jdon. He visited i.i Iw.i.irral an.t. Prince kupcrr L'uily nf . Tuesday, October 10, 190 ' Enthusiasm SID THOMSON HOME , . 'Saw More Drunks Here in Single 111!-Ll TL ' 0 IJ.iL D ! Winnipeg on me way iioiue. m Winnepeg he saw W. M. Blaok-1 stock, formerly manager of the j local branch of the Canadian ; Bank of Commerce, who is now i Secretary Jeanne Husoy. Treasurer George Mostad. Trails Brick Eby Housing Ted CapiUck !Uie could b .. j dances Work V? superintendent for Manitoba and Saskatchewan. mediately on " Social Convenor Hilda Potl.-.r- To Gel in Shape and Keep in Shape have a Steam Bath Often ton nigni man o nonins in DMidin S. C. Thomson returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's plane after a three months' visit to his native England and says he saw more drunks Satur San Francisco Federal ofikvrs have auctioned off nearly ten Publicity-Mamie Bulger Ihe Trolnlnn Tlnrnlrf anA n,u lr'vPU With a.,,..." D I For Skiing A general meetinK oi the Ski Club was held in the Civic Centre Thursday evening with an enthusiastic crowd in attendance. Past President George MostaJ conducted the election of officers for the ensuing year which resulted as follows: President Foster Husoy. Vce President F.ddic Dawes. F'Tk " " .numbers. h ' The Junior CJiinrcllor Loiieki meii'S y tons of confiscated halibut a.i.i a Seattle fish dealer is charged with catching halibut cut of season. The fish. according to u movie ii rh.r,,.. . . """u' shown W7.. : on Paul Leake, Collector of Cus- Business of the past year was last reel 7 reporiea upon ana pinns lor.thfi est to tnerh . day night on the streets of Prince Rupert than all , the time he was in the Old Country. I "You don't hear much war talk in England," Mr. , Thomson said, "but, if It comes, ; ; they'll take it. They didn't com-; went through," the '.local busi- I plain in ' 1910 when they wernessman comment. .' '"' in the thick of the blitz and they t The health of the people of coming year were discussed. on the local Vt, tt , Try a Daily News Classified. OPEN AT 4 EVERY AFTERNOON UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ii was icn oy au inai grtaicr member " -riii I --i j don't think much of the Ameri-, Britain is -good and they all f -NORTHERN SPORTS AND i cans yelling lor help now iniseem prosperous out Mr. mkk V - , their show in Korea. ( Thomson Is critical ' of the La- HEALTH SPRINGS Phone 658 I "You've got to take o;f your ! bor government and the money I hats to the women of England J it is losing on nationalization, for their part in the war but Mr. Thomson flew going and 9-t 1 1 you've got to go over there to coming. He spent most of the really appreciate what they ; time at Slough outside of Lon- By CHIC YOUNG That's Our Pop! bLONDIE iiiiihii iti ii Hi I ''II ! jjjjjj jljjllj jjjjjij (v$TnT2vr? 1K ;t u;itM(i 'iijjij'ijjjjjijjN 71 ffri ORGOODlE-- I I DONT DONT THINK THINK 1 S v . ? I HERE THEY COME 1 I WANT WANT ANY ANY r AlExAnDEP. II II UnMF FHTM TUF I I DAG WOOD WENT J TONIGHT V 1 RAfTS AMD I ALONG TO THE BLONDlE OF fOPCORN DD v rLMT "w 7Ji time for supper MOVIES WITH THE Vw NOT TO TELL -" A EAT THEMSELVES V, -J K ft I ' SCU? FATHER 6 SI ? MAKE SURE THEy J nrfr"' VONTT STUFF . r v rm 1 trfk t i THEMSELVES VACUUM PACKED HOMOGENIZED ' - Ti 'i Alonzo Hitches His Wagon to a Star I ! v paper that keeps f -N ( I'LL GET SOME TOOLS J f ASLSS?BT- 7' ' WOMEN BE AS V-1 DONT JUST i N L AND R THE V- COCK.1E' HELPLESS AS : !( SIT tSMe ALONZO-0 H WAGOHMVSELFJ. -4 w--', .MtN? J SSS s-fi .fe Blush Pink! Vqu: aw:cg3j mu hrs?Vi .y AKOLWP pVT-Taafj SCWE LAKES fO-t-EV V LACE SLIP vTl i- Ifi '-Vr- fH' bS '-fe 11 i;,; That Would'nt Be in Good Taste, Qagwood "I ii j lips ipiffi ' 1 1 '"iiiiiniiiiiiiiiii ' " IJLISTE. PIECRUST ED.A , RconopV -vX iT( NIW HAT? ' ;; (I finished EcsJcRBERB,EV r wStop A.- Double Rings! ' Ijli0''' ; fiijj pj!jl'iiili!iiiiiilliiilliillili' L rmEPupf S, bathJS own ?ath ncw ?AcaSt L (t f r ri S ??J S ' ' B'JT I COULDNT VV7 :", ) - ' --t HIM v-" ' -G I of, rt. r.:c j..-r..-.-,..i.. ii.,',,.,..,. t,'4 A I I " " TX. X OUMV Ml. , ' When he brings your favorite -paper, let him know you app ciate the service be interest- ed in the way he conducts his business. Admire and help your :j newspaper carrier today and every day. Canada's future de- .; pends on his generation, He's the Difficult Type, Too! tiili,i! !-liiii!IM.l!l!l- 'l:lllllllIIHlli" - ip 'llllplIHilll' If!, OAGVOOH WHY CCNT THEN YOU CANJ HAVE fcET TH5 ALAUlvl FIVE A LEISURELY BPEAKFAST 0 iV.'E al Ml Ml nijtes eaituec?. eo and F fity r- 7Tfj(C; rn 1 VOU WON'T HAVE THAT Src'-i; YCL"i PAPER If! GARR 3 w W4 , MOSNIKC? Mill i,. ..i ' i. leaf I - it r is era Qmpoirtant $ I