HOTEL ARRIVALS I Barker, Reg Childs, D. Peace, W. E. Drew and C. E. Bennett, Van rnhce Rupert Tuesday, June Dolly rseWa 13, 1950 .Btddtnu 6!l(J Ci iC0UVer pa' y 'he Dominion jtion of army !nst i Ano'.hf-r cv,-.. Lead League j Prince Rupert j F. Barclay, N. Hyde. Sn.ith- lers; C. M. May, A. F. Aitken "Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. A. M I Hickey, Kimberley; L. Wr. Lefler, city; L. A. Horncast'e, Victoria; :G. N. Gouthier, Mission; Major 'j. Mumford. Capt. J. M. Bell, Major J. S. Eeddows, Ottawa; ' Mrs. J. A. Findiay, Massett ; Mrs V. Demchuck. Hazleton. i E. J. Hamlin, Terrace; J. E. .Merryfield.-H. P. Cahlll, Mr .and j Mrs. Morris. A. L. Bewley, C. V. F. ClajMlflArt A4vrtUlnn I. -UI. I : . . couver; T. A. V. Tremblay and J. J. Williams, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Hanson and son and Mrs. L. Janze, city; D. Speak-man. Watson Island; Mr. and Mrs. Nybloom, Sandspit; O. N. Thorsen , Tprrni. . w ... 41 iiuvM-r, and George Joy, Prince George; J. T. Boyce. Toronto: K. V. Am' Nanalmo; F. Gargett and C. P. Macdonald, Vernon; F. E. Everett, Albernl; J. McLellan and C. D. Forbes .New Westminster. -. . . WW aavance. riease refrain from telenhonin. n,. uru per inseruon. minimum rhinu ko m-.v. .. ... . r " nJtu: auc- cartls . , Thanks, r Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2 00. ulbfLJiX, UUVULE PRICE through and then Motors were lucky when Cameron beat Wilson and crossed a beauty that it the front of the crossbar and te bounded into play. Wilson stopped Adams and BHilter cleared a fine drive from Purk-house. Hornell headed just high from Price's free. Bill Gomez crossed a beauty but Boulter cleared. Morgan fisted away McKay's high shot but Wellens got it back and beat Morgan to put the Motors two goals up. Pav-likis broke through but was forced out of play and a moment later Wellens did well to clear. A great drive by Darrow Gomez was cleverly turned fever the bar by Bouiter. Cameron went close and then Robinson intervened. Morgan saved from Pat Wilson. Battery pressed but Ford broke away and with Wilson bothered Fergwon and Maz-zonl. Then WUspn was fouled going through and Morgan did well to ave Wellen s' free kick. John Wilson and Robinson checked the Battery forwards. A handball against Letourneau in the penalty area gave Darrow Gomez a chance ' to score but Boulter- brouetit off a sensa tional full length save at the foot of the upright Ferguson cleared and Dunbar forced the play. Magee seemed to have Morgan beaten w ith a grand shot from an acute angle but llerbie brought off a sensational one-handed save. Parkhouse drove too high and Dunbar was just wide. Battery pressed but met a stubborn defence. Cameron took a perfect corner kick that Dar-(Continued on page 5 NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES FOR SALE p Llrur-belt fioeeaw Shovels: ' sLroli- both i7 Cranes: pranlines: Adam 1214 Park Ave fr Road Graders: Littlefurd Bros Rhrlr T.l Rnorl V .in. Ar.nnn. Eouioment: Owen Clamshell! HELf ffAJ ourKets ana kock uraooies; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers; Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for StockDile and enow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Fumo: National Drafline Scraors and Buckets: National All Steel Oasollne Hoi s ts: National! .. Portable SawmilU: NaUona);HELP ATED-Rotarv Screens and Convevors i ,tr o)ikiteeD!' fuU information from Na- reouired immi tlonal Machinery Co. Limited i emuiovment a.v VancAiiver Bf! tr at)ie auu leant ' 38 or Bob PartJ FOR SALE 14 ft. clinker built olfir e. 3rd Ave row Doat 'ltn 3.5 n d. Hrott Z.TZr Atwater outboard iruMor. Both; WAKTED Taxi 1 vear old Can be seen at 521, 1 12 Taxi. tn Ave. e. or rnone Kea after 6 pjn. tl2o FOR SALE New St used house- i hold furniture and hardware) bicvcles for bovs and men i unoainted chest of drawers, end tables and coffee tables,; h arrived in r transship. States nn..... kn freighter Sy! Hendrfcksen. dock three car'.oal4 th. ath HELr WA WANTED clerk order office. A in oersun. WASTED schoui itadent lij in eroccrv stor meeune ouoiic 240 eves. Dunns ned woman wj ina job. Box 727 REPAim (1 Jeweller. Satisfa teed. Stove Service & HI Konson. B-ncit : FOR Br FOR RENT - F housekeolng r for orkine e:: CaU Blue 638 1 FOR RENT 2 ro nKhwl (VHIUif 633 8:h West. P hi I. lu ' house.. Hi""'-Phone Black oaiiery rtaios. iioor covering.; aims nuKK nl rifles. Musical Instrument. and violins, etc. Smeer' r I sewlne machines, office chairs fcMi'UJYMtKT sleenine baes. loeelne txxns w " end scores of other eooa work end ol Jc: article. Oood values at lowest . BASED A IX SCOhES - SATURDAY Pacific Coast Los Angeles 4-0. Portland 1-5 Sacramento 7. Oakland t Hollywood 4. San Diego 1 San Francisco 8, Seattle 7 SUNDAY Hollywood C-6. San Diego 4-4 Portland 5-0. Las Angeles 4-4 Sacramento 10-3. Oakland 2-0 , Seattle 2-0, San Francisco 0-1 1 Western International SATURDAY Wenatchee 6. Tri-City 1 Spokane 6. Vancouver 3 Yakima 8, Victoria 1 SUNDAY Salem 9-1, Tacoma 3-2 Victoria 1-8. Yakima 0-3 Wtnatchee 3-7. Tri-City 1-2 Spokane 4, Vancouver 3; 1 2 innings, second game postponed i . Football Schedule (North Star Trophy) June 19 Canadian Legion vs. General Motors. June 23 General Motors vs Heavy Battery. IV rf rsTTT or irmi cnri.son. lKt M.n. IMITtl. TAKE NOTICE that a.i Admtnis- ttator. duly appointed by the court 1 of the estate of Vlruir CRrln. who idled at Whuetwrse. Yukon lrrltorr J on the 10th day of April., ntao. Ii 4 require all creditor and others hT-I tng claims aealnst the said estau to I send the tame to me. properly ver-j fied. at the address nwiuiunrvl be)o Ion or before the 31st dav of August. 1950. after which date I ahall pro-: wed to distribute the estate to truie ; entitled by law. hflvlim reg-u-d only : to such claim of which I shall have . then been notified t AKT FURTHER TKE NOTICE that all pentons Indebted to said etate are required to pay their indebtedness to me forthwith DATED at Atltn. British Columbia, this 13tb day of June. 1950 ALBERT EDWARD RODDIS, Official Administrator. Atlin, British Columbia (HP) !Jg"J.!!ii SUMMER 9 BOWLING TOURNAMENT Team Events Singles. and Doubles Entries must be In June 15th to Prince Rupert Bowling Alleys (TF) ? FOR SALE Purebred Collie, duds. 7 weeks old. Write Box: 88. Smithers. B.C. (142pu FOR SALE Black oak dtnin! rtxjm stnte. ten pieces. $lr0. WATCH Rerolrj r-none tsiacK ci-nt service FOR SALE 1948 Chevrolet soorti rtvnamir ronne 3700 milej. i Phone Blue 336. (137dHoIL BURNER ft Senior Softball League Schedule June 14 North Star vs. Rupert Phimbins June 17 Firemen vs. Rupert Radio , June 19 Rupert Plumbing vs j Watson Iiland I June 21 North Star vs. Co-op ; June 24 Rupert Radio vs. Hup-ert ; Plumbing VKKUtS M MllUiS IN CNt a t nt iiuti t Catvttt This 4vrrtisrjrot is Dot puhlishtd or di pUvrd N the Liquet Control hftitA t m bc GovrnWDeot of Btrush Columb Fashion Business and HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauiy Culture In all fta branches W4 4th Street Phone 853 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D C. 21-22 Besner Block Hours, 10:30-12:30 & 2-5 Evenings, Mon. St FrL 7:30 Phone Blue 442 A. P. GARDNER & CO. U JJ CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER B.C. FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL Bl.Ufc 39 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 811 P.O. Bos Sz'e B30 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. QUALITY REPAIRS for Downtrodden Heel and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. . Ph. Black 389 Football- General Motors Gain First Win and Hand Battery First Defeat In last evening's North Star football competition the General Motors won from the Heavy Bat- . tery by two goals to one alter j plendidly contested game. It , ' was the Motors' first win of the season and the first defeat suf-, fered by the Battery. As a result the General Motors are in first ; place though they have played one more game. In a break -away Adams gave : Boulter a severe tet and the ' latter was lucky to clear. Mor- j gan saved a long drive from Wei- j lens. Robinson defended cleverly ; and then HorneH beat Morgan , with a. good shot to -put the Motors a goal up. Robinson mis-kicked and Adams narrowly missed. Then Ferguson cleared well at the other end. Motors pressed and Ford was offside, j The Motors forward line coin-tined neatly and forced two cor- , ners. Slackness on the Motors' defence nearly let Adams i Professiona Gordon D. Ronson OIL BCRNTR SPF.CIAUST New wick or pot type burners supplied All types of burners and stoves serviced An unconditional guarantee of per- I ieci satisfaction covers all service 733 5th West BUck M3 GEORGE RORSE & CO. Public Accountants and Audi tors, income Tax Ketumt complied . Q. L. BORIS, A AM. S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 387 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOfl CHIMHIT8 OIL BURNjERS PHONES Blact 334 , . Re 894 P. O. Bex 1870 MARGARET McLEOD ' OPTOMETRIST ', Room l . STQNS BUIDIN0 PHON1I ... y f O BOX 11164 FOR SALE 1938 Chevrolet soe-clal coach. Verv eood condi-j tion. Phone Black (138DM Footwear FOR SALE Insulated steel Ice poR REST Roon box. usea one vear. m uv. Seventh. Red 9i)l. (iP) FOR SALE Quantity of sewer oirje. 4 and 2 Inches excluding fitting. $40. Dresser. $25. Bed. $20 Radio. 6 V. $10. 1136 Havs Cove Ave- 138u FOR SALE 1947 Harlev Davidson three" wheel motorcycle in ONE YEAR 10 PAY on the material and labour for your HEW ROOF Siding - Insulation or Asphalt Tile We are pleased to announce that CRIER fc BRJDDEX LTD your local building contractors are vow in a position U bring yon a superior prod act far roar building requirements, with materials from nurxG PRODICTS LIM-TVD, the largest manufartur-ers of asphalt shingles in CANADA. SHINGLES are available in weight from 115 lbs. to 210 lbs. per sqaare, and featnre the new ICS lb. TITON, the self-locking shingle in an attractive design. INSULATED SIDING comes in three shades of brick, with white or black mortar lines also the popular stone finish or the new INSULTEX shtngl type in buff or birch grey. NSULATION of FIBERGLASS, comes in paper encased rolls, of either 2" or 3" thickness. Greer & Bridden LTD. Offer you this service at attractive and competitive prices. They fully guarantee the workmanship as well as the For free estimate or further information phone or call at ROBERT E." MONTADOR Limited Sales Agent Phone 11 3rd Avenue c eood condition. $600. Call G.i after 6 cm , . . , n rrr. .. i i nflm 1 . Dtrtt. iiaa.1. ii' WTO C" 1 " eral i Notices, CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Hansen and Carlo Jr.. wish to s-av kixkI bve and "thank vou'' to manv Inends arxl acauaintances for their kindness during their four vear stav in Prince Rutwrt (It) LOST AND FOl'ND FOUND Collie dud. Information at Dailv News ofiice on wviiiK for this advertUement (It) LOST Green and vellow budgie. Sundav nieht. 1037 West First ; Green 253. Reward. (139 LOST slOO American Tin 3rd I Ave. Please return. Phone 4n6. ' Reward. U42di LOST Gold chain and heart, shaoed with rubv in1 the middle Rubv droD kpep-l sake. Reward. Hione Black! ; 626. 139di 'LOST Watch on Tnird Avenue i between Cow Bav and Post Office. Reward. Joe's Grocery.! i 142DII LOST Small black scotch terrier name Friskv Blue 515, 'un fcast. tl37pi LOST Child's clastic rirme-' etudes between Borden Street School and Heventn Ayenue West. Finder return to Dailv Mews. Keward. illOi i. LOST Bet ween Canol Dork ami i Inverness Cannerv. Wallet J containing monev and two i diamond riiws. Reward. Re-l turn to Mrs. Bevnon. Inver-, S ness. B.C. tl37 j NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ' Sealed tender! for the General i Contract, including ail trades.! i endorsed "Tender fur Booth i Memorial Hteh School and King toward Elementary School.! iPnnr Ruoert- B.C-." for the erection and comuletion of a-. j seven room Hiah School with! iGvmnasium. Activity Room. Ad-' ministration and Industrial Arts! Sections and an eleven roonv Elementary School with Adniln-I istration Ser-Uon and Activity Room, comnlete with service.! located at Prince Ruoert. B.C.. will be received bv the Secretary, School District No. 52. 'inoe Ruoert. BC, on or before 5 Dm. Friday June 30th. 1950. Workine drawings and specifl-cauons will be available afternoon of Monday. June 12th. at the office of the Board of School Trustees. Prince Kuoert. BC. and at the office of the Architects, snaro and Thomoson. Berwick. Pratt. 1553 Robson Street. Vancouver. B.C. A certified cheoue for Five . 15 i ner cent of the tender sub-jmitted.must arcomt)anv each j and every tender and shall be forfeited if the oartv tendering j declines to enter into contract when called uoon to do so. On I award and signing of the con tract, the succes.'.ful tenderer shall furnish to the Board of School Trustees a suretv bond eciual to fifty per cent ibO'it of the Contract price. On receipt of this bond, the certified cheaue submitted with the tender will be returned. The Board of School Trustees, and the Department of Education reserve the rht to reject anv or all tenders without explanation and no tender having anv oualifving clauses will be considered, A deposit of Fiftv $50 00) Dollars is reouired for each comnlete set of clans and specifications and will be returned upon receiDt of same In good con-i dition. -" Sham & Thompson. Berwick. Pratt. For Board of School Trustees, School District No 62. Prince Ruoert. B.C. (140) " BlILDERS & CONTRACTORS i FOR electrical contract work I large or small, call Grant & ! Newton. Black 6"9 'lmt FOR building and eontractine it's Northwest Construction Limited. Phone Sti3. 18m) ' MARINE and general sheet metal work. Thorn eneet .Metal Works. Black 884. (18m) COMPLETE builders sunalles fast service. Island ORv Building SuDOlies. Blue 820. (18m) ' ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Incomf Tax sneclalist. S. G. Furk Stone Building. Red 593. (20m) , . aW PERSONAL PLUMBING and Heating -Sheet Metal work Tar and Gravel Rx)fin Cell 629 8th West. Phone 543. Letourneau and Sous. uf FOR SALE Hep.tman medium; sired piano, gootl condition.) Suend vour terms- Write or ohone W H. Kihlvn A'k"! McRae. Gen Store. Usk. B.C. table housekee U41p shower baths, el- jwinMnlng. ooatin FOR SAI.E-Comblnatlon ilec- , mountain climb: trie and oil stove. Good con-' smjthers. BC . . . ; i rrnn ofUr mnos flatc ttfl' "W"! B r. m FOR SALE Riries. Shotguns. ; WANTED - Ho w Telescooic Sights. Large as- comm.Kla.wn. si, sortment. Variable chokes for basment. j 0T Seagrams 5urc shotguns, etc. 48 rounds 30J British ammunition rnjoom a' .1V Dealers enaulrles Invited , ANTED-Koon, Write monthlv for latest de- 't' !lt.: scriotlve folders and prices.' Phone Scooe Sales Co. Ltd.. 320 j Queen ... Ottawa. Ont. Uf I j . . FrHave f - This odvrtisment is not published or displayed by liquor Control Board of by ttv Government of British Columbia. ;.vT-rn srani FOR SALE Hn Canaries. Read v to nest. Star Shoe Re- j Dair Shop. Fulton Street. (HP) FOR SALE Quality BrIUsh India rue 9' x 12". mushrooini color. Few months old and In. rrr.t .ii,i i,.,. Will sell at! reasonabe reduction. Phone! 947. (139) FOR SAluElMton steel jnd-ine mats. Al condition. These a-. , 4 4 .... kit 10 f not V... i, : .uui, U'oUKt 111 rvM) CAT P-FW 8 THE BEST in Plumbing Service PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING BUD SCHUMAN (Old Post Office Blag.) l.'c.f Sf- "LiSIl 82- soil sr waters and also for concrete reinforcing, etc. Price per Mat Is $2.50. FO B Masset. BC Phone or write W. H. PerLstom. Masset. B.C. 139l FOR SALE 1948 Chevrolet new tires, good condition. Can be seen at Long Motors. U37pi FOR SALE Quaker oil heater.! wine chesterfield suite, arop leaf table, cot. child's bed. Ap-plv310 6th AveEast- (j FOR SALE Used babv carriage. Phone Red 787. U37DI "n V."r naLir K.fterie-i ii ators. Phone stl West. BE.U EST FOR SALE-OM Aonlv R E. Mor. Avenue. Raabe. Ebv Terrace. FOR.SALE-; StrVrt. and t slsune o Jolin or Suiro till be ouenei fiieioerJoW"' 2nd West. .. house noon or 1WUM-. fZtrtft ensh. Conrap balance Blue 245. ... .... " wmsTi cal l! 'J rxm bale. wine converuoir run ji carnage in eood condition! nou-f-gri ' Black etili- 51 Phone Green 465. il37Pj meni . . .. . C.iUk. FOR SALE Babv buerv. almost! H1 new. rnone niacK bou. I3i m run East. (tf) FOR SALE Halibut and trolling - . . rFour ' ' boat "Annabelle." Phone Red! FOR SALb f 438. 139D)i newlv dec, FOR SALE 1 double bed com-i 1480 nth Ea-S' s Diete. 1 chesterfield couch. 1 four. . . large mirror. 1 kitchen table." --,,FriATE 1 small linoleum rue. AddIv . FOR IM- 0n 821 6U1 West, (137p) rom. 1 '.rtlv l FOR SALE Two three-ouarter 1 Fteel beds with felt mattresses.! 1041 llth East. Phone Black ---.," 608. (138D ..hvocul"' FOR SALE 8 Dlece dinette suite, light color, like new. 735 8th Ave. West. (141)