:ial Li: 1-5 ORMES DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHJCRN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NIWSPAPXR PH0I1E 81 Publighed it Canada's Most Strategic Parifir Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVIII, No. 221. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1949. PRICE FIVE CENT3 and rings Crisis To Brit is! Labor Party Drop E Trade Unions Jo Get Farm Illustration inister Tells House I i J ( in if - 1 ) b' 'i J l: ! VI". GREEK BORDER WARFARE ENDED . NEW YORK 0i The United Nations special commission on the Balkans announced today that the Greek army has eliminated organized guerilla resistance along the northern Greek borders. However, this does not mean that the Oreek civil war has ended. Communist - led bands still rove parts of the ACHESON AFFIRMS POSSIBILITY OF WORLD PEACE NEW YORK State Secretary Dean Acheson today reaffirmed his belief that East-West differences can be ended peacefully, but warned that the solution will not be quick an' ,Hpnrul to tli- Daily News) VA The Terrace district probably an iipricultural illustration station, (lf Agriculture, Hon. J. G. Gardiner, hm' of Commons last night. inister made the statement in reply i,.tss hy K. T. Applevvhaite, M.P. for ho urjicd such a station in the debate ilture Department estimates. . - easy. Suspicious of Devaluation LONDON (CP) Britain's Labor government faced a political crisis within its own ranks today when the trades unions threatened revolt against high prices resulting from money devaluation. Outside Britain, repercussions of the drastic slash in the British pound's value continued to Jolt the world's markets." Belgium became the twenty-second country to cheapen ft 3 money by slicing the value of its franc by 12 percent. t' France proposed to Italy, Hol In an American policy spcach before the United Nations Assembly. Mr. Acheson promise UVFPAI MINK I I , - VI ; . the delegates from 59 countries bibimv I 9111 ImJ 1 PRODUCE SMALL that the United States is readj to do her part. As expected his tone was con ORE SHIPMENTS STEWART Small shipments r To Combine Business i In Canadian Tour I'Riill R Sask., Oct. 4; Saskatoon, Oct. 6; ciliatory. However, he said that there was no hope of agreement on International control of atomic energy unless the Russians of ore will shortly be made torn various properties In this district. John Lehto, who has teen working the Blfick Hill property on Glacier Creek says he has a ,s Staff Writer Rcglna, Oct. 8; Winnipeg, Oct '41 " in; Toronto, Oct. 17; Niagara Falls, Out. Oct. 18; London, Ont. are willing to 'co-operate in the world community." In the only other direct reference, to the Soviet Union in his 2,500-word address, he called on Russia to help solve the War between the Oreek government and 9 I.am it z Mr! d-shouhiered ami hundred sacks ready for ship land and Belgium that the four Oct. 20. .... ,vs lie's R'liMR t'l to ease ment as soon as he can have countries act together ss and pleasure Mclchior, who wore a. white .ins singing tour rhirt, a gayly-pattemed tie and them transported from ths prop- trade barriers and make their ' crty. currencies freely interchange- the communist guerillas. TODAYS STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Jobiuton Cc. Ltd I The Silver Tip on the upper aDie. ' Salmon River has over two hun-, The threat of a British crisis dred sacks which wllj be ready was raised by th general coun-for shipment about September 26 cU Df the Trades Union Congress William R. Tooth, resprescnta- Whose 8,000,000 members are the tive of the company her?, says backbone of the ruling Labor OFF TO STUDY ARCTIC DEFENCE PROBLEM V-The U.S. join chiefs of staff began a military inspection of Alaska and the Arctic on Sept. 6. In the first photograph of the joint chiefs of staff under the new national security organization. Gen. Omar N. Bradley, new chairman of the group (second from rigtit) points out the next stop on a globe. Left to right are Gen. J. Law-ton Collins, army chief of staf; Admiral Louis E. Denfeld, navy chief. Who will not be able to make the trip; Gen. Bradley; and Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenbcrg, air force Chief. The function of the new organization is to advise the nresldent. secretarv of defence and national security tan trousers, said his program 'ma a schedule won't all bp "heavy" music. He aaeniesit.s in 11 E'v his audiences a mix m I'.ilc.iry Kepi ture of Scandinavian songs a; Pcicrburougn some Wagner and classical numbers and finish up with a series ali !)' work, the popular songj, Including some hiir-haiicil Me!- nc has sung In his movies, an Interview the ..T, Milne Ik not to make the this shipment will average $150 party. Vancouver Bayonne .05'j to the ton. 1 The council instead of endors- council on matters pertaining to North American defence. - Shtpment. from Al Phillips mg government policy as in the the way and past-decided last night that it - -irsM I fl g fll TlfUl property is on h.s 24'li-flnnr suite Bralorne 10.50 B R. Con 0314 Cariboo Quartz 1.20 Congress .04 Hedley Mascot 29 UHl KIIAM I IH H FKlllJllLllUn. wen McFadden is busy getting ..couW not pasa on the necessity IxLlJ UvHJI VfcfcVIl ... nut, a shloment from the North-'nf ri pvaluat.inn . REBUILDING PREMIER MINE printed program too long," h continued. "That way, you can give, lots of encores when people applaud and that makes the T n A Pi C M A HIT M V) 1 VI M I H r II 1 1 1 r 1 eru Temlnus Group on A.rertcan lt taUed or assurane.es from 1 Creek. -1 economic chief Sir Stafford Pacific Eastern 05 Pioneer 3.70 audience happy, because they think you are doing something s 1 Cripps that the government K rniili4 nnla Avaru of f ryfr (a limit By SYDNEY BROOKES The minister for .Industry. STEWART Rehabilitation work at the Sllbak Premier la proceeding slowly, but it is confidently expected that substan premier Horaer .mvi Produc- uusiav luimdu, - TTtAGUE (Reutersl extra for them.' f THE. XVLATHER-hhe price rises which "will hi Kf campaign in -the lhipbrtaiw-in- Privateer 21 . RreMcDOTmld .,... 250 Reno - 04 V4 2 1 h'l e!, nverlook irks Greensward. ..si 1c hunter, he Calgary Sept. 23 M shun! Ins sea-T reaching Fori ho siiiHs Oct. 12. iiw duvs on' to and pheasant, nix businiss and I ran," lie said, 'tr that, way." hr will cet, to-Hub consist in of tial progress win be made by the dustrlal district of Most to per "I try tO pet up to Canada every year for some hunting and ; .i j siirg outcome ot cheaper money. , . Synopsis I lend of October. (.hooting." he said. ' A series of diffuse dlsturo-1 His fan mall runs to about 35 tkW in Czechoslovakia Is in-creasing steadily communist authorities claim. Foreign trade, they add, has been unusually successful this year 'with both exports and Imports increasing From . the.se same official sources, the need to spur workers ances moving ' across Northern CANADA GETS British Columbia gives little hope for1 much improvement Bheep Creek 125 Sllbak Premier 39 . Taku Rlvtr 25 Vananda 07 Salmon Gold .12 ' Spud Valley .07 1 1 :r Oils letters a day, Mclchlor added. The other day he was advised he had been made an honorary member of a James Melton fan T.C.I.. CONGRESS ROUTES COMMIES CALGARY With most of Its left-winge"rs on the run o. KEY ROLE IN over those regions of the prov-inno rinnHv skies and occas I rs (if til" Royal suade miners to reduce heavy and increasing, absenteeism and to overcome production difficulties caused by the breakdown ol vital machinery. ' On a higher level, the government is beginning a major reorganization of industry, whilo the communist party leads the move to increase "Socialist Competition," to speed up production lines, and to raise working norms in factories. The reorganization of indus club. , ional light rain are reported to ATI A MTIf PATT continue during the next 24 to if! I LHIl 1 1 W H V I Anglo Canadian ; 4.05 . of which he Is number of them Alberta, Melehiur 48 hours. , The path of these 1 Atlantic ' .., I ...i...: .6814 king cover, the Trades and "They carefully explained U) me that I must understand that Mr. Melton is Number One in almont -32 Labor Congress of Canada Tues fIIM:H RY their esteem," he laughed. "But and industry on to greater efforts has produced a number oi other facts which prompted one expert to say, in an official publication last month, that "clear-1 sighted organizational activity" is necessary. Tills monthly survey, published by the National Bank ol Czechoslovakia, said the fatilti to be corrected were slight bu added they were faults which re. (.nttpri In non-fulfilment ot on his schedule; I am very happy to be Number '. 1, Mvive Jaw, Two." day administered a sound thrumplng to communists in Canadian unions. In a lop-sided 702 to 77 vote, it threw" out the red-tinged Canadian Seamen's Union, C. tt E. :: 5.70 Central Leduc 77 Home Oil 1100 Mercury 10 Okalta 170 Pacific Pete 2 90 Princess 27 cost mws AStiKll IIIC.III Il ! disturbances has become almost stationary in the past 12 hours. Relatively clear skies are general in the f outhern regions with little present indication of any marked cnange the near future. Fog patches will form along the low lying coasiul areas tonight and frost will again touch the valleys of the interior mainly in the Kootenays. Forecast North Coast Region Overcast with intermittent light rain or drizzle, today. Cloudy tonigh try is aimed at increasing decentralization to correct the over - centralization resulting from last year's mass nationalisation wOiioh brought 95 per cent of Czechoslovak Industry into the hands of the State. storm-centre of the strife over ANYBODY WANT WARTIME MEDAL! OTTAWA m One historic factor in the defence machinery being established under the At-lantic Pact is the inclusion of Canada in the regional planning group for western Europe where she has committed " her army to action in two wars. That means that she will have a direct active voice in three of the five regional groups whose plans will be co-ordinated and integrated by a key military body, the Anglo-FrenchrAifleri-can "standing group." Her role in Hie two regional groups Is obvious. One ls the Canada-U S. group which, al communism in the 450,000-mem Royal Canadian ui'4 rl insurance ad it province of Brits fisited Prince Ru- planned quotas. Tlie bank review listed a number of fields in which th! Department of Veterans Af ber T.C.L. for more than a year. The communists were beaten for the second time later in the day when the convention rejected a left-wing resolution on fr'l will continue on Toronto Athona i 13 Aumaque I8V2 Bcattie 70 Bevcourt 1 33 Bobjo -H nil Smithers to- Six Stowaways fairs in Ottawa will begin distribution of campaign stars and ' of the trade after a hot debate. MONTREAL W Four Negro Czechoslovak economy was discovering obstacles to the smooth progress of a closely-planned economy. Some of the troubles arose I i ' that that on one f it liaci go f year was is and Thursday with occasional light, rain Thursday morning. gone down medals to more than 1.000,000 Canadian veterans of World War II on October 1. Veterans Af general Little change in temperature. Buffalo Canadian lOVi Oonsol. Smelters 99.75 Conwest ... 1.15 Donalda ..x 55 Eldona . 66 East Sullivan 3.30 fairs Minister Milton F. Oregg, stowaways -who lived seven days In the hold of the freighter Car-mell with seven coconuts for food and two others who claimed to have spent 17 days in the freighter Pendeen's lifeboats hroimht this port's total of "free QUEBEC GOV'T TO INTRODUCE Y In most B C. stated that be-:iik1 the year end fl time of the vear Winds light. Low tonight and high Thursday at Port Hardy, Masset and Prince Rupert, 50 V.C., announced today. ready exists in joint preparation of North American defence. - The second Is the north, Atlantic ocean group where her anti-submarine convoy navy has an apparent place. from shortage of raw materials, a symptom, observers here believe, of Czechoslovakia's Increasing difficulty in trading v ith the west ! All liidnstrv was feeling the and 55. Giant Yellotvknlfe 6.80 Is due to inariermnt.p Although the exact number of veterans in B.C. eligible for these LOTTERIES ns being taken in awards Is not known because of riders" to the nignesi numuw in years. They are being held pending deportation proceedings. post-war fluctuation of popula r.HICOUTIMI, . Quebec tt effects of a decrease in the pro- fhh St'OUKS Premier Maurice Duplessis last auction of hard coal. lion, records show that 97,643 men and women enlisted from EXTORTION PLOT AIRED IN LOS ANGELES COURT night announced plans for tne establishment of a provincial KEY SAWMILL WORKERS MAY Bi'ooklvn 0 lottery in Quebec and today le his province. This total comprises e following: army 60,-)25, navy 13 191 alrforce 23,533. ''''""in thrown oul gal experts at Ottawa were pon rierinff tiie legality ot sucn God's Lake 48 Hardrock i. 30 Harrlcana 07 Heva - 1 Hosco 15 Jackntfe 08 Joliet Quebec 54 ' Lake Rowan .;. 08 Lapaska -07 Little Long Lac 75 Lynx , -15 Madsen Red Lake 3.20 McKenzle Red Lake .... -55 McLeod Cockahutt .... 160 Moneta 38 Negus 2.35 Noranda 59.15 Louvleourt 20 GO ON STRIKE LOS ANGELES 0 Charges step. . Mr. Gregg explained that in the vast majority of cases veterans will have to apply for ' "air "t ninth by Stewart . 1 KDAY :,iu(inai of a former Hollywood actors - s 'V-. 1 ... 1 m i I agent that "hundreds of thous- VANCOUVER Threat of a ands of dollars" are being wrung J strike that would, tie up a large from its victims by a "ring of j part of British Columbia's lum- 1 5. St. I.0.;!5 7 their medals. Reason is mat D.VA. does not have up-to-date addresses for thousands of ex- Pittsburgh 2 Duplessis said that tne union Nationale government would Introduce legislation at the next session of the Quebec legislature to institute a provincial lottery. A 'hiRh spokesman for the Justice Department In Ottawa said "most lotteries" were illegal under the Criminal Code of Canada which takes .precedence over provincial legislation. prostitute extortionists" were on file today In court here A transcript of testimony by Paul R. Behrman, 41, was filed f "Ifriran servicemen and women. To facilitate application, special postage-free cards will be placed ber industry was made Tuesday by the policy committee of the Lumber . Inspectors' Union (C.C.L.). The committee' recommendei in all post offices and also in yesterday by District Attorney N"w otk 3 2 Boston 5 Philadelpiiia 8 '5, WmnV.i.,,.4 Pickle Crowe 2.28 Regcourt 07 San Antonio 4.40 Canadian Legion branches. Members ol the permanent force, howevei, snd certain re V" XjSV'K-' r, ft '''fcW! ?ritc Cuast 'it Otil(ioj n William E. Simpson in support, rejection of a conciliation of a motion by a witness who board's majority report ' and had been declared In contempt asked its membership of 280 of court for refusal to answer, men key figures in the lumber questions before a grand jury, industry to authorize a gov-Behrman's allegations that ernment-sponsored strike vote. serve units will receive their Domestic Picture in England' in "'0 Sacramento decorations, without application the extortion ring had shaken Healthy Shape, Mrs. Black Fine ""llyvood 4 "s 6, San r.i,. c down numerous "innocent victims" was made in a memoran tlrrough the Department of National Defence. "Next of kin of veterans who died on active service are entitled to receive their stars and m i e m.u R.rk From .the Old Country one of absorb- line interest and pleasure. She dum which Behrman Identified as his own and which Simpson read too the jury. 1 erf A jz -vJ medals, but no application U 'travelled by air, and that also For the first time In twenty n eXDerience to be long re- The Inspectors will ask full support from other unions of their 35 cent-an-hour wage increase demand which would mean that if the membership did: strike, all work handled by the 280 key men would be declared ' "hot."' ... . This would mean that other workers would not touch the lumber, thereby tying up wo majority of mill workers. necessary, as we have accurate addresses for them," state the six years, Mrs. J. S. Black, of 733 memDered. The return flight Fifth Avenue West has been on by way 0( Iceland ana Minister. "However, the official next of kin ot those who died pWembcr 22, ie,9 a visit to her old home in Eng- 0reenland, this route being land. somewhat shorter. i1 AFTER THE TYPHOON STRUCK Wreckage of homes and buildings strewn along the banks of the Tone river marks the path of the disastrous typhoon "Kitty" that swept Japan's mainland island of Honshu last wck. The tig wind ,and resultant floods left 144 persons dead or missing, thousands homeless and damage to property running Into the millions. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Griinble and son, Ross, are leaving Thursday evening for Duncan. Vancouver Island, where they will take up future residence. i " " W 27. 1 rf 1 i.r nf this cltv. and Travel time was gieowj since discharge of a non-service disability should make application In the same way as a vet 13,;15 22.0 feet . 19;2 If 2.0 feet 2.6 -Pt long active in community work, ducod. (Continued on Pagfi 2) Mrs. Black found her sojourn m , eran."