Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, April 6, 1950 Ladies' Bowling League Schedule ...April 2a -Lyons vs Variety; Savoys vs Rupert R.iriin: Scuby's .j Rosa- Lee's: Pulmonis vs L Strikes; Annettes vs Wrathall's: Stars vs. C-o"do:i & Andertoii ' Trownwoods vs Big Sisters; Boosters vs Seal Cove; Unltcers v.s I'Vungcrs: Cor.iercial vs Wallact Fharm.; Toilers vs Pinheads: I Lee's; Lyons' vs Lucky Strikes. ! May 9 Belmont vs Rosa Lee's; L. Strikes vs Gordon & Anderson; , Wrathall's vs Variety; Annettes vs Stars; Lyons vs Rupert Radio; favors vs Scuby's; Commercial vs Plungers; Wallace Pharm. vs Noble & Wick; Seal Cove vs Brownwoods; Toilers vs Black Cats; Boosters vs Uniteers; Big i S.istrs vs Pinheads. j May iu Toilers vs Cominer- cial:; Seal Cove vs Pinheads; Boosters vs Biack Cats; Wallace ' Phfl'T.i. v.s Plungers; Big Sisters ':; Unitesrs: Brownwoods vs Noble & Wick; Annettes vs Bel-monts; Rupert Radio vs Wrath-all's; Savoys vs Stars; L. Strikes t'-AiC ; A:, -V , U- s.':-' 3 1. v.i -. : ...y 2-- 1 i!v:s vh V;5 NVUlc S ai Cmv . . ; Kotue & Wick. Uosiers vs Pinheads; Ui'steers; Commercial ;: Vv'ickf Big Sisters vs ; Black Cats vs Plung- cis; Brownwoods vs Wallace vs Rosa Lee's; Variety vs Scuby's; Lyons vs Gordon & Anderson. Pliann.; Savoy's vs Wrathall's; A ii-.ettes vs Scuby's; Belmont vs Gordon 5i Anderson; Rupert Radio vs Variety; Stars vs Rosa i:iasiioc aos oring results. ' p m - 1 1 "mm CANADIANS BEAT BRITISH TEAM IN RADIO CONDUCTED SHOOTING MEET History was made recently in international .22-calibre-rifle shooting competition when a team ol three Canadian sharpshoters representing the Canadian Civilian association of marksmen defeated a picked British team 2-1 in the first small-bore disk-breaking match ever conducted internationally by radio. Throughout the shoot direct short-wave radio contact was maintained with scores flashed across the North Atlantic as the rounds progressed. Above, the winners, who fired on the indoor range of Montreal's C.N.R. Rifle club, are shown being congratulated by Bill O'Reilly, Canadian mateh official. Left to right they are Lloyd Walker, Toronto; Harry Wilson, Montreal; Mr. O'Reilly, and Sid Thompson, Parkhill, Ontario. t r y i asis ! r I CANADIAN WHISKY JOHNNY'S BASKETS INTERESTING SMALL HOUSE Inside and outside, this l'2-storey dwelling ha. tlve features which have made it extremely popular with small-house builders. Tr,( terior finish Is clapboard with vertical siding on the gables and over the large Iron dow. This Is an ideal house for the family of three or four and is economical to t frame construction and plans include a full basement. Large, comfortable rooms i interesting floor layout The living room at the front is next to the dining are i bined with the kitchen. A cased opening at rear of living room leads to the stairs and airy kitchen (ll'O" x 8'4V) is conveniently located and provides ample cupboai; Included on the ground floor is the completely equipped bathroom. There Is a sn,-. oUiiiifs the many silverplate and sil-! rsmith companies, it attempts to drag the average human away from the enjoyment of a good ' meal. . j Turning the folder over, 1 1 spy 42 hints, which tend to order us around. j I will deal with some of them: 1. Watch That Knife, It says. There mav be variations in r ces In various stores deoend-vo'her SDPoial or standard dualities are listed.) o I have before me a litle pink booklet which says in lare bold letters "42 Tips on Table ! Etiquette". Published by one of fresh Fruit IV. back entrance at the rear of the house. The second floor is devoted entirely to: as rooms. These are both equipped with storage closets. There is also additional da- front hallway. For estimating purposes, the total floor area is 1,028 square leet; 14,904 cubic feet. ADoles. cookine 31b 35 Fancv Macs. 3 lbs. .1 35 Lemons, larue Cal. doz I't CxraDefruit 3 for .29 Oranses (Navel) .. .22-.75 Dates 25 - - ' Why shouldn't your knife Cut Green Beans, fev 17 i lean against the table." A good -i Ceas-( "-'V 1 ! question. Why shouldn't it? Mixed VeeetableB 2a ; . .. , .. ' . ., wcio Beets, oer tir ... .lb I Maybe they should want the olerv. lb If OPERETTA GOES WELL (Continued i page 3) wax Beans, choice 2t thins on the Plate where it is iiuuuaiu. u lua . i i -i .. . t n, 'tc Also making it Thain and Mrs Some of the ;i from Ocean Fii Coquitlam on 8. ; travelling home Bella, while oft-; ie.--us. bunch ipumnkin 2 for Larruls 25 1 supposed to be. It further hints: Pf.rS.len bUnch ""' 0JBaKt1 Beans- 20-oz;"i'iri.'Z ".2ji "It's likely to slip and get the Soinach. 2 lbs.'cello'rJZlZ. .9a, Baked Beans. 15-o. tin ... .1-' tablecloth dirty". And if the Radishes, bunch (ft Tomators. 20-oz. ea 17 diner gets mad, it may slip and DISJILLi'l) IN CANADA BLKNDEI) IN CANADA HOTTLEI) IN CANADA CANADIANS WHO APPRECIATE THE FINEST CANADIAN WHISKY FRANKFORT DISTILLERS (CANADA) LTD. n 1 ' 1K 'lUMU'fUHl. IU Uv 1 - lead Lettuce , Cook'n- Onions. rf ,os J;k)uart Jauliflower. lb 23c pint ' the Princess , morning. pet somebody's neck dirty. 25 2. Where Do You Seat The 13 Boss? it asks. We will leave this to the imagination of the ., ,n vuui. unit, Pnhhpue lh 12 ...... i r W -33-?gi Lar&e Grade A 58-60 employee. .47 '.-tatoes. 10 lb iviecnum cartons LrfiUur: a. wuai nuuui uuve riisf it fuliets. cartons 43-51) Masonic Lodge Being Instituted To conduct the institution tomorrow night of British Columbia's newest Masonic Lodge Mount Caro-Marion of Ocem Falls of which W. J. Nelson, formerly of this city, will be worshipful master John Thompson of this city, district deputy grand master, will sail on the Prince Rupert tonight for the paper town. Accompanying him will be a party of local Masons including A. E. Field, A. D. Ritchie W. D. Vanre, J. R. Morln, Alex Mc-Rae, Dr. R. G. Large, Robert Cameron, Earl Gordon, A Llnd-sth, 11. D. Thain, C. A. Berner, W. H. Murray and T. H Wilford. r iciiinbers. lo 'eetable Marrow, lb. . nuash. lb t'sprffl vi-netaiiies Pickles, sal H-t !ownt r it oubhstkx. or displ iverl by the Liquor Control Board o- bv the government nf British Columhia 0rl 16 y, 1.65 duller First erade. lb 65 Mareine lb 34 Canadian Cheese lb .53 iMinoay April 9-CoJ ,Taxl; P. R. P: i W.E.A.C. vs H s Savoy. good in iniiu'res. 'It's natural and correct to take pits, seeds or bones trom our mouth by thumb and forefinger" it adds. Maybe your , toes can do a better job. ; 4. Waiting for Everyone to Be Fervcfl Before You Eat is a Rule That is Outdated, it states. This also applies to shipwrecked failors without food for six mon lis. 5. Don't Stuff a Big Olive in Your Mouth. This is absolutely correct. You are liable to choke. 6. What to Do About Fresh Fruit? it exclaims. Why not try flapping it .Ladies find this a Kood cure. 6. When Do You Drink Soup? A silly question! Naturally, you drink the stuff when your wife or waitress is mad and fords the spoon. 7. Double Decker Sandwiches are No Problem. Oh yeh? 8. Steady your Dish With your left Hand. Apparently, the Evaoorated MUk lvi-oz. tins. 2 lor Case 7.50 Flour Pastry Flour, 7 lbs 6t Flour, 49 s, No. 1 nard Wheat , ......3.60 Flour, 24 s Tea ana Coffee Coffee lb 62-82 Tea DeLuxe auantitv lb ....1.0s Blended 33 Graoefrult .ly Tomatoes. 20-oz. ea 18 26-oz 24 aHuoii j ; i. .tile. 20 'i. mi. lor 2" ; ttt-nz 3 I tannert trulls Pineapple, crushed 33 1 Pieces. 20-oz 4: Anricots. 20-oz 30 :; rries, aiv y, 20-oi,. 38 LoKanbcrries. 20-oz .29 (-cacnes. choice 24 Lara Pure, lb 24 .-norteninn - 31 SoaD great credit to themselves and the school. To principal John S. Wilson goes high commendation for staging such a successful operetta. He paid tribute to the fine work of Mrs. Doris Cobb who planned and made the costumes. Miss Larson and Miss Adlard had trained the rhythm band. Miss Trotter and Mrs. Stone had done a good Job and the smooth performance was due to the effective work behind the scenes. Miss Larson as pianist had a very heavy responsibility and excelled in accompanying soloists, choruses and dancers. 8. A. Cheese-rhan was in charge of business arrangements. The children in the various groups were: 'King's Guards Howard Jo-hanscn, Donald Martinusen, Rocky Terry, Donald Way, Carlo Hansen, Eugene Mah, Christo Furnlotls, Oeorge Thaln, Billy Watmough, Tommy Oraham, Joe Scott, John McLeod, Larry Eyt-cheson, Irwin Rensvold, Craig Oliver, Tom Long, Russell McNeil, Billy Greene, Bobby Mitchell, Alan Laird, Grant Ronson. Courtiers Jackie Gustafson, Thelma Pavllkls, Marion Evans, Lorn a Dutton, Danny Newfleld, Francis Rowe, Dick Flood. Sunny's Little Ha Ha's Ole Led, Peggy Anne Dominate, Jean Anderson, Sylvia Cherry, Roberta Reld. Patsy Phillipson, Al-leyn Ritchie, Art Nickerson, Larry Parent, Harold Hill, Glen-don Smith, Eddie Gormely, Felix Wright, Arnelle Rhodes, Larry Toms. Honey Bees Gall Berg, Leona Mae Dominate, Joanne Prockter, Muriel Prockter, Nita Welse, An- ALWAYS $(PWfi AWSlPMIAW Claire Valentin, Claudette Williams. Sticks Evelyn Rowe, Darlene Farfeniuk, Ronald Gasinlus, D. McMeekln, Lorraine Love, Lorraine Jackson. Jingle Clogs: Judy Phillipson, Eileen Howe, Roddy McLeod, Kathryn Stewart, Donna Larry Eby. Triangles: Jeff Toms, Dayle Faught, Daryle Davidson, Tommy Zornick. Cymbals: Loree Faught. GrM f n no Hn 1ft Mnnrv,'cake"...l"r..."T'ior .25 P'ate must be nervous. Try thaw Salmon L 1 lb. Canneo: 1 )-j cups crumljs; 5 a 2 tbsp. Ip' lemon rinJ:s Direclimn- J cruml ' stirring t"' beaten tg!!' over hot nf for 5 min Cool sliik'J' lessoning ''-rind tnd fri beaten est ,! well r' : Flex-o-lntor a unit ofinch-spari'd fine vireg firparatfR padding from lot h surface of the (Aprinx unit . . . no more saKfiinfi, lumping, t h i n n i ng a Iwayv f in o o 1 h k I e r p i n f fr years longer than ever before! H eat-more Fli'x-o-lalor-eipMfiped nialtreHKCf) offer you this far uprrior kind of a niffht') retsl for ear to come. iflVoGUEl I V-Y 100 OAVES inette Youngman, Carol Nelson, j Eugenia Christy, Katherinc I Christy, Linda Strachan, Jackie ' Micholuk. Flowers Jo-Anne Lunn, Lorna I Nelson, Alberta Renwick, Marg ; inhott' hi., in 35H" HOMEWARD BOUND aret Leighton, Lorraine Julian, Georgina Raabe, Patsy Faulkner, Suzanne Kergin, Shirley Eytche-son, Margaret Strachan, Joan Bennett. Rhythm Band Drums: Raymond Oakey, Allan MacDonald, NG C0NTR01 , Gregor McLeod. i I ..a jw rsKkss: p'J II ILJ.ITf tJ r. TI. T.T.I 'J 14 J r'tiiiii..r.iii m.ii 111.1141 Bells: Kathleen Gormely, Pat Greene, Judy Rossitor, Eleanor Peterson. fcM Now the wind blows hard from the cast-nor'-cast Our ship she sails ten knots at least ..... Huzza, we're homeward bound ! For over a century Lamb's Navy has been the call of those who know good rum. Smooth and mellow, it is matured, blended and bottled in Britain of the finest Demerara rums. i Tambourines: Patsy Mah. BROADWAY CAFE prevnnl Padding "Tmnmng Kcp foddinfi Thick vr loiter iffi TAG ON THE VATCH FOR THE RESTMCRE MATTRESS AT YOUR . . . FURNITURE DEALER "V-rotJl rinest Cooking 1 Let us This advertisement ii not published ot displayed by the Liquor Control Board ot by the Government of British Columbia. rt-iacKenzsef umiiuri Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m For Take-Home Orders--Phone 200 An oW ted shanty.