci, iui a peuuu limited to these now in business the half dozen "mlnding-their- tasL''r parade, (or oi yeai.iuiKi .ne pieiiuuiii uirit ana any ciUzen wno may enter 0n-business" '"en. (It was tt 'oman on divided b 'tween the local In- tnls business in the future be gimply a mirteie that not one!with a New Look R surance age us now aoing dum- barred from obtaining a share or was Shot "thank goodness." Then i ",Ble man. -f, emmiscences VIOLET ness In the -ity, the company ( lhe business? 1 1 wakened the two. ... 1 . holding contract getting ,h. nllhli. know ,ne facts a ,., m - - l' I 1 1 V l.!'llJVIVUVV U 1 1 1 J H. M. DAOGETT. second dream as "out of the You read it mi: shares of the premiums and the remainder being equally divided. Perhaps you ask whut is wrong jBy w.J.y iana Ketlechons i with this procedure? Looking Oxford lost the annual row- Some of these chilly-eyed Irish U st'vmiiip, Dr. John Duncan MacLean, former Premier of British Columbia, who died Sunday niuht in Ottawa, left his mark in British Columbia affairs, although it being twenty years since he was Premier and then only for a year between two such personalities as John Oliver before him and Dr. S. F. Tolmie after him, he may have been to some extent forgotten. He had served for many years as chairman of the Federal Farm Board at Ottawa, quietly but effectively and had become more or less detached from his native province. A poor farm boy, Dr. MacLean had to make his way through life from the very start. Even to obtain his medical degree, years were required but he had the ambition and resolution to see him through. His personality was such that he made friends, commanded esteem and respect and Greenwood, then a flourishing mining town where he located, gave him his start in public life. He served as alderman and mayor there and was writ as Member of the Legislative Assembly. Soon he was recognized as of cabinet timber and Mr. Oliver nanud him as Minister of Education and Provincial Secretary. Dr. MacLean wentquietly to work to master the details of his departments, and having done so, gradually revolutionized them. He did not do things in a spectacular manner, but gradually .and without fuss accomplished a great deal. He took over the privately operated tubercular sanitorium at Tranquille for the government; established a home for incurables at Marpole, and remodelled arid reorganized the boys' industrial school and mental hospitals. The standard of teaching was raised in the province and many important changes were inaugurated in the educational system, including technical schools. He set to work to permanently house the University of British Columbia, and this was accomplished. In addition to his other departments he was given the portfolio of railways- and this involved n ing classic last Saturday. Cam- sweepstake winners do not de-bridge, it seems, had the added serve to win anything, anywhere, advantage of swallowing all the any time. Here's a young fellow further into it you will find that, during the life of the contract, no firm which is not now in business in the city will be entitled to Insure any city property or equipment. .In other words, it gives a monopoly to th" rich milk needed, when train- In Onturio, with wife and fam-IliiR. Indeed, they brought their ily, and precious little else who, jown cow. Oxford used some getting the good news In an in- iirhola rv-irtol on artiflii nf Hipl riiffprpnt u;iv onH llo-htino- a THE F0LL01VIHG MATERIAL exlstin8 firms. 'Perhaps they should have order- fresh fag, says he doesn't think I I nm reliviblv Informed that. ':i eri cod liver nil idailv ninti in $40,000 is- so much. Who can 'tissue paper with pink ribbon, ici'lly live on that? How many tno "PKoUations prior to the and EQUIPMENT FROM THE DISMANTLED CAH0L PIPELII can say that they could actu- cumpu.-uiwii oi uie iiua, u 'ally retire? Being obliging was Proposed that only firms An all-wise Providence, doubt- souls, we stand ready to mail wnlch had been m business for less, Intended the rat to be of him a Prince Rupert telephone tnrec 'ears be entitled to share some use in the world but the directory anytime. jln tne Present contract. ordinary man hasn't discovered I ' : However, owing to the insist- it. We usually associate the rati Cadets from Seattle, in Princo . c'n('e of one of the ;scho1 trus" wilh heinc fill.liv n destrnver of Bnnort lntif. wbpW nn n trainina toes, this was not strictly adhered Items can be Inspected at Johnson's Crossing, Alaskan HighJ Mile-post No. 837 or yhere they lie along the Ccinol li( to and a firm which had been in I needed food, a spreader of fire cruise admired two of the finest ( AH mjbf.'al affataW afct- -prior talt ) CRAWLER WAGONS, 1 0 and 20 lor and a bearer of disease. There- totem poles In Canada reclining ousines ior a icw mmuns fore, destroy the brute! When on Second Avenue, and said included. It's realized that a single pair they wondered if there was any ' 11 w0llkl bf' l-erestin to know-can multiply to 1,130 in a year law against standing up. They,"0 ls tlle u,c representative iso it's been estimated i Prince were told no one had been able : Caterpillar. STEEL PIPE, 4'i" O.D. PUMPING STATIONS, 10, rcplMe ith pumping unitt, heating eouipment, mlc-;'l;!ii:oit equipmnt.tonlj. Parliol list ircludec Ct.terpillor COMPRESSORS. Chicago Pneumatic, Sci le Roi, Quincy, De Vilbiis, Wagne, Rupert can afford to lose plenty, to find that out, just yet,. Birks, Wayne, Ingenoll-Rand, GordnnDl PRINCESS LINE uie uauunug uj. -uie uuiicuu j aiuic vjifat j,ciM.tMii , ( Sleamshin bailing LUBERS. Graco, Alemite. WELDERS. Lincoln, Haburt, Wilson. situation. After the 11)21 election and the retirement of the Hon. John Hart as minister of finance, Dr. MacLean was given this portfolio, relinquish LIGHT PLANTS. Fidelity, Colt-pM Tram Schedule Kor lhe f.asl Monday, Wednesday. Friday H p m From the Kasl Tuesday. Thursday. Sal urday-10:45 p.m Kohler, Consolidated-Diesel, Surelite, It ternational, Le Roi, lister Blackstone, 1 Pincor, Pioneer, Blue Diamond. ing those of provincial secretary and railways, but j retaining the ministry of education. After a de- j tailed stndv of thp provincial finances, he was able I POWER UNITS. John Deere, InttiJ iK .v....4-.,f,v t u; uAnt v, ! Mrs. Scherk, for some years employed as assistant at Little's News Stand, resigned her duties there last week -end. Caterpillar. CARGO HOISTS, Trackson, etc. SNOWGO, rotar;- plow, B-olheri. POWER ROLLER, Huber. to VANCOUVER nd wy ports Every Monday 10 p.m. to, A L A S K A Ketchikan, Wnnjell, Junuu, and Sksjway April 1 and 11 to ALERT B A y and Vancouver April 5 and 15 for Vancniivrr Monday -ss Princess Louise H i m. Tuesday ss Catal.i 1:30 p.m riiiirsdav ss Prince "Ruperl l I ft p.m V'aiii'ouvei Sunday--ss Catala 4 p.m Monday ss Princess Louise i in Wednesday - ss Prince Rupert ill D(l u n, Fridny-YisCfirdcna p.m. Friday ss Cnrdena. midnight in- AlllHltJ Wednesday s I'rlnee Ifii'wr " ini'iiii'.'lit l-'roin Alaska i Thursday- ss Prince Rupert. p.m. You saw It in tne uuily News' Classified AO vi. r i. a .iys' drivers, Wilson-Snvder pump-., Ya ipeed reducers, Taylor precivors, Wbstr burner pumps, Baldor controllers, Ventura fam, elc. SHOVELS, diesel end acs, Vi to 1 yards. Lorain, Marion, Bucyrus-Eri Northwest, Osgood, P & H, Invincible Gun, Universal, bpeeder, Bay Cily. TRACTORS, diesel and gos, 35 to 113 hp. D-8 Caterpillar. D-7 tclerpillar, A s-Chalmers, International. D 6 Coterpillar, Ail-Chalmers, Fordson. MOTOR PATROLS, graders Gulioo, Caterpillar, Adams, AMis-Cholmers. SCRAPERS, carryall. Gar Wood, le Tourneau, La Plante, Woolridge. HALF TRACKS, 0 and 20 Ion, Linn. LARGE TRUCKS, Sterling, Exlid, Kenworlh, Studebaker, Thornton, Federal. WINCHES, Hyster. PULL GRADERS, 10' and 12'. Caterpillar, Adams, Austin -Western. BULLDOZERS, Le Tourneau, .la Plante, Baker. ANGLE DOZERS, 12'. Le Tourneau, Baker. POWER-CONTROL UNITS. Le Tourneau, Hyster, Gar Wood, Hydreco, La Plante, Baker. ENGINES, Viscon'.in, Intamatlonjl, If For Sale PUMPS. 1" to 9". C.H.&E, tol nounce a material reduction of taxation, followed by further economies in succeeding years. During the illness of the late Premier John Oliver he' was chosen as acting Premier, and when, on August 18, 1JJ27, Mr. Oliver died, Dr. MacLean was unanimously -selected by his Liberal colleagues of the Legislature to succeed Mr. Oliver as prime minister, holding the office one year when his gov-ment was defeated. He was already in his federal post when the Liberals came hack later under T. -D. Pattullo. Jaeaer, Mcrlow, Vik;nq, Red Jockfl.Fo- Gourd, Gorman-Rupp, Eogle. Edioi, Oteriiog, Deming, bjygs i Steolw, Wiscomin, Marion, Wilson-Snrdtr. BUCKETS, Anvco, etc. TANKS, 750 to 3,500 g-jl. Long established furniture store business on Third Ave. The price for the slock and business is very reasonable. See the owner tod,ay, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. (;ki:i-:n 504. SAW MILLS. Allis-Chal.ners, Corn., Bradford, American, Cormaco. MlQrri I ANEOUS eauioment. ! i i -ri mier. u" miAdr, kunuw" winches, Henchy 'c'he, bruh burner. " mers McKiermon 4 larry, Pile drivers Leads, etc. RIPPERS, rooter. Le Tourneau, Isaacson. The Popular S.S. TELEPHONE-LINE EQUIPMENT, six Frink, Balder- SNOW PLOWS, 10' and 18', JOHN H. BULGER 1 OPTOMKTRl.ST John Bulger Ltd. . to ii roc; r.M.C. ""i DEVELOPING HUNTING ENLARGING Sl'PEKI'AN ritESS KODAdlKOME and KODAK ' I I I.MS Chandler & Cowgill Fourth St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT. B. C. son. La Plante, Road Tool. MARINE EQUIPMENT. Snead pontoon bouls; barge ferry; Delco motor boot. Ford, Chevrolet, International, W Mk, & PRINCE RUPERT Sails For i T ir..,ih White, 10" " uianiotiu i, Rcii"""'-, Bo-,', Rogers, etc. CA200SES, portuble barracks. REPAIR PARTS, for all equip" CRANE, Le Tourneau. BOOMS. Lorain, P & H, Bay City. SIDE BOOMS, Traokson. Third Avenue i WOOL Write, Wire or Phone Mr. R. G. Myers, Whitehorse Inn, Whitehorse, Yukon Terr, for prices and free catalogs on the above, also for '"'P0''1 appointments. Special discounts to dealers. The Seller ' n rACten M3 A fi Y VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE POUTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNKWIT F"r information call or write City or Depot Tl"ket OMt niw yok 7 f irrsiuaoH so Chicago 4 Houston j M" ALBERT & DAVIDSON PIPE CO SUPPORTS COAST GUARD EDITORIAL. AGITATION which has been going on in such newspapers as the Vancouver Sun and Province and the Prince Ptupert Daily News in favor of the establishment of a Canadian coastguard service on the Pacific Coast receives vigorous support, supplemented by some new idea,f rom one of the coast's best known veteran master mariners in the person of Capt. John Muir, for years skipper of Union Steamship Co. vessels and more recently marine superintendent for that company. Vessels of the fisheries patrol, lighthouse and hydrographic services might be used as the nucleus of a -Coastguard to give possible succor to crews of distressed vessels in their vicinity, Capt. Muir suggests. Powerful tugboats which operate on the coast could be called upon to tow .distressed vessels in case of emergency. ('apt. Muir adds: "No more ef ficient or capable hands could be found anywhere for Coastguard duties than the sturdy, fearless lads who earn .their living on British Columbia halibut vessels, fish packers, trollers, seiners and gillnetters. Such vessels should, and could, 'be -equipped with modern life-saving equipment approved for mobile coastguard stations such .as those .established on the coasts of United States and Great Britain." Properly organized, and equipped, "it would be almost certain that one of our Coastguard, on 'receiving the international SOS appeal direct from any distressed vessels or. relayed from other ships or land stations, would be on her way to render assistance in a very short space of time." Of course, Capt. Muir suggests, a Canadian Coastguard cutter, with proper and full equipment and trained crew, would be of very useful service. Another suggestion of -Capt. Muir's is the establishment of helicopter stations at Coal Harbor, Quatsino Sound and Sandspit. "It is to be hoped," concludes the captain "that, in spite of federal objections, the editorials will result in some kind of a Canadian Coastguard being formed soon." O WIDK KANGK OF .QUALITY liltANDS AND SIIADKS FOR KVKRY KK ITT I NT, NKKD. 1ROOKLYN H, N. V., U. . A. PRINCE RIIFKKT, n.V. . Dm' iPilrfMp Margaret McLeod OPTOMETRIST IN NEW OFFICES DRUGS PRESCRIPTION ROOM 10 ... ffl!' jvi. 0 A STORE HOURS-WEEK-DAYS, SUNDAYS ANI HOLIDAYS - 12 " COAL l-'OOTIIII.I.S SOOTI.ESS l,l!MP Kf;(j MIT STOKER BIXKI.EY VAI.I.EY LUMP 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. STONE KI'II.DINO NEW PHONE BLUE 593 Daily car delivery ervlre fr,MnLunW FURNITURE REPAIR L O V I N 1 S BLUE 818 330 2nd Ave. (Next to CFPR) CREDIT TERMS Prompt Mall Order Service . Irom 9 a m. till 6 p.m. PHHPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Coal Lumber Building Supplies PHONES fri - f,:2 v ! - 1 PHONE 81