' v .::ai.) 1 DISPATCHED mm FP.OVirJCIAL LI3.?A?.Y, US (MIES DRUGS Dully 'Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'8 NEWSPAPER ' Published at Canada'. MA, Phone 81 VOL. XXXIX, NO. 238 PRINfTR T?TTPFHT Hf TtJF.RnAV nfrmRRR. Ifl 1950 PRTPK lfTVF. nF.NTn jlgn Affuirs Heads of USSR, USA Meet Mi StMl Leader Rendezvous in Pacific American Forces' Now In North Korea V Anscomb is Re-elected Wonsan is All Fall Storms Strike Coast Between Chief Executive And Far East Commander ' ; WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP) President Truman will meet with General Douglas MacArthur in tho Pacific this coming week-end. The conference will be held "somewhere in the Pacific" but it is not dis- mm GOING TO ARBITRATION ' VANCOUVER The first major storm of the fall season VANCOUVER Hon, Herbert Anscomb, minister of finance, survived the threat and was reelected leader of the Progressive-Conservative party for British But Captured xWONSAN iff) So-tth Korean troops today occupied Wonsan, the first major city In Red North Korea taken over by United Nations liberation forces. At nightfall, however, the blr cast coast industrial city was not quite ,-e-cure. The ftecs still occupied high ground encircling the southwest and western sectors. They 3 Columbia at the conclusion of th party convention here iat- closed whether it will be aboard a Navy ship or at an coast yesterday, causing unseasonable-floods and hitting communications and seafarers. ; Slides blocked the government-owned Pacific Great Eastern Railway. All trains were halted at least until noon today. Several families were evacu island. jVishinsky (left). Foreign Minister of the USSR, and Dean Saturday. He received 453 votes to 167 for W A. C. Bennett, Coalition M.L.A. for North Okanagan. Secretary ' " Ue USA, greet each other at the United Antral Assembly, now meeting at Flushing Meadows. New Ii8d ministers of 28 countries attended the opening session. It will be the first time that MacArthur and Truman have met since Truman became President. MacArthur has not been in the United States since the war. ated from their homes near Squamlsh yesterday when torren USS ROUTE tial rains swelled the Manquin River. Squamish, at the head of Howe Sound. Is the southern ter minus of the P.G.E. However, the river retreated as fast as It iska Railway Talks Indo-China Reverse French Troops Surrounded SAIGON a French troops are withdrawing from a key frontier post, reported encircled today by Communist-led guerrillas. Most of 3,500 French troops are reported lost including some hundreds of crack Foreign Legion- had advanced, and the threat Premier Johnson Is Back In B.C. had ended today. The full brunt of the storm was felt on the Queen Charlotte Ottawa This Week 'AW A (CP) The Department of External islands, where several gtllnet fishing boats were washed VICTORIA B Premier and Mrs. Byron Johnson, who were injured in an automobile accident were pouring a steady stream of fire into the bouth Korean ' troops. But other North Koreans by the hundreds were suddender-ing to the advancing South Koreans. Observers are generally-confident that what remains of the much bombed city of 150,000 would be completely in the hands of the South Koreans by morning. American forces, pushing across the parallel from captured Kaesong, met fierce Communist resistance on the main road to Pyongyang. The First Cavalry Division was about 80 miles south j of the Red capital, but It was slowed to yard by yard advance by stubborn North Korean defences in the border area. A spokesman at General Mac-Arthur'g headquarters said the Communists had prepared defences to a depth of 25 miles, but nevertheless, American forces are making gains. The First Cavalry Division was fighting on a 25 mile front. Am ashore and a large raft stranded at Queen Charlotte City. Winds ftoday confirmed that officials of the Cana- aires and Moroccans. Guerrillas are reported break near Quebec September 29, re- turned home Sunday afternoon on the steamer Princess Patricia to finish their recuperation in the crash. . , ,t The Premier, who suffered t ( American governments will meet here I to discuss a proposal that a survey be made ing through the French post of Thatkhe near the Chinese fron tier. way link from British Columbia to Alaska. reached 65 mlles an hour. Seymour Creek, which caused heavy property damage last winter in suburban North Vancouver, rose again yesterday. Basements were flooded. Towing and tugboat companies lost scows and booms as the storm swept across the waters of fthe mainland and Vancouver Island. kesman said, the talks will be of a ''pretty H.H.I. Season broken hip and is expected tv stay in a cast In his hospital bed for a few weeks, was transported from Quebec by a Royal Can adian Air Force DC-3 as far as VICTORIOUS . . . Hon. Herbert Anscomb preliminary" character. The proposal under discussion will not be one seeking construction of a railroad itself but one for the survey of the best route Opens Tomorrow Vancouver Saturday night. e In ,N.J. OTTAWA Compulsory arbitration may be reverted to for settlement of the railway wage dispute, It was reported today. Government-directed negotiations between the railways and their unions have bogged down. The government is expected to appoint an arbitrator to settle the wages-hours dispute. Next Sunday is the extended deadline for a settlement. STENGEL RE-HIRED NEW YORK Casey Stengel, winner of two world baseball championships in as many years, was re-hired today as manager of the New York Yankees for another two years. The terms arc not disclosed but the salary is expected to be anywhere from 365,000 to $80,000 per year. OAKLAND WINNER OAKLAND The P a c I f Ic Coast Baseball League wound up Sunday with Oakland Oaks gaining the pennant over the rugged 200-game schedule. San Diego finished second, Hollywood third, Portland fourth, San Francisco fifth, Seattle . sixth, Los Angeles seventh and Sacramento last. RED WINGS BEAT STARS DETROIT The veteran forward Ted' Lindsay and rookie jroalie Terry , Sawchuk paced the National Hockey League champion Detroit Red Wings "to a convincing 7 to 1 victory Sunday over the League All-Stars to mark the first time In the four-year tilt that the All-Stars have been defeated. Lindsay scored three goals. Howe, Peters, Pavelich and Prystai got the remainder of the Detroit goals while Ted Smith of Toronto scored the lone Ail-Star tally with one minute and 33 seconds left. CALCUTTA Tibetan sources here said about 50,000 Red Chinese troops and dissident Tibetans are in Communist China near the Tibetan border awaiting the green light to invade. For months, Chinese Communists have been waging a war of nerves on Tibet The annual convention, devot- NFW vnRK WjTh4, B.tinni Threatening weather forced the flight to set down there and the remainder of the trip was made by water. From the steam cd almost entirely to the ques-i Hockey League opens its 1950-51 ine line might eventually take. I "lean tanks, artillery and tion ol party dissension, thus I season tomorrow night the ear- B.C. Deaths Fatalities at overwhoimlngly defeated a rebel! liest Innauguarl In history and SYDNEY, Nova Scot'.n, fiven by high wind to-Jyrd nine business Detroit's talentrlch Red Wings movement sponsored partially by Extension of the Pacific Great ' P'anes Diasted a hole in the de-Eastern northward from Prince ! fens ncetwrk' ai?d Jntmtf? i reached Sinchon, a highway vll- George to Alaska has long w been, Jage about 2lj mlles north 0l the suggested- !38th parallel. ; : . , er the Premier was removed t Royal Jubilee Hospital In an .pn bulance. Mrs. Johnson has made;' 1- younger elements and backed by once again are expected to clean up in championship style. The Pa4 Wintry will Koln of E with an estimated J.030. The flames lent from frrur' A.1.W A' recovery VWTIJ Will Al tl some leaeral members including Howard Green, Vancouver South, and E D. Fulton. Kamloops. :h the business sec- ,T u uv I home against New York Rang- ribs and hurt shoulder stf Thanksgiving Communists Foiled- twarnhcteam they beatTit' the "fas, the' Johnsons wow (j Answering criticism of opponents In regard to holding directorships of ne and beer concerns doing business with the government, Mr Anscomb to;d lY'S STOCKS Reds Suffer Worse Reverse Stanley Cup finals last April. J back from, the federai-prov Another opener is carded for I conference on constitiil Thursday at Chicago, where Eb- j amendments. bie Goodfellow unveils his re-j , I). Jiihnntnn Co. Ltd.) VANCOUVER Seven persons died in Thanksgiving car 'accidents in British Columbia. A Trail resident was killed in a Montreal Canadiens. Then all WEATHER Vancouver car crash In Washington State. six clubs will see action over the , ..,... Synopsis I tne convention that this was known in 1946 when he had been elected leader and he had nothing to hide now. Mr. Anscomb said that promises made when Coalition was Nine were- drowned and ten wcciv-ciiu. -m, . l,.k A ill? OlUllli uauarir died. .' gale winds and heavy rain t f Four persons were killed Sun the B.C. coast yesttrday is weak Salmon Fishing formed must be honored and he assured the convention, in an ening as it moves through ' i interior of the province y Quartz day Hiiar Creston when a car plunged from a bridge. The dead include Mrs. A. H. Thomson of Black Diamond, Alberta; Mrs. i Was Successful -cot . General Strike Collapses and Everything Normal Again VIENNA Communism wa3 considered to have suffered one of Its most crushing recent defeats in Europe as Austria returned to normal after two das of Red terror. Trains are running on schod-uel again. Street cars are operating unhindered and 50,300 striking Rcdj have gone back to work Ccmrr.unlst effort tp foment a gep.eral strike, terrorize I'm country, isolate its capitals and, r George Paquette of Turner Vai- .tiiic ... i t-.rdor ley, Alberta and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stoughton of Creston. swer to charges laid earlier, that fcs was director of enterprises doing business with the government. He had made no bones about directorship in the wine company at any time. Mr. Bennett, Kelowna hardware merchant, campaigned on a program of party unity and .02 7.00 .02 .04 1.30 .10 .39 8.:.5 2.50 .03 V. .08 Vj 3.70 .03 1.22 .31 .12 .04 . .05 2.00 Cool moist Pacific air now c ers all regions and is exT" to give cloudy, unsettled wei for today and tomorrow. ; Forecast Vancouver City Cloudy' ' morning, sunny this afterr Cloudy overnight and tome morning, sunny in afterr Id, onald 3 I. V I. wk .... FIRST SETTLEMENT Puerto Rico was first colonized by settlers under the command One of Hockey's Greats Killed G RAVEN HURST 5 J George Hainswor.n, one of hockey's all-time eats, was killed last night in a highway accident near here. For 14 years he was an outstanding goalkeeper, mostly with Montreal Canadiens and Toronto Maple Leafs. Three times he won the Vez-ina trophy, which goes to N.H.L.'s best goalie. One year he scored 22 shutouts in 44 games. Halns-worth died when his automobile collided with a light panel truck. Four other persons. Including his wife. Alma, were injured. Brazil Dictator Is Winning Again RIO DE JANEIRO W Oetulia Vargas, Brazil's former dictator. micr criticized the coalition. (ask) Salmon .fishing in the district is over for the season with the exception of a little trolling on the Queen Charlotte Islands. The season has been a generally good one. Good runs were recorded at Smith's Inlet, Rivers Inlet, Bella Coola, Bella Bella, the Naas and the Queen Charlotte Islands. Mediocre runs were found on the Skeena and in the Butedale area. Fishing is fairly quiet with the exception of bottom fishing. However, about 200 tons of sum I of Juan Ponce de Leon In 1509. l:d Major General G S. Pearkts, V.C., M.P. for Nanaimo, was elected president of the British P7 Snrtarcl Columbia Progressive-Conserva- Little change In tempters Wind light. Low tonight! I high tomorrow, Vancouver, port, 43 and 55. -1 North Coast Region (4 with scattered showers I and tomorrow. Wind sotitl.. (20). Little change in temper ture- Low tonight and hich tomorrow at Port Hardy, 3.r ,- tice Association and E. D. Fulton of Kamloops, vlcepresident .Prince Rupert delegates at the convention were Mrs. J. T. Har- "lian 5.30 I 4H perhaps, set up a rump government was abandoned. The Communists gave up la face of calm resistance by the rtst of the Austrians. Bulk of the country's laborers lenonxi the strike call. ' LOCAL TIDES Wednesday, October 11, 1950 Reds Charge Americans With Strafing Important Air Base MOSCOW (CP) Russia charged last night that two American fighter planes strafed and damaged a Soviet airfield near the kev Siberian seaDort of Lvey, Mrs. wnia Kay ana fercy mer herring have been caught ! spit and Prince Rupert Cameron. 152. In the district recently. Uduc ... 2 85 ... 1.12 . 8 00 3.70 .... 15.50 15 'A ... mo .... 8.10 (55 Old Country has widened his margin ,to more ! ,n , , c,i . t.. t 21.3 fectlthan 400,000 votes over his near- viauivusiuh insi cuiiu. a iwssmu piuiebu iiuie was 22.5 feet! est rival following last week's prof erred to the United States Minister Counsellor, Football :: High Low . Mian UV, 0:49 13:00 6:53 19:18 .iSIr'lWalworth Barbour, by Andrei Y. Gromyko, Soviet Toronto deputy lortign minister. Tne note placed the Incident 62 mlles north of the Russian-Korean 34' r . "TV ' i . . . Queen Charlottes Are:-Wracked By Tempests QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY (Special to The' Daily News) Southeast gales, the third within a week, with heavy seas gave fishermen and boat owners at Queen Charlotte City and Skidegate a troublesome time at the week-end. Saturday morning found big seiners, better able to weather the storm, towing submerged smaller fishing craft the storm reached its height border. I (Saturday) ENGLISH LEAGUE DIV. I Aston Villa 3, Ntwcastle 0. Blackpool 3. Chelsea 2. Bolton Wanderers 4, Portsmouth 0. Charlton Athletic 1, Arsenal 3. Derby County 1, West Brom-wich Albion 1. Fullham 1. Everton 5. Liverpool 0. Stoke Cltv 0. It demanded "strict punishment" for the "responsible personnel" and American assurances against such Incidents In the future. "As a result of the firing, dam-age was inflicted on airdrome equipment," the note declared. It made no mention of casualties. ' Barbour declined to accept the note on the grounds i n " ' ,rrw ' "-" , : v aiwtlian 23 f . ' ' hiicrs i - ff 7X x . , i v I -24 t 2rV jc . vpy p-f A h; .03 y ' -43 i ---w i.r.-r is -h " V X V- -J C 1 ' ' including gillnetters and traw-1 prevented possible loss of both ' . 1 ... TTlfn O CUaffinM1 the protest was a matter for the United Nations to handle. WrtX,. """"""lien, to repair ways. Information camps, valued at almost $1,000.- Sunderland 0 Huddcrslield' Huddcrsneia her" that a Davls raft valucd ! 000. xnwn n a). $1000000 was torn tromj Barber.g loat used by flsh. Tottenham Hotspurs 1 Burn- lu "hk""s "u y ; men . ana tne wueen inariouu jey 0 ! piled up on the shores of Queen : Airlines, parted and is scattered Wolverhampton Wanderers 3, Charlotte City. Salvage opera-'along the shore cf Qur.en Chn.--Middlesbrough 4. ; tions by Northern Pulpwood, lotte City. The siormy weather BASEBALL SCORES , ' PACIFIC COAST (Saturday) Los Angeles 2-6, Seattle 1-7-Sacramento 4-3, Oakland 1-7. San Diego 7-4, Hollywood 2-6. Portland 2, San Francisco 0. I Sandspit. prevented loss of the continued over the week-end. I raft. I Because of weather conditions i One gillnetter, buffetted by jail attempts made to tow to i heavy seas, caught fire. It is a j Queen Charlotte City the Hl-1 total loss. There wa no lar$e. fated seiner Scrub, wiikU UntI S loss I over on Sandspirt Bar with the DIV. II Barnsley 3, Grimsby Town 1. Blackburn Rovers 2, CardU'f City 0. Hull City 1, Leicester City 3. Leeds United 1. Bury 1. Threp other small boats were ; loss of one man drownca ana Luton Town 1, Preston North i wrecked and anothtr badly: another still missing while try-line to make Queen Charlotte l.n .05 Sheffield United 1. NotXS I recent storm, have Feas were entertained for the City in a L-ouniy i. lr..i0rtiQn ruhiim Comrjanv n r o v e d unsuccessful. Severe HOCKEY SCORES PACIFIC COAST (Saturday) Vancouver 2, New 1. Tacoma 6, Portland 1. (Sunday) Portland 4, Tacoma 2. (Monday) Seattle 5 .Victoria 2. umjiiuiiw;u i, i." ...... R. ...... W2 2.50 .211 1.50 1 4.00 .95 2.00 camD moored at Skidegate and i storms since have washed her City 2. ! the B.C. Packers camp at Queen ; ashore near Sandspit. Heavy seas PLAQUES UNVEILED Two plaques one in English and the other in French-were unveiled conferences during the Second the Churchill-Roosevelt at Quebec's citadel to commemorate World War. Governor-General Alexander unveiled the plaques which were draped with the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes before the ceremonies. . (CP PHOTOi her d" West Ham" Unfted 4 Qneen's Charlotte City but extra precau-1 have since competed ' tionary measures taken before struction. Park Rangers 1. j