:utslu public ir. i Ircard ty the Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, October 10. 1950 i the i:t i Due tc circumstances Rali.v- Blackwood On Bridge By Easley Blackwood business and Proy SCOUT PATROL Cub Circle 5 :i ' beyond the control m the loca' executive, it may be necessary to change the venu.? of the rehearsal and rally nexi week C.P.R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. William HuDenei, was in port yesterday on her way north to Skagway and other Alaskan . points. Boarding the vessel here HELEN'S Mr. Dale, North in today's deal, doesn't do mut'li subtle bidding. He is likely to jump straight into the game when he thinks it's makeable, with no thought of two or three delicate inferential bids on the way. Cub Packs in the cky have got from the Armories to th,- Naval Drill Hall Dates and tines remain unhanged. A ladit oroad-cast message will be over '.he air on Friday and Wednesday mornings giving lull lnforma- io Heal Your Home The Modern were Mr. ana Mrs. v. layiorior away u a suuu su juug-ns; Ketchikan, Mrs. Ralph Browne from the reports received this and Mr. and Mrs. Endres forl.eek. Formation of Sixes and BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all It branches ?04 4th Street" Phone 6ftf Juneau. t4 ST0NJ East dealer None vulnerable The bidding: Nurth (Mr. D1r) . , 88 8 7 6 2 H 4 2 D -J 8 C K J 9 3 WXt Mrn. Kffii) Kat (Mr. Mrk) Bad Waterfront Fire Averted a-v K .v. k BLUB 59i Onirir nfti(in hu a nat'-jo vpc. S 6 A 10 -CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D C. 21-22 Besner Block Houis, 10:30-12:30 ti 2-5 fc-vemngs, Mon. 61 Frl. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 H A J 5 D A 10 9 3 terday prevented wha: might H-K Q 9 7 8 3 D KQ7 5 SATIN GLO Semi Gloss & High Gloss In many beautiful tints for interior decorating. QUICK DRYING THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. PO. BOX the bringing up of uniforms to standard have been the main eevnts of the past week's meetings. The following promotions have been made: first Pack M. Boas to Senior S:xer, R. Gilmour to Sixer, W. Kergin to Sixer, J. Ardagh to Seconder. Second Pack--. Sykes to Senior Sixer, R. Murray to Sixer, P. Them to Sixtr, G. Ferguson tc Sixer, C. Sherry to Seconder. Froficiency Badges have been gained by the following Three Cubs ol ti'S Fust Pac: M Boas. Guide Badge. F. Anfield. Swimmer Badge. 44 7 8 6 lldVL Ut't'll a lUC Oil Q 10 4 ine wateriront. raisin; uy me By-Town Machine Shoj at Cow Bay, he noticed a blaz through Ho 11 Hi liaiti H KQJ4S H 10 8 r a C A 8 2 South ttt inrth 18 2 H Pusa Pass 4 K 4 3 a window. He lmmedu tely ran - U . - . . I .. SIDNEY GO,,; J t IHM I I I , iu a licaiuy wucit uv gave v 4 VANCOUVER VICTORIA the alarm, wnich was mimed:-j ic ately phoned in to tht fire cio-; 2 nt partment I DM. All pass COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE AgenU for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4tn Si. Pn. Black 58i 111 today s hand Mr. Cham- Arrivine on the sce:ie uhi'e templet . Office Hoa lH t B. Roald. Swimmer Badge. j iho hiazp has still sm ill ar.rtiuion Is his Dartnef. You know Mt'aMmt fat Om. Cook's Telephone t:! j 1 "' 1 i fjcwatwill j -.-iir- J Topcoats ! tig CAV.vrwiLL r f Something new has been added confined to the pile of overalls Mr- Champion. He Is the best at the Second Pack. A Pack hew! ! aIui rags where it start' a. ' f ire-! player and the most scientific U being practised and will be i men saw the fire morn than' bidder in your group ' " dou'jle .n size and Intercity ir. Without being urged he often . Timiirr Sale x 49.VM the half minute it took to get "'ves impromptu lectures oil I sealed tenders win be received by the pumpeT in acti0n. Fire had how you should have bid or IterTan'u'fm on ihe -7th ,i, It 1 Just started to take hole on the played a hand. If you listen you : November. 1930. for the purchae of woijd of the building before H will probably learn something. ! Licence x 49M8. to cut 3.200.0OO : was extingulsned by the fire- Many players don't listen, f b m. of Hemlock. Spruce and Cedar, men. i m- Dale was stretching Quite sZXit Chief E W. i,r,,r said ' B TuoinS Wffi coast c.raham island. Queeu char- today ,if the alarm had come m Bat he had a reason. r USE ; HOT WATER r HEATING We Stop Your L " "Cold War" Sunday. 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam hUCt ARM, STEWART AND 1 PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH OIT-CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun Oct. 13 and 27 10 pit. FOR SOUTH Ql'EF.N CiIARI.OTTK ISLANDS ramosun. Oct. 6 and 20 FRANK J. SKIWKR Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTAN Till 18 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. GORDON tj. K UlL .BURS'EB SPE New wick or pot tjp suppiN-Ailtypa; lotte Islands Land District. minutes later 113 was airaid Ol frs Kpen onened the kins nf Three years will Ue aUowed for re- what the consequences might lf lrtc ,hi-h heiil thp trick Mr and stoves senial moval of timber. if thp n.-nn.'i ... . .. . nive Pecn. r.iucn IHave our heating tTman call and give ,TXyou estimates on hot water or steam heat- ing. Further particular, of the Chief t 7: " "f, Z" MeeK S.gnai.ng Wltn tne jacK. conditional pan:: Victoria. B.C.. or District' ,one uien leu a tow neuri unu Forester, Forester, ,ignograao igiiunny 11 Prince Rupert, fecHatlsIactiasici Mr. Meek won the ace. He laid I . 1.. . .. .1 : . .j . n ,1 V B.c. I ' "a J-.eu me uia; 10 spread rap-10-17-24-31 idly. RORIE & LAIRD Public Accountants and And. tors. Income Tax Return compiled, O. L. RORIE, A.A.E. 8. B. LAIRD, B. Comni Be-sner Block Phone 387 followed with a low diamond 10 terra 733 5th West Mrs. Keen's queen A third dlu- ! No Job Too i,7 11 Dig N qualit: re?.'; Job Too Small HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE VFNERAI, CONTRAlTOKh For Dowutroddet and Worn Sc. MAC 5H0E HOSf Call BLl'E 8 4 6 SAANICH ;iiond lead was trumped in jjmm and a small trump lea. Mr. Meek took hU ace of spades and got out with the ten. Mr. Champion was down two already. RememDenn m,-. Meek's opening club bid and his subsequent two no trump call, it appeared fairly ctrtain that the queen of clubs was in tni east hand. So Mr. Champion entered dummy with a trump and led the jack of clubs, intending to let it ride If not covered. But PLUMBING & HEATING 3Tor. 4th Ave. and McBride Building arii Rpir i. kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS Classified Advertising la payable in advance Flea rairj trom teiephuning Classifieds, Zc De rrd per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Njtlcea 50c. Cardi of Thanks. IVaih Nuiit s. Fin eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2 00 SPlClAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PP ICE MATTSON 1 BIRTH NOTICE I ivir. Meet played the queen ana !Mr. Champion won. the ace and run. KI t LISTINGS WANTED V T -. X i' H; miois'.'TO. Phnne Blue 111, K 330 Second Atr Prince Rupert,! PHONES Black 334 Ren P. O. Box 1570 LEIGHTON To Mr. and Mrs.' FOR RENT Front bedroom. 123SP) uus Lemnton at Prmce nu-i Blue 668. pert General Hospital, October! - 1. a daughter, Betty Ann 1 FOR RENT Room to ate)- Ior inen- Red FREE APPRAISAL geared to led a small club with the idea ol present property market. See finessing .dummy's nint- When us first when selling your Mrs Keen piayed the ten it was K ' home for prompt action anti- .. waitine buyers. We have an au over- urgent need for 4-room houses Air. Dale figured nothing could share, (ti) BUSINESS OPPOKTINITIES MORGAN Born to Mr and Mrs.' Allan Morgan in the Prince' Ruoert General Hosnitnl nn 3R0ADVAY Ci FOR SALE Boatbulidine and Don't Overlook Looking Over Our Fall Selection in good condition. Phone Arm- stop the opponents' Heart game.; Sr.V at 34(24?l He0. ''"uredt .Champion might pick up a trick in the play. i Right again. HELP WANTED j lne nand mlgnt have b(en mt repair shop witn vaiuaoie waterfront lot on Cow Bay.i boat shed 7u' by 60' with four' ends, wul take ooats un to; 54' by 14'. Smaii stojK lumber, tools, bandsaw. circular saw,, portable skill saw. sander.i arilis. motors. Daint spray etc. ali in good condition, r'uil ' WANTED Immediately- dis- , a'J'n ouu polnls instead ot jou. 1 p-atcher. AppIv 112. (tf). iut even that wouldn't have Oct. 9. a son. j foa SALE 1 FOR SALE 3,000 watt electirt' fireplace, Morris chair. Biue' S37 (238p, FOR SALE Trollin? boat "Va!-; der." Fuilv riaaed. No reasonable offer-refused. Phone Red 860, (238pi: SALES AGENTS WANTED , been too bad. Mr. Dale had pro-'..aed the rubber. He had ln- of Men's M ' MI a'- " I & 1 - price $o.50U. K. E. Mortimer, MAKE EXTRA MONEY EASILY .eased the nuiiue! : hands ht rirwsf Cow! 6ii 2nd Ave. Phone 88. j Sell Name-on Christmas? ; and anu ,,t Evervriav card assortments at "l1""' Huurr 1 1 ' Ki..-.L Eh'l Alt j FOR SALE Excellent 10-piece Four-room wartime. less than 2 F;r Take-Home Orders-f bort black walnut dininc room, blocks from school. Newly - beit valuer with mhest com- minions for vou. Uneaualledj Moral: Wnen you have a cffimlPs iTercartf T' luxe Christmas box. Panornma eolnS as lon3 s i' can' Taiie Stanc-uo cares. Canadian greater liberties in sacrifice bid-scenes pictures personal cards din, if they don't work out notes and nankins. Cni.dron s ,,,., .,, .. . . three dimension books. Tele- 1 Quite as well as you had hoped, vision Tom Thumb books, nur- ine odds are still in your favor serv nivmc cai.-i. s;a,i,)nery. jn the next hand, eift wrans. personalized aift . suite with tea table, end table and ladies desk to match, also India rue. Axmin-ster rus. 3 piece wicker set The oil wool fabric with the LUXURY look'.'-r.'Hch anti suave to the'eye. soft and smooth to the touch. irm, tugged and showtt resistant. Designed in a variety of shades and models to suit every taste' and figure. Regulars, shcrts and talis. Topcoats Shirts painted and deccrated. Fuliy iurnished including tabletop eitctric range. 3-Diece chesterfield, bedroom suite, kitchen set. carpet and all curtains and drapes. Fu:: once $3500.00 with $1500.00 down, balance in ana bedroom furniture. Various other things. Mr. Hicks. 714 Fraser. (238p) I i iiiuiiuii.v montnly payments- uavmeiits- mn oyi . Ri4"ei'5?.y!iAK c"a'; Immediate occupancy in four IN RE ESTATE OP IVAR N.HTlN8t.N OKSVOLD (OKSVALDl. DECEASti). INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that an Admim- ribbon, dine-dona bells, also Evervdav assortments includ-ina plnstic cards. Wntf fc"ia for cataio? and samples NOW ; NOW. Name-on (Stationery Company Limited. Dent. B4. 63 Yon?e Street, A-ide. Tor-1 iSn.V' room wartime, close to wc-K'inca in fit . to . u acotnedTtloenar Sft .teJ? "Kft SixrTommVock from trattir, duly appointed by the court, ot the estate ol Ivar Mnrtln.seu Oksvold (Oltavald). who died at Prlnt u Rupet. British Columbia, on tao Ties Shoes Hats of 'these.- 646 T Fulton Street; fn no " prlce 0nly Apartment 3. Phone ReeT 997. ADpiv Robert E. Montador Ltd. I UJbwi : (24io WANTED 2Wth day of June. 19&U. I require all j WAlMTTrn TroriirM'Tt S-rrvim creditors and other having ciuims e fo7 2 KlI. Turntahed "J?, T. auine to properly verified, at the F9? Ax,n,lnster ACT QUICKLY for these houses! or unfurnished preferred. Box me, addrTOi mentioned below ou or buloie the 31st day of October, 1950, after ch,, nV.Ti ' tt u ' 6-room wartime on 8th E.; new-Phone ona 0,0 Blue 909. (238c) w decorated; furnished or un- $45. (241p 810 Daily News. CAVATWILt the cloth of tomorrow that's here today.' SALE - New Chesterfield h"?"LA WANTED Workinu woman rn'ch. i"8 htt.u ea cnest ot drawers: used ii mtu wc, iuu l r a'.:,;. n7. on , Vrtf law. having remd only to such : IjI It I r tr Mil r I f I M, . IMHanril-lll ww-a. ww ' I,. w T t.nll washine marhine: urtlni porches: 3 bedrooms, dnunir News. (239p) clalmi of which I shall, then have been notlf1el ' AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that room. Priced to sell with only " .Z IT" v" or Sportswear .formal Vear and Baggage $2,000 down balance as rent. WAN I fcU IO Kr.N 1 lwp " LI - , , , . . . . . . . J machine; kitchen stoves: heat-, ers: hardware: scores of other useful furniture at lowest nrtces. See B.C. Furniture. Black 324. (tf ) ; Armstrona Aiencies will be three bedroom house. Phone are required to pay tlielr luaeDledne.- Art rvriivio Rln. Mi 9iai filliam F. Stone pleased to show vou these and other listings. Phone 342. (241) to me forthwith. WANTED Four door Sedan. OIDJED J T1''."0' .RuB C" th"' lOdQ men ,iDl n,iit 21st day of September. 1950. FOR SALE one Faco truck soeciai ions wheel base On- Clothes of Distinction GORDON P. FORBES. Plymouth, Pontiac or Dodse. tipnal with or without dump. FOR SALE 5-room house fire- OFFICIAL ADMINSTRATOR, ' I M MM m I I 1 ?ii shaDe- , ury a r ,Se2?n Ei'" P'ace- Hay Cove Bridge vic-cellent Apply 32 Taxi. initv Tprni. Phn,i, nurv ni (242p) 238c) Please reply statinz vear. color nnd lowest cash price. Also the actual number of miles the car has pone. All information required in first letter. Box No. 809, Daily News. (236p 0u FOR SALE One :arge blonde- ' ,jmmi, vri-o oat -c e finicv, i.hnu ,i..i, !, HOUME FOR SALE 5 roomi rellPnt mnriitinv, fn, rTffi,. basement, partly furnished. $35.00. Phone 348. (236p) Priced for Quick sale. Phone Green 587. (238p) WANTED TOP MARKET. ; Try Our ' - Lay-A-Yay Plan for Your on your nexi FtonSAdolei FOR SAI.K T" Newlv" decorated and' autoeyprtlUmbu"dCaUiiees: .fe " and bath batteries, radiator, etc Apply Prone Green 404. 238p) Midland Pines. Phone Black -FOR RALE-Terrace .B. C. laun- iisP dry for sale. A money makinir for rat.f i9fi tinea Q.'-,rriir, """""osltjon. Details from fKiuts r-auj ior scran iron -"pl hrass connr lead, etc Honest eradine. Prompt Tav-ment made Atlas Tron At Metals Ltd . 250 Prior St . Van-eon ver. B.C. Phone Pacific 6357. (tf CHARTER f f all and Winter Like new- Phone Black 152 BroTdw'p??,faUy C'r9r WANTED TO BUY-U.sed piano . (23Gp) MFPLE?!!: ill8' cash. Phone Black 792. urCwulM (23BP) CHAPTER FLIGHT PtA"w- NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMF.S 4 rS?Z 1iJis.en?iir b".? s,.n wllh . - Clothing -Line-belt Speeder Shovels; i'1 1 ,, ,,vn?;S' : A - Rcraj st. bra.' Cranes- Draalines: Adams HJnoi','?'.. Mlv, JrliLsh;d-: Conner batteries and radi Road Graders: Littleford Bros. . i u, ; 8tors. Phone 543. Can 629 Rtn Black Tod Road Maintenance 4 r?om house less than 10 years ; west.' (tf old on cement footinss F.x- Enuloment: Owen Plamsripll O Aerial Surveys Aerial Photography Private Charter O Timber Cru.s.ng.,c GENERAL HAULING cellentlv appointed for those that like comfort. Available (BQSdBSWli furnished or unfurnished with K.AIEN TRANSFER Any tvoe terms. i of hauline or contracts Blue Situated on two well located lots 981- (238p) ta W1 ALL INTERIOR AND C0AS.A For ' - , INFORMATION RATES - on bth Ave. East, this two RITI) , ,,nT Bl,'F-R! bedroom house has full con-i & CONTRACTORS crete foundation with half ; T basement, garage with lane , LUMBiNu and Heating -entranre. Location and size Sheet Me'.al work Tar ar.i molro thlo Vr,o Mool GraVel RoOfinr. Hnll R9Q fit Buckets and Rock Grannies; i T L. Smith Concrete Mixts; ' Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumps; National Draeline Scrapers and Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotary Screens and Conveyors. Full lniormation from National Machinery Co. Limited, Vancouver. B.C. (tf) HI - POWERED IS P O RtTn G RIFLES Larger assortment and better values. Write for latest catalog listing various bargain prices. SCOPES SALES CO. LTD., 326 Queen St.. Ottawa, Ont. (tf i FOR SALE Well located taxi small family. j West Phone 543. Letourneat t Small four, close In. newly dec- MoniS" Pniw t-I'!. I PHONE 476 orated ann naintprt fn v n- r.,- -' ui..i "nu uciw iCLVl I atins Snence nnrl M-(,iilr sulated walls and celling, tile floor coverings In kitchen onri Fhone Black 215. evenings or i noon hour. P.O. Box 1111. (tf) i bathroom, with oil ranee and . neater as new "IB at COMPLETE builders supplies QUEEN CHARLOTTE $1500 down. ApdIv Montador Ltd. lne Supplies. Blue 820. U8m REPAIRS FOR SALE 6-room wartime house AppIv 1340 1st Over- : jt Calvert KU.os oJ look St. , (2380) ! WATCH Rerjaris Drnrrmt. ., William F. Slone Clothes of Distinction cient service. Georee Prw.lt business for sale, or stand for ACCOC.TTANTS a all Ol' Jeweller. Satisfaction Kuaran- rent. Box 809 Dally News- . (238p) CAtVERT DISTIlttS (CANADA) UMITtD, AMHERSTBURO, ONT. Air Freight - PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income I .. Tax specialist. S. O. Furk I OIL BURNER SPECIALIST Stone Buildlna. -Red 593. I Stove Service & Repairs O D (20m) Ronson. Black 503 ftf) coat, , (tf) FOR SALE Blue winter size 16. Red 471. T advcitlaemcat k act publlahW w dltpUyi by tb Liquor CooUol Bonai m Mm Pin at Bdtiah (Mumim..