8 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, September 28, 1950 Sad Briton Is Hard To Find observed, "to the sad boring beer parlors of British Columbia where the objective seems to be to ply one with as much beer as possible." Transportation is easy in England, Mrs. Arnold said. One can get anywhere. Small cars are the SHIPS and WATERFRONT '3 Power Co. Reports Water Supply In Woodworth A letter from Northern B.C. Power Company read at Monday night's meeting of the city coun I order and she told humorously of jher difficulty in getting out of ! one. "It was sometimes a family Cartoon - News Vi. kHVUU'' "1 Eves. 7.00-9.05 VV, VV. JT, 1 NftftJ "They Have Fun," Says Mrs. Arnold Reminiscences After Trip "They talk about the sad and serious Englishman but I did not see very many of them." said Mrs. Nora Arnold as she spoke before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at luncheon yesterday and told of her recent visit to her problem of how I was to be extricated." she commented. The courtesy on the roads was something to be noted. The fellow ahead seemed always looking out for the fellow benmd anu vije versa. She told of the fine roads First of the large refrigerator ships from Alaska to call here since June, Alaska Steamshin Co.'s Lucidor arrived In port a; 6 o'clock last evening irom Ketchikan with eleven .-anoaus of frown fish for t'ansshipment East over Canadian National Railways. The "vessel was here until 3 o'clock' this morning when she will oiocccd io Seattle. B Eyollson win cil gave the following information: The average measured flow of water Into Woodworth Lake is 53 458.380 gallons per day. the average quantity usod for power develonment Is 18,559,800 gallons per day; surplus water run off and not used Is 34, 898.580. or enough If stored, to supply a poDulation of 230,000 with 150 ! lca ln to ho, Th's is Mrs. Qaica. to this district. Commissioner Of Guides Here In the course of a throughout the province, native land during which she j throughout the country even travelled considerably in van-1 the lanes and the byways. Exciting New Fashions At Excising Low Prices! 17 5 " tour j Mr. CI!- r ous parts and saw the people in "ordinary living." "I found them bright, intelli M H n Bus travelling was exceedingly cheap, comfortable and speedy. But the same could not be sai.i gallons per person per day. Stor- M)torsMp Sidney. Capt. O. Hcndriekson, was in port Tues- j own crop: gent and eouraaeous," said Mrs.! At PEOPLES of the railroads which were ex Arnold. "They are still a grand It had been day from Ketchikan with tremely run down ,!w ls tins. lUi, 7 "'il'tff oil u,i three carioaas oi irozen usn joi transshipment. To please your own Notonlyitettato, oil prraut raiiid , , In o)cn ux 7 race of people. amazing to see how the people They have fun, too, said the 0f England old and young alike ex-mayor. She told of visits to had taken to cycling They the old country inn where light wt re to be seen in great waves, drinking is restrained and where This was in line with the teu-c.-eiybody gets together, in a j cency of the English today to go democratic friendly way and j places under their own power, ipencis the evening singing.j The English are great walkers breaking up sometimes with a , too," she said hymn- at 10:30 and wending , Foon N()T so GOOD t.ieir homewards way Food was not too good. Mrs. In port Tuesday with canned salmon from Ketchikan wis the motorship Dagney ,Capt. S. L. Wilks. The salmon Is for transshipment over C.N.R. lines to the United States. , "'"'I'"- Ulffltl f , In skin tamm, ,'. SKWiua u quickIJ8B), kln eruptions art Z'. age capacity at present dam level I John Quinnell, Provincial Coin-is 2,000.000,000 gallons. missloner for Girl Guides, arrived In addition, the letter went on j in Prince Rupert on this after-to say that the company had : noon's plane and leaves for always done its utmost to rate-1 Prince Georae on Friday's train, guard the city's wat er supply and j While here, Mrs. Quinnel will be-that during' the crisis last winter ( the guest of Mi." Honora L. there had been nearly a billion Sllversides, Dis trict Commh-.ion-gallons of water ln the lake. i cr for Girl Guides, and Mrs. W. The letter was referred to the S. Herein. Board of Works committee to be This eveninc. local and d't;tr:ct considered while discussing the Guide and Prownie ladcri and question of water supply.with the 1 members of the Girl Guide lj-city engineer. ical Associations and Committee) will gather at Mrs. Kergin's to T. M. Oibnonregional suoer- meet the Provincial Ccmmlssicn-intentlent; BC. Tower Commis- ier ,md on Fr'd.-.v afternoon Mn. slon, arrived with his automobile i f I m if h strong tashion sense . . . to please your limited budget ... a new group of fresh-for - (-all dresses at truly comfortable prices! We feature the newsst sheath-silhouette styles . . . the most popular fabrics and Autumn '50 colors. Junior and misses' sizes. Come choose today. wnai a ju-iurasi, mis. nmoia Arnold saldi but tnpre were urn, San tti skin (Imirders. You can obtain It, OH In the ommm k DruKsomnymoaprnj, ialactiun or monj bn, A gasoline strive ci.tchlng fire on J. A. Smith's fishing boa'., No Confidence, yesterday afternoon was cause for calling out the fire department. Mr. Smith was able to throw the stove overboard before any damage was done the boat, which was tied up at Carson's float. He escaped with rather badly burned hands . yesterday on the Prince George, i He will motor on to Terrace to Inspect commission prooerty and return to Vernon by car. i RUPERT PEOPLES STORE plenty of meals. Starchy diets, were tending to make the people ; overweight. She had gained ten pounds herself. The meat ration was still pitifully light in comparison with Canada. I "If you send food to Britain, j send suirar they are biRgin? for it over there," Mrs. Arnold said. "They also love Canadian canned salmon. What they get mostly now is the Russian variety which is of very poor quality." Clothing was much more plentiful today than it had been but the Englishman was still conservative in his taste. She had found it amusing at first to see the well dressed London business man going to work In bow- across tie cowl en Miss Gloria Sather, athletic instructor at the Civic Centre, returned on the Prince George' today from Vancouver, where she has been taking a refresher course in pro-ref at the University of British Columbia. Folks who love Corn Flaket buy Kellogg'i f, make 'em. Yes. Kellocz'i Corn Fkkei sre tt. f J . RV Only thorough tuminstion and vi.usl tnslysii will rvtl tht chtnsM lhl occur in youf It It win pUn to Kv youf ytl (xsmlntd periodically by your OptomtbliL fan't think of any fhh , JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMCTUliiT John Culgcr Ltd. Third Atfcnut VYRATHALL'3 PHOTO FINISHING Sec our Kodak Camera Line-up. Flash attachments for all Cameras. Kodacolur and Kodachrome Film. Developing, Printing and Enlarging. 320 - Srd Ave. W. j ler hat, rolled umbrella and tailored cutaway coat. I Newer houses in England were I roin-j in for gardens and artistb I arrangement but government I restrictions made it exceedingly i difficult to build new houses. 'Ih" "development charge" (improvement tax) was satisfactory. fJJ.PMIHB.V.Tll-g.UM-.l-J.tl . J , 71 Turning to the political scene I - -Mrs Arnold felt that England was going back to the feudal sys- tern with the government a3 overlord . It has got to a point1 now where they are almost brib-1 ing the people with their own' money 100 percent taxes on cars , 75 percent on watches. The' Extro comfort and less work for you with a Coleman Oil Heater Low In Cost Efficient in Opsration Available .now at feovernment might be .giving what seemed to be . security but ; I fcirir ITT -TlTiimTiil4 l i . tne people, whether they real-' ; Jd it or not, were paying for it i through excessive taxes. .-. QUESTIONABLE ECONOMY i -For myself," said Mrs. Arnold, 'I don't see how it is going to ' continue. I don't see how the economy , of the country can stand it. Top men were picking loff titles and highly paid jobs I for themselves. Mrs. Arnold agreed that the 'older people were deserving of security but she did ljoi u . I of the incentive of the young be Flakes so crisp they rustle out of the boi! M McBride Street. Phone: 3U the milk you pour over them! Kellogg Cert are a sweetheart for freshness! v.".-. w. .". wwwvwi V.".V.-.-.".V.V.". w. vw If JL VANCOUVER-VICTORIA Sundaj", 9 p.m., Camosun ' f Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. ' Coquitlam VI.ICK ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. 1011 NORTH QUEEN rilARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, Sept. 15 & 29 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, September 8 and 22, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 13 duo &mmm best! S1 ing dulled through dependence I upon social security. j A former teacher herself in the (Old Country, Mrs. Arnold had 'noted the great improvement in j schools and recreational facilities but questioned the wisdom of "free discipline" and the new TO TERRACE WHEN TRAVELLING Leave Prince Rupert 11.30 Arrive Terrace .00 Leave Terrace 5.30 Arrive Prince Rupert .'. 10.00 a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. l;hr ystem where a child, If not passing scholarship examinations at age of eleven, was denied the chance of more advanced schooling. Mrs. Arnold spoke of the tendency towards school meals, something which had developed during the war when mothers worked so generally. Past President Maurice BryU- $6.85 RETURN $3.80 SINGLE Yes We Carry Express!! Phone 555 for Information WATSON ISLAND STAGES LTD fir main-dan' nourim .ir.,1 . The "power of corn in every unj- m ges presided over the Gyro lun-sheon In the absence of Present A. J. Dominato. A new member was present in the person of James Field of the t-at Eat nearij w - . food to whiz into energy, i-ninv thr hest! Get your Kellogg? wrof Mways Prompt and Courteous J We're Here to Servs YOU nil Jane Ashley's Crown Brand Recipes FREE Writ tan AiWey, Tfi Canada Starch Company limited, P. O. Box 1 29, Montreal, P. O. CM mi i Overboot SALE Armour Salvage Co. , Dr. Winston Mahabir was a guest. Commodore Cale . : ; Monies mwrn and Misses S Hospitality and Good Food1 s XZV: S v.., .: (Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders ter Aleat loaf U Ave. David Chow. Mgr, .AL EilflS REGAL m and economy too Donold Duck and Mickey Mouse Pull On Rubber Boots WHITE TSSfev- SPECIALS io WM L. ri rt - rr 11- ill" I ' ? .ym Prepare For WINTER! Check your Furnace and Chimney Now! We have the most modern vacuum equipment for cleaning furnaces and chimneys. PHONE 884 Sheet Metal Ltd. CHECK YOUR FURNACE RED . GREEN Childrens Sizes 8 to 1 2 Misses Sizes 13 to 3 MAC ArPI.ES Fancy, DADS COOKIES, Oatmeal BIO SIX. Toilet Tissue COFFKE. Nabob, l's or 5's B '4 CORN. Royal Cily - SWEET MIXED TICKLES. HONEY, 41b Tin $219 SALE PRICE What Makes Carnation So Extra Good? It is good whole, cows' milk, made double-rich by evaporation. . When your recipe says milk use half Carnation and half water. When you need cream use Carnation undiluted. It's so smoothly heavy and rich, that it whips. Use it for coffee, cereals, fruits. ' ; Use Carnation. It saves so much ou yout auik and Ctcnn bill. Your grocer has it. BURNS EST Phone 755 Fashion Footwear r 1 1 LIC f