DOMESTIC PKTIRE (Ccrrannea from Page 1 entire time I was in England way, contribute to the general ' I never saw anyon under the comfort and convenience ol influence of drink. And right those on board. There was an ptfnre Rnprrt Oallp jraetoj Wednesday, September 21, 1949. Ray Reflects ... . . . and Reminisces 4a lsdeMndent dally newapaper aotoa o n upbuilding of irtnc Bupert utd all communities comprising northern nd central British Columbia (authorised u Second Clua Mail. Post Ome Department. Ottawa) Publutieo eer afternoon escep.t Bunday by , Prince Rupert Dally New Ltd.. Srd Afenue. Prince Rupert. Bltleb CoHmfc-a. Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. FERRY. Managing umevx. BUbMLRIPTlON HATM OUT Carrier. Per Wee. 20c: Per Month. 7Sc: Per Tear. 8 00. BT Mall. Per Month. 60c; Per Tear. $5 00 here Is where Id like to speak hour's stay in Reikjavik, chief I left London September 8 q southing that is scarce. It's city of Iceland, and later, when and arrived in Vancouver Sep-, ypg slr just pjajni every- flying over southern Greenland, tember 9." remarked Mrs. Black. ! (jay a-p." the plane dropped low enough 'Weather, most of the way was j Dack many ror all to ceariy tMow tne snow fine." ! mentary remarks to make about fi'Ws and icy peaks of some of After the of twenty-six 1 the all round skill, care and at- the more remote places, wars there was a great deal to tention displayed by. the Trans "And there is something I al-see and do, and hear, in the , Canada Air Lines on which she most forgot to mention," con-United Kingdom. Her home city, 1 travelled both ways. Leaving eluded Mrs. Black, -tips have outward bound, teen abolished on transatlantic, Gainsborough, near Notting-1 Newfoundland, ham withstood severe attacks of j there were thirty-eight passen- ""ers. Its about time, for: ! tln had become the enemy during the second gers and there was the same nothing! Yesterday, In the generalif appear that fish should be drift of news .there was occa-' served only once a week? sion to print ' the name of a on Friday only. There's a dam-Canadian dignitary, the Hon. phol notion, to begin with. Kl'i Leslie Pearson, Minister of Ex- it, and do it now. ... temal Affairs. Everything about i it was all right except that in j Until last week-end a loaf of composition, the letter X waa j bread in England, cost, n(:ie Into Maturity Noth- re or less than a racket." number when returning. Great War. left out. For once, the proofreader was on to his job. cents. But from now on, according to devaluation reports, it'; going to be twelve. A family, Ing,-apparently was forgotten or overlooked that could, In any Practically a complete city It Pay to Aaverilsel 'square was wiped out by bomb- The C.C.F. motion to amend slnglr ing and by fire, and has not yet huskv been rebuilt. In many other say, averages three. A loaf is precious little. A the old age pension act through removal of the means tent, was bov or girl can put away more cities, including London of; defeated, as expected. The test bread than Dad. Three times course, restoration ha been J has been the target for force- j three! A couple of dozen meais largely advanced. Her brother, ' lul criticism ever since it was ' and snacks a week? Figuri It prominent business man of Not-; first heard of. A fellow, it seems, out. " ting-ham, is at the head of a ( ) W WW" )( fi NABISCO has to be really hard-up before long-established tailoring enter- being able to qualify. Some, say A lady out our way had com-, prise. it Involves replacing a certain pany one afternoon last week Of the many cities and towns parts of one's trousers. j and the smart advance Lit of In which visits were made, could . ; baking included a cake. - be mentioned London, Glasgow, Lower wages and reduced cost i The cake looked so good, it Edinburgh, Gainsborough, Not-of living, or keep on as we are? j merited not only an exclamation tingham, Newcastle, Whitley, This query was put to a worker of delight, but also, an leeii.j;.' Lincoln, Newark, Mansfield, shortly after the devaluation j Well, later on, when the gnos's Spalding, Cleaford, Skegness and stories started coming In early were all chatting, sighing. , Spilsby Hexham and Nr. New-this week, and quick as a flash ! Smiling and exchanging news castle. he said he preferred lower wag? ' and views and all, that the I "I should say," said Mrs. Black, scale. But there were plenty of hostess noticed something. I summing up impressions of Eng-others who could not share his j , We forgot to mention- she owus . land and Scotland, after her stay opinion. They all seem to like a comfortable-looking cat, ap- j overseas since early in the sum-the feel of a fat envelope, even pearlng pleased with life In mer, "that general busines and if they have to let go, ere long general, as it came stalking 1 Industrial affairs are on tle I ( swmow wheat ; ' i J "TAKING A LAWSUIT to the Privy Council is an I expensive process, as many a Canadian citizen of average meant has discovered. Parliament is now debating amending of the constitution, the purpose of which is to have the Supreme Court of Canada, and not the Privy Council, the final authority. Constituting the Supreme Court of Canada as the highest judicial authority, the court of last resort in place of the Privy Council, will have the effect of reducng one of costiy processes of law without in any way unbalancing the justice dispensed. While Canadian law, with the exception of Quebec civil law, is based on British tradition, Canada nevertheless is a separate country and its occurrences and problems are becoming increasingly divergent from the course of events in Britain's tight little Isle. Therefore, it is reasonable that a Canadian judiciary, whose roots are solidly clinched in the tradition of British justice, yet whose members are individually Canadian, should be capable of giving final rulings on things Canadian. As one of the estates of the realm, the judiciary should now be allowed the maturity which Parliament achieved under the Statute of Westminster some 18 years ago. If Canada is to take the place in the world which events are relentlessly forcing on her, she should face the world with an internal independence as well. - However, in revising the constitution, it is patently necessary that great care should be taken that careless thinking or selfishness is now allowed to have any influence. , slowly into the room. j whole favorable. Everyone who i wants to work can find it. It Tipping Is said to be dis- bee! i "I wonder what you've couraged when making a lengthy up to," was the unspoken' would not be at all surprising air Journey. Naturally! There's thought of the owner. She slip- to see the return of the Labor government in the next election,' whenever that may take place, j Since the devaluation of the' pound Sterling went into effect V Rain or shine I'm on the beat eight hours a day, J i nothing like patronizing a good ped Into the kitchen. The cat strong steady plane. j ' had also admired the cake, for about three-fourths of the lcelr.g The Minister of Fisheries is had been licked off., launching, an "eat more Xlsh' ' movement, for the consideration of the Canadian people. For SNOW COVERS some strange reason, the con-! CTrIADT DCAfc'C r and I must be alert! So, I eat nourishing NABISCO S I Shredded Vi'hejt for brenkfmt. It'i made from pure J i r KKH,'?; whole wheat. Contains viral food elements we I neeil. Enjoy this delicious, golden cereal tomorrow. 1 Order NABISCO Shredded VC'heat i the attitude may have changed, however. How about the man on the street? Do people appear to be enjoying life, with all of their problems? she was asked. Mrs. Blacn laughed. "Do they? Theatres are STEWART Fresh snow ap- sumption of fish, from one end of Canada to the other, has ai-l ways been on the smell side' Who was the misguided individual that first tried U) make peared on the peaks around here just to remind us that winter, is just around the corner. I The a t. .rf a m wood and eoal merchants , are I busy supplying their customers with the wherewithal to keep warm this winter. packed. People, In a city like London, are everywhere. All appear to be busy enough, and in a good enough humor. 'Oklahoma' has been showing for almost two years steady. There Is Guess who 's CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! SPECIAL BURDEN3 no liquor question. If anyone I rom eany times, wnue mules wishes a drink and it seems ! were reservd for the use of hpn-j nearly everything is on sale he ' ored persons. . j just walks in and buys. For the (HE CANADIAN ARMY "INSURANCE FOR PEACE". 4,..,. Hospitality. . . All Over Town I I i I I I i Mfw I li fmiWmk IV f rl CITIZEN-SOLDIER '! ; Robert A. Wenner 1 B.A. OPTOMETRIST This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia SAVOY HOTEL i k A if Jl ' 1012 Vancouver Block VANCOUVER, I3.C. Wishes to announce that he will he available for eye examinations at the lVince Rupert Hotel from Friday, Sept. 23 to Thursday, Sept. 29 W. L. WOODS, Prop. PHONE J7 P.O. BOX 1397 J Evenings by appointment FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT (H) HOLLYWOOD cafe FARM AND ORCHARD 5.74 Acres ' MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY In towns and cities across the country, Canada's Citizen-Soldier is enthusiastically engaged in an all-important job. The spare evenings he devotes to training help to assure the well-being of Canada, because the Reserve Force forms an important part of. this country's defence forces. ; The new Reserve Force offers rriany personal advantages: trade and technical training; Active Service rates of pay for time spent in training and summer camp; a full programme of sports and social events for men who get a kick out of working together. Visit the Regiment or armoury of your choice or complete details. You can help yourself ; . and Canada by joining fhe Reserve Force. OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. TO 3:30 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 6-BottIe Ccrton 25 Phi dttniil 2i pr kottl uthorhcd bottlar of Coc.-C. under nnlract with Coca-Cola Ltd. NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Phone 132 Prince Rupert HOUSE FULLY MODERN WATER FROM MUNICIPAL MAIN FOR QUICK SALE $3,000.00 Cash E. T. KENNEY LIMITED TERRACE, B.C. (223) Fargo Trucks AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ORMES DRUGS Tie. in 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" WheelbaRe with reinforced frame it 2-speed rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" Wheelbase with reinforced frame Si 2-speed rear axle. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, A.M. TO 9 P.M SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 1 P.M. 7 P.M. TO 8 PM. EBY & SOUS . Contractors REPAIRS REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.ILA, Phone Green 183 Box 588 " faw nm tmefct, Canada, JOIN THg RKSKRVB rORCB HOW Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till pm. Rupert Motors Ltd. Phones: 866 Office, 566 Shop Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 cm. and Sunday