a show as has ever been seen :nwood, Joan Ketcheson (onions), and Noon Webster Ukunk), in tOTJnrjr pi T TD I V?XS,r Prince Rupert Dan? i9etos lift. Tuesday, March 30, 1948 The Quality Tea I FINE SHOW . Job's Drs, Sea Cadets, Score Hit Classified Advertising Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 60c. Birth Hotlcea. 50c; Cards of Thanks, Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marrtaee and Engagement Announcementa. 2. ' ' FOR REM ORANGE PEKOE Variety Concert fitasfld Effectively At Drill Hall j Lovely Job's Daughters and nf jWrenettes and cltan-cut or Sea 1 , ; Cadets, in a smart company numbering about fifty got to-IP gethcr last night on the staae ' Business and Professional in the big drill hull.' That Is saving something, toe. wnen one rpealls tha momr fitin .cVina t.hdt. were seen there . in the. -stir- , ring war days. All the-people who saw last night's opening show were ,..rprised and delight- ed with it and Joud in their praises for Mr. and Mrs. Alex . Mithoii ,v.n h ma hi. ..... ...,. SDrintrs of the hichlv successful entcrtalnmsnt. Originality a:rd ingenuity In arrangement and j were -evident in the excellent !. I Via n,.h ImiAmnnt rf fH .Vl O VJ t throughout throughout. It ii was was so i,o easv easy and ana so pleasant to take, they snouia them in the aisles for the repoal Performance tonight. lowinir in ouick Bnd snannv sue- cession the twenty varidus num- bers. Each and every one -were - well received but. to keepHhe program moving with dlspaWh and timing, no encores were per- niitted. r Outstanding numbers included the Broun items such as the ac- lobatic tableaux in which ten of the younger -Cadets, tense with keenness, presented several pyramid formations which reflected fine training and oerserverine practice. Taking part 'Were Ca- I dets McAra. Kellv. Beduewick. Jnvik, Pierce, Findlay, Toderaz, at KM.CA. Chatham's drill hall t,feclive infleed 'wa,i the P"" cislon marching - opening.-, iium-of.an and demonstrated to the delight enthusiastic ber by the Jn their neat audienre or ibout 350 persons that Prince "whlle Drouses -and pleoteij skirts ""ith thelr e,cort of a Cadel;i-inv Rupert does not have to send fo firti.1M h ...i the "How J5o You -Do Chorus" Stacey, McFarlane and Ander- dna 11Kea lne crowd as-w'.-son. ., . Mnnlca Holtby and Allan For - Itnnn in lUl.. trtkr... T"-v n iu . rrv 1 I CLIN JUT L.U Tf T h eShmen if! "v i sonso by the PrnceRuDert C Z ZT rinh in Sp J e re Sje tn" i eiupie was was worn worn by Dy 6h bnnne .wuo. club member mem"er J -ml imner Pper rer.ll repll cas by other guests. Music was supplied by Andy MNau'htor, at the piano. In charge of the njoyable function was George cihpi wimnnii cum- "ittee chairman, assisted by A. Wan Meer and A. W.-Bumin. Th ; ,.., , A . , B- Van der sluys- George Dawes was in charge at the dooi Classified Atlven.ising Pays! FOR SALE 'rOR BALE 7,000 feet 2x6 fir flooring, 4.000 feet corrugated galvanize.d roofing, dixirs, windows and timbers. Apply R. C. Mutch. (tf) FOR SALE Attractive home, 7 rooms, furnace: Centrally located, water view. Two lots in garden. T-or quick sale, $5,000 cash. G. P. Tinker and Co. Ltd. . (tf) 1 jxcis 1 (is LIGHT and AIRY as a Spring day! Genuine Plantation fin Mill I JIM ft This Is Just One of Many GRACE LINE Numbers See them at BROWIIWOODS By Chic Young GEORGE' L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc.j Income Tax Returns Compiled. Besner Block Phone 387 i JONES NEWS STAND We handle 'Eastern and Western Papers i Swodish-Amcrlcan Tribune and Western Miner Sixth Street Red 8(18 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSRI Phone RED 739 13G1 Overlook Street THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Avenue ERIC SPEERS, Mgr. 701 East 8th Avenue HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wa .g Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 055 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Orecn 486 Red 894 DRESSMAKING Children's Clothing Maternity Wear a Specialty Be smartly dressed with hidden expansion features PHONE BLACK 687 84 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave the "Loneiv Lonely Litue Little Petunia Petunia ' ' i nnmtur i Close harmony in a group of popular numbers was rendered by Joan LunfiriUge, Solveig Mork, ! Joan Ketcheson, Lorraine Young- man, Mickey Murray and Lily Sylvester hi their dressed uo .,ii 11 . Miw,x.ai wictuuits whu louver- ni.inn ,t ih. riwktPlrv,,. "5 s me' had n the mu JBlllieiT Scene ieaturin" feudm'. "mountain music, ' corn , ... Hfu -r ----- ". nnray daughten, and-Benice East;- wood, Ruth Ketcheson, -Peggy Pulien, Jean McAfee. Dorothy1 Becker, liorna .Donaldson and Solveig Mork as the tattered "Hill Billies. .Vaughan Tattersal, Ted and Allan man, .Gordon Rothwell and fbWcChesney were daring fnd hai.7 female impersonators e highly acusing "Dance of the alnbow dairies." Other group . numbers were "Deck of Carte" act, a novelty l V0" McGreish, -Gord.,i R"tell, Norman ShcntonTed f'orman and Diane Kennedy and Duty Watch" by Alex Mitchell and Cadets McOhesney, Wy.v Forman, Rothwell and Tatter--sal. Thp brightly costumed tango b-v Li,y Sylvester and Vaughan Tattersal was precisely executed """ ",c" " u'Jn Cum tap duo. , "Sailor's Hornpipe" was a typi cal number and proved popular as presented by Wrenettes Diane Kennedy, Clly Sylvester and Lor raine Youngman. The olo itsms of the evening were by Violinist Vaughan Ta' lersal, 'Pianists Bornlce Bass-wood, Piano Aecordinnist Robert Woods and vocal soloist: Barbara Teng and Joanne Laiv:-ridoe. Allan Forman received a vir -lual -ovation for his "Bumble Boogie" on the pianc After brief remarks of appreciation by Lt.-Cdr. Alex Mitchell and special applause for Accompanist Loverna Linney, a spectacular Grand Finale with the entire cast Job's Daughter.; in their white gowns and Wrenettes and S?a Cadets, smart :n 'heir unil ,rms. flankine Hon- ored Queen Solveig Mork ana Petty Officer Ted Forman in a. raised central" frame brought lne show to a rousing ar.d impressive climax. Cadets 'Prevost and Woods carried the flags. Important parts in backstage arrangements were played by Doug McGreish as stage mau- ager, Robert Smith and Allan Hartwig, illumination, and David Smith, public audition, Chaplain R. A. Wilson presidad at the door. Mll ltl.;lTltv ACT He: lertirimie of Title No. !;;!-! to I. IIJcm k (i). r niMrii i hm' Hum oili-etl anil MMv-one (-IIM), Village nl Sernne. Vliip WHKKEA3 satisfurlnry prtxif of loss ' the "ove c-ruticate of Titir iwru in nit name oi iiuimns w. Ross has been filed In this ortlce. notice Is hereby given thnt I shall, ftt the expiration of one month from the rlntA rt tHn firut nnhli.nlloii hereof, Issue a -Provisional Certificate ot Title 'n lieu of snkl lost Certlft- itt-p. unless in iw meanune vanci nhlnllnn h. mnn in I., j.-m DATRD at the Land Revlstry Of- r,'CR- Prince Rupert, uc. this loth ,iy ot March. 1948. AD. andhew Thompson Deputy Registrar of rif" .(90) Deck. E" " ',11 I the Old Look. entertaining show talent. Wit.l turns of song, dance, -burlesque and artistry in attractively coi:- eevcd settings and with kal?ido f-copic eostumerie, it was ad- Judged by many present as fine ; Drop In and "See THE NEW 1948 WALLPAPERS - Now On Display w V- .-tr i am 1 Mt-Bride Street Phone 311 Place your order NOW for the New Electric GLASTEEL Water Heater It's Glass-Lined It's Economical It's Automatic -It's Dependable. Saanich Plumbing and Heating Cor. 4th and McBride-Blue 846 ; BLONDIE UP A LITTLE K'i lCAN mm: z FUNERAL NOTICE SCHARFF In the city, Sunday,' March 28, 1948, Vernon Charles, age 47 years, beloved husband of Mrs. May C. Scharff of 852 Summit Ave. Services will be conducted in Grenville Court Chapel at 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 31 with Rev. R. A. Wilson officiating. Interment to I follow in Fairview Cemetery. B.C. Undertakers in charge .of arrangements. (lt(! FOil SALE FOR SALE Davenport. 932 J0;h East. m FOR SALE 6-room house and bath; excellent condition, fully modern. Price $4000.00. Prime Rupert Realty Co. ' FOR SALE Piano, $200. Apply , 223 4th East. Phone Green 633. j (80) FOR SALE b-rooii. house. 140 9th East. Phone Black 990. (76) FOR SALE: One double bed, spring mattress, and chest of drawers, practically new.Phone Red 603. (78) FOR SALE By owner, just recently overhauled Plymouth coupe, with rumble seat Four good tires with one 6 -ply re-' tread spare, unused. Phone Black 548. (76) , FOR SALE OR RENT Walk-in Refrigerator, 18 ft. by 34 ft., in four compartments. Red 441. (tf) I FOR SALE 31-ft. trolling boat "Eider." Apply Knox Hotel,! Room 18. 76)' FOR SALE Simplex Engines IVi to 31 HP. air cooled; 30 to 185 H.P. Marine Straight or Reduction Drive; also Stationary-Industrial. Northern - B.C. Agents. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS. t) FOR SALE Used Kitchen Ran Res for wood and coal. Kitchen Chairs, Electric Sewing Machine, Electric Ironer, China Cabinet, Electric and Battery Radios, &-piece Bedroom Suite, Frigidaire, tfew Kitchen Ranges best quality. Other useful articles at real saving prices. Come and look them over. B.C. Furniture Co. Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE-Scrap wood, random lengths. 1 cord, $6.00; 3 cords, $16.00. Phone Green 977. (86) FOR SALE 6" wick burner for range. Apply 544 9th West. i (75) FOR SALE 32' troller "Mag-nor". Can be seen at Mas-sett, B. C. (78) FOR SALE Tenders will be re ceived by the undersigned up to noon of Wednesday, April 14, for the purchase of Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, of Block 21; S.D. of DL. 46(1, Plan 818A, Stewart Townsite, Cassiar District, together with buildings situate thereon and contents. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: strictly cash. G. F. Forbes; Official Administrator, Ad ministrator of the Estate of Samuel Deschamps, Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. (77) HAIRDRESSING BUSINESS For Sale Fully equipped Beauty Shop in prosperous northern town. More than full-time work for one operator. Apply Mrs. C. V. Morris, Smithers, B.C. (76) FOR SALE Cream enamel kitchen range; Quebec circulating heater. Both in good condition. Apply at 514 7th Ave. West. (76) LOOK AT THIS! ! 5-room, well-built home, close to. 4th and McBride. Very reasonably priced for quick sale Terms can be arranged. -Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342, evenings Red. 399. (76) FOR SALE Kitchen stove, heater; guitar; desk and other fur-. niture. Black 232. ' (76) FOR SALE Boat "Valiant No. 1" 46 ft. long, built 1946, Chrysler engine. Complete halibut gear and direction finder. Phone 382 or H. Anderson, . Dodge Cove. (77) MACniNKH? FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) FOR RENT One Sleeping room "801 -Borden Street. (tf) . . i FOR "RENT Sleeping room, for working girl; close in. 609 Thompson Street. S0i FOR RE'T 3-room -furnished suite. 1028 2nd Ave. 'Blue 270. jieoi FOR 1UENT 3-room cottage and bath. 211 9th Ave. E. f$22.50. Prince Rupert Bealty 'Co. tf FOR RENT Newly decorated furnished room, c.50 7th Ave. East. (77 rOK KENT (tright, -cneery apartment, available at the Sum -finit Apartments. Please telephone Bla5k 277. Ufl ROOM AND HOARD ROOM AND BOARD $43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals Mrs. Lawley, 622 Ttskt Street (tO WORK WANTED viIDDLE-aged woman will look Alter children evenings. Phonr Green p88. , , ( WANTED Bookkeeper-Stenographer required : for Public" Accountant's, C"ice; Must Jje. experienced. y fea, RoSm' 1," Stone Buildii -f.' (tf) i t!',r'yU v- AGENTS Make 50 handling the fast selling direct to consumer line of multi-coloured leatherette cushions. . High quality, tow pr.ice, exceptional value. Write MODERN 'COMMODITY BALES. Cobble Hill, B.C. 180) HELP -WAN'iED iFEMALE WANTED One waitress and one kitchen girl. Good accomodations. Apply Heggie's Cafe, i Smithers. (78 1 WASTED WANTED Old copper, brass, aluminum, tin, zinc, babbit, lead and old storage batteries Northern Eenterprizes next to Enterprlze Grocery, 144 ,3rd. West, one block from McBride. Phone 343. , 91 ) HELP WAN 1 fcUMALE PRINCE RUPERT DISTRICT Now available for man ih car to handlesale and distribution of best-known line of .household products, serving and selling many hundreds of satisfied customers. Real opportunity to get into paying business of one's own. For full Information reply Box 320 Daily News. ij6i PERSONAL BUYERS OF U.S.A. products.? We act as your personal purchasing agent, for any item you may wish to purchase. For home, office, factory, mine or mill. Address all inquiries to JOHN F. BRADY FOREIGN1 BUYER'S AGENT, 9717 Deni-son Auc, Cleveland 2, Ohio, USA. (go) LOS1 LOST Will the person who found the wallet and glasses lost Thursday evening, please return same to the Capitol 'Theatre.' Keep money, - But glasses urgently needed. (75) MFTAI, WORK 1 3LUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL .'WORK. Furnaces, tanks, eavestroughlng and stack work. Letourneau tt Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. , (tf) IN THE BOPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE III (lie Mutter of the Kslate of -OM-ar Itertriinil Hansen otherwise kmmii a Hear lici t ram Hansen A nil In the Matter of the "Administration. Art" TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor Judge W. O. Fulton, made the 18th day of March. A.D. 1048. I was appointed Administrator of the Kstate of Oscar Bertrand Hansen. I otherwise known as Oscar Bertram j Hansen, deceased. i All parties having claims anlnst 1 the said Estate are hereby required .to furnish name properly verified to j me on or before the 30th day ot April. A.D. 1H48 after which data claims filed may be paid without ref-rence to any claims of whicn I tlu-u r.ad no knowledge. All parties Indebted to the said Estate are herehw required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. i, Dated at the City ot Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, this 19th day of Marcb, AO. 11)48. CORDON FRASEB FORBES, Official Administrator. Prince Hupert, B O. - (D ASTORIA'S GHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Prompt Service ,e Freight Exprew Blue 209 322 Sixth St. ,tht Culls Green 882 EORGE McWHINNEY AINTING AND A PER HANGING P.O. Box 1426 ron St. Phone Green 39 1 phen eru;kson 1ANO TECHNICIAN NING AND REPAIRS 185 411 West 7th Ave. SUPERIOR DECORATORS ' m :: PAPERHANGINQ e Blue 952 or Black 245 Iteliins Bill Thornton P. J. CHENEY DENTIST ITE 5, SMITH BLOCK 765 P.O. Box 1401 H & ELK INS LTD. limbing and Heating Engineers 174 P.O. Box. 274 OHX MOSTAI) 'ENTER AND 3INET MAKER .'HONE- RED 752 V F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor 22 BESNER BLOCK x 894 Phone Blue 442 k thr rishrrtes Industry m (P.R.I UA. TO Ubelllnf. Welfhlne f MI.IIP QRO ft TRY OPEN Chop M. TO 2 A M CHINESE pND AVENUE, OPPOSITE UNDSAY SKCOND AVENUE Service Department for fUt.rate QUOTATIONS Si PHONE LING HE tailor F'nl and .i. - "in prrsHl nt Mo Dpliahtfllllv enlnrful Anri .of. 1 fectively set were suchmpotlight acts as the "Three O'clock in the Morning" waltzing 'ensemble m ballroom costume "with Lor -raine Youngman as soloist, partnered by JJoug McGreish, and dancing couples in tfc -persons oi Kathleen Smith and David Smith, Solveig Work and Tsd Farm.in, Joanne Langridge and Jack Wynn, Dorothy Becker and Gordon Rothwell, Monica Holtby and Allan Forman and Barbara Teng and Alex Mitchell. The "Picture ame" was another eye-catching novelty -combining beauty and burlesque in turn. Barbara Teng was soloist j Tor Dorothy Becker in her lovely "Alice Blue Gcn." Larry Valentin appeared In bathing at-I tire of another era as a chorus 'sang "By the Sea." Romantic was the "If You Were the Oniy Girl" scene by Joan Langrldge and Jack Wyn with Mickey Mur- ray and Alex Mitchell providing th vocal -background. Ted Fo:-- mun was a handsome'young man of the sea for Mickey Murray singing "Air the Nice Girls Love a Sailor." The dreamy '."After the Ball" scene was depicted by-Diane Kennedy and Bob Me- Chesney with Lily Sylvester doing tlj vocal. Jean Calder- wood and Noon Webster ' went blackface over a mixing bowl in "Shortenln' Bread," accompan- ied by chorus. Vaughan Tatter sal was a burly batsman iv. "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" while Donna McArthur donned 'a shawl and sat in a rocker .as "Mother Machree," sung in duot by Joanne Lanuride 'and Ales Mitchell. Colorful crepe costumei. ap- proprinte to the garden patch scene -were worn by "Solveig Mork ( petunia), "Ruth "KOtche- son, Mickey Murray Mei.lin Brechin, Bernice Eastwood Guyan, Donna MacArthur, Peggy ,, ... - Pullen, Kathleen Hills, Lama Donaldson, Ma r i o n . Shenton, Kathleen 6mith, Jean Calder- -The Joker In Dagwood's - ii i i " ' '""-1' ' Uft fitfltlii 1 1 A New Look Blouse With Reii Cafle FOR TASTY MEALS Sucy Chow Mein DISHES OCR SPECIALTY PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL " "- ' ' " . "T-A 1 r WLJSBANO 4 . UJZX JlJ tV2 -a-!P ' MOTORS LTD. AND FIRST STREET Now Open Business labor rri.IFD ON REQUEST 866 iPlli-MJ- ( HeRE)- - b SAVED THE) , v vJJlLv LJ ' , - c T NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home , 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 .TRY 01111 ASSIFTED ADS THEY GET RESULTS