1j v:::o:tH, s, c. .T onr.ES dul'gs Daily Delivery NOIiTIIERN ANn CENTRAL BRITISH nni.mmTA-H KVwgpimv vvl't"1 0t Conoda' Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' PHOIIE 81 mnvu aumni.D. I., inunaijflY, MAY 18, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS d Rflhf IT LI hi Ooudk) surge Of Stream And r Tributaries Continues j,,, and Rehabilitation Now Big Job Facing I Authorities; Relief Funds Pouring In 4 :.'.'H'M ( CI') Wind created a six-inch rise tvcl of the Hed River at one critical point and j a new area of suburban Fort Garry today ereuter Winnipeg flood situation was still critical. The stiff wind hindered dike main-woJ'k at one point and threatened a break. iJ -72 1, CANADA'S IHSTINM IHIIKIt (il lnelr mencan tour. TIIK I I Aqi AT AM KHAN, will be Ihe Alexander, at Rideaii Hall. They visn tvinKStun. J A . PI : i Sounds Warning United States And Canada Are Totalitarian Target Serious Talk By American Envoy At Board Of -Trade Get-To-Gether Felicitations Exchanged In Atmosphere Of Goodwill There are only two camps in the cold war. One is the united camp of totalitarian communism, which has world conquest as its aim and North American democracy as its definite target. The other is the disunited force of democratic capitalism, declared A. W. Klieforth, eloquent United States consul-general from Vancouver, who de-i llvcred the feature address of the j nationalistic mind of the aver-evening last night when the0ge German had been the ex-Frince Rupert Chamber of Com-j pectation of world conquest and merce entertained the tourin? j the same Mr. Klielorih declared goodwill party of the Vancouver j was the idea of the average "Yard of Traae at a complimen-l Russian whose leaders were un-, tsry dinner . I doubtedly preparing for war in "The Communists are proud of the accomplishment of this aim. h'i'w filth and are ready to dlaj And how was democracy to be for the cause How many of us sold to Europe, asked Mr. Klie-would die for capitalism and oar forth. Democracy, he beiieved, way of life?" asked Mr. Klieforth. cculd only be explained by the week upsurge of the Baseball Opener To Aid Manitoba Flood Relief Joining in a nation-wide Mr. Klieforth delved deep into, living and experiencing of it. 34 years-of experience in thej Canada-U.S. Relations diplomatic service of his country,! Turning to the subject fo Ca-much of it spent in the total- nadAan and United States re-itarian nations of Europe first lotions and the development of in Russia In the last days of the trade, Mr. Klieforth felt he Czar and the commencement of con presume in his position to the regime of Lenin and Trotsiy, Epeak frankly, later in Germany during the "We Americans,' declared the. eurly days of Adolf Hitler's rise, speaker, "feel that Canada lacks He described in vivid word j in imagination and modern ad- I flood victims of the Manitoba catastrophe the Prince Government to visit Ottawa'fol- AND HIS W U S. THE BEGUN Viscount Alexsn-icr. and Lady June L Oa June 2 they will IJASKBALL 'SCOKES TODAY American . Cleveland 4, Philadelphia 3 Washington 7, Chicago 3 (at the end of 8th inning I VANCOUVER Final chapter of a tragedy in Northern Ilritish Columbia was read into the court records here. An order presuming the death of George Martin ITmer was granted the youth's mother, Mrs. Therese . Ulmer, who believes her son was drowned or perished in the wilds in the Queen Charlotte YKtnU a year, ato folk) wing the f reck of a fishirvr boat front which he made shore but disappeared while heading for human habitation. . I AS VEGASi n!m. George K. -Axhby, 64, former president of the Union Pacific Railroad, died of complications resulting front heart disease. ' " Rupert Baseball Association last night decided to direct the total proceeds of their league opening game next Sunday to the national fund for flood relief. This move on the part of the Baseball Association will. It Is expected, be followed " Pair Sought In Alaskan Wilds FAIRBANKS, Alaska tf-Miss-Ing for more than a week in the barren tundra country between here and the Arctic coast, a navy scientist and a veteran bush pilot are being sought. The scientist's name Is withheld by the Navy pending notifcatlon of relatives. The pilot is Bert Galbreath, 39, an Arkansas ranch owner No-i thing has been heard of the duo since they took off last Tuesday headed for Barrow. Their Norsc-j man plane carried fire arrm and provisions- sufficient for many weeks, Alaska airlines officials said. Switchmen Out On U.S. Lines CHICAGO 0-Ten midwestern United States railroads ar threatened with a strike Tuesday morning by 8,000 switchmen. The walkout was called last night by the Switchmen's Union of North America f AFL in a wage dispute. It came less thati 48 hours after settlement of the crippling six-day firemen's strike against five carriers. Five unions arc not affected by the new walk out. Union President Arthur J. Glover said in Washington the strike was set to enforce demands for 48 hours' pay for a 40-hour work week. FIRST FLOOD SUBSCRIPTION First subscription for the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund was received at the Dally News office from Bill McKay. It was for $5. picture his Impressions from1 cronal contact of Lenin and Hitler both of whom he met j . nin with hi? ccmpeiiing, pierc-1 ing eyes which spoke more than j mumbling zpeech could utter; i nitkr lite- iniui-i1! Uttoiian ub-j .normality, the mad genius. Totalitarianism no matter! which type, Communist, Nazi or Fascist had the one cardinal idea nationalization of all ertlsing methods. Can"1S unable to sell Ksell anl. .you cannot complain of lack of markets if you do not advertlsa yourselves." Canadians, Mr. Klieforth felt, vert entirely unreaiizing -W In'-' compelling value of thaS label "Made in Canada" in the Inlte'i states. Despite the fail W of Canadians, in their unjus liable modesty to sell themselve. ,q Am- property and conquest of thejericans knew they got vaioa for whole world and one tech- their money in Canadiaii pro-nique capturing the mind of ducts. -ihe individual and milking outl The speaker allude fa "Xhe the brains and thought. enormous possibilities of expan- KSTM Invited by the Canadian I'KIMVI MINISTER fK PAKISTAN guests of Ihe Governor Genera). will be in Ottawa from May 30 to effort to aid the stricken Manitoba Aid Put To Senate . . WASHINGTON O A resolu- tion calling on' President Trtt- man to extend immediate aid tJ i'ood-harried Manitoba Was ln-: iriKiuccd in the Senate by Sen-! rtor Kenn th Wherry ( R. Neb.) but Democratic, leader Scott Lucas of Illinois objected to im-. iiie'Jiate consideration' of the ies:lution on the grounds it was not a proper way to proceed Lucas said Canada is in no fi-j naneial digress. The resolution is likely to be discussed again. Restating Democracy LONDON fi him. L. B. Pear-ron, Canada's external affairs mini.-ter, rallerl on the free werld to find frc'h -and inne,!-,-alivc phrases in the propaganda war with Russia. Democrat!", truth. ore as valid as ever, he said, but "they need restating in forms which penetrate tho hearts and minds of our peoples." PRIVATE LINES SHOW GROWTH OTTAWA (f Tim -;;Hrt Minister t-'hevrier told the Commons that Canada has developed civil aviation tremendously since 1013 and now has 200 privately operated nir routes criss-crossing tlw nation Operators had assets totalling $6,300,000, he said. FIRE TRAGEDY VICTORIA A mother and thne of her five young children died in a fire that destroyed their Saanich home a.iy today. Dead are Mrs. A. .ie Reid, 33, and her three children, Jackie, aged 4 years, Brian, three and Sharon, one year old today. END OF COALITION VICTORIA An end to the Liberal Progressive-Conservative coalition before next provincial ejection is predicted by Harry G. Perry, president of the British Columbia Liberal' Association. - MAY CUT SERVICE VICTORIA The Canadian National may abandon part of its service on the British Columbia coast, it was indicated here today by Donald Gordon, president of the system. "It is a question whether there is sufficient traffic on the coast to warrant a new ship to replace the steamer Prince Rupert," he said. CRASH KILLS 16 SHREVEPORT, La. A B-29 bomber carrying 16 persons crashed in the Azores with "no survivors," the Airforce announced today. The bomber was en route to Britain on a routine training mission when it crashed last night at 8:59 C.D.T. while landing. v . SIX ARABS DROWN, r. ALGERS A Reuters dispatch Wednesday said six Arab farmers drowned and farms devastated and cattle washed away by floods following heavy rains in North Africa during the la I 48 hours. Rain and hail stories were particularly heavy at Boussaada and Biskra, Southern Algeria. from 1950 on, the highway from Prince Rupert and Prince Geo: go was definitely included for destruction, reconstruction and hard surfacing, the minister of finance said. Tlie other transprovincial nich ways Mr. Anscomb. of course, tx- plained as those which passed through the southern part of the province and out of the province through the Crows Nest ai.d the Big Bend Highway which had been chosen as the Transdnada Highway route. Mr. Anscomb expresses full sympathy with the contention of the people of Pnn.e Rupert- and Central British Columbia ior the hard surfacing of their highway as rapidly as possible. "It is all in the plan," he assured. Mr. Anscomb told of the orig inal $2,10,000,000 prosra.r. which had been Inaugurated in his 'regime as minister of public works and evidenced that ho had lost no enthusiasm for tiu- carrying out of that program In spite of the fact that, it now devolved upon himself, as minister of finance, to find the money. In the meantime, the program wao moving along even more rapidly than might be expected and L.ht hard surfacing was moving noitl.viard with quite a stretch already on ; the lower part of the highway leading into Central British Col-j uinbia, I Taking pride in calling him- j sion of tourist trade by Amer-self a capitalist ("although l i loans in Canada. It seemect big may not have any capital") and; thing today but in reality it a Christian, Mr. Klieforth. d- was only what came of itrf .own plored and contemplated with1 momentum. Canadian a them-some trepidation the continued j selves were really doing ilttle to failure of those who realized! encourage it. the dange'rs of communism to "After all," Mr. Klieforth con-unite against its- peril. The j eluded, "we are one people and capitalist was still ashamed and it is in the selfish interest of apologetic but not so the Com- J the United, States militarily munist who in his fanaticism and economically that ""Can-was ready to die for his cause, j ada should develop, growing in Deep-rooted in the intensely! (Continued on Page "4k and its tributaries, used MO square miles of Miiuli'ba. thus con-lie disaster risk to Ifcnipc-g. witli one-sixth shicntiiil and industrial i . titer, is still tmmln-1k river must drop five rt Hie hazard disap- ' idii.g today was 30.2 wncd since 5 p.m. ad flood waters, strain-iti of dikes guarding m and homes, were ! to start their danger-lycd drop during the j r, tlie wind stopped HHP . job bi; one of re-retubiii'.atiou. A fact ' ffjiiission will report on i.u! financial and other -.mil n quire millions of j lief funds are pouring : taunt diale needs. The t goal of the relief i Is Jio.uuu.ooo, but tho :.rtlvf is unlimited. ; cmn-.g in from all . " " Canada. - mi M-iiiituha began to- , ' itself out." The prov- I .".ssmen, labor leaders, '. wcies and munlcipal- c ioseihi'r in a Joint ' Ms to relieve the dis- i by ihe Red River ffaukiy emotional ap- . out to the rest of Car- : fel'ni'td Stales. "Wi : it said. Assurances of ' id cliques came In J purls of t he country. In the United King- : to United States. First ; M sonic $330,000 dot.-- : iwmisrd. ! XL TIDES May 19, 1950 2:09 20 5 feet 15:13 17.7 feet 8:56 3 2 feet 20:42 8.8 feet TODA Y'S (Courtrsy N. V. .03 8.15 . .03 . .05 teru . . 1.22 8 . .28 Mascot . . .35 ! Eastern . .07 . 3.10 : Border , .03 tr .13 Mr& mala . 2.70 . .03 creek . " . 1.15 Vernier Sivpr .37 la .11 Va .18 "Gold . .. .05 4 alley . .06 . 1.00 Indian r-i .. 4 90 it . .38 si .. 1.80 I. . .55 . 7.75 " koue. .. 1.30 . 14.00 1... . .o;i:,i Pete' . 1.7.1 .. 5.75 . .4!) -. .07 . 13.00 Ton uiilu - .13 - M Princer Rupert To Jasper Road In Government Plan Minister Of Finance Sympathizes With This District's Highway Case "I have always thought of the road from Prince Rupert to Jasper as a third transprovincial highway and the completion of the 60-mile gap east of Prince George is definitely in our long range plan which is now going along at accelerated pace," said Hon. Hebert Anscomb, provincial minister of finance, to STOCKS : I Johnston t . v. jj' , $ I I i V - I 1 i J s . J J by other organizations thfough-out the city. Sundays game will be between Abel & Odowea and Coinmereial Hotel and will ushar in th" 13.r3 season which p.-omlscs to be a battle to the wire beU-ec.t tlie opening teams. ; Proviflnn Mavor Geor-'f; Rud- i derham is able to be up and j around again, he will be a.;ked to ; ! throw the first hook of the season and it is likely thai tlie i Shrine Band will be in at'end-;ance j to help the. itr.ve f fun.Y I I ' ! Dennis to Serve I 1947 Sentence WASHINGTON CP Communist Eugene Dennis was ordered to jail immediately fo;' contempt of Consress in 1947. In 1947 Dennis, secretary general of the American Com munist narty. was convicted on eharces of contempt erowin out of his refusal to testify before the house unamerlcan activities committee. He was sentenced to one year in prison but the case has been under appeal ever since. Halibut Sales Masonic, 52,000, 20.5c, 19.5 and 17c, Atlin. Havana, 48,000, 20.4c, 19.5 and 17c, Storage. Flying Tiger, 50,000, 20.0c, 19.5c and 17c, Pacific. Pacific, 52,000, 20.5c, 19.5 and 17c, Storage. , Ragncr M., 37,000, 20,3c, 19c and 17c, Storage. 1 Canadian Tramp, 19,000; Nord, 18,000, Oldfield, 20,000; Capo Spencer, 18,000, all to Co-op. THE WEATHER Forecast North Coast Region ln!t'r-mlttcnt rain today. Cloudy tonight and Friday. Little change in tempcratu.-e. Southerly winds (30mDlD shifting to westerly (2-l this afternoon. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy. Sandsnit and Prince Rupert, 42 and 55. Annual meeting Prince Rupert Progressive Conservative Association. Common lounr.e, Civic Centre, Thursdav, May .8. 8 00 p.m. Speaker; Hon. Herbert I Anscombe ti 10' the Daily News Mr. Anscomb is visiting the city fro two days in the course of a tour of the central interior to inspect government ageneies. a policy of visitations which h9 expects to make an annual institution. Mr. Anscomb express- ed satisfaction with the work being done here by Government Agent G. F. Forbes and his staff. ' In the carrying out of the long-range highway program, for which there was a further $87,-000,000 loan bill at the recent session of the Legislature to provide for an eight year program Huge Loan Is Already Sold, OTTAWA id" Finance Minister Abbott today announced f'tlw $745,000,000 record refunding loan launched Monday has been heavily oversubscribed."; Bqoks closed at 8:01 C.D.T. today.. He also announced that the" Issue, Jiggest of its kind in government history, has been alotted as fol-ows: ' - $50,000,000 will be in 2 per cent 18 year bonds. , , ,$395,000 000 in two per cent 4VV year bonds. Abbott said the government was ''gratified" that investors had responded "so eagerly" to the offering. The response was substantial evidence of confidence in the future of the country? Skeena Water. r Levels Drop Water level of the Skeena River up to 1 p.m. Wednesday ranged from 18 5 feet at Abury to Id eet at Shames. At Amsbury the level dropped six inches while at Shames, the drop was recorded as inches. These figures were quoted by the Canadian National Railways. ..... The Daily News will list dally water level readings. Americans Entering Queen Charlotte Crab Fisheries l.td.) IfcaUle : 70 Bevcotirt 33 '-I Bobjo Buffalo Canadian 25 Consol. Smelters ..: 10475 Con west lr,5 Donalda 69'' Eldona 30 East Sullivan 0 05 Giant Ycllowknife 8-0f God's Lake M Hardrock Harrlcana ''i Ileva Hosco 09 Jacknife 7 Jollet Quebec 06 Lake Rowan l6''is Lapaska 03 ' Little Long Lac j Lynx 43 Madscn Red Lake 2.00 McKenzle Red Lake .... 55 MeLcod Cockshutt 3.25 Moneta 40 Negus l oO Noranda 69.15 Louvlcourt l'-U Pickle Crow I-72 Regcourt 57 San Antonio 3.40 Senator Rouyn 35 Sherrlt Gordon 3 45 Steep Rock -Z- Sturgeon River ... .60 Silver Miller ... 3 35 " PULP MILL ivIArtUtR w. Vy. R. Jones on first visit to his new charge at Watson Island. Chusan Isles Fall to Reds TAIPEI. Formosa 9 Nationalist China last night announced the abandonment of the Chusan Islands. The official j announcement, coming on the heels nf vnws hv Nationalist. t.i defend the islands, to the death, .said 150,000 troops were evacu- ated. The Chusans were ex-' tremely important to the Na-! tionallsts. From that base, 100! miles southeast of Shanghai, an effective air and naval blockade of the big Communist port had j heen effected. An "invasion" of the fertile crab fisheries In the shallow waters of Dixon's Entrance encircling Rose, Spit, long peninsula extending from the northeast tip of Graham Island on the Queen Charlottes is under way but It is all quite legal. Well outside the three-mile limit, ast, north and west of Rose Spit, seven big 70 -foot vessels are how reaping a rich harvest of fine big crustaceans at depth of uptothirty fathom's from the' sandy bottom of the ocean. The usual crab pots are being used with average takps reported from twelve to fifteen crabs. The vessels are specially equipped with circulating salt water and the crabs are kept alive until reaching port at Ketchikan where a cannery has beenfitted cut to handle them. Last year about three American vessels operated for crabs in these waters and took them to Ana-cortes. Washington. Queen Charlotte Canners of Massett have three vessels deep tishing for crabs in the waters about Rose Spit. 1