LlSR m l raw QLU,iJ.;i,i, 3. c. L'AY 3153 QTO fUAjV WKCJ L U L If 1 1 V Sjr onr.iEs DRUGS Daily Delivery PHONE 81 . NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER vol xxxrv6 5anoda', Most Strategic Pacific Port - "P,iee Rupert. th Key to th. Great Northwest" 81 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1950 . PRICE FIVE CENTS Bus Service lo Prince 'Canada Yield. rt is Sought by Terrace '15)- Bases On At kite Ll of Trade to Survey Housing Needs v - "aa, United States Takes Control Conciliation In Progress " : -. Prince Itupcri ir ouiij ravurea RRACE The Terrace and District Board of 1 ' 1 ii;1ve decided to sponsor a petition for a daily 'vice between here and Prince Rupert but de-I'ainst sponsoring any particular bus line. -"was felt, was up to the Public Utilities Coni-tnwliuin the completed petition will be sent SIX BL'RN TO DEATH - - asking iivprtns icim taken place concerning k11s .service kave Tor- ghad and re the National Housing Act. Th? i,. mf.rniii OTTAWA Canada has accepted full United States military control of three of the most important armed forces bases on' the Atlantic Coast, informed quarters said today but moderation of cerain civilian privileges possessed by American - troops stationed at the bases in New in the ev- hi tlie coast 1 Central Mortgage and Loan are awaiting the zoning bylaw before doing anything here. In 4. ttcrly meeting of thc s held in llifi Credit ! on Wednesday nii?l)t thc meantime all those inter ested In building through th. foundland is expected to result J (turrlngtun presiding. ; NBA are being asked to submit It i " I' ' V " 1 f f -l f - I u on the Housing their names to Mr. Kirkaldy from decisions by the two governments within the next G. Kirkaldy stat-i who will supply the forms and some correspondence .,iirsllonaire which must be Case Between City of Prince Rupert and Firemen Being Heard Arbitration proceedings between the city of Prince Rupert and the Fire Department began In City Hall yesterday as a conciliation board 'of H. K. Bate, chairman, Mrs. Norah Arnold, representing the city and M. O. Howell of Vancouver, representing the firemen, heard and discussed a brief presented by J. Ewart, on pehalf of the firemen. . Solictor T. W. Brown is acting as spokesman for the city. The brief explained the branches of fireflghting, qualifications needed by firemen, fire gases encountered, the cost of living differential and requests of a change in vacations, superannuation and service pay. 'The City is presenting its brief ' today. J The firemen compared their t wages with wages of firemen in filled out. A letter will be sent to the W.A. TORONTO Six children, ranging in age from 8 to 16 years, were burned to death today .when fire destroyed their home in suburban Scarborough Junci.un. Two other children in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harding were saved by their parents. Firemen said today they had not ascertained the cause of the Uidie which destroyed the house in less than an hour. NOT SUPPLYING CHINA OTTAWA Canada is not supplying arms to China, Milliliter of External Affairs assured Parliament today. Supplies to Nationalist China had stopped last fall and none had ever been scat lo Communist China. LABOR WINS . LONDON In the first by election since the recent gen Charges Are Lies ,' inintsters of public works with j 1 a copy to Hon. E. T. Kenney I placing before them the prob-j j lems of the district and, in par Tea Premises1 ticular, the straightening of the' highway at the northern ap-, proach of the Skeena bridge! and the pavlg Uirough town. . A letter will be sent to the' radio division npmrtmpnt. nf I i iMTHPf lWM'fcf.'.ll Legion Ladies Aux- 8 sale held Wcdnes-j Transporti Ottawa asking for' oon in the new build- CIRCLINO CONTINENT The R.C.M.P. vessel St. Roch expects lo be the first to clrcle'the North Amercian continent. The St. Roch, which has made the trip through Arctic waters from Vancouver to Halifax and return, left Victoria yesterday for Halifax. Most of the 14-man crew under Inspector K. W. N. Hall are from Halifax. Built at Vancouver in 1928, the St. Roch is 103 feet long wjth a 23-foot beam, has a displacement of 80 tons and is powered by a 300 horsepower heavy-duty engine. She has visited Prinre Rupert. (CP. Photo)' capacity crowd. The pened by Mrs. George ; other B. C. cities stating that the I WASHINGTON D. C. (P Owen Lattimore, accused by Senator Joseph McCarthy (Republican-i Wisconsin) j of being Russia's top l spy in the United States, swore 'today that' the charges wera I "base and contemptible lies." Lattimore, an authority on Far Eastern affairs, made his denial in testimony prepared lor tho Senate foreign relations subcommittee investigating McCai thy's charges tha Communist; and Red sympathizers have infested the 8tate Department. Lattimore flew back to Washington from a United Nation I. h, i(e of thc mayor, action on radio interference here as satisfaction cannot .be gained from the B. C. office. A copy of this letter will be sent to E. T. Applewhaite M. P. The Associated Boards of Trade resolution for an cost of living here is 15 per cent '. miented thc ladies on lint a place for the higher than in Vancouver and that they are only asking for an increase with this and other jliuig every success to eral election, Labor retained the seat in Sheffield where the former members had re signed to make way for Sir Frank Hotchkiss who had been defeated in the general election. The general election margin was ciit by 6008 but Slellars Win Western Title Politician Murdered ALBERTA SESSION COMES TO CLOSE ' EDMONTON Q, Hon. J. J. Bowlen, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, last night prorogued the i air. strip . at Tugwell Island : was brisk after that ! Prince Rupert which will make circumstances in mind. I A graph was produced illustrating the trends In wage scales if many articles were ; possible an air line between the d up. The main hall coast and Prince George will; have the support of the Board' KANSAS CITY J) Charles Dl- 8,nce 1924- Tne firemen, they there was a much smaller vote. VANCOUVER, fi Stcllars, a great f the stalls and the Maggio, time sald- have been receiving much Hotchkiss competitive lsla, ure 42 ,iavs aflcr it h,.d one underling to iiati 2,000 votes, mission in Afghanistan after McCarthy had made his accusation.;. a in the ladies' quar-al the ProPer Ume- the late Democrat boss Tom Pen- lower wa&es than plumbers, car- A request that a night opera- "m. came from behind last opened. ladies partook of his Conservative opponent MftO and a Communist a mere 700. tor be installed at the Terrace; night in the third quarter to win ;ta there. EASTER RECESS station will be sent to Super-' the Western Canada junior bas-intendent C. A. Berner and a.ketball championship with a 54 request for a maU box to be' to 46 decision over Vancouver Y.' placed 'at the station wUI bVM.C.A. Winnipeg had won the Defeat Alaska, Mohawks Back B.C. Makes Gi(r To Newfoundland crgast, and an ex-convict were Pentrs or electricians over the' slain today in a political club vears slnce 1924- - , here. Both men had been shot "tht ,lre fighters are request-, in the head and It is believed to lnS wa8e Increase of 15 per- j MfVe been-A case f double mur- cent across thc board, prr or j tier. - " J ; , time off in lieu of statutory holi- f The ex-convict has been lden- dsvs 5 a month bonus after tified as Cliarlie Gargotta. . ten years' service and increased 1 DiMaggio was the head of a contributions to the superannu- OTTAWA Parliament adjourned yesterday for the first and third games of thc best of three series. spring were every-daltotlils and other am Rolhwell, I'res- Auxiliary, welcomed k of ladies of the" ih Mrs. Darrow Go-.or worked hard to- Easter recess and will recon- j vene April 17. After a clean sweep of fivn I wins in their Alaska scrip?. sent to the Postal Department. Another request to be sent to the Public Works Is for a daily report on the condlUon of tiie Outhustled during the first, ST. JOHN'S Nfld. Vh A friend-ih mil lv gesture from British Columbia " ' - ,llllol (anllnn nnn.ln. the aon fund- I i find the range as they trailed ws warmly received in the New r ' ta.8 Highway New members welcomed to foundland Legislature - by - Prem- remnants of Pendergasfs once 13 to " 9 at the " start "" of the "- second. -- MONTREAL LEADING , 'three at Ketchikan and one at MONTR EAL-Montreal Young I Metlakatla, the California Mo -Men's , Hebrew Association J hawks will be back in Priiir? took a three to nothing lead in i Rupert tonight for another the Senior canau.an iiasket- game with the local Senior Jet.j ball finals by defeating Uni- whom they defeated twice.. last I Ik. mll- .. lf,Hn Mil. , .. I,,: i , ., itcess attained. Sew- ere taken care of by Hie ..u-ctmg r.Ci. " , The Stcllars then however be- er Joseph Smallwood yesterday, ""-"u. .u, wuauiwiwou. . ler and Alan Campbell. J cfub Canada's most westerly Pcal leader recently was 001X6 GlOLMdS Followins a lenethv meetlnz gan w iook use , me compact compaci ciuo r prov- g wtin hufnm o hriomi iron lIIVIVV VIUUIIUJ circle convenors, week. This gave the Mohawks Mrs. Muncey, Mrs. 1 " . " . . , h,pv are riiirine earlv In the third lnce preseniea uanaaas most, - nbole easterly province with a golden Id versity of Manitoba 47 to 34 last night. Stay Unchanged Russell, 'Mrs. D. 42 wins out oi a games on their winter tour season. After V.I one of Nelson Brothers baimon , mere. uiao mln hv DiMaggio is reported to have Osborne, Mrs. A private mem- Mrs. Canton. ca"n!ng'. .' .. Hon HPrhrrt. Anscmh Bp,Rh curried political favor ' from OTTAWA W leaving Prince Rupert they will complete the season at Powell River. Refreshments were served oy Injured Bank Man Has Sister Here lis were in charge as Miss Margaret Columbia's deputy Premier and President Truman by whom he ber's proposal that grounds for Peter Adlem headed by E. S. had been spurned. i divorce in Canada be enlarged a committee Sargent. Tail, Miss Enid Ball and Miss minister of finance. Jean McDowell are local school plant-Mrs. Dvornan ran into an almost solid wall of i "r B11' manager , j of the Market branch of the NO PAPER TOMORROW Currie, Mrs. D. Kerr. teachers sailing by the Prince wking-Mrs. Michal- M. J.'Saunders returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from Ocean Falls where PPii " "I" use oi oni- Bank Q Montreai ln New West. Tomorrow, being Good Friday mons yesterday. The proposal minster, who was shot by a i Rupert tonight for the south to p R Bean. awu puuuc nouuay, uie iauy ,HKrfrom , bandit at th first of this week. k. ' . Westminster And L.A. Lead m I P. Smith and News will not be published. The i . " V" , " " " . T ne nas 5l,e"1 wle two vv bill next regular edition will be Sat- by David Croll (Liberal-Toronto- , , ty "inaugurating contracts for bridge urday afternoon. Spadina). He made the with- brancnland wharf building for the Fac- regularly wlth tne mn P. Elert and Mrs. J. spend Easter. F. R. Wright and R. D. Cleland will leave by plane Saturday. Also leaving on Saturday's plane are John G. Moc of Ocean Falls, Mrs. Jean Singer h presided at the : drawal after hearing a cross s and servitcurs VANCOUVER, New Westminster, in the north, and Los Angeles, in the souUi, today held two to one game leads ln their arbutt, Mrs. Mar- 1950 21.4 feet 17.5 feet 3.4 feet : Mills whlch wil1 keeP ni3 of the Bank of Montreal in Ne;lflc I Westminster. Latest reports! crew busV tor the coming year, were that Mr. Jack's condition ! Mr- Saunders leaves again for ' was fair. Mrs. 'Whitman is at Ocean Falls tonight, accompan I present' visiting in the south, led by Mrs. Saunders. H. M. Wightman of the iocal section of members' views from Bank of Montreal staff left by .... . . , . , . , , , . . i different y party J speakers ' and todays plane for a trip to Van- , Friday, April 7. High 4:03 17:12 Low 10:48 22:46 Baliingcr, Mrs. B. of Massett and H. F. Noakes of 8.7 feet Terrace. Mrs. Gilchrist. Acting Mrs. W. Wallace J- Croxford, Mrs. respective divisions in Pacific couvcr. Mrs. Wightman and lrum u""ae"' v1 ul Coast Hockey League play-offs. family are already in the south, country. The Royals, winners of regular 1 ; ; " M,s- V. Deane. Mrs. 11(1 Mrs. Barker were l( lhe kitchen. league play in the north, had a tough time subduing the Vancouver Canucks 4 to 3 last night. Los Angeles goes to San Diego TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co Ltd I, " we Mrs. Hill. I .ihit, . .. .. Mrs. Ho hriMilr t f'' ri tonight and New Westminster moves to Vancouver. Parley Lewis. clrge of Mrs. E. Mis. unn, THE WEAWER Mrs. Rolhwell, , i- '11 Synopsis j Skies were still cloudy over most of British Columbia tills! f'M. E. Johnson, tlc- 1 &4ktrt v morning although clearing was Sct. J- Hardin, tlc- A h v- i. f. ovncnlorl rfiil'Incr Ilia flav nldlltT !)g nAi .1.1 - FTl !:, I t . ,5:'!.,:.'.k. ......... 11 . IV of! 1 ; H Joan ? .. arntin a'r cnillpH nvpp lllo mmin- "''" - P ' IF a Ft,Mrs. W. P,,ii.,m 4 tv 4 ! Iiil' thp last twentv-four hours "': End etencled as far souCn as lhe Vancouver Bayonne i 04 Bralrone 9 00 B R Con 02 '2 B R X ' .05 Cariboo Quartz 1.27 Congress .33 Vx Hedley Mascot .24 Pacific Eastern 04 Peiid Oreille .' 5.20 Pioneer 3.30 Premier Border .03 Vis Privateer .13 Reeves McDonald 2.00 Reno - .04 Sheep Creek ...i 1.05 Sllbak Premier .35 Taku River 12 Vananda .13 Salmon Gold : .06 Spud Valley .06 Silver Standard .80 Oils ' ' ' . . , "' Anglo Canadian t 4.85 A P Con .29 Atlantic .. 1.85 Calmnnt 43 C & E 7.65 . Central Leduc 1.40 Home Oil 13.23 Okalta 1.80 Pacific Pete 5.95 ii . . . Cloth, Mrs. F. ReU.hi 4,1 Ham, ticket 'htW Andrew, tic- ljriuoo. r requeue snow nuiura and temperatures in the twenties are the rule in the cold air. The large storm centre just ctf the coast which has been affecting our weather for the last twenty-four hours was begin Aumaque .40 Beattie 07 Bevcourt 32 .Bobjo .13 Buffalo Canadian 15 Con. Smelters 95.00 Conwest 1.15 Donalda 59 Eldona 31 East Sullivan 6.80 Giant Y'Knife 6.80 God s Lake , 35 a Hardrock Harricana .08 Heva .08 Hosco 06 Jacknife 05 Juliet Quebec 05 2 Lake Rowan .15'.4 Lapaska - .05 Little Long Lac 49 Lynx 23 Madsen Red Lake 3.10 McLeod Cockshutt 3.75 Moneta .41 Negus 1.59 Noranda - 67.85 Louvicourt ' .". 26 Pickle Crow 1.75 ' Regcourt 05 San Antonio 3.55 Senator Rouyn .28 , Sherrlt Gordon 2.17 Steep Rock 2.85 ' Silver Miller .67 Upper Caoada 3.85 Mary Ann m Don, M 52. Geona Currie, Uc- IC tE hours m...t ... I we Kuitar uAA cd 'wnmcnt. J.V.U ning to move southward this morning with resulting improvement in coastal weather conditions. Another small disturbance developing in the American northwest will cause continued cloudiness and showers over the southern interior. ForecasJ North Coast -Region Cloudy today and sunny tomorrow. Little change in temperature. Winds Easterly (15 mph) lows tonight and hiehs tomorrow At Port Hardy 35 and 47, Sandspit and Prince Rupert 37 and 48. " '" ' in' "'"i"i"yv )HAWKS 1:30 nToni8ht B. C. POLICE DISAPPEARING Tha British Columbia Provincial Police, organized In 1858 and the oldest provincial force in Canada, soon will disappear. . The province signed an agreement under which Royal Canadian Mounted Police will take over. Here Corporal P. B. Smith, left, and Sergeant O. L. Hall are on guard duty as a session of the B. C. Legislature prorogues. It probably was the last time the provincial forces will handle such a function. Both Smith and Hall were formerly la Prince Rupert. (P. inuue&a 3y? Royal Canadian .0,5 Vj U.N. BUILDINGALMOST READY FOR USE This striking view of New York's United Nations secretariat building, which is practically ready for occupancy, shows the towering skyscraper monument to peace, through rows of steel posts which could be taken for graveyard markers. The posts are being driven into tin ground for new buildings and a roadway that will form the approach to the building. Royalite 13.00 Toronto A 'U .n. i.iiuim 1,4