I were always triers. Cameron GENERAL MOTORS (continued from page 4) Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, June 13, 1950 FLOOD FUND SUBSCRIPTIONS crosses the ball beautifully an.j had hard luck with an early ' drive. His corner kick was perfect. Daniels drove hard but row Gomez converted with a j perfect header in the last min ! ute but General Motors Latest acknowledged contribu were seemed out of practice. Guna noot ' tried hard Newcomers tions to the Manitoba Flood ! winners two goals to one. Relief Fund bring the total to Battery - Morgan; Dunbar, date to $2768.94. Subscriptions Ferguson, Mazzoni, Daniels, D. are still being received at the Oomez. Cameron, Pavlikis, G. Oliver Adams and Daniels showed promise. Referee Woodside did his usual capable Job with the whistle. W L D Pts. Gen. Motors 124 tlniivti flotturu 1113 B. v.uy nan, si u naiiu Adams, Parkhonse, A. Gomez the Daily News office. .J Cornea, Veitch, Vuckovitch. earn juiian- jz.au General Motors Boulter, Rob- Jack Venuti 2.50 Cliff Dfthl i 2.00 fnsoh, Jonn Wilson, Price Wei- .....ZZ Can. Ugion "ff 0 3 3 lens, Large, McKay, Pat Wilson, Frascr and Payne DRAPERY TIME We will be pleased to show your our outstanding line of Drapery Fabrics. Imported hand blocked printed fabrics, Home-spuns, Damasks, Roughlex prints, Monks cloths, Bengafene. Celanese Products Nets, Marefuesetfes, Voiles and Satins. We will make any style of drape you may desire; also bedspreads to match, at very moderate charges. We carry a complete stock of drapery hardware. Any style of rod can be rridde to fit your window at no extra charge for making. ; 'm;,;.i,lf -w i"- v.mim- t ise-e Lirlgl Giofdanc 1.00 Louis Janze 1.00 Richard Sylvester 1.00 John Gurvlch 2.50 HoTnl, Ford, Magee, Letourneau". Referee Sid Woodside; linesmen C. Sunberg. t Bond. J. McLellan and C. D. Forbes, asststant district engineers for the federal department of public works from New Westminster, arrived ln tha elty oW the Coquit-lafn Sunday evening from the COMMENTS Pat Mazrei 2.00 tfesbits 6.00 BouHer kept a great goal With Libby Basso-Bert 2.00 . hls 8toppirig of the pena!ty kick 6.00 123 Taxi and the turning over the bar of I sooth. They are here on official 1.00 349 Taxi ... drives bv Darrow Oomes the business In connection with the fast construction of the breakwatei 75 Taxi 500 highlights. Robinson was Joe Slaggarc snn and very steady and John Wil-! for the new fishermen's floats at son stubborn and driving hard. westiew Bay arnd will .also visit Wellens was a standout both de-j departmental projects on the lensively and offensively. Price iNaa and Sskeena Rivers and ROTARY Skeena River drove cleanly. Large was hard" I Queen Charlotte Islands. to beat and improves rapidly. Le R. H. Morgan 5.00 Harry Halstead . 00 E. Reil 2.00 Wilma & Boyd Barrie .... 2.001 R. Smith 1.50 1 3. S. Burns 5.00 Currie Store 2.00 B Y. Market 5.00 Spiro Grocery , 2.00 Lyons' Fine Foods Ltd. .... 5.00 BARREL DERBY ranizing discuss annual contention details situation in light of the require-w Ih various persons heVe. They mcnts of the public." It was the .will vUt Prince George and Progressive Conservatives in On-, other interior points. tarlo, e added tnat lnstituted The convention in Vancouver. cockta bars thwe Tories tourneau wno replaced him in the second half was unlucky ts give away a penalty but did well and will improve with experience. Hornell got a good goal and opened out the play. Ford was fast and clever. Pat Wilson is clever and fast but should play his position better. McKay turned in one of his better games and Magee also did better. His shot was a beaury. ' Morgan was his usual reliable efficient self. Ferguson defend- Ranee & Hardy 3.00 Midway Grocery Si Meat Market 5.00 Pet Gamuljr ,5.00 Richard Long 5.00 J. 8. Black 3.03 twig in uviuoer, s;uu Mr. liewley, will ' take-up study of the single tran.s- j The political picture Irt British Columbia, the pair agreed, is SIDNEY GONICK Optometrist . Now Located Mezzanine GEORGE COOK JEWELLERS For appointment Phone 212 527 3rd Ave. W. July 1st from Terrace Bridge to E. Kwinitsa sponsored by Prince Rupert Rotary Club wiirt i aimct ... ;changnlg considerably, the .deral OrRanicr and Assuiia jB President Paving Visit ;Eino Paavola 2.00 toiC C F- ln the le8isIature in their adopted In this province, and ant on Leadership view is noi a goocr opposition. shaue a nullrv fur t.h ,ri in H. Hermanson (Klemta) 10.00 Millie Bill 1.00 O. W. Rucfdernam 10.00 Mrs. L. Jones 2.00 $1.00 CI OA Proceeds to Build I UU Community Tennis Courts jed strongly as did Dunber. The' t A. Wra-th'al$ 3.00 Mr. tnd Mrs. C. T. Young 2.00 y. the people of British B.C. Asked about leadership, ! can 1 be 800d- SaM Mt nbia will not stand fur tnv Mr. Bewley replied that "cer- , BewIeT- t !rxh has representatives talnly leadership will be an i.tsue Mr. Bewley stated that social -sLetisla-ure who profit by . at this convention." ism is largely being discredited public trust to tbeir per- n ha3 rpporte, tnat a and "by the nature of the party Advantage, is the opimvm 'move to oust lhe pr(,spnt Bc (C.C.F) they Just use the legis-V Buikf, fdi-ral organiwr,lfader( H()n Herbert An5Comb lature as a sounding board for ,lt Pro-re sive Coi.H-rvaUve min,Kter of lnanP- anA .1,,,H their Marxist theories." Miss M. Brain 1.00 (Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lien 5.00 .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! latter went centrehalf and tried to force the game in the second half but could not get a goal. Mazzoni was always effective Darrow Gomez was the most dangerous player defending, strongly and shooting well. His Mrs. ft. T. Gilbert 1.00 Jaclt Collins 1.00 ana ana A. a. u. Bewiey wiey, in B.C.. the coalition (iivprnmont u While in the citv thev will Anonymous 1.00 Adams was under way. Neither Mr. Bewley meet the new loeal Progressive Ahotrymons , 2.0Q:Bal was a peach. -i-nt iif the r.C. Yocnr? Pro-are Conservative, who ars he city until Wednesday to no Mr. fiurker would comment i Conservative President WHHarm- Anonymous '3.00 fast and dangerous. Pavlikis wafe on this subject , which will be i D. Lambie, J. T. Harvey, Dr. R. Anonymous .. 1.00 not so effective as usual. Park- bTotig'ht up &t the convention. C. Large, W. K. McAfee" and Anonymous 1.00 house drove hard and narrowf? Alex Gomez and B,i! UAA . It h;m been suggested that E. D. I others and then visit Prince Anonymous 1.00 missed. Fulton, for four years president i George, QtMSfiel. Williams Lake, AnonyifieMt 1.00, ' I ' 1 "of the national Y.P.C., will lake Ahscroft Lillooet, and BHdge T. O. Batenran 1.00 over Mr. Anseomb's position. At -River. Their visit here and at Miss Norma Irving 1.00 present he Is M P. for Kamloops. ' the other points will also include Miss thrift S. thinni . 1 W' - - ' .. 1.00 1.00' . 2.0J. .. 2.00 Mr. Fulton stepped down re- organization duties, cently and handed his position j ! Mrs. M. e. Weise fP. W. Sbrtjctfii f. ft. Wright ! 3. B. D'errsmors a.ofl ' P. A. $. OltJharrf 1.50. SHIPSand w w teA III 1 u k m f. a. Moore , 2.0 Mrs. fit. Andrews 2.00 1. Rogerr.r;.:....,:, ". 2.oo mm WATERFRONT ii v t r 1 IMlst Armette Rogers ,., 2.00. I A. McAlpine 2.0OT as Dpminlun President to Leon Balccr, MP. for Three Rivers. Quebec. The youthful MP. for the BC. Interior is one of the youngest members of the House 'at 31 : ' '' i In regard to the turbulent liquor que.stlon, Mr. Bewley said that the majority feeling of the ; Progressive Conservative party ,in B C. is that the situation is 'rather scandalous." "However, there is no official word from among the rank and file," he Miss M. Caldvell 2.D0 C.P.R. steamer Prfneess Louise, Capt. W. C. Hubenet, ar fi. Ball 2.00 rived In port Monday at 10:39 rjorothv Robertson 111" 2 m . .... ; 1 a. f " a.m. from Vancouver sawing ai Leplne 1.00 Huber 2.00 R. tf. Cleianrf 3.00 12:30 noon for Alasfctn potnts. A total of 208 passenger embarked at Vansouver of which the majority were tourists for Aias- VICKERS' IS DISTIUED IN CANADA AND IS DISTHHUTtB irCaWftt This advertisement is not published or di played by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbiai added. SMITH VIRGINIA CIGARETTES E. Cavalief .. H. A. Pluym J. 'Henry Miss M. Tait -. 2.00 :....:.,.J.:.:.:...:, 3.00 ; 2.oo 1.00 rnnvontiori ' ka. Passengers dfsembarktfig 'As far as the here Included A. B. Neuleld ,Mr. concerned," Mr. Bewley said, "they are willing to view that T and and Mrs. W. Winfleld and Mr. r-.nd Mrs. K. Harris frbm Vancouver; Miss Beverly Nelson and I.. W. Lefler from Ocean Falls Passengers embarking here were Mrs. Seele for Skagway and 3. I. Peterson for Ketchikan. JLKIMS Kmbing & Heating mpt and Efficient Service It pays to aovei use. FEELING ; jj I fajM -Sil .... l I MkiMflL P0PULAR v.- . umwt4im8. prices miM Pt"o VIRGINIAS J Wry If So, Call RADIO CLINIC KEN'S CanadV f: U.S. purchaws ' must be paid i t fo in ;i . U.S. dollar j WHEN U.S. DOLLARS CROSS YOUR COUNTER 90 Day Guarantee We pick up and deliver Phone Blue 992 WE PAINT and DECORATE From the first friendly puff you'll give top marks to the new Pall Mall Plain Ends to their Exterior or Interior . . cfo your port fo create goodwill and confidence omong our U.S. viiifou It is good business for you to accept U.S. currency whenever clean, sunny Virginia flavour, their wetproof f kii VirHmMK It Ml tufcliiM ilytd b lit LIqum Cd hmi y IM CWnu SPRAT or BRUSH Wallpaper Hanging ' tendered by a customer. paper which does not stick to your lips. Change over to a truly distinguished cigarette, one 'thai lives up to its famous name . . . yet costs no more. -Wherever cigarettes are sold ask for Pall Mall When you accept U.S. currency you are required to allow the full official rate of exchange of $1.10 Canadian for $1 .00 U.S. THE LATEST PAINT BURNING METHODS k in the luxury package of red and gold. Salt Lake Ferry 1 T UKIMMIMk MATUIK SPENCE and Phone Blue 215 Tfy PALL MALL &ucmfiac&zge otf siectctfccffO&C 233 11th St SCHEDULE ON YOUR CASH W6ISTIR OR IN YOUR WINDOW SiSPLAY THIS CARD PROMINENTLY Leave Cow Bay Float's -By CHIC YOUNG -Craiss Mhtd He Hos! BLONDIE - it will remind your safes ;sfarT of fheir responsbilifies ME Th ilatement on ffi fro"' i tpirts th confidence of your U.S. tuslomert. On th back or simple rules ond exomplai for mailing chonoe for U.S. . currency. Monflay to Friday 2:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:35 p.m. Saturday ' 1 :00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m 8:30 p.m. U.S. Funds Accepted at the Official Rate i Cepln of lMi cord art btlng wnt you by youf swir Trod Atiocloiion or Chombtr of Com. mue. Additional copiti may b. itcurtd by writing h. Sttrtlary of your A..ociation, or Ih foreign fchanat Control Board, Ottawa. I S1.0B D.S. $1.1.Caili Sunday Continuous Service Starting 1 1 a.rn . Last Boat Leaves Sdlt Lakes 9:30 p.m. -ll L i 1 Issued by HE FOREIGN 1XCHAMCE CONTROL BOARD Phoe: Green 391 Black 9X6 rttn under authority of the Government ot tonaaa