1'rinre RimJ t h n Radio Dial prince Uuprrt DailP Jetos, LtQ. Tuesday, March 30. 1948 C " " " . I - V - - ' -1' - - Lfl K 1240 Kilocycle Subject to change) ! ers Flir in a -,'"" - - - TtTESDAY f-M. 4:00 -Ai 'Harvey Snw tilS-Stock QiioiatiOhs. 4:3t)-F.sp'i9nv for Vou 4:4!-Shc!y Bay Stories i-nn-'me Looselenf , PUNCHING BAGS ARE PRESENTED Roy Jackson, who Is in charge of the disposal of supplies recently bought by the Army and Navy Stores has made a presentation of two heavy punching bags to the Canadian Legion Sports Club and these will b turned to good advantage in the training of hoxers for the coming international bouts scheduled to take place the second week In April. , . MORRIS SUMMIT MANAGER HAPPY Hon Carl Zarelli, 1' Phone 37 Tfl 1 F'UASKR STI: ) Prince Rupn Tmhzfj in Sports V VISIT OF HAGEt CHAMPS FROM VANCOUVER BASKETBALL EVENT On Wednesday and ThurWla? wenirrgs at the Civic Centre basketball fans of Prince Rupert will Qe ie British Columbia champions from Magee Viioh School in action against the local High School "Rainmakers." The southern team arrives tomorrow morning on the steamer lMnce RttyerL retwnmg . ' south Thursday ni.ht m sf.ton COTTACECll Vew Creamed - " VALENTIN fi nur Dalk time, me second m a. luunmuitiiv i.t.. i..., i., tho r! nnrt or lor tne first ALL-WEATHER ffi ""vine, Packint Shi)pine iwl (if Trtaef nd stn 5 ;!10- flatter Parade 6:00 -Supper Serennrte 6 I5--Dlnah Shor 6:30-Musical Varieties 6:45 - Smoke Rings 7.'00 CBC News 7:l5-iCBC News "Roundup Square to 7:3x. -Leicester "Broadway 8:00- Alberta Ranch House 8 So-Kecod Album !)X Tuesday 'Fv-rifnt? Recital Wp?. 15-PoinU of View 9:S0--CBC Concert Orchestra t0:0O'-XBC News I (0 10 -B. C. News (0.15-Neighboiirly News -pianoforte I0:30-P"iflc I mi -Weather and R,''?n off WEDNESDAY- A M 1:39 Mimical Ci.tX fl:00-CUC News 8:15-MorninB Song 8:30-Miu"lc for Moderns 8:45 -Little Concert 1:00- BBC News 8:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9.59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning visit 10:15 Moining Me!.)dies 1U:30- Rounrtup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Moloriie 11:00 Gosjiel Songs 1 i : 1 5 Hfminisceiucs 11:30 Weather Foiecsst ! Unofficial reports from the 'Morris Summit gold mine, at Stewart are that developments of recent date Indicate that; there can be no doubt as to the future of the property. Confir-j mation of these persistent re-! ports can only be obtained from : the head office of the conrpuny In Vancouver but there Is an old saying '"there can be no smoke Without fire." Evan Harris, sup-: erlntendent of the mine, and Donald McLean, engineer, were here today southbound on the steamer Coquitlam it is presumed to discuss future developments; I With the directors. Mr. Harris ; was non-committal but jubilant! ! over the outlook. The bringing . In of another producer will Rive I a decided Impetus to mining in 1 ithe Portland Canal district. 'For Complete, Re! Efficient Sera. preliminary will show Merchant and Morgan's in a sudden-dealn game to see which of these two teams, all the players of whic.a come Irom the High School, maybe considered second to. the Rainmakers. On Thursday evening there is one preliminary game presenting again the two girls' teams-Peoples Store and High School -which have Just finished a three game series in which there Was only one basket difference In the total score of the three games. For this series the High School is at liberty to take High School player? from the Sweet Lindsay's Ca & Storagj March the Ms;ee team denst?d fti",h School teams from all over the province to win the championship. The Magee team is known to be light and fast and its members are Neil Desaul'.iier.i, Don Hudson, Jim Loutit, Ian Matr, Terry Marshall, Bill Mills. Dave Ostrosscr, Trd Rea. Jo.m Soulbcatt .ictiptaim. Booth Memorial High School will be represented by Re? La-u,ne, Doug Shier. Jim Flaten, Art Olson. Bill Davidson, Don SeTierk, Ray Spring. Mel 1 homp-son, Glenn Carlson, Tom Bul- tei- .,, The preliminary games will alo give the spectators a basketball treat. In -the first preliminary game on Wednesday nisht two teams from the Juvenile League will give the fans an opportunity of seeing "The MEET THE CHAMPS Here they- are, the Co- ops, who won the Prince Rupert Senior A. Basketball title of the 1947-48 season. Standing (left to right) Jack I.indffiy. forward; Angus MaePhee, captain and centre; Sofmy Beynon, guard, Don Fitch, guard. Kneeling: Jimmy Flaten, cntre; Eddie Ciccorie, forward; Bob Menzies, guard; John Haugaa, forward. Co-ops acknowledge that much of their success. was due to the fine coaching of George Howe who is not shown in the Dicture. Cor. 2nd and Park Established H Phones H md BANSTEAD, Eng.;- Bell-f " '' ARE GUESTS AT Keliahle PlJ SJ !e" XX.:"L , n ns ringers of. All Saints rang 5,120 fMAnT fnAnT ; LEGION PARTY Work Pit; changes lasting three hours, 10 NriUK I OrlJK I ...., . ... ... frnm the same team. Uni- " - - - - - The ine official omciui song song ui of the iiu SATISFACTI 70th LEIGHTON BUZZARD. Bedfordshire, Eng., l The unveil-ng of a war memorial here was attended' by a German fr ' versity of Washington apd a Canon F. minutes, to celebrate birthday of the vicar, You saw it in tne Daily News! N. Skene. i When the light blue of Cam- wide assortment of other bridge stormed to a sensational monlous and melodic sounds 11:31 Message Per.fxi Oik I XlVC-lfllgLll ntui j uvei uaiuiu -tj . . . . ... Tr.ierltJde in Saturday's traditional univer- Legion Hail last Thursday nigni ; n:u ra . .. J : i t l t- - t, ... .. il.JC TTfVual Ethel (im and Albert the Legion's three-hour 11 :45- it isity boat race, a new record time during 'was set for the Putney-Morllake "Bring PM the - Missus" party. I II The Washington sons- was sunu ' 12:00 Mid-Day Melottles W't ran handle at very modm Day and night by a group of American officer: 12-15 CBC News cadets who were guests of the 12:25 Program Resume gathering. j 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast Home town talent Included 12:55 Recorded Int. vocal solos by J. A. Teng and' 1:00-The Concert Hour Prince Rui H2trold Georue. mano accordion 1 :30-Recital, QueDec riumbing & hj (course. The result of the race i augured well iav British rowing "Olympic prospects. The Cam-I bridge crew clipped 13 seconds off the 1934 record, set by Cambridge to finish the 4'4-mile grind in 17 minutes, 50 seconds. !The dark blue Oxford crew wa. two seconds outside the old mark. I Unlike many of the previous I occasions on which the event which annually draws crowds in the neighborhood of l,000,00u has been contested, there were no Canadians in the slender rac riKisr. OCEAN VIEW HOTEL (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, rioasant Place to Live fOM M.tr TF.l.Y RKNOVATtl) Rooms Redecorated Sprin 1 itlrrt M;i I tresses New Management Proprietor. 1:45-Dutch Holy Week Meditations 2:00 -Holy Week Meditation 2: 15-Family Favourites 2:30-Songs to Remember 2:45 Dor. Messer's Islanders 3 00 Varieties tn Mnsic 3:15 Spotlight on a Star 3:20 Sketches tn Melody 3:3D-Enchanted Pine A. MacKE! solos by Mike Colussi, recitations j by Reg Kings, Harry Astoria and Stuart Hunter", songs by Mrs.' Peggy Anderson, Bob Creedon and Mrs. M. Gilchrist and an Instrumental quartet consisting of David Jones, Bob Creedon, Allan McKeever and Walter Gray. . TSgt. Wiliiag Liddle of the officer cadet group sang several songs and Sgt. A. Venieoff performed on the piano accordion. FURNITll i.iniiifd "a nocin placi skUJs of the FUTURE Inlaid I.iimlfiiffl r Bar k anil PnnH LONDON, (f Beds closed in t 1 Vwwnitnls ltOW ! A (considerable . . part of he pro- . rovffinf IjUllUUii gram was given to community arc 0312 because of a deficiency i i r..c J. T T3 R. Elfert ITlfnrt J I ......til .1 i-u Table (lil 1'lolh. aj TOM PESUT IMIONF. 71 Kinoinu with Mrs. nurses and ancillary of 3.976 ing shells which shot along the Thames. But at least one Cana-idlan I was Involved in the day's j excitement. Winnipeg - born 'Stewart MaePherson. well known commentator, who was circling over the river In an airplane from. -which he was relaying the news of the race to a radio I audience, was forced down during the-contest by engine trouble. ! He was -not hurt and merely j commented wryly: 'Everything j happens to me-." The light blue achievement Carpf's Phone ""5 ! workers. and Mrs. J. S. Black alternating at the piano as accompanists. Miss Mary Morton was chairman of the entertainment committee and Vic Duncan was master of ceremonies. . . . . . . . - . . 1 ROLLER IHK'KEV 1 was all the more heroic because t ........ . Dust-l'roof Floor Schedule: 7-11 Every NiKht Wednesday Night Beginners Only Thursday 1-4:30 p.m. Saturday .9-12 am, 1 -4:30. 7-11.30 of the winding course. But tow-: path critics, watching the event for years, would not hear of crediting the elements for the fast time. Cambridge's blazing finish, as the light blues pulled farther ahead at an undiminished stroke, was described as the greatest finish ever seen. The race was the high spot of n hiii snorts dav which saw eight r tot! : Ij1 thjoyl I , l" -- Instrument Mechanic. iUU Lilt? BlUll. LllttI rHU. U UcU.MIltlll ! caught a crab and cost his crew i at least six strokes, giving Oxford a clear lead. At the mile post, Oxford still held a half-length lead but Cambridge, hitting the water with magnificent precision, stepped up to 35 strokes and seized the lead shortly after the milc-nKirk. They drew ahead at Hammersmith and from that point steadily increased their margin. The race was rowed in fairly calm I water for the most part with a Rupert Roller Rinlt A young man thinking of his future can't do better than think of the R.C.A.F. The Air Force is an occupation that by It very nature looks ahead. Man is conquering the air with breathtaking speed. In the Air Force you share in that conquest mastering the new-skills and techniques of today that will be th commonplace of tomorrow. While you learn you enjoy the exhilaration and excitement of being in on the ground floor of a project with a great future . . . the satis faction of doing a job for your country . . . and you'fl enjoy the company of men you'll be proud to call your friends. major horse race meetings and; crowds in excess of 1,000,000 at-! INCOME TAX fcETTONS PREPARED SF.f R. E. MORTIMER I tending football games all over A SHABBVC 1 1 I fX 1 the country. With the fine II '-: A- weather holding .for Monday r j j . m YUU no u' II ffSl 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFTRi close to 3.500.000 saw league soc-, W I I 1 .1 t I I II I " 1 I i.' m ,1 II ii " - 5 . nlVIAfiES strong following wind along part cer matches In four days. Ill I . r A ARE NEGLECTS INTO $ V ELOPE CUTTING D CAR'S VALUE Aero Engine Mechanic. ALL THESE RCIF YOU GET IN THE tZ:uhLJ ' ZZ225Z SEE US FOR F R E E J,! M ' f T1 I IiODY REPAIRS AND KK'f Continuous employment and pay. Technical trades training. Full opportunity for advancement. Progressiva pay increases, i Sports and recreational facilities. f ,! !( I r 1ft ; 1 - 1- .". H A .... H' " .' (' i , j rti ; ' ' ' " i (HI. I .. ' ' ' 30 days Vacation a year with full pay. Medical and dental car, i Clothing servica provided. Retirement income assured. Radar Operator. FiV . Airframe Mechanic. for outsioe , mwJ Radio Technician. Mail Ihit today: "I K1 r-" i ? i i - . v t m j um w w i in v i r ii w- E. i. in aae- r.k r i 7 " - . n. i R 1 " If VJ LUI w j North West Air Lommona, K.V..A.T. oiqiioo, Edmonton, Alberta 11 " I BUILDERS AND PIpojo mo.l me without obligoiion lull particulars regarding enlistment rpquife-ments find openings now available in the R.C.A.F. NAME .m" i"i t-:,. r.onstruction " lvcr"' - cncrjai .PROV. ADDRESS. l'lOUl k-i"""r ( ID s Cdnorfi"" ciliiee " Biiih bje TUU ARC IllUlDll IU j (?) phylitolhr i RED 561 APPLY l YOU A (It Phone