Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, September 28, 1950 Snow and Rain Put Out Fires Blackwood On Bridge By Eosley Blackwood tli la'ji, l.c-.4j-iuut liui.'..". The area stretching frou the Saskatchewan border to Northern British Columbia had 100 fires only a few days ago. Smoke from the flames carried to Eastern Canada and the United States where it still lin;,f'n r.nil Mr. Champion has all the virtues of the fine EDMONTON 1 Snow and droiiRht-rndinK rain yesterday T T. darkens the skies. The smoke His bids are always. TV . nib imiis die dW''J',But w blanket smoulderlns the ast , i k ui t tournament player that he is, BUS AS AMBULANCE LONDON l) A London Trans, port bus was used as an ambulance when Hannah Clasper, 55, collapsed on her way to hospital for treatment. The conductor cleared the bus of passengers and rushed the woman to the hospital door. HlS1 over a giant chain of forest fires ique blue sun and moor, over in the Canadian Northwest, the Atlantic North Sea area of correct. His play of the dummy is flawless, defense is brilliant. wiimi miu uuiiTOo uii- uf-ivi e n e I a n rl nnrt RonnHirnv nn countries. But he has this fault. He expects his partner's bidding and play to be as good as his own. When partner fails to live up to these fense. He was irritated at being tion of much of the continent. Several inches of snow have fallen along the southern end of the Alaska Highwny in northeastern British Columbia, sxnd a steady drizzle has 'tlan.pcned Under-dry northern Albcilu !n i BUSY POST OFFICE LONDQN O) In 12 months Britain's post office handled 8.050,000,000 letters. 240,000,000 pixels and 54,000.000 telegram! HRe-Roofin6f " ' ' ' '' ' ' - expectations, Mr. Champion be- shuJ. out Qf the bidding but tnere comes severely critical. He starts was nothing he could with reas-ffivincr lessons. He keeos his onable safety over the three' INDIA HOUSES REFUGEES NEW DELHI ffl Twelve housing colonies for displaced persons from West Pakistan have sprung up in and around Delhi. Mnro than 40.000. livinc in partners miserable. This costs 'spare bid, except to pass. He got ... . I his revenge & in the play, h m a lot of money but he never .... . , . . ... i Mr. Masters led the queen of learns It is with partners like l,ubs which Mr champion WOil ;,v,i- In hn fanital cit.V nnlv a Thi flrivertiu.cnt Is not published or displftyed by the Ltjurj Control I few months ago, have now been i,isra or by the Government of provided With accommodation. 1 British Columbia. Mr. masters mat, mi. uumun ,th th . ,.. nf thp dummy, together with the bid wthBarrett Asphalt Shin shines. North-South vulnerable. West dealer. North (Muston.) 87 H J 9 7 D 8 6 5 4 2 C- Q J 10 5 S A K J 9 4 S Q10 8 5 H 10 B 2 H A Q 6 4 , D 7 3 , D Q J 10 9 C K 9 3 . C 7 Smith (tiiani'ii) S 3 2 H K 53 D A K C A 8 6 4 2 THE BIDDING: West North East South 1 S Pass 3 S Pass 4 S All Pass In today's hand I saw M: Champion at his best on the de- If vour roof is etn'me the wore -....t i i rm m.m the time to re-roof before it's too late. SJ v Barrett Dealer. He has a wide selection of BARIP ' Asphalt Shingles, styled to fit every budget rJ . hard-wearing BARRETT Shingles are made h finest roofing felt, impregnated with top eradeaJ ding, convinced, him that his. partner was never going to take a trick. But he had three winners himself but where was the fourth coming from? Clearly trom the heart suit if from anywhere. So Mr. Champion led the three of hearts, violating all the rules about leading away from a king into a major tenace. Declarer played . low and Mr. Masters' seven knocked out dummy's queen. West now took three rounds of spades and then led a diamond. Mr. Champion won with his king and returned the five of hearts, partner's jack forcing out dummy's ace. There was no way for declarer to prevent Mr. Champion from winning two more tricks one with the ace of diamonds and another with the king of hearts. Had Mr. Champion made any play at the second trick except a small heart. West would have had time to establish two diamond tricks for heart discards and the contract would have been made. ..t.A cr t i . " n BuiiMcu uiv&wi imiicru granuics Ne time you're in town, drop in on your B dealer. Ask him about a BARRETT Asphalt Skis KOOI. " ; ; NEW ROOrS BY THE ROLL. You can't do better 'thin, Storm King Roll Roofing. Complete douhlt covetijt nailhead concealed. . More and more iliopperf rc retching for Challenger SALMON . . . popular became of K fine, uniform quality. Tender and tatty became H it processed within few hourt after catchirtf . Buy popular Challenger SALMON todtyl STOP WOOD ROT with Carbosott Creowtt Oil, fw - fence posts, building foundations, timbcr-abore ot kl i ground.- ' ': STOP LEAKS with Plastic Elastigum Cement. Scilski 6ne for patching. A thin coating of Liquid ElutiJ tcment reseals old roll roohngl. INSULATE with Barrett Rock Wool. Keeps heat in Provide fire-tafety. In Batts, Blankets, Loose ot Grind forms. soft, full weight . , and highly absorbent, Milady Household Towels save laundry . . . save time ai kitchen hand towels. A ' 7 IJour Barrett dealer sells Protection m At Your Grocery, or Department ; ' He stocks a complete line of roofing, insulatiot I ,i ' , and weathcrproofing materials. He's got whit ' v it takes to stop almost any weather. Whether your problem is leakage, seepage, rust ot roi-sec your Barrett dealer fitstl r& . ! fMMfj THE BARRETT COMPANY.l Tarawa Wmiitt ' "t HOUSEHOLD TOWEJLS. There is a CHZSTZ StSCCIIT for w This advertisement it ot published e displayed by the Liquor Control Board ot ksr tax Government oi British Coiwbi , 'Cry teste Hnim Mf&rt GEORGE COOK, V OiFiF These Values are offered in appreciation of lhe friendly and generous support which the citizens of Prince Rupert and district have extended to us during our first year of business in Princ'e Rupert. We trust that you will tak,e advantage of these values and in this way accept our thanks. It is our sincere desire to give you the best in values at all times. Your satisfaction will always be our foremost aim. 15 Jewel 'Watches WATERPROOF Regulor $36.50. NOW ... ALL STONE SH0CKPR00F $29.75 r AND SIGNET RINGS r! y-jLss&T- riw Ik ICD Drastic Reductions On - China - Lamps l 1HJ NGN Costume Jewelry - Umbrellas - Hand Bags - And Many Other Articles I ! MATCHED TWIN SETS W-"a r a . , . i Ira: V) SETS XSSO Service for W Regular $27.50. NOW JJ I W" I ! i?Pin 1 I ,i; ii WnJj .1 ? in 7rI Lay Away Now For Christmas Rcgulor $32.50. NOW CES ARE RISING! - BUY NOW! NO ADVANCE ON PRESENT STOCK 2