2 J. Prince Rupert Daily Hews MEN'S SUiTS-TrTbTv' the npw nnnn!nrFnll,L.j . " es, W . I Ray Reflects Tuesday. Osteon 10, 1950 and Reminisces r--, , s0Qes y, MEN'S RAIN COATi-5ee th buy,., 6eth; Ac Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Print Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association CA. PINTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director . SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier, rer Week, 20c; Per Month, 73c; rer Teai, 'ggfa-1 59.00; By MaU, Per Month 50c: Per Year $5.00. Labor Day Monday. Thanks- I giving Day Monday and nothing j to do but observe them. Aim i observation fine! MEN'S JACKETSAII wooI a Now A'9 se'sc SOYS' JACKETS ond PARKAsUS warm. From n" , , COMFORTERS Lovely c Sctin Comforters 0f ni,,. Double bed size. Now IpJ1 Washington recently enacted a j ruling, requiring down payments , of at least one-third on automobiles and completion of payments I within twenty-one months. Many ! other ' articles of commerce to j which the tightening up process j applies could be mentioned, as j Riff In War Clouds well. In other words, you can't have your war and play aroiflid. too. once in a while a little gleam of sunlight EVERY strikes through the black clouds of impending war that hang over the international situation, and it gives us at least momentary relief from the ' strain of fear of another world war, with all .the People were calling that brisk I fall breeze last Friday night a I 1 ' storm. It only cleared the air j and was good for the averaee i ' Certain horrors of the atomic bomb. It is with SUCh jlazy mortal. Real gales occurred j belief that we read the announcement by Jacob hfZS Malik the Soviet deputy foreign minister, that his ' gust hardly got going until some j government would pledge itself not to be the first j . SSS ! to W the atomic bomb, and was prepared to talk ; concerting way of shaking loose j , and folding up for a few hundred ; peace. feet. And as for plate glass win- . , . i , i dows there has not geen a grand i The statement was made in reply to seenu smash ln years. Only through ! j-3r . ALUMINUM ; v- !4) UTENSILS , i ! I- f f GLASSWARE i Ml i M ' 0VEN GLOVES ; ri .JJS DISH TOWELS . questions put to Mr. Malik bv the Maryland Peace ;an examination of early num- ....... t. u 'j:-.;uf; o j bers of the News will details be 1 available. L,ommiiiee wnicn nas ueeu uiswiuuung a ballot" asking signers whether they favor outlawing the atomic weapons and a United States-Rus-;.sian meeting to negotiate differences. The organizers of the ballot claim that they had nothing to An -iVirV, tVio "Stnpkhnlm Pfflcp Armpal." whirh has : i There would not be a prodis-. ! ious water power going to waste I ln the untamed mountain coun-j : try down the coast from Prince ; '. Rupert unless the region was as ; !l!d as hev make them. Alum-' ...-: " , , Inum Company engineers are been denounced as a fraud, the purpose of wnicn impressed by such a wilderness was to disarm the Western Nations of their chief but sometimes there are circum the j It's A Sure Hit! PUBLIC AUCTION Si weapon of defence in the event of an all-out Rus- wllder the better.- i AN OUT-OF-BALANCE SITUATION Drawn Herald. by Robert Chambers in the Halifax Chronlcle- (CP PHOTO) sian offensive in Europe. The call to service offers a In the Old Ovcrwaiteo Store i It is that human beings need If you can produce and sell it at an unlimited number of goods a price your customers are willing and services. Some of these are and abh to pay. But you lose r.ecesiti.-s, like bread and but- nior.cy if you are inefficient or ( OCT. 14 SATURDAY 2:30 P.M. ter. Some are amenities. I.ke if some disaster befalls your cus- 1 rovie shows, music on the radio, tomers ;or if you have too many Now that the Korean war has been won by .challenge, it maytake someone . . , near and dear. They'll see new - the -combined forces of the western XT rsations, tne . sights, meet new companions, So fet government is, apparently, waking up to j new lives. But. says an cx- " 11 6 , . if I change, such service instils vir- the fact that the Atlantic t-. Pact means DUSineb. j tues which we, at home, never which little gleam jwpe to do Discipline, m tueif. The rift in the - clouds through f a 1 Is an opportunity an educatlon- of sunshine has come has been made i i by the u utter n. :8i advantage which too many armies Korea. Mr Malik's and can or defeat of the Red in announcement that his government will not be tne j service puts the boy or the n otrCmiV M-aannn und is nmv in favor if?""1 Iace to face with the world. r As I i I I It or grand opera, borne are lux- competitors that is, if too many uries. like nylon stockings, mir.k companies are trying to reiKk-r coats or trips to California or the same public service. Florida in the winter. I . , 0 The theory of fre? enterpriie I SAY THAT the basic theory Proceeds to the Prince Rupert Rotary Club Civic Committee I ! i.i that human beinss can best of capitalism, or fre enterpvL-e supply themselves with all these 11101 vu u'c " ' iBut, it protects him tn the pro- By ELMORE PHILPOTT of a peaceful settlemtnt of "differences," is a con cess. It sees that he gets foou. JUST WHAT'S A RED? things by allowing self interest! to operate naturally: The farmer owns his own land, raises as much es he can, sells it for the care, clothes and shelter, no fession of fear. The would-be world dominators of matter how Inefficient his own Advertisement Courtesy of Northern B.C. Power Co, THE BIG GLASS com Moscow have been striking, fear into our hearts j efforts might be. And only a highest price he can get. Whi re Continued 6n page 3 WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING See our Kodak Camera Llne-up, Flash attachments for all . .Cameras. for the nast five vears. but the worm has turned, i!maU percentage of those caned nan:e of Canada have Job dike making steel or gloss) , : r , . ' ' . . , , , ., n,v il u'uorm wui ever see uie-r - Is too bie for one family, many and they are, at least, beginning to be atraia. lne ! dangers of battle. pleaded guilty to tne Feopie join together and form men who sacrificed their lives in Korea will not I UniTites charge that they have ruitLirS .w.W.V.M.WW.WAWAViVAWWAVWWW Kodacolor and Kodachrome ae pui me ui uuu :on meir way irom ' Seattle to Deen in an liietrai Vi ice- They make their product for as I r T . T 1 m Spend on into the hearts of the men Alaska 10 slze UP the territory Uttle 88 tnev can Bnd seU u for nf thp lne Kremlin ivremlin- T Lt pf us Us llxln f,x;n romhine COmome. Their ineir e. ex- and gain new and timely impres- ag much 35 tney can get. and that it will be the sions may call at Prince Rupert. cuse tnat tney nver did act m of ofst.an4. the public interest. . . . . . Evening at Homt hnnp thaf the fear will ptow . Film. Developing, Printing and Enlarging. 3211 W. - .u ...v. r .. 0- - .., . K1 i ' j . - i . . it. (Anvwav. Anyway, thpv tnev nave havx hon been .cuA mrt contrary jr to u "' v""' Iom! ycu make money n tnere Is; with Your FavoriK Deginning oi wisuom arm oi reai peace ior trie iand n , . --- tnat they fixed lalr price, an0 a demand for your product, and ' accept. Prince Rupert li the I1-" oniy reasonable profits. I nearest citv in Canada nr fhP The main point which arises Recording United 55 ter tn Aiir!. out of aU tnis is: CrustyCrunchyDINNER ROLLS A The' re really riuy nd no MAKE YOUR CHOICE NOW at the ASIC Kt ( :! ) T neighborly, nothing is .osl ana What's a Red anyway? usually, something is gained. ! If a Red is somebody working for the overthrow of the syst.tm There is a local Indifference to cI capitalism, or what ued to be the "Operation Mercy" preca-- icallel "Iree enterprise" then the tiens to take place this month ' in i "ddiesl' o 811 the "ds are r-ct British Columbia, according to !ln the Communist-party but in the R?d Cross president at Prince 1 lhc Padded seats ot the Bj?.rd Rupert. But you can't find P ! looms of big busine.-s. For these slightest bit of indifference when ilatter- by the price fixing, finan-a ball game or prize fight Is bein? ;cial manipulation, and Just plain itaged. " profiteering have damaged thiir trouble at all to make, with new Hi'ivihnunn Koal Fatl Rising Dry Xttst ! Give you fa attmn light doughi and none of the bother of old time perishuble yeast ! Cict a doen paikaget keeps full strength without r e I r i gcril iom Hnnprl Radio & Electric ' ''! .tsrw.. ..WVAV.W CRUSTY DINNER ROLLS ;own system lar worse tnan lim Saskatoon small hnv tnn ' Buck and Co. could hope to A ? r,-,. -.--. - DURA BUT LUGGAGE $9,CC0 from a strong box in their 1,1 a thousand years, heme and travelled as' far as! r . ' 'WHAT NEXT IX KOREA? THE FIGHTING may not yet be completely over in South Korea. The end cannot, however, be long delayed and the ultimate result is not in doubt. This' happy state of affairs has come with unbelievable speed. It is not so many days ago that the forces of the United Nations were pinned down in the small southeastern corner of Korea and people wert wondering whether and for how long they would be able to hold on even to this. The victory Of the United Nations forces has been dramatic in its speed and completeness. . .' At. this moment it has become necessary ; for. United Nations forces to cross the 38th paral-" rieT.Tnto Northern Korea since General MacAr-thur's appeal to the northerners to surrender has not been heeded. Quite apart from the danger in-' '"VjQlTed in the threat of the Chinese Communist 1 fprc.es to intervene in Northern Korea after the Mravire into a laige lowl V'j c lukewarm jic-r, I t. gianii-latril nnar; stir until sugar is ilis-mi!.i1. Sprinkle with I envelop Hrivhuwnn's rat Riint- . Yeast. wiiind.VBftiritf jF.; ! I stir well. 1 'f ' - A Vancouver before being cauphi I laCl lnlUKI OI lneiree"'-up with. Fiv hundred had al- erprlse system U net a bad one, readrbeeh spent in buying what- , -i'-.iM'j : 1. 'Ao'ro rompitl . . . tin f . . 1 -"hk Liicil laiicy, allU live muii;, iiiciij jcaifl d. stocked with M spot tips. They are In line 'or It can well be believed, there ss correction, but whoever was re- far less reason to give thank sponsible for preferring h's house than there is today. This would to a bank ought not to be ns- be a glorious world ln which to iglected. dwell, could our chief problem 1 tsp. salt. Add. all at once, J'j c. once silieil hre.nl flour and work in with the hands; wntk in i tin. soft slumming, knead on lightly-Moiireil I h a 1 I unlit smooth and elastic. Place in greased howl. Coscr with a damp cloth anil set war, be solved'to stay solved. The ond small pie in 0 wide-9 new colors materiais. charity, the knowledge, the m.?rc in waul) place, lice Irnin UiaiiRlit. I f. .- - xt rise until doubled in Hulk. j Oeorge Bernard Shaw, betn? j without evasion, utters what hr thinks. A patient in an Englisi hospital, and lving on his stom -ach. he yelled when a nurs-ftarted rubbine oil into hi icin and kindness we all acknowledge and accept ln this age ere ur-known, centuries ago. Yet, it wax then, the festival of Thanksgiving was thought of. Do we evr V United Nations forces cross over the parallel, no MATCHED SETS from think of the blessings that surround us today? one wants to prolong the fighting in Korea'if u , "it's nothing at an; remark. th , r i... i . , i doctor soothingly. "Shi's onlv Doms Department Jtoie oiU!i(M.iuij i--ViiLi.ii diiaiigcinciik uii uc lng that tQ prevent be(j sores 3 Notning at all?" roared Shaw "whose bottom is she playin? with, anyway?" It is clear to the Western powers, however, that it would be of no service to peace if they failed to take their present opportunity to get some final settlement based on the unification of the whole Punch down doii(li in ImwI, (old over, cover and again let rise until doubled in hulk. Turn out on lightly-floured toard and divide into 2 equal portions; shape each piece into a long roll aliout 1 12" in diameter. Cover with a damp doth and let rest l" mins. 1 ling a honied sharp knile, cut dough into 2" lengths and place, well apart. on ungicascd cookie sheets. Spi inkle rolls with curtiiueal and let rise, uncovered, for t2 hour. Brush with cold water and let rise another l2 hour. Meanwhile, siaiul a Inoad shallow pan of hot water in the oven and preheat oven to hot, 42. Remove pan of water from oven and bake the rolls in sciani Idled oven fur 1A hour, brushing them with cold water and spiinkling lightly with cornineal alter the first 15 mini., and again brushing them with cold water 2 minutes before re INDUSTRIAL STEEL CONVEYORS, PKESSD1I TANKS, SMOKE-STACKS, He. PHONE 7? It Is beginning to appear tha PHONE 79 no matter what part of the worl-' Is engaging attention a crisis i' developing, or one Is on the point of disappearing. Go through an average papr or periodical, an count the number of timp II IVd ,VVi i i 9' 1 crisis" appears. It does not al country under a free and democratic government if they were content to return to the situation which existed before the North Korean sion; in other words, if they left the North Koreans "fn "a "position once again to launch an attack on their brothers in the south when they had recovered their strength and Moscow was ready for ancjther attempt. ways follow that what Is ci.lled crisis, is actually that. Situation- Mallarr fliannarfi moving baked bun Crura rura the the v oven. Yield 18 roll. are arising all the time, of lecol importance, and of varying degrees, but they have nothing- to do with the fate of nations, or even the possibility of war. Yet, practically everything t-nv would appear to be a "crisis." WESTERN BRIDGE SUll FABRICATORS LID VANCOUVER, BC. HOURS SCRIPTURE PASSAGE FOR TODAY "The God of my mercy shall prevent me." Psalm 59:10 L The bard of the Yukon was 76 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 9a a.m. Weekdays Sundays ... RENTALS 12 Noon o'1' 7 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED tne other day. He looks well and ?avs he expects to live a lot lonr His hobbv 1 longevity. He has already written 700 prms. and plans on roundine out a thousand. And it's Just because h" feels the way he does tha Rob-t Service's funeral Is still a long way off. 1 PHONE 6 67 $0 FAITH IS CONFIDENCE 'TaJIh in your personal Integrity, your willingness to PAY PROMPTLY, is the basis on whicH the merchant extends credit to you. Charge accounts are payable not later than the TENTH of each month. CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT AND THIRD SIXTH STREET 608 Third Ave. W. OVER BROADWAY CAFE R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. fNear CFPR) When Thanltspiving was Intro-