Ptftue Uuptrt Dailp nttoi Tuesday, December 6, 1313 UNJUSTLY ACCUSED OF TAKING FIVE SHILLINGS EXPELLED AND DISGRACED! I) CREDIT Bl'REAl' (Continued from Page 5 .0 KIMMAAT NATIVE IS HEART VICTIM Sam Hill, a native of KiUmiat, died suddenly -on his ILslUn3 boat at ButcrJate, on Sunday of a heart attack. An inquest was hold at Butfdale with Mr. Ora-ham presiding as coroner. Deceased had been a seine boat skipper for the Canadian Fish h Company for many years. The funeral will be held on Saturday. COMMISSIONER OF SCOUTS HERE i The provincial executive roni-r.iissioner far the Buy Scouts'. R. Ken Jordan, Is arriving here on Wednesday. I-J wiii a! tend a meeting cf the Pnnce Rupert Eoy Srotit Executive Wcdnr di'V right.Thur.idjy noon he will be guest speaker at the Rctary luncheon and on Thursday right he will attend a Scout meeting. Mr. Jordan will leave on Friday ni?ht for Prince Oeoige. His fiijlif became (lie battle of the century... fought on street comers... in Parliament... savings had been remitted. Peo-j pic are now operating on their tnext pay checks instead of pay-; ing cash and it was desirable that j credits should be watched. I Mr. Bullied described the two in headlines around the (jlobel ?ou fiaw It in The News! I usual types of credit bureaus,' one j the merchant sponsored and I ether privately operated. The jdues for suvice usually ran . v I 'about J3.50 or $4 monthly with 9Xk V U , possibly rive tree checks per month to the members and fees for each report after that. CANADA'S ECONOMIC PROSPECTS REVIEWED BY B of M PRESIDENT B. C. Gardner Sees Country's Dynamic Growth Comparable To United States' After World War I NAVY LEAGUE AWARD Diane Gilker, daughter of Mr. ai d Mrs. J. C. Gilker, receives a silver medal from Harry R. Gillard, secretary-treasurer of the Navy League of Canada Toronto, at a presentation witnessed by city Navy League officials here. Diane won second place in a Navy League essay contest for her essay on "Our Sea Borne, Trade in Our Daily Life." At the left of Miss Gilker and Mr. Gillard is Mrs. A. L. Holtby and to the right, Mrs. J. R. Elfert Back row. left to right are T. M- J. Fortune, Mrs. J. E. Boddie, J. N Forman, president of the city branch of the Navy League, Mrs. Forman and Lieut. George Manson, R.C.N., area officer, Sea Cadets for British Columbia. if) Mr. Bullied has been making a survey of the credit situation in Canada. I - It IMI lh ifVTTr iiW Y fiauiofth I 4irtt9t of I If "It's" A Boy RESOURCES, DEPOSITS, PASS TWO BILLION MARK; SAVINGS AND LOANS AT RECORD REPORTS GORDON BALL, GENERAL MANAGER Logging camps on the Queen ted ky Anthoay Atquith f""j oT'Cwxttiwc Direc Mr' Charlotte Islands are now clos ing down for the winter r.olidjy ;from the Cumshe-,vi Inlet ana Sandspit camps heading ior Van- ; couver. On next trip of the Ca-luosun from ine Islands It i-expected larger parties of log season and there were some I . mh,h ... CVC Montreal, Doc. 5 -A parallel between Canada's present potentialities and those of the Unltd State3 In the years World War I w,as drawn by the president of the Bank of thirty loggers here aboard the steamer Camosun Sunday night SUITS UNDERWEAR HATS SWEATERS SHIRTS PARKAS PANTS SNOW SUITS SOCKS COATS BELTS OVERALLS TIES GLOVES FOR BOYS OF ALL AGES gers will be coming out. riANcit i. muvAN T QATHLIIN HAIIIION ' l W VICKERS . GIN jS Montreal. B. C. Gardner, at the 132nd annual meeting today. While recognizing problems relating to conditions and prospects In the export markets, the of Canadian economic events, he said, had "a good many healthy and reassuring aspects." jUOid.'Stm.lyr.. Pluto" Cartoon CAPTOL wed: 1 p.n. The relative stabiiitv of the m irmTwinr;iT.iinii rcsoonsibilttv as custodian of the savings of the vast number oi Canadians in all walks of Canadian business trend was the most noteworthy feature of the vear. Mr. Gardner .said. Canada's resistance 1 recessive inliueuces. he cmuhu.sized. is riuc to a vigorous urogram of industrial exuansion based, not Rupert Mens 5 And Boys Store i .M. - . . wm m 4 I lile who have chosen this Banki ati i heir itenositorv. he said. I CtT VOUH I NT! V1CKERS' is eismue in canaoa and it BiiTiiiun irCalvrrt Turnme to business conditions j PAINTING roNi.: so much on "the outlook 'for ' in f Mr. Ball said "In consicierinn the Mnanctal re SI'r NO. & MM, PERSONAL XMAS V UtS From your own Snapsnots Come In and 8ee our ftiiie-i 10c FA. 25 FOR . WUATHAMS rintro mni.niiin; This ndvf rtisc mrnt is no published or dis-pliyfj hjr ih Liquor Control hoard or oj the Government of British Columbia. Try a Cabmen ha lor Result? Panders & Vivr, ousiness next vear or the vear after." as on the country's 'nu;i-nificent lona - term ' and its acauircd self-con-fiaence and industrial 'know- Plume Kin 215 f o i now. Gordon R. Ball, enteral inan- auirements of our customers, we have been imuresseit with the muiiber of concerns that have .shown stationary or declining oi ul its on a .substantially increased volume ol business. It is.. I think, aunroonatc to draw attention to the iniuorl-ante of a re-examination by businessmen ol their 'breakeven' Dmt.s." Small I'.usiness Tixation Kxaminalion of the nriiDh-ms aaer. presented a balance sheet f YORK -v. ri PRODUCTS THAT ootn in excess of two billion leaturini: deuosits and resources dollars. The amounts, in each instance a new record, were: deoosius. $2 019.000.000: resources. S2. 140.000.000. Current loans ana discounts in Canada 0031 i I 1 . i H.JJJLJU I 1 1 1 1 1, J NOBLE & WICK present ADMIRAL RADIOS PLEASE of $412,000,000. he stated, were of B ol M customers, said the! sneaker, indicated the need lor, a taxation oohev which uer-. inits the bulldlntz ui) of resources out of .orolits. tiome recoy-l ot that Dihu'iDle. in so far as small businesses wcic coicerned. he asserted, was rontained in the budget of lajf March. "Now that the orinciDic . at the highest vear-rnd figures in the Tiistorv ot the bank Investments had increased to $1.-168.000.000. a eain durina the vear of S35.OO0IWO. Canada's Dollar Dilemma The B of M Dresident reviewed 'hp mnnv rvrnhlnmc .raitad Vm, The Best in the .West, AilimrAl (wrlfd Gillette makes it easy fo shop for every man on your Christmas list. Any one of these attractively packaged Gillette Gift Sets is sure to please any man. Dealers everywhere are featuring these practical gifts, priced from $1.32 to $5.00. r Ask for Canada Packers Products rail. Hull rlrai ne con th riniior chnrt. if. I Has oeen lecognizeu tinued, .''we feel It would be a f YORK acta was not living bevond her means, he said, the inability to lorward steD if reduced rates oi taxation were auDlied to a -onvert sterline into VJB dol-1 r".c ".".""VU,-w.v,i AT Kay tu rtil 5 luli A'' lire rv.corl q Hif fimtTt nkl. ' Jliifiici icvci u Wiuuw Liian fciic He' coTisidered" hat" Vhb ri POTLa?l i aildUicin economic! ot.rn ir tw.i iivnalitf Hi n nivsl raise eouitv cauital dv1 ot Dubhc liotalioiis. Yet develoDment seems lozicallv to',nA noint to a closer balance in'r.ans trade with our nearest neigh- r.M. in riKiti the h, health and renewal of our AN'ttCLOWIM' Di-eiiverw riirfhn ?t'onoinv aeoena lmoorianuy oftnmi. Sfth, iai,fi"em.Pis! h oonst.,1 erowin oi small h'litinre in nuorJlo o .V j j; i successiui undertaKings. ana it lf,Sai ,M,r is essential to the welfare oi, oaruner said tliat U.s our rlnl- ihese ventures that the maxi ar situation limited our caoa- f ' A Colour mum amount oi earnings be mouthed back into the busi- iv to exiena iurtner airl.out- The Gift She'll Cherish Jile."f!?ia,u-trid.,;P.i?:. Almr,.t ". For Every Room " " "Y"- IU oeiievea. mere nnii stroswH th- frirnHlv would be a contract inn in mi- wnich bc- JL II)"' . .. . . " 1 reiaiion.-inn 1 ldi.itfii.-'iiiij rxiMrn existed cu.tom- rp- ... arkefs Vi ,S' twecn the oank and Us cu.,t n S niininHn ,1,1 e!i3red Prs. Me stated thit the trnf true ins oninion that the trcatest fiB,-tion ih. n nf m i CANADA'S SMART SET now rfisn.AY at your ao.mikm. ukalk Gift Pock Of 50 Gillette Blue Blodes lit Dispensers Here s gift that contains real shaving luxury- il':' 201 3rd Ave. . rh m makes blade changing a cinch. Attractive holiday pack of five Blade Dispensers, each holding 10 Gillette Blue Blades 50 Blades in all ff $4(1.50 XI. .tn.?,.L.n,led uteR lund in the local manaier and eovirvm-a-c, m n, Vi'i5?rds v':nd ,rc' staff on wliom. "our cus-c, , V ,: l br;i1 tar' bohcy tumr-M can always call for f courageous pro- int.,.tiv counsel and service." ' n- liwiH r .f as ,nv,;':tl"e''- .rather than in a row of liu- T..rm.. , I'f,0n"n,!C r,,icr , ' or an imoressive building. ? mTmi , " 7h Mr ard:' uconle." he continued, ner stated that the - concept deal with the Bank ol Mont- A Timcl;- Gift. Ladies Watches ru FINE PRINTING 1 REGAL PRINTER - - nuni Up Birth-stonus For Every Month v ,, , From $7.50 up " . .' Buy With Confidence GEORGE COOK, Jeweiler Kemcinber the 23 tax is off all icwellerv ,inr h !t',, cc.iioiii.-j i rciil. and they know that it isi i r ,n, ?,!i,,v rah,V.- aiKl K,r-". nu'i'cv aioi.e dicv ueal In I Hn n,,n ,LL r'.VM1 cvcn. an;-hon thev come to us. It gocsi -,f S thr ,,Tslnc: bevond tiiat, These ucodIc have' m ?.a? nXSmKnU ,.:,lr1u(wJ conliccnce in 'the bamc; tnev " ui il':w",''h ":' know that their money sale . e, i r ,i Z It 1 ? lhi forrcs of,w'ti and that thev will be U,Lie!r,'': the ,,lsV"''A't fairlv treated in their bus.nessl 1 ' 1 0N i: 2 1 222 Second t:( almg.s." r.7 A Phone 261 orocesses of the market olace. ' Recent currency devaluations, the sneaker considered, were a ' A man's rclatlonshin with , h:s oanK manager." he said. "is. j ond should be, a highly oci- '"H s,t"i'e wio.s realism. onai one. Mr. Ban onscrvcai UUl r.e CXOrrSSed (lOllOl UlUl.' thut this mnfMnnlinl rel-.ti..n. HOLLYWOOD cafe -75 j-sit., slffl , ,M Fargo Trucks MOST UP-TO-DATK CAKK I.N THE CI Gillette Rocket Gift Set Gay window package containi Rocket One-Piece Razor and 10-Blade Dispenser two tubes Gillette Shaving Cream and Pal'5 an extra Dispenser holding 10 Gillette Blue Blades. utr .J"'' bv :-'!yMnr'--'U was fcactcd by the resour-, ,i n n i r i,ultl rcnc'-1 I i,'.-' T. "r1 ccs and stability of a nation-1 .rin v- nlh?,',,1 s"-"'';w,1 ,tbat w.uc.centurv-old insillutlon. The; "?,!""111,"1; ' enuie sucngth oi the 11 of M h, ui r t, by t,,P i,t,''Hylwa.s ' thus Imi.ccl wun " iii.'p" iii ir'.,t a i.i,icrvuiidln in the Mrvlce of i "I V- .iS, u i i l; 0:1 ",' rx,;'ianir:( ihc iiKlivioual." Without such a t miw .ii 01 (l ,,M-ThaD's ?v a .su.rit he ooubtcd 11 the ttankj nrnvJnV i , 11 designed to oi Montreal could maintain its fh Mnii,, ,V"i 0,1 1 , slHM'i-Krrni ulacc m the Cuindian economy, fluctuatio. s. lie went on to sag- Husincss Cundi lions iT.Lti:',:" U1, international HiC ucntrai manager rcferrcdi AVAILABLE tOU IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OrEN I ROM 3:30 r.M lu 3 :30 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Dlshei CHOI SUEY CHOW MKIN For Oulfilrie Orders rilO.NF. UJ 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" Wheelbase with reinforced frame li 2-spced rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" Wheelbase with leinforccd frame it 2-specd rear axle. TV 1,. ., rlMU ' " " to ii.c oast year as being "one exchange rales sliMiid now ci uimoubtctl orosotni-v and ic-examincd 111 the light or cx- ocvelooi.iuil for Canala." As "e!Ji''":rr. 1 .....ui Iiip coitunuance 01 the pix- n . iii-aV !"'r .s"""osl-rl. ciil hi-'h level ol activity, he the iiltimatn gonl was an inter- Mated mat. a oarticular nrou- ir.itlonal rconoinv. r.m.tljU- of inn wouiu be our ability to fuiicuoiiinu on its own: Tli; n-tuin inioortant cxouif m:ir- nccpHsitv p' liiisim: Biaiularrls kcis in toe .sir-rling area."' Tin.-, of oiooiicliyilv in (Minlnes hav- muv. he added, "deoend to an Baptone Rupert Motors Ltd. Phones: ! Office. 5S She nig uiiucuMv in inuanciiiR ineir .nci casing cjpgrrc uuon the ex-accmuiu wnli the ,i,, area tent to which wc Increase our WHS :i('M.1 V HfL'tlfiUr r Oir li ,1.... . I -"-:L:a,Z7::.. .... I 4 said . But that will miuirc hu-rf! roinc rc.siHC.Ls he aiil.iciiialj.rl Dries Ouh W.v vil)" .. - .1 Gillette Shavina Kit rjmnU. ..,:' . iH-atitinil Hal faint toflay move i 1 " ma.iiiMI,l.G t low cost. Includes the popular Gillette Tech j 0 Razor, three packsges of Gillette Blue Blades S'i, P and tube of Gillette Shaving Cream. lomorrow. SI. 40 nt. $4.50 Fixing Up For Xmas THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LI Gillette Milord Razor Set Gold-plated One-Piece Razor and 10-Blade Dispenser in sturdy travelling case tube of Gillette Shaving Cream, plus extra 10-Blade Dispenser. $4.62 additions ;ni(l imiiruveiucnt.s to Uiat the rc-udiii.stments might camtal ediiuiineni: Was the be n.unrul.. TaKing the Ion-neeossary cauital like v to be view, he lelt tliat. considering foiMJiconum:. he asked, under, ,n (liiiien.sions of Canada s conditions wherein the weight growth in recent vcars. it was )l Diiblic. budge Is "dcvi Uili.ed time to re-examine our Ideas both, the ability to im.vidc and ol what Tonstiiiilcd a nonnsil the incentive to ;tii)lv tin; year. Mr. Ball drew attention to cauital that is inc. Iilebloml uf l.lie 7(1 tier cent to 80 ocr rent urmlucUvf! ' l"'i",y ' He won- rise 111 iiidustrlal emolovment. tiered, loo. about the e lects of ouantitv of goods produced, an addiction to the iiationalma- ..iiMimed. Imnoried and m-UT, f ,.,ntl;ls,rv- . , , i norted during the last decade , Mri?al'(lll,,'r saKl 1,1 'K'liis- ' against an increase In ponula-lon. "u"u"1 "There s a vast reservoir uon .11 oniv la wr cent 01 encry releasable for rerov- "n,e Canudiiin economy " erTAn .'"itives which i;n- said Mr. Ball, "has attained a uel the individual to imurove his size and momenttiui ot its own position m hie. which stimulate that nci haos wc fail wholly Ui adaDtablilv ana inventive gen- realize and it may well be that ;us and which encourage the we aooreclate its ootcntialit es tieveiooment of new orocesses. less clearly than do our friends products and markets. The In other lands who sec In u? great task of the present is to vigorous oeoole. o 1 r stable in-Dri?vLdVan environment in stitutions and our national re-h, ,Co1if,on?Iu"clamenlal and sori;e8- Ule foundations for fur- See us for your point ond wallpaper supplies Smarten up your kitchen with jLL US I IKjT- f OK Your l; JACKETS l" k-uiI J 1 54.1' PARKAS )y NEW LINOLEUM We have just received some very smart new patterns VENETIAN BLINDS Still time to order them - before Xmas. Phone and have our estimator , : measure your windows V , WE DELIVER 't ""c uiuic uier imoressive ernwth ami be out fruitfully to work 1 uuvriuuiiieni.. SNOW SUITS $16.51 General Manager's Aililrrsn In hU address to the shareholders. Mr. Ball referred to the Ironsfer of four million dollars T"? , manager paid 1,1 hlph tribute to the lovaltv. intelligence and eliiclencv of the B of M staff and cited the many plans for the welfare and nrnnroce 1 1 - 1 . . . . VJ J5Z- GilleHe Aristocrat II ! If r. One-Piece Razor W rVViv- "'.-' With 10 Gillette Blue j -j "-az&t& Elades in Dispenser ti 1 1 W '' ' 1 n,ted in smartly-styled I T $5" 'J irom me Dront nnd loss account 10 thf reserve fund as beine due The Sprts Shot ''otli'abiT r?J ,anVkee "un'd'eT'c'onTt our hiiP - Uabi.Mea to t the jevlew. He expressed himself Wc Have a Large Selection to Choose Front McBride Street VheWal manager recalled ' w th the succewof "he stiff jm'iKof rwaLs& Canadian bank, savins deposits cmalitv a, d8Sp"rit "Sfou - stiff nnss-d the billion dollar mirk, in everv branch and airenrv of "We are deeoiy conscioiis of our the bank at home and "abroad " Phone 311 Don't Miss Our Toyland 622 W. 3rd Ave. Box 1!2 Dim