Prince Ruperl Daily Mews Friday. December 15, 1950 Ray Reflects and Reminisces get aay aW cussed at tiT ' lor Govern Tre Plonned For Moose Children j Plans for a Christmas tree! party fur children of members1 occupied mast of the time of the meeting of the Moose Lodt-p Tuesday evening. Percy Bond I chairman of the Christmas tree'1 committee, rennrto k. I 1 As I See II An Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Q. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES M in ih. - I Seattle and Tacoma once nursed an acute rivalry as to what name a magnificent peak pf Action. rangemenu were well in hand oy unirr, rer weeK, zuo; rer Monin, Vjc; vvr Year, -v tQ nn tJi trn;i t- r , i. r. - - Ar An 3lyfiLi would bear. Final decision was' thai it should be Mount Rainier, i w.uu, Mjy man. rn iviuuui, sik:; rtT ifar, 53 UU. -3ai,SU ' t By ELMORE PHILPOTT JACOB STARTED IT But the old competition sti'.l holds. There has tj be ionic-thing. This time it's which will How f h follntf DMllmna(.nB ABOUT the only thing SCOTCH WHISKY AT ITS cioiogj ant Messrs. Truman and At- Seattle ins airain with a 210- I fwt sUclc direct rrom the depp tlee ut-c comnletelv aorpprl on tuinpteieiy agreed oniforu of WMhlnKton. And to at Washington Was that cut, trim it, and transfer it cos i.- i i,. - a cool nineteen thousand. How. there was to be no "ap ever, sport is sport. peasement" in Korea. In making his peace-makinit ! Ottawa feeling hurt and radio speech. Lester Pearson aiPIoma7 hM nothing to do rtrongly called for a cease-fire ! with w- lrs a11 a llule rc be-in Korea, and answered In ad-1 tw"n Paa and her favorite c,r-, th ..iis.. 1 child Barbara Ann Srott. nn- H I! blfeljlln: i.i i m:h an agreement as "apuease- i Uve. daughter, queen of skating ,' ment." I ana au tnat- Barbara and her n It makes one wonder Just w".ut I! mother are going to quit the capital and g and live in T-ronton, where there's "everything." The inference, of course. "When he ca!.e(i v'uu a bum, I held my temaer. But when he took a bite of my candy bar I sluKtred him." is this appeasement. cOo I DELVED INTO the origin of this word and found that it wm thousands of years old. In fact a sliooerv and slick Is that Ottawa is lacking In a lot of important essentials. , HOTEL ARRIVALS By this time we felt convinced that all the secrets pertaining to the life of the late George Bernard Shaw had not only been bared but also published. What of this one? Why did whiskers appear and stay? And so, com- business man named Jacob waj the originator of the proces and in his day jt worked like a charm. You can find the whole story in Genesis, the first book in the Bible. It tells how Jacob cheats his Pennsylvania; Miss Oilmour and Miss gpeckelson. Hasteiton; Mri. Bonerd, Gladstone. Min.; R. H. Sawyer, rrn.l..iig;um, Mum.; 3 T. M?Kay, Terrace. She: Who U the greatest woman in the wo.'W? He: I don't know. She: Your mother He: My mother? She: Yes. To whom do you owe more than you can ever repay? He: My landlady. For Action, Adverllnel etn revelation. H1b face had been disfliured bv nm.ilir,v Prince Rupert Don Paris. A. C. Gripintrog, W. A. Oelvek, O Jor.nson and U O. Mostad, Ketchikan; J. I Sweet, H. C. Halvas, J. H. Wilkes and J. Edens, Vancouver; O Pollard, Winnipeg; Charles Valley, Queen Charlotte City; Mrs. J. W. Nichols, Kitwanga; William Hamilton, Prince George; Mrs. G. Jack-son, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. Rynlck, Drexel Hill. brother Esau out of his "birth marks Hpno tho 1 VI ITA WHEN YOU ORDER MAIG & MAIG. Y TM! DRINK O Y TM8 lOTTl! ... YOU ARf ASSURtO Of SCOTCH THAT MAS A 323 YlAR OLD REPUTATION FOR UNCHANGING OUAUTY. Appreciation right " that is, the biggest share I and prophet like hirsute adorn-in the family property. It telliment. So, looking distinguished, how Jacob goes away and be- i he performed the part ' come3 like a multi-millionaire of ! I his day. It tells how arter many j Weather chilly enough to make years he s 0 meet Esaa again, !an ice rink, is just another way In win J? kill him. y I brother of describing winter and that s ,a season plenty of pr,nce Ru Jacob sends on ahead the foi- ! pert people cannot welcome with lowing presents: i any fervor-although the cold 2W she goats i could bring a game of hot-key 20 he goats lit all conies down to a choice 200 ewes 1 between real frost and cloudy 20 rams skies. 30 milch camels with colts ?.? 0 " ! Civil service pay Increases will , , 13 not- show on the checks until f , . asses " '"he House votes the raise whk-h . . . . . "i not be until ome time Io. Jake told his servants to tell after New Year. A small thing OISTUUO, ILCNDtD tw AND I0TTIC0 IN SCOTLAM .. I om deeply appreciative of the confidence expressed in me by the electors through their support at the aldermanic polls yesterday. It shall be my constant endeavour to serve the citizens to the best of my ability. HAROLD WHALEN Tii dvrtrtmn it not pvblithvd or tiiptor4 byU vfuroi oar or ti Itti CxvDmmnt of IriMt ( v Do Your r i ... i. 1 To Ihe Electors uui more casn. And iGnifTH GOETH BEFORE Fmo vr ME." " ChrUtmas, too! Long before Esau saw his 'tricky brother limDin down th .t.. . . 1 .Shopping It DOLLS TC Now To Business THE WINNERS in yesterday's aldermanic elec-I tion are to be congratulated on having been accorded expressions of confidence and esteem by their fellow citizens. It is natural that they should feel some satisfaction at having been so honored. Now that they have been deemed the most suitable people to carry on the direction of municipal policymaking and supervise its administration, they have their responsibilities. In appreciation of such responsibilities they should assume their duties, the importance of which are not to be minimized in these changing and developing times. Possibly, the really lucky one are those who were left at home. They, too, are to be congratulated and are deserving of appreciation at having offered their services. Having done so but failing to be accepted, they have been relieved of the assumption of responsibility. They are actually, therefore, in an enviable position. They do not need to feel -badly at all over failure of election. - The 1951 city council contains a happy blending of experience and new blood. There will be plenty to engage their best talents and energies. In marital differences of opinion he who hesitates is bossed. MUSIC-DRAMA FESTIVAL ATTENDANCE at concerts, recitals .lectures, (A art galleries, etc , by the ordinary individual is considered by some to be nothing more than a pose a false gesture of interest in things above their heads. It is quite true that to many the purely classical in music and art and the highly intellectual in speech and literature seem a little beyond reach. But the fact that they reach at all is indicative of a true and good instinct They seek something which will eventually bring its reward and enrich their lives. The creative arts are important avenues to complete and happy living. They kelp to unite humankind. The work of the Music and Drama Festival Association is a cultural effort for the community. Although the working part of the association is comprised of a small and active group, it is an enterprise in which everyone may take part and in which every individual or group or association in the city may take out a membership. , The festival is quite a financial undertaking, the turnover last year being in the vicinity of $800. Total receipts were barely in excess of total expenditures. Partly on the advice cf last year's festival adjudicators, partly in the interests of eliminating expenses, it may be decided to discontinue the making of awards in connectievi with the festival. This, however, would make it no less competitive, as entries will still be graded and marked by the adjudicators. ..-. Each year the Festival Association has tried to profit by former experience, to iron out difficulties and to correct mistakes. And each succeeding festival sees some improvement. This year, for the first time, the complete festival syllabus appears in the newspaper, so that not only school and music teachers but the public as a whole may be aware of th-i various entries well in advance. This, it is hoped, may result in a more general and active interest. It is suggested that everyone cut out and keep this copy of the syllabus for reference. It is needless to stress the value, not only to teachers and students but to the entire audience, of a competent and well-spoken adjudication. Also it is good to remember that cnticism that is constructive is often of greater value than pure praise. Since the Festival Association membership is a little larger this year and since the preliminary mechanics have been attended to a little earlier, it is hoped that a great many more outside district groups will enter- and take part and that the May 1951 Festival will exceed all others in membership, attendance and participation. SCRIPTL'RE PASSAGE FOR TODAY "Who will not suffer you to be tempterl above that ye are able." I Cor. 10:13. DECORATIONS road to meet him he had given -Moscow and the Chinese Com: any idea of getting even for up munlsu have given us this cr the sharp trick that Jake had and unequivocal chotee- we mZ Played on him 1A youth. . surrender oT we 1st fight Stripped of all Us, buts and THE un.- THING that gives me ths wherefores, that's what it real laugh about the changed amounts to. meaning of the word "appease- ment" is that those whn were May I thank you very sincerely for the renewal of confidence which you expressed at yesterday's aldermanic poll. Let me assure you that I shall endeavour to live up to that confidence in the future as in the past. G. D. (DOUG) FRIZZELL COSMETICS CARDS COME I.N TODAY , . . SHOP THE EAST Hl fuss most enthusiastically iiLituoicwuvaiij for jor it iv are are Hving been delayed mc.mjcu In hi leav- irav- the most vehemently against it WK Vancouver after having been now. -out of service for overhaul, That works the other way ,urmon .steam Chilcotin, Capi. around tnn jiuny raciean, w not due in po. t LLLLULl In the 1930s it wa th mn. u"u m,nignt tonight from the HOLLYWOOD CAFE aervatives and aristocrats as a f ? VeSsel wW procwd claai. who condoned or ' "en fr?" ,T ?th QUeen Char" abetted the sell-out pf Ethiopia l0tie I?lar;cl PinU whence she Austria, Spain and, above ail' 18 back Sundav eevning on Czechoslovakia. It was labor the retum voyaee to Vancouver, and the progressives and inter- W Specialize In nauonkiiv-minrio uvoroi. .v,n " m Sunbeam Appliances Heating Pods provided the increasing moral opposition to the arjrjeasempn. 6 DISHES r' - r wm h m Waffle Irons prucess. mat is what made the magnificent stnH nt M. if 1 ff Churchill and Anthony Eden so CHOP SUE Y-aWMjj viidi. inese latter were the first exceptions of their clasg to team Up With the left wintrers aooinet Irons Toasters Kettles Silex Electric Coffe Mokers ir Records and Players RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC but' m mrm m 4. the shabby process of throwing I OI'E.V FPOM 7:30 P.M. Io J:M ncignoors 10 tne wolves. 0O0 ONE CAN SEE In the recent world situation pretty well the reverse of that of the late thirties. The most fervent "appeasers" of aggressive Fascism became In ten years the most violent antl-appea.sers of aggressive Communism. Most of us who were first and firmest In the movement to stop on vour nexl tlZlzzL r a-scist aggression aave been the most reluctant and laggard to apply the same principle to Communist aggression. (ffiffilFinliMlinfft. CHARTER FLIGHT' Stands SupUmz The Pioneer Druggists DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 I TANQUMAY, CORDON t CO. tTD. . . . Hi lortt gin 4,M, In th wM Ttlls Mvmnwotnt Is not puninwnu or dlnplajred ay tb Ltjuor Control Board or by Mi Oo trnment ol HfKtah Columbia. m. ..... mMAV CHAPTER FLIGHT PLANES available for O Aerial Surveys O Aerial Photography O Private Charter O Timber Cruising, etc. ALL INTERIOR AND COASTAL POINTS For RATES INFORMATION RESERVATIONS PHONE 476 QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD "So Beautiful ... and with 27 Fine Features" The New . . . McCLARY "27" Washing Machine See It, and you will nay: "It's the washer that hat EVERYTHING!" 1949 Special Deluxe Plymouth 90C 1941 4-Door Plymouth. PHONE 566 9 ? piipfdt MOTORS LTO- Killas & Christopher Bldg. Air Freight on all Flights ' - - " I Rnd Avenue al Li McBrtde Street. Thll dveriisement ii not Dublisheci or displyed by tSc Liquor Control , toafd or by the Government 4 British Columbl. Plione 311