RE-ROOFING? Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, June 13, 19D0 . i I rnrMAAt I m sat iuon vou uuuu ui itMiuuu, cnoose m.r. Minister Had Successful Tour Having accompanied Hon. Herbert Anscomb, provincial minister of finance and leader Anscomb's leadership of the party. ' number of local affairs such as a cadet review at Prince George and made many speeches. HALT SHINGLES the overwhelming Mrs. Gratton To Live in Ottawa Many old time friends of Mrs. E. Gratton, resident of Prinze Rupert for many years and more recently living In Vancouver, will be Interested to learn that she has left the coast to reside in Ottawa. Enroute east she stopped off In Kamloops to visit her .,0f discriminauny nome-owners, Duilders 8.O.N. meeting on Wednesday, June 14 at 8 p.m. . (138, Mr. and Mrs. E. Pollard left, for trip to Vancouver today! o board the Coquitlam. rrhitects from coast to coast. -Lore mode by BUILDING PRODUCTS As a member of the provincial government pic was Interviewed ' on many local affairs. j All along the line, Mr. Merry- J field reports, the Conservative of the British Columbia Conser Groduatiori Photos Call at . CHANDLER'S STUDIO 216 4th St. Pri. Green 389 Open evenings by appointment Baseball Tonight Watson Island vs Abel & Odowes. (It) Miss Beverley Nelson, after a brief visit' at Ocean Falls with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nelson, returned to the city on the Princess Louise yesterday. vative party, on a tour though the central Interior as . far as ITED the largest manufacturer of asphalt ,e5 in Canada. hnose your roof with care- specify "I.P." granddaughter, Sister M. Ann-alle, of St. Ann's Aademy, also Associations, as they did in Prince Rupert, endorsed Mr. Baseball Tonight Watson Island vs Abel & pdowes. (U, Mrs. J. A. Findlay of Masset, sailed aboard the Coquitlam to- Williams Lake. J. E. Merryfield, provincial Conservative organizer, arrived in the city on Saturday night's train and sailed Sunday night on the Coquitlam ,RDfR TIIKUl uii ium mini IUNTKACTOR OR DIRKCT FROM Albert & McCaffery Limited Salt Lake Ferry now runnin" dai'y. (138) friends In Winnipeg. Mrs. Grat-ton's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Verwoerd, I leave Vancouver shortly for Los I Angeles for an Indefinite stay. Prince Rupert, B. C. P.O. Box 160 uay ior a visit to Vancouver. Mrs. Walter Smith and child sailed aboard the Coquitlam today for a vacation to Vancouver 11 or 1" W. M. Waits, A. S. Nickerson and A. D. Vance left by car Sunday for a business trip to Smith-ers and Burns Lake. They are expected back In the fity There they plan to start the showing of their unique big-game and fishing movies, taken during two years of filming in the famed East Kootenay and Rocky Mountain regions. for Stewart where he will spend the next few days. Mr. Merryfield reports thatMr. Anscomb visited many central interior points in the course of his tour, meeting government officials,' Boardo of Trade, service clubs and, of course, the Pro Regular Moose meeting Tuesday, June 13, 8 p.m. FINE PRINTING at REGAL PRINTERS I n .. 1 Members please attend. (127) gressive - Conservative Associa It pays to advertise. Canadian Legion BESL. Regular monthly meeting (with initiation of new members) Legion Hall. Wednes I After a visit In this -itu tions. He also took part in a PHONE 24 222 Second Are. day, June 14, 8 p.m.. (133, Mrs. Maria Thompson, resident of the city for the past twenty-six years, is leaving on 3Wa OATMEAL ROLLS They "pan out" perfectly with new Fast DRY Yeast! R. Hall returned to her home In Vancouver aboard the Coquitlam today. Shave electrically. We carry the Schick $24.75, Sunoeam 826.75 and a new low priced shaver at $7.50. Bulger's. (It) Fred Hemsworttv redHont MUSEUM HOURS I mining engineer here, sailed i a Knn p.4 tu t.i- . . MONDAY WEDNESDAY Till RSDAY FRIDAY Sl'XDAY 11:005:00 P.M. 11:005:00 P.M. 1:009:00 P.M. 11:005:00 P.M. 1:005:00 P.M. I u iie vuquiuam loaay lor la business trip to Vancouver. j,: i j , i I i No more yeast worries ! No more yeast that stales and weakens! New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast keeps FULL STRENGTH lilt you use it FAST ACTING ubtn you use it! Needs no tejrigtraiiom get a month's supply and keep in your " cupboard ! ''L II V v .j ' v a? pt as. - Mrs. AI Manson aiirt her two rj Demonstration by Mrs. E. Abraham, Port Edward, B.C. every Monday and Friday SPECIAL ;jik 1", school children admitted free 10 a.m. - 12 noon rnaay 0 this week for an extended visit to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hickey arrived In the city last night from Kimberley. Mr. Hickey has been transferred here to take over tht-duties of assistant accountant of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal. Parents are requested to register beginners for the fall term at the nearest school before June 19th. Children eligible for enrollment must be .six years of age by November 30, 1950 Board of School Trustees. 137 At the recent funeral In New children sailed aboard tht Coquitlam today for a visit to Vancouver. ' L. W. Lefbr returned to the city on the Princess Louise yesterday from a brief business trip to Ocean Falls. After a brief business trip to Ocean Falls, A. J. Bussanich returned to the city aboard the Princess Louise yesterday PROMPTNESS! knMPTNESS Jn paying your bills Is important. Your wrclianls and the professional men deserve their INTERFERENCE APPROVED4 i Westminster of the late A. O.! Franks, pioneer topographer of Pric Rupert, pallbearers' lnclud- ed several former Prince Rupert ! friends of deceased. The pall-! bearers were A. J. Squire, Malcolm M. Lamb, S. L. Galloway, : A J. Marshall, C. R. McDonald ' and Len Cotton. ' 1 WHEN THE IHIX IS Dl'K! PAY every bill within ten ;er II is received and your Installment accounts on the m Build a reputation and a record for promptness. Credit Bureau of Prince Rupert. L "15 FOR FATHER'S DAY mM - i .el : LATEST STYLES FOR Y0UR FAV0R,TE! jrfffiik tl'W S , .' Carefully culled - TVfyW J) I L v N y to make your - . I XjSvO gift hunting ' rT '"I V V - " easier! Here are rf i-yj -t Jt 1 newest m Cf- I vlSr'f I ' SljSSi? -en's favorites fgTl .41l " 'V I OATMEAL ROLLS Stirring constantly, quickly pour 1 c boiling water into ii c-oatmeal. Scald c. milk, 2 lbs. granulated sugar, U2 tsps. salt, 2 lbs. molasses and i tin. shortening; cool to lukewarm. Meanwhile, measure into a large bowl 12 c lukewarm water, 1 tsp. granulated sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle with 1 envelope Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast. Let stand 10 minutes,. THEN stir well. . Mix in oatmeal, then lukewarm milk mixture. Stir in 2 c once-sifted bread flour; bear smooth. Work in 2730. (about) once-sifted bread flour. Knead on lightly-floured board until smooth and elastic. Place in greased bowl and grease top of duugh. Cover and set in a warm place, free from draught. Let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down duugh and turn out on board sprinkled with oatmeal; cut into 2 equal portions and cut" each portion into 16' pieces. Knead into smooth halls and arrange in 2 greased 8" stiiaie cake pans. Crease tops. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk. Bake in moderately hot oven. 375", about 30 minutes. Yield 32 small rolls. IONDON ! A racing trophy made from the gold of the Ascot. Cup won by St. Simon in 1884 has been sold at Sotheby's for, 3,550 ($4,805). VEST IN A SOUND LOCAL PROJECT HICH HAS BIG PROFIT FACTORS 'i fjSrMfto l tion and many lf;SVv ffc-r I Announcement 1 ; ' -1 I : it lies M. Hays Hotel days of pleased X mf t I wear: w- y j, g-0r im - . I Presbyterian Tea, June 15. United Church home cooking PROSPECTUS AND DETAILS OF SHARES OFFERING sale, Thompson's Hardware, I June 17. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. j ' L.O.B.A. tea and sale of homei cookin? and sewing at home of Mrs. V. Faught, 701 Fifth Avenue West, June 23. - j Lesion Auxiliary Fall Bazaar, November S. 1 I don't like to interfere, but when I found that my youngest daughter-in-law didn't know that blueing is the only safe way to keep clothes white, I felt I just had to say something. 'Rcckitt's Blue prevents clothes turning yellow', I told her. Must a swish or two in the final rinse and your wash will be sparkling white.' Blue is necessary to obtain true white. At the same time she takes no chances with anything that may damage fabric. rmstrong Agencies 3rd Avenue Phone 342 RED - RED - RED A Special Purchase Allows Us to Of fer.These Red Calf Pumps at Only ..... . $5.95 tentative of St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Oct. 26. j Presbyterian Fall Sale Nov. 16. J IO.D.E. fall bazaar November 23. FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD McGlLL SECURITIES (B.C.) LTD. : STOCK EXCHANOE BULDING, VANCOUVER) AILABLE FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY No Minimum Limit Catholic Bazaar, October 4 pnd 5. Charlie Roberts Box 63R III Phone 357 . I WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING 320 3rd Ave. W Headquarters for the VIEW-MASTER Full Library of ColoV Reels Developing, Printing Enlarging Photographic Supplies Scenic Views Kodaks for Everyone our toes.' LONG PLAYING RECORDS Popular and Classical The latest and the best at Are You Buying a New Car? Taking a Holiday? Here is How it Can be Done? ' Order your new FORD or MONARCH for factory delivery through your local FORD DEALER "Bolb Parkeir' The freight cost saved will pay for your entire trip Fly via Canadian Pacific Air Lines and Northwest Air Lines direct to Detroit, U.S.A., and pick up your car at the factory Average automobile freight charges from (factory to Prince , Rupert, B.C.) $275.00 CUSTOMER'S EXPENSES Air Travel C.P.A. single fare one way, Prince Rupert to , Seattle, Wash $53.15 Air Travel N.W.A.L. single fare one way, Seattle, Wash., to Detroit (coach) , : $77.00 stop over allowed in all principal American cities Approximate cost to drive from factory to Prince Rupert, B.C. . Including gas, oil, meals .hotel accommodation (9 to 10 days) $125.00 Total $255 15 Your Holiday is Free-Saving $19.05 upert Radio & Electric Phone 644 Choose This DELICIOUS "Keep-Fit" Cereal I You benefit two ways through the regular use of Post's the better Bran Flakes. First, you guard, against "irregularity" often caused by lack of bulk food in the diet. And, you add enjoyment to your breakfast. Why ? Because Post's Bran Flakes are GOOD TO EAT. A pleasant way to help prevent sluggish system Post's the better Bran Flakes furnish natural bulk necessary to help keep food waste moving promptly. You also benefit from wholesome wheat nourishment Post's Bran Flakes are made with other parti of wheat. Try this "keep-fit" cereal. So GOOD TO EAT I Or serve them in other appetizing ways. Try the tested recipe shown here. Youll be pleased. Insist oa Post's the better Bran Flakes. 1 Always Prompt and CourteoutJ We're Here to Serve YOU WEDDING CAKES To guarantee the perfect finishing touch to the wedding, ordre your wedding cake from Commodore Cafe "Hospitality and Good' Food" I Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders J 3rd Ave. David Chow, Mgr. m post's BREEDS. Made to Order Rupert Bakery Ltd. ';. r A Mrs &fk 1 SUPPLIES : VO V "nl T Wood cafe Cub B "' over I .. r Up-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY EBY & SONS LTD. CONTRACTORS REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plon that new home under the N.H.A. Phone Green S83 B S86 a minutes kiun na ' ;S'ft mfur, ,dd flour once. GARDEN TOOLS SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS FENCING AND NETTING. FRM 3:30 P.M to J:30 A.M. 1 it """'all in chinew Dishes . JSUKY-CHOVV MKIN tsld, Order. PIIOM 1M -i 70Sfs BI?AM RAKES 3-10 WITH OTHER PARTS OF WHEAT I i Prince Rupert Florists Flowern for All Ocrasiotw 1 McBride Street. Phone 311 f IVjOOSrdAve. Box 516 Tel. 777, f,IFIED ADVERTISING IN THH. OAILY NKWS PAYS! k.i.LA