no occasion for jealousy be-not end with the black-topped Dr. R. g Large tween sections but all should roads as far as Cache Creek or couver inri.KiH nV"ed 'an- I'NITED STATES CANADA (Continued from page 1) . Prince Rupert Daily New Thursday, May 18, 1950 be woven ,in a strong bond of '-hs and . Lac la H h ness peoDlp te. u.. ITigris River On Rampage P. H. common destiny, all working to- wards the creation of a spirit Linzey spok apprecla- selves in taking 8par. t the measures of Board riiKti-i.,i . . a4 prevent the steady growth of Prince Rupert now," lie de-dared. As a gesture of goodwill. Col. Swan presented President Felsenthal with a handsome gavel, the gift of the Vancouver Board of Trade, Vr. Felsenthal gave assurance that it would be used to knock on Vancouver's of friendliness one for the other. 1 lively of size, industry and prosperity. "Every totalitarian government has the ambtiion to conquer the world by way of this continent. The strength of the V Mrs. Mark New P.-T. President ,'ancouver and Prince Rupert, i Trade work and the co-oper- in connection with atio.i of Reg Rose. civic Centr. ..., .tne 0t j BAGHDAD, Iraq. (? Tile tur i bulent Tigris River flo.xied sub REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED v vimvai d h'n vMtprrt-iv.' democratic wokc u in in n tho the civic civic field, field, had had similar similar problems of sidewalks and sewers. "Once Mr. Anscomb and his government" i m tax jii'i, i It roan f f, j - j thesp two ereat, countries. we r-inrwif h.. fiwiinitort hut. must. Hon. Herbert Anscomb, min- Mrs. P. Mark was elected pies- j driving 20.000 persons from ident of King Edward Parent- , their homes. Ciiiciais said 50,000 Teachers' Association at their i houses wore siidiiKrgr-d and annual meeting Tuesday nit;ht. hundreds of mud constructed R. E. Mortimer ;4 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR li've together JU1 capitalists fcter of finance, was in jovial Just watch us get them." he re-must unite against the forces of mood. Rivalry between Prince marked. totalitarianism." i Rupert and Vancouver was Reg T. Rose, executive secre- Other Speakers nothing new. For years .Victoria tary of the Vancouver Board of buildings collapsed. No loss of life is reported. 1 cvtatsMMuattl MU-M KEAL, May 18-Herr' how to hair that wnnilnfullv .i..i "".t"! 'V,mt rolled" look tl,.' faZ" "1 fiive your.lf a RICHARU HI'Um't 3 PKRMANKNT . . . it truly "mi V , HV1 You e, R hrd Hudnut-Mp nT H know lhat if. Ih. srr lJ, ZtZZS the difTorence m home permanent. J Home Permanent Wavmr I nti,, t.. i And u "1 Other officers cxcleu were Honorar PresidentsrM . R. G. Moore. Past President Mrs. R. E. Mortimer. Vice-President Mis. W. W. Bowes. Treasurer Mi s. S. Veiteh. Secretary Mrs. J. Bowman. Mr. Klieforth's stirring ad-j dress was the ser ous hihlitht ' of a friendly and good-natured get-together funcuon at the Canadian Legion t.illroom which culminated the clay's visit of the business leaders from the southern citv in the course of thlr goodwill tour througn central Mrs. H. Lindseth. ; Retiring President Mrs. K. E. Mortimer was in the chair during the business session at whicn the following reports w.are rivd Treasurer, Mrs. S. Veitch; pro- WE PAINT and DECORATE txterior or Interior ' "sFRAy" or' Brush""" Wallpaper Hanging ?)ir. LATEST PAIXT I5VRXIXG METHODS and van .ouver nan nau sucn Trade, txienuea upp.t-i.ii.oii .i rivalry and then had finally the Vancouver Board of Trade ! settled upon Vancouver as "th? to the Prince Rupert Chamber industrial, business and com- 0f Commerce for the splendidly mcrd.U centre" with Victoria as arranged and hospitable recep-the "intellectual, cultural and tion. He was also appreciative educational centre" to which all 0f the hospitably or Uie Cana-ciiizens of British Columbia dlan Legion and the courtesy of were "subscribers." "And, if 3 those who had shown them per cent is not enough, we can through the industrial plants, always as for 4'2 per cent," he He hoped Vancouver would ..-"y'.v remarked The minister .gome day would reciorooate. ,i alluded to the amazing Indus-( w. J. Scott extended greetings' tr.,,1 development of British Col- of the Boarcls of -.m'- a in the last decade anj nf r.n.P.,i nriiu, r.,i. tifu-ally proved to be 22'o move effective. That mTn, 2 prettier, lotiKcr-luating rtirlii for all of ual I urge vou airU to m,u ' next ",K-rm'ra Richard Hudnut . . . and. if youWntioul v to your hair, prelude your "perm" with a aokmmoiin Hi. hard r Hi.'-Ut The following committee con- gram, Mrs. P. Mark; Historian, veners wer elected: Mrs. G. J. G. Macdonalu, mein- Program Mrs. W. Taylor. , bership. Mrs. W. W. Bowes; LUer-Membership Mrs. Hemswo-th. ' ary, Mrs. J. Hemsworth; Pi e- 1 Your Money Won't Crow Wing$ and flv awny lirn vou I,- i s :i ColunuM uiia iiience to Edmonton. Cordial friendships were renewed and cemented in a spirit of pleasant comradeship.' L. M. Felyrnthal, president of thp Prince Kupert Chamber of Commerce, was in the chair. NCE ond MATUIK j.A. Blue 215 233 11th St. I "new industries will cement urnbia of which he is vice-presi- niiuuiii ui iiiu u.i.xrv MUAint.ui nnen you pay your bill by B of M cheque your atuba are an x:ict record of your expenditures. And tle laucriled cliniiies, whirh the B of M will aend you every mum h. act as your receipts. It'a uch a nent 'n' tidy such a convenient way of keeping your finanrea in order ... no wonder it appeala to ao many women I knowl Wlmt'a more it'a aae For there'e no need t keep loose cash lying around the houne or in your . tabuwainiTinn Publicity Mrs. O. Giske. Pre-School Mrs. K. Hardy. Historian Mrs. G. J. G. Mir-donaid. Social Mrs. B. Roald. Literary Miss Andrews. Adult Education Mrs. T. ine luture o. ta. part oi tne Qentt He reminded the visitors, School, Mrs. W. Taylor; Sociui, Mrs. B. Roald. A recording of excerpts fr"in ; school broadcasts throughout the iyear was piayed by Mrs. Eas'. Becker. Following the meeting delicious refreshments were served by Mio. Roald and her committee. w Board, following that last w' ' ' ! T - ; , f8 elle throu n-. Shwler ciared that tral British Columbia today, Uor.ald Gordon, president of the Canadian National Railways,! Fnt,':h Coiumbia was the finest that this was a potential pa-t ProvlnCe of Canada. There was of British Columbia which did he felt was a climax to a climax. ! i mi t ft i Bjornson. luiiKe. ro wnv not, open your account tomorrow at vour nea-e.t Bu'll iriin.-h? You're aure to find friendly people, eager to help the other aids of the Bof M counter. you F Send For Thi$ Fret Booklet to find out. all lout that prrjrri p,, Delegate to Central Council - - lor me nnue-io-oei leu. the lamoiw Oppin tiirmnrw iiiTnn itic t-.'i-,,.'" mm -t JJ 1 uuw avaiiaoie at ieaiimg departciW .1 .i.inM ti :.i t f njaa . .. . . , Ruu uruirii ia ihb jural iiipwih. Hir knir ryr nun's vay about to aet up houwkef ping. It will be one of k . most priied hotmehold poweiioiis! Made In Bn itt with the kill of finest Britiah craftamanahip,' it will kiv her breakfast ime pleasure for many and many a yaj And this fully automatic (natter with its amazing $ improt emf nil costs jtt $2250! Simply write to m P' ompi and Courteous? ' Hre to Serve YOU 5 I t-' V: m There might be some small jeal- misies but, after all, the develop-! 'v m of Prin e Rupert meant the cevelopment of, Vancouver Frince Rupc-rt was now on the : ve of reat things. He invited Vancouver to get on the band-w ,i -on Aid. Douglas Frizzell was pres-i nt to extend the welcome of the city in the inability of Mayor G. W. Rudderham to attend. With Vancouver's help, Prince Riux-rt too wnuicl heconi" a large and progressive city, hcj was sure. He asked Aid. Bhtf Showier to take home Prince 'perl's civic greetings and to tlarbara Breut, Mil Ureseent pt ., Montreal, P.l) your free booklet detcribin$ thm wonitrt of ihii mod perret Xommodore Cafe! ' A t Making Acw I tit nil is one of greatest pleaa- 'i,iSi,iity M1f Grind Food"' '. I'h.,i.r l5.'o- Send-Out Orders' Os"-'.;" Ch"w, Mgr. second onlv to enjoying frienda Fv vJ ) Golden ( CANNED FOODS 1 wtxtke a good (Mtp ofMALKlKSm fOLlOW THESE SIMPLE RULES we ve known for years. 8o let'i VwwV not fool our- V"Cz elves charm penalizing in- is important to friendship! j the basis of charm per daint mess. Don't risk oHcndmg to perspiration odourl Just n itire your charm is nrotectfd KOXSPI it's the truly eflectj liquid anti-perspirant. It haa ail types of manufacturing large or srr.cll heavy duty trail 11 leo Sweeney that Vancouver had done a very serious thing to Prince Rupert "You have stolen our rain." Col. W. G. Swan, president of the Vancouver Board of Tradt, fa id his parly had come to see what Prince Rupert was doing and, if possible, to assist Prince Rupert. He taw in the establishment ;A the new cellulose pi-ant aire a great impetus to business ;,nd prcwih. Then there was th': 4ir.'sp-;t. n: the great aluminum plant at Kitimaat. "Nothing can 1. Use fresh Cue$f For The Week-eniT Serve a cnvaim Down Cuke flurlier than a baby chick, tender as a new hud. 1 d c I 1 in coinplimi nting my guests' good taste when I serve a festive cake and SWANS down cakk flolr u just the flour for bctter-taxting cakes, lifted and resitted until 27 times ns hue aa ordiuary flour, c-wans Down insures your greater baking mcct sii. Try a 8wans Down Cake tins week-end for a special treat. You'll have a rake at its superb, cuini'aiiy-inauiif red best. water. 2. Bring ing boil. 3. warm Good Housekeeping Seal of A proval an arf'ifionil aamiranr ( quality and safety I It'i sale to f won't harm fabrirs and i truly gentle to the skin. Juit a ft ieconds with Nonspi stops pert; in tion before it bcijns So nmr I apply, too... with its eonvemaa water to a ro your teapot. 4. Measure the completely sanitary applicator I ers, fire escapes, boat cto.ags tanks, stacks & hard surfacing All built to underwriters specifications INDUSTRIAL Wediling Pretenti are no longer a. shopping tea carefully. (One teaspoon per person "one for the pot"). 5. Brew for five minutes. problem for ma - for 1 ve uis- jF-JSa. covered a gift I , asW T-V that's alwayt CO. orated Milk 1st Ave. East Green 884 All Work Guaranteed 5iBWjoK6 Cok Nfofd MAIKIN'S TEA The world's most economical beverage. You get 200 cups in every pound! ' ' 'ur-. welcome I It'i the wonderful "lifetime" RADIANT 3 MINUTE KKTTI.E! It s very good-looking made of heavy copper with a hiiilily polished chromium plat-jitie of finest quality. And just tlnrik! in less than three minutes, it boils enough water for four cups of ten . . . anyplace Ihere'j a wall-plug handy I This ' kettle with legs'' won't mark your furniture for the hratuig "unit is well-insiilnted and the feet pro-tei-t the surface of your furniture. The "Radiant 3 Minute Kettle" is absolutely fool-proof t It shuts off automatically by thermostatic control so it never boils dry AND it shuts off at onre if its plugged in without waterl . , , something nim-inA jf lireakfast is tempting "Cream Wheat"! Top it with raising apricots for a really wilral breakfast dish that makes yiri slers sav, "M-mmin! .So tf mununvi" And you can be h 8 in the thought lhat it 'a good them, too? For 5 Mir.i "CRKAM OF VHKT" pr.n Iron, Calcium ami rhosphonul diets deficient in these elcmeni and for less than a cent a l"J And "Cream of Wheat" u :i quick to prepare . . . rooks ml digestibility in just 5 ni.nJt' boiling I I joys' Elunners Top Grade' Cork Insoles l our Kvm Will Horn A "Field Day" . . . looking at the tic Carnation Milk is always "uniform in quality. Day after day year after year every can of Carnation you open is smoother, richer-flavored better for cooking, better for whipping, better for Baby stays fresh longer. - What Makes Carnation So Extra Good It it good, whole, cows' milk, made double-rich by evaporation. When you need milk, use half Carnation and half water. When you need cream, use Carnation undiluted. Carnation is processed to rigid standards of quality. A half-century of research is behind every can. Every time you buy, you get the quality that has made Carnation the world's largest-selling brand. pew i'.i.tu j'riKiilaire Kelngeratori inside and out. N AJ.'s ...... rnieTfiMnn t. . I i . I. m' Jm im vour iniiiiuaiitii ueaier . . . ana aiscover " dozens of reasons why you can't match the Worlds o. 1 Refrigerator! You'll see new brilliance in styling . . . new tiaee-saving design . . . new food-saving features galore! Kxainme those new adjustable and sliding aluminum shelves , . , those extra-deep porcelain "stack-up ' llvdrators. Notice the new Super-Storage design that di iiioiislratis how today' big roomy models take hi lie more kitchen space than yesterday's srnnfi models. Sen nil tliese ilnnus artd r,,i'll ,o.lia u-liw "foil r-tn'f. 1 "from Contented Cows" Use Carnation. It saves so much on your milk and cream bill. Your grocer has it. lll.'ttell n l'rilri,l.'llre'' Il'a Kn.alloa' OTllv flllf. FriffUllirC : W fNK $1.95 refngeiator made only by General Motors! oeo the new models si A CANADIAN PRODUCT Pie-MnkingltCerlainlyrSimpHi too Of Courts tliese soups (all ciffi-y,r ,.r .1 i -. ,,i mem i with this lirand new DURHAM C'OKN' STARCH PACKAGE! It's so to All Kinds of Meats arc marvelous served just s "i . . . but it's fun, too, to dis Beffer with open and close! FainilylShoe Store Ltd, (j&rlle Roberts Phone 357 Box 638 All you no: i 1. ii, cJ aCan of Salmon-aTWfy Meal for V - 'I There ft so ininy interettinj ways to serve Canned Selmon. In piping hot Family s.-al and inside you'll find 1M Com Starch neatly protected a paper bag. No filing 'n (u"! with a knife or other sharp M ment to open the package. lj when you've used as much KJ 9 Durham as your V9 for, replace the lid of Durham package. It will Pf j your corn starch from ous-j n?xl time you need it. And,sT ing of pies . . . ever trici the I dishes, Canned Salmon combines wonderfully with basic foods to give you tasty meals at a real saving. For example i co; or how iiml HEINZ COX-DI'.NSKD Soi l's can be in your main dishes! They're so versatile I Hen's a Heinz Soup recipe that makes a wonderful main-course cull lor a May lunch or supperl TOMATO RAREBIT 1 10-oz. can Heini Condensed Cream of Tomato Soup, undiluted lb. Canadian Chs, grated i t-pn. Menu Prepared Yellow Mustard Place soup and cheese In sauce-Tn. Heat over- very low neat, Jiirrlnir constantly, until cheese Is melted and mixture ii areooth. Add mustard. Blend well. Serve over slices of toast. Serves 4. And for MOKK delicious ways to use Ileinz Soups in your cooking, write to we Barbara Rrent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal. P.O. for tOUK MICE COPY of "57 H ova la L',e Vein Contented Soupt"! ftif jrrfir Mtuodory or Via rccipr. rn ham I' n i hr u Starch package? I Pr'''"f'M 1 4l. nn fr Lemon M Build your new home Of course, it's an Ann A hru the National Hous- recipe, as are all Uic recini-M the Durham package. No ff"n they're delicious I 1'oniigneri' Crowing Feet need hn best, nf mre. That's why I ng Scheme. Easy pay- menfs Long terms For Expert Advice Call vno n-l.n v,V. K.,l,-, kil,liVn'a heUl T slllleS. t '1 I I A- f, TIME for the NKOUTE name on the soles of the buy. Ncolite soles are healthy . . tbry vc ansoiiitj waterproof go when pavements arc wet. .v,,imM fwt stay dry. Ncolite is more fk-iiblc than ."'" 3 A. needs no breaking in. And Ncolite is economica j f) the same, amount of wear V tear, Ncolite on 1 Your 'Local Builders GfMiU I i'i'i!!rr""ff. "j- And. "f",;:;. CANNED SALMON 1 ii "ii "i'! sjjviw' you 11 like nDout iNcolite u, ooesui. ""- i,, the whole family buy shoes soled with -Nc"""' 1 on Keolilo wlien you take shoes to be' rc-solcd. j Tiere' One Summer Vititor that's far from welcome in any houij RIDDEN 2 tablespoons grated cheese naf tot Baked Potatoes Yi lb. Canneti Salmon, flaked 3 fairly large potato 1 Ublespoon butter Salt and p?prer 1 Ubleapoon minted parsley j REPAIRS i Mhtli YOUR RADIO TO j KEN'S cT:c 90 Day Guarantee We pick up and deliver ! Phone Blue 992 A little hot milk Paprika Lemon juic t tin green beans. 1 nnd that s that nuisance, Mr. Moth. Best way I know to keep him out of your home is to starve him to death I Spray your woollens suits coals dresses or rugs with iJAltVKX! Mr. Moth will starve rather than touch anvthing treated with Larvex! And it's so easy to use! There's no need to wrap or store away one spraying actually mothproofs the cloth Itjtelf (n ...1...1- lt-l ..- .o.,r m-A,- V 215 1st Ave. West Prince Rupert, B. C. Phones: Office Black 3G7 Night Red 5fil Bake potatoes until tender, slice in half aod scoop out potatoes; keep Hkins hot. Manh potato, add butter and just enough hot milk to moisten. Add parsley, avaonings and cheese- Squera juice of lemon over ("anned Salmon and lightly fold the Canned Salmon into mixture. Replace in potato skint, sprinkle paprika on top and place potatoes under broiler for a moment. ....... a, mioiu yi-ixi. minis more, you mu nt i'M the "Larvex-ed" garment right awav for there's no tmplea.-a i ball" odour be glad to kno , to tell tales. Another thing you'll l.nrvev id ort In ".Brvi u to get. it drv-elranrdl ,