Prince Rupert Daily News JOHNNY'S I St. Lawrence i Action Urged f uesday. Jure 13, 1950 it was 18 years since the first I agreement wnich we were ready to carry out Jailed tj pass the United States Congress and nine years since the second agreement was made. He said the need for more electrical energy In Canada was urgent. n As IMM it " " li1 CANTON. N Y. O Another aj- : PaI fr action on the St. Law V PREFER rence seaway and power project Was speaking to a cabin owner An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association 6. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES was made by Prime Minister St. It's buy in ess wise to advcrtlM nisi? For Sumnil herearejusta OF THE GOOD Va; Men's Pure Wool vi JACKETS-b-.ue and I Reg$ 30 00. Now SI Men's Brown OXFok good fit, latest style f Mens WIXdbkeakJ eg- $5 00. N,JW Young Men' cl PANTS-perfect f;t a"ri From Men's Felt IiATs ! Lgo Uurent Sun by at the convoca-corr.fortable some years constructed a end well stocked , tion of st- Lawrence University, building directly across the har-j Receiving an honorary degree, bor. Near a heaven-reaching the Canadian Prime Minister lim evergreen, whose branches Mld "Canadians are getting By ELMORE PHILPOTT I WHO'S ANTI-BRITISH? By Carrier, rer Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; rer Teai. J3 00: By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. (Sit WE LIVE IN THE i probably saw better days, it rather impatient about the de- stands as a haven to his family la' ln starting the project, end unfortunates who wander which he said would benefit all V1CKERS IS OISTIUID IN CANADA WO It IHTIIUTIO arCalvfTt rhi advertisement is not published or di$-pUyed by the Ujuof Control Brd ot V the Government of brmh Columbia. ! cold Avar era. when smear ; words bite like mosqui- parts of the continent. He said bv in a storm. EDITORIALS i . j ! toes Far be it from me to ! But for the past year or two. !add mv bit to that dis- destruction has reigned at his j , . , . 'cabin as wea as many other! HY don't you write an editorial?" is the "W; graceiui game, which top notch styles. Special from . question the editor often hears when a citizen ! noabenirxr tho vfrv foundation Boys' Wl.NUBi-.KAKi! summer retreats owned by city citizens. 'It isn't the poor lad who creates havo; by using sections of the building for firewood." he explained rather sadly, "but it is the kind that you would not expect such actions cf." He named a few young men and women of snowerproof, all size M 00 Sow ; Boys' and Girls' t HATS better qiwm-ors. Sells $2 50. Now only Boys PAXTS-fof"" school wear, grxjd Strong. From observes some state of affairs or condition that he thinks should have official attention. . The editor often replies: "Why don't you write a letter to the editor?" -: Which is as it should be. " The newspaper, we- admit, can be expected to take leadership in the righting of lax or objectionable conditions and to point up where action on many things could be taken for the betterment of the community and public services. i of democracy. But I do ask in all seriousness: Who are the friends of Brita.n : m Canada ? And who are the I anti-British? FEW CANADIAN PAPERS ' reported the junket described lecently by Frank Swanson of ' the Ottawa Citizen. ! "A group of 53 Members of j Parliament, many accompanied ; by their wives, left Ottawa in I four special railway cars last I , I nJ I u ..4 ."-.innH) ii prominent city families who ap- j parently enjoy turning a tabin j m m m r A 11 ir.ide out after breaking the U-clc cpen. "It's no use putting a lock on the door anymore." the cabin owner said, "they just knock it off. So I leave it operj " - But there are some times when the desired night for Windsor, heart of the , ' tanaoian car nranuiaciuiins 1:1 tiustry, for an all-expense tour , LI ! of the automobile capital. They " ., .,.,, ,,K , , cabin was wej stocked with food will . return to Ottawa in . their . "'"Wi M " cjf . A Oood Place lo Stop j j y'&i"- py " 244 Mites to l" ! fi &M, U TELKWA HOTEL and comfortable furnishings. Then the delinquents wandered ! special train Monday. . . . .,.nH o,Sc th. riu-r along and destroyed aU that cnanges or improvements can be brought about more harmoniously and efficaciously than by the editor breaking out in his column with attack or criticism. - In fact, the editorial column, generally speaking, we think should be a last resort. 'i If fault is to be found, the best and fairest way we would say is for the complainant person or body Zflr'S6?L Telkwa.B.C. unce I waikea in my caDin FOR YOUR HOLi "Flying U" Gu$t Ronch, Co Hiding, boating, sw danabin and fuii . Write. Wire or ft Chss. Wilkinson . "o Mil p.o. m Detroit will include visits to 1 the Ford plant in Windsor, the Rouae plant, a baseball game and fcund a pan of water still warm. Another fellow told me -yjr Tf y Just 3 Nice Day's Drive : between the Detroit Tigers and ,Jlat in h's cabin he found sme I St. Louis Browna. and a local cobby pins." A reerttab!e state of affairs! to go to the person or authorities concerned and j distillery. . . . Tan-i Hi an -ir mator. rioiT! i C3'n not r.eio out remetnoer through the proper official channels. If the complaint is a valid one and no redress can be obtained after those responsible have been '. that the British cars are being his statement "it Isn't the poor j sold here at less than the price ,s1 ho creates havoc . . ." j quoted in Briain. and that as a Some cabin owners do not mind SHIMGOLF The ideal finis Shingles, Fences i 0 . ,i. nvnl.-,nnf;nn ! , result, rales of Eritish cars i i a jtucii a Limine iu .uar-c auuair "FmuauVl. Canada mav eventual' r lens a s the construction remains rough lumber. Mc a variety of attrri V FOR colors. fhompjon Hard Co. Ltd. PLANNING BUILDING REPAIRING bring about the needed Change, then the support Oi r-nsri-an- manufacturers to cur- intact and In the same condition ; the editorial column could be SOUght. !taU operations " when th- owner last vUited I Jleantime, of course, there is, as we suggested j heAe SSfhS" r 1 tfl ! above, always recourse to the editor's letterbox. ' tallty" which the 53 M.P.s and mentioned names of some mem-' :. In fact discussion of public matters in a fair wives received. All that comes on of the er-mns that seemed ; - , , . . ,. . . ! the eve of tne loss or Canadia.i to direpard the had work nnt and constructive way through this medium IS always j v. heat contract with Britain, and into the construction of a cabin. ' Welcomed bv the editor. jthe news that Britain is con- Arcarentlv these persons have T.Tr,.i '.. tL. s sidering cutting off even more rever reallv worked tor a livin?. . Indeed, often that there we regret is not more !oi lumberB her purchases Irom If d!d. their Correspondence Of this character from responsible 'Canada not because Brit tin would ston their a.-tions. ; citizens whn hflVA crnnrl irlAaa tn nffor. K.,t .k ani to cut down buin? I T FOR FOR automobiles but they will epm- Call 3&3 MITCHELL &CURRIE LIMITED Builders Sc Contractors ; ,r -" " -panada but because she has no; got around to writing them down for us tb publish, j yet -closed the gap- on -her ' 3 ; trade with us. "L ' HERE ARE THE LATEST Moving, Parkin;, OjI Sliippln; ind Gn f arUff and Slurai Compete Reliable and J lent ETvre. also agf-'l Canadian Liquid Air C for Oxygen. Asetykne J weldltl? supplies. 1 Llnd&ay'i Cartacj Storage Limil Cor. 2nd and Park A Est. 1910 Phones m : official figures on Canada's net A GOOD WORK I profit on our trade with Britain paid off for the Browns The neighbors remember how sick young Donny was a few months ago, and how worried the Browns were. But they never guessed what a serious di ain his illness had been on the family purse. Wisely, the Browns had made it a rule to put something into their savings account, week by week, almost from the day they were married. So when they consulted their bank manager, their credit was good. With the help of a small bank loan, they were able to pay all their bills promptly. Now Donny is healthy again and so is their bank account. 1947 :..; $779 million 1948 600 million 1949 536 million 1930 (estimated 200 million WORK among the young people, such as is exemplified here in Prince Rupert by the Boy Scout and Girl Guide movements, in church and club pel Britain further to reduce her purchases in Canada of, lumber, wheat, meat, eggs, butter, salmon and apples, and! minerals. ; I WAS GLAD TO SEE THAT the 53 M.P.'s and their wives, visited plants (owned by"thei same companies! on both sides ci the U.S.-Canadian bordr. N'o doubt they got a chance to ask such questions as these: "Wny do the same model cars cost so much" more in Canada :han the States when wbrk-; : mens' wages here are so much' lower?" ; "How can U.S. auto manufai- j This "closing of the gap" is all T.S.S. STtltttR groups, in the boys' clubs and on the playgrounds 1 10 lhe Bod-for Britain's fixed aim ls t0 set her traae with ..u a i j 11 i ' where the Civic Centre and the Club Gyro are re- j Canada in balance. That means, ceiving accolades these days, has a special place in j in practice, that Britain win community life. Those who engage in such work are j bm" " mah 35 We bUi' making a contribution to community welfare, the i Hence the double menace of dividends from which may be counted in terms of ; ,he campaign waged by cana- PRIHCE RUP SAILS FOR Ug ; tuiers pay iuu pensions sotim, irnroo. e,.;. r,r,t0fmf ft, Oian-suBsidiaries of the BUSINESS is BAD for Cars Iri AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE as in anything else, you get exactly what you pay for . ., . That's the reason . , , , , , f6utomotive concerns. They are mumty as a whole. Such work often starts where , getting ready to try to ciose tne parents and schools leave off sometimes with an ! afes aBairst the British-made , ... . cars, which -are taking more and i j rri t inadequate job half done. Those citizens who give j more of the Canadian market. generously of their time, thought, enerrv and money i If they succeed in this at- of the border but not even the requested $55 north of the border?" ; If the MP.'s want more such , questions they can find them in the Liberal party literature which helped to sweep 'the; country in 1S35. , j rA Intrrmrdial'' IVancouve Thursdoy ,t 11.15 p m FOR KETCHIK WIOMSIHY MIH rrv,tlr canned saving pays off, , UjTBjfr- n barains' opportunities TjT! --"- or emergencies come along. SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK in the nromntinn nnrl rarrvino- mrt nt r t 'fnp they will not only compel I as --- - T-" J VUvlUUl til- 1 Canadians to pay more for their why you're wise to bring J-. i 1 t i l Write or i riTV OR B1 0FFIf WrzZ PRINCE 3?i B.C. Hi u?duur among tne young people are doing a i valuable work in keeping young ffcet moving in the ' i right channels towards better standards and better i citizenship. t Youth does not always know what is best for ' youth. Trained adult leadership is a necessity to j guide the individual and group activities of youth j and steer them into socially acceptable avenues. ! I Not many fields of social activity are as reward- i ing as work among young people It is rewarding 1 for the community and the individual who engages j m it. Its results are tangible in happier, healthier, j better integrated vounsr men nnH wnmon i BROADWAY CAFF. fW fodfa - your Chrysler Bunt car to a man who knows it best . . . Our trained mechanics have the "Know How" to make repairs quickly saving-you time and money. They use only factory engineered qnd inspected parts and special factory approved equipment. Rupert Motors Lid, Phones 566 Service Dept. 866 Parts Dent- l-inest Cook:ny SUNDAY JUNE 18TH Give Him LOAFERS FOR SUMMER COMFORT Tops in Men's Shoes IBirowirawoodls Houra 7 a.m. to 1 a m For Take-Home Orders Phone 200 PHONE 79 PHONE 79 ' BOULTER & WELTER (Formerly B ti W Transfer) Concrete, Gravel and Cement Phone Black 774 (Office) T. Norton Youngs, 3rd Avenue TASCOrVER-VKToj Sunday, 9 P-m-Tuesday, 1:30 p m. ALICE ARM. STEW4J .ilinm. 11 r M Sunday, w u'"' ,"tfv SUNDAY, JUNE 18 CHARLOTl t 9 a' June ss. Camosun, ENGINES & EQUIPMENT W tm If anJ hnve fur Mir riimniln (Heel. "ImnleT Cinn Knrlnni. Metllil fltr-el rxlmnxt nlplne llrxlt.lp fu-l line. TrilllnR re SwIvrK (iilehrUt 4ark ami PnrN. llrasn and Inin lli.w Kullrrs rttnn Kine. Pipe anil Plpr nttlnf. . lUlilllleil lUtx Itriirin. .Iitw ClMtrhni anrhor M?Rff- Steel anil Phnfllnt. Biilht, Nuts, StntM and Tap Hit ws. llalll.iil side Knurr slienven. Anehor iml M--erliemtH. hit MHil HteH. Vnrlii arflclr'if marine hnrrt-ar anil equipment, k mime,-- to ineiiUon. BYTOVYN MACIIINH WORKS Wallets . Necktie Shaving Sets Ash Trays Lighters Razor Sets O TRAVELLING?' cnt TII Ol HOURS Weekday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundoyi 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE tun avi. - - ( CHARLOTTE IS j For the very finest in LUGGAGE mil mi mm m rs. Camosun, June 10 P m. FRANK . SKINNY George Cook, Jeweller 327 8rcr W. Box 1188 Phone 284 Prince Rupert AB Third Avenue