C .1. .l ("i.lic I Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, April 6, 1950 Iana Amirr. J""" TODAY 7-9 p.m. FORBIDDEN StIJ tU J Ul iu uuj Father And Sons Gather ficulties ii continence. He made a plea for leaders suymg that a young man could do nothing finer than to offer service In a cub pack. Other speakers contributing to the enjoyment- of the evening were Commissioner Haugland, Postmaster S. Kirkaldy, Terrace's first scout master; C. J. Norring-ton, one of the first scouts when the organization was newly formed over 40 years ago. Aaron Haaland who told of the scouts' trip to the first Canadian Jamboree last year; Cpnstable Brue. Rev. Father Racette spoke of the lm- Terrace ISanquet Has Some Prominent Visitors TERRACE "On behalf of the scouts and cubs I take pleasure Sizes For All Ages A'neariuiui ' Fashions Tailoring And Prices Couldn't Be Riohter! Priced From pressiveness of the scene, the 4 5 $5.95 tsrrtaf WILLLW HOLDER JOAN CMJITIUD BIILY DEWOLFC MOM immti WARD ARNOLD m . . L.. ' LytM T'si'tr..''''w"' ""- I I M Ages 1 Yr. Through Teens """We're proud of our selection In girls' coats. Just take a peek and you'll understand. Our styles are right our prices are rightcr. 7 - 9:10 -2-4:20-8:50-9:05 FRI-r SAT. guests and discourses and hew useles the work of the boys if the parents showed no interest. Parents are needed to second the movement which is encouraged the world over. What the leaders are doing for the boys takes time and patience. ,He paid great tribute to John Haaland for his work with the youngsters. Robert Pethwick, assistant euu-maser, then took charge of the "Oning-Up ' ceremony in which 11 boys passed Into the scouts and were welcomed by scout, master Dick Dubead. The pro nioted boys were: Victor Zanor-zen, Alvin Hobenshleld, Robert Cote, Teddy Clifford, Robert Irv-ing, Jim Laird, Donald Jul.seth James Wold, Roy Huebncr, J!m Kurulok and George Munson Mr. Anfield presented Mrs. Mc-Gilvery with the Civilian Scout RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycle, !SHIP$S WATERF (Subject to Change, FROM "FLYING" SAUCERS TO CARS! There are few motorists who haven't wished at some time or another that their ears were fitted with wings to enable them to soar over the long, long line of traffic ahead. Now the dream is a reality. The aerocar which THUKSD AT -rM BABY'S 4:00 Richard Seaborn Foursome 4:15 Stock Quotations & Int. 4:30 Adventure Stories Badge, making her an nonorary can be converted from an auto to an airplane in a few minutes is shown here at Longvicw, Texas, in road and aerial roles. At tup you see it flying across country, below, converted back to road work. The changeover can be done by one person, without txls. memo or other equipment. The autocar, which can be kept in the home garage, has front-wheel auto drive and a pressure air-cooled rear engine. The markers say that it is spinproof and has full provision for crosswind landings. member of the Terrace Scout As- L 4:45-Young Man With a Song 55 CBC News thanked n,..,ii. Ypr her for for : sociation and her work in providing i,ionrtid banauct. A such a ""Grand m welcoming our fathers as spe- , cial guests. We boys know what ' the name Dud stands for under- j standing pal and teacher. Some- 1 jne who plays ball with us when we are short a man and shares our adventures and when we misbehave, it's usually Dad who corrects us. Scouts and fellow-cubs, let us rise and toast the men who mean so much to us Our Dads." With these words Cub John Engekke expressed the thoughts of his fellow cubs in welcoming their guests to the Father and Son Banquet In the Oddfellows' Uall last Friday evening. Whyo cloths covered the long banquet tables which were decorated with the green and gold colors ol the Cub pack. Vases of j .at lodils and pussywillows stood m each table and green and gold covered baskets held the bread j oils. Decorated place cards .tood at the place of each guest. , It was an impressive setting and j presented a pleasing appearance J j tfle eye of all who entered the rail. J Proceedings opened with the inging of "O, Canada" followed oy the ceremony of the raising of ' the flag by Cub Joe Sparges. j The toast to the fathers, given Aell by the smallest cub of the j pack, was responded to by E. S. j Laird, High School principal, who ; ' said he wondered if the fathers always deserve the high praiso given them in the toast just pro- , posed. Expressing his pleasure at being there, F. E. Anfield, district commissioner, was introduced to the gathering by the chairman, John Haaland, and said how grand it was for a place the size of Terrace to have such a large gathering as this. He gave his listeners iood for thought as he congratulated the boys for their smart cubs. A cub is only as good smart cubs, cub is only as good a.i the support he gets for his pack, at home. Cubbing is the development of lh?' whole boy, part of the whole program of life in .-iiaking the boys of today the men of tomorrow. He bade the fathers to enter into pa.tncr-ship with the boys in cubbing -he cubmaster cannot do the work alone, for one of the greatest dif Soutliboiuui ,ril, Vancuuvc-. c. p Princess Nuh, ( Hughes, was in p o'clock yesteru Passengers sailina Vancouver on th, Mr. and Mrs. Sc; two children, M t L. Yclland and Ocean Fails W, B passenger 2:00 Festival a: NO TITLE TO PLAYGROUND City Clerk H. D. Thain, in a let- ! ter to the School Board last night j informed "the board that city i council will not grant the title to . the Conrad Street School play- j ground. ' I Chairman Dr. R. O. Large de- clared that "we need something more certain than a letter (from city council merely .statins tnat the ground is available If we are going to build." It was suggested that th? council be asked for a lease on the property if a title cannot be CONSTIPATION SERIOUS IF NEGLECTED BBYS daffy movttnfnts are iomethirn of whirh absolutely accurate track must be kept. When he misses, something must be done at mnrr. Constipation is serious for baby. Mis. John T. Reid of Hespeler, Ont., has this to sav: "Having had seven children and having used Baby's Tablets for sll sever can say they are the bet and gentlest regulator fur children. During; teething Baby's Own Tablets were a boon to me as they cleared up at once any digestive disturbance or fretful new.' Equally effective for ample fever, teething; troubles, upset stomach and other minor alitor nti ot babyhood. Quirk in their action. Sweet -t aft ing easily crushed to a powder, if desired. No "sleepy" stuff no duIIinR effect. Ot a boa todsy. Sici nen so ofien strikes in the nighu y cents Money back ii not saiisned. Family Play Coming Here amusing affairs of the Wiikins family. Edward Arnold auain plays bit-part as the incite, this time enmeshed in a political campaign which sees him running lor of- Howl" was the cubs appreciation of what had been done for them. The lowering of the flag, followed by "God Save the King" closed the proceedings. As a last gtsturc, led by Mr. Anfield the whole gathering gave three cheers for Mr. Haaland, the popular cubmaster. Rev. A. C Grace was given by Shlndcl and benediction by the Rev. P. M. Mallett. Sequel to the delightful and pleasurably remembered "Dear 2:45 Huly Week 4:uu-'ine tot,: Ruth," another charming family flce gainst his wn son-in-law. picture "Dear Wife" comes to the Holden. Miss Freeman, as a pol- Capitol Theatre here this Friday ilically conscious bobby-soxer and Saturday. It has the same Ejv0s an outstanding rnmertv His Island! -i 3:30 Iiiternatior. j 3:40 Divcrtiaier. LEARII TO j stellar cast which made "Dear j Wife" such a top-flight hit. Will-' iam Hoklen, Joan Caulfleld, Billy ', DeWolfc, Mona Freeman and Ecl- w ai d Arnold are assisted by Ar- portrayal. Assisting Hoklen in the campaign Is Miss Whalen who arouses the-jealousy of Hol-den's wife, Joan Caulf ield, all' of which pleases here former suitor, Billy DeWolfc. ' "Dear Wife" has been hailed as one of the year's best 5:00 Rendezvous Room 5:30-Record Album 8:00- Canada at Work 6:15 English Favourite 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 The Inside Story 7:00 CBC News 7:15-CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide 8:00 CBC Round Table 8:30 T.B.A. 9:00 Winnipeg Drama 9:30 CBC Van. Concert Orch 10 00--CBC Ner 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Focus 10:30 Dance with CBS 11:00 Weather and Sign Off FRIDAY A.M. 7:00 Muxlcal Chirt 8:00 CBC New 8:10 Here's Bill Ooud :15 Morning Song 8:30 Music lor Modern! 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comfy 9:15 Morning, Devotion 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00Ellcn Harris 10:1 5 Carson Roblson 10:30 Melody Time 10:45 Rita Martin's Musical Kitchen 11:00 Kindergarten of Uie Air 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Report " 11:31. ...Message Period 11:33 Rec. Int. 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Prog. Resume 12:30 "Easter Parade" 1 :00 Afternoon Concert 1:30 Bernie Braden Tells a Storv 1:45 Will to Peace DANCE. . Phone today for Information about the special student classes. Have fun meeting new friends while you learn to I'.ance the latest steps ill modem dancing at ... . Prince Rupert Dance Studio Phone Green 491 Mary MocDonald, Directoi LOW PRICES NOW IN EFFECT Pile Sufferers SwTtr mK.rH nut If nu knvpn't trlra' the ww rknfirM Pytlnnr Trffttrmnt. Ifinfil IManf .frr(. upri-lsl Kalam, nd l.tmw cn Alrrri t that Iimwt trotihl, r.nm,Jn, Ihr rati.. It art worth, whilr rr.Hli. thnl hi.t. vur flr.t botlla f P!tinr m. thta ar M irlc rr-fMnitrrt. rjitona Trratmrnt, 11.75. Sour 4rugf 1st. Belter wj A I ' M,T ZV' 1 Zhustac: ! , . . Including the presidents ol me local organizations, Invited guests were: W. Robinson, Dr. Mills. Dr. Black of Prince Rupert, A. Boas t,f Prince Rupert, Mr. Anfifld of Prince Rupert, T. Harmon, Const. Brue. P. Muric, Father Racette, Const. Rogers, H. King, C. J. Nor-rington, B. R. Dodds, J. H. Stevenson, J. Spurrel. Miss F. Melvln Mrs. Wold, Miss Booth, A. C. Cal-dcr, Mr. D. Cochrane, Rev. Mallett, D. Duboau, Mr. Sharp?, Rev. Shlndcl. Mis. McOilvcry. convenor of the banquet. Helping he. were Mrs. Hobenshleld, Mrs. J Julsclh, Mrs. A. N. Jones, Mrs Melvln, Mrs. Normandeau, Mrs Cote, Mrs. Amdam, Mrs. Laird, Mrs. Murie, Mrs. G. Jackson, Mrs R. Sparkcs, Mrs. Mcllroy, Mrs Christy, Mrs. Engelcke, Mrs. W. Martin, Mrs. Van Stolk, Mrs. K. MacPherson,. Mrs. James Lever. Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. L. Newhou-ser, Mrs. Irving, Mrs. Clifford. Mrs. J. Schultzik made and don-;ated the lovely daffodils which , decorated the tables. CHANDLER'S rDSTRAIT STUDIO urn Finishing; Enlarging -h Photo laken at Home 'f one Green 389 218 4th Si . uINCE RUPERT, B.C. ARE YOU. AN NEVER WAS SHAVING SO QUICK AND EASY! HONORARY MEMBER IN WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING - 320 3rd Ave. W Headquarters for the VIEW-MASTER Full Library of Color Reels Developing, Printing Enlarging Photographic Supplies Scenic Views Kodaks for Everyone KINSMEN! REAL ii wine ISOne-PeceRazor if not : GET YOUR MEMBERSHIP NOW INCOME ' WITH 10 GILLETTE BLUE BLADES IN DISPENSER AT MOST STORES OR KINSMEN RETURNS Pit $1.00 SI .00 It. E. MOIl j kcounfing 324 Ztirt A To those Out of Prince Rupert Enjoy real shaving comfort, instant hlade changing and double-edge economy. New Gillette One-Piece Razor and Gillette Blade Dispenser just can't be matched for shaving conve. nience! The complete set for $1.29 is the greatest shaving value ever offered. h Refused WRITE: KINSMEN CLUB Of PRINCE RUPERT t P.O. Box 1129 Prince Rupert, B. C. . Easter GreelM o . . -Jim. liE-s. a SPECIAL LONDON tPi-m. Hon. Morrison, deputy prime minister, yesterday rejected an Opposition request lor .a Parliamentary inquiry into and accountability of Bilt- SINGER We repair all makes Sewing Machines WORK GUARANTEED For Free Estimates Phone 864 ' Singer Sewing Centre -PRICE OFFER r'JTI LOW p.o. with io Giiutt. &4wti SJres ' Rasl $2.00 Volufcq. VWIf V V j ain's nationalized industries. I Replying to HcnderstiiT Stcw-I art, National Liberal- and Con I servative for East Fife, Mr. Mor-i rison told the House he consid-' ered "no useful purpose" would be served by such an Inquiry. SEE THE NEW.. . ; G.E. REFRIGERATOR 9 12 CU. FT. ONLY 36900 AT NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. PRINCE RUPERT STEWART, B. C. Blue 210 1shl n uarnsriiiofi AHEIOW CAB "horn Contented Cow" 646 That's Us . . . And Millions ol people know that Carnation is a dependably superior milk. Year after year, you can counf on its double-rich goodness, its fine, croamy flavor and smooth texture. Whenever you buy evaporated milk look for that dependable red and white Carnation label. , ROOFING REPROOF: with Asphalt shingles: A new colorful and fire - resistant roof right over your present wooden shingles. CHOOSE:' From various colors, patterns and qualities. Applied complete at $16 per square and up. SAVE: Money and ensure yourself of guaranteed roof protection by consultinq your local Builders ' Greer & Bridden 215 1st Avenue West Prince Rupert, B. C. Phones: Black 367 Red 561 Call For Every Use, Milk So Rich it Whips Yes Carnation can fill every milk and creum need. Diluted half and half with water, you have fine whole milk for cooking, for baby's formula, for drinking. Undiluted, Cwrngtion is double-rich milk for coffee, cereals, and for whipping. ORDER YOUR Hot-Cross Buns NOW FOR EASTER TIME ir qts-xfA'.-y&sM'.'yMfv.wp.' Remember Only A Fish Gets Hooked 50 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE - A Ml half-century making the world's leading brand of evaporated milk I That's Carnation's record. Yes you can depend on Carnation. it i k&iLir u RUPERT BAKERY LTD. Be ARROW wise cai A CANADIAN PRODUCT ?y sw