VMsffiM TDfrm Aw rrtf -orrr Prince Rupert ui Daily " 7TT7TVTT ay. December? TV. m. - uuu ieaaernip in driving 3n t. in runs went to lmes' Boston, at 874 v, u lhree h, with the Yanks gecond by C1elan with 863 . , Slugging honors went again to Boston1. TpH wm,."?i by w n w STORY BOOKS I i fj who slugged at 1 h'rd eK' a .647 Dace W through 89 games on 334 at bat! Mnf PICTURE BOOKS Si and nuu 218 210 tola total bae hnp .t,.h.,.. t,.K.. , - oi Hi Phil,,.. ,-. Sport Shots 3 i..-fftt i?L o K E at 132 nemn,. .-"sos n. , COLORING BOOKS of New York was second In the slugging department with a 595 figure. new rifc .is ftarkt, Den struck out. 'aniiin, mes. He ; All Prices Alf ages to eight 10 The American League's 1950 battle lor the runs-batted-ln championship, contributing a statistical rarity, wound ud for ; Pa the ion Lon'J depart Two Cleveland sluggers shared the record for most times hit straight season with 1 1,. ""-',ea. au. ter and second In nil ii . THE STORK SHOPPE J Blue 80 303 3rd Ave. W. J tatted in mS'a two players from the same club'tlmls Th. ,,.? Iunked 10 sharing laurels for driving runs ground? C ,l'ab'e nt across the plate. The co-wlnncr al l"!.10 .most double turned that trVk season v.i We nrm, dw.i-j , V, " "w:ncocic of this year were Vern Stephens, Philadelphia. Bin a.nmnii.ki. ba(:;..K'BerraofN.:: "-v4 ui 124 . " IX- this disappointing trick exactly (Contln,, I'"1 tte "cu Paees, nea box snortstop, and the big Boston first base rookie star, Walt Dropo. Each drove in 144 runs. In 1949 Stephens and Ted Williams tied In this department ea:h having 159 rbl's. And duplicating the pattern of the runs-batted-ln contest neitHo- ; ( A oil A'Wl ll'J II fl Ail J&tti & & ff Ti.- 7 ill 25 Come It SATIN -G10 Semi Gjoss & High Gloss tn mafly beautiful tints for interior decorating. QUICK DRYING THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD j Dropo or fit phens were able to an( . SEE OUR GRAND i auiasn across a run In their final i game of the season, against New I York's Yankees, who on the final Vday of the 1949 season kept WU-, Hams and Stephens from breaking their deadlock at 159 apiece. W . y V (nr.... CARROLL COLLEGE Smart American basketball team coming Walt Romasko, Vic Burt, Claude Weaver, Len Schladweiler and Don Christensen. (Art Murray tells about them In "In the Basket" column today.). , , nere next wuk. Len to right: Bud Morris, Ray Feldt, Dick Waterman. Pat Kelly. Joe Reardon. Coach John Gaeliardi j holds. i Had a word or n uri.h XMAS Greeting Cards F riced from 25 for $ up IN THE 'Xrvbr-t t0 hldT.heir 0Wn )f thUyear. He Is easily the mast 'IS lld ISSSttS liwttoItaproved Player of the senior . tooSTZSS SS 'of those big "eUowa?S Ml leue and !f he si could to taking I there already as It were and youieasllv lead his buddies to their ?fuw, t" 1 ' 'T1 sen'or are starting from scratch. . st city championship. .J BuTiWtSJffS . ui i..u u utcu im yie , , . . , . uc vuolmiiis ana practice to t j usual nightmare of finding seats ' included in the roll of honor Into the swing of things but e You will be pleased with our P BASKET iior tne me many iimny basketball DasKeioau follow- ionow- " '" mcsuny .loons use a mighty potent gam- cls ncicaDouts ana aavises that "'b ' "'"e no oie irom where 1 s t with hi I orde s for tickets be . placed as ?nd coId artists, even he himself eight and a clever pair of hands 1 Kn't too sure of what the future Don't stampede, boys! Gift Stationery too! a yusaiiue. uames are on December 20 and December 27 with the American team travelling north In the Interim for games with Ketchikan and New Metlakatla. "Fighting Saints" Awaited With Interest Should Please Local Fans Some readers may not be i HIRAM WALKERS -k W have just received a shipment of ENGLISH GENUINE LEATHER WALLETS (which we will gold initial five of charge SHEAFFER FOUNTAIN PENS FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING - Call 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED tuilrieis & Contractors awa e or the fact that Angus as one or tiip urear smoii .. .. ' i"!"1" macpnee n nas turned lurnea over over the tne colleee team nf tL tt ' V 'J f',u W,B V1S'W are nPw carry- coaching cores of the All -star tn States, Carroll College 'Tien' tyl ,y po!nt &ve tor Alex Bill after finding It difficult ing Saints" are tonight win 7 ve'o.T, 7 to the bovs enough time and Western Washington t v. LuL glve our lads a much attention. , SPECIAL OLD ham on their way to this north "westinf s ? Lll TOMORROW Nir.HT rbSeTor some" yew" ?Lf With Bo-Me-H, at Ketchikan CANADIAN WHISKY xwo games at Bellingham they reater odd 8am5k over me week-end, there will te Phone 234 3rd Street win tacKie Powe i River - u regular intermed nt fivtur Bnnu Block tii strips wp nrct n-v . .jiia KatneHnt, . T.. . . Ocean Falls and arrive here for their firot , to be up against any great height Cock's. Jewellers will meet in th Prepare For WINTER ! T7 Advance reports on this clever CitJrs la ?t ' f prf1Im'nary to the import- 3lub suggest that the "Sa nil" Ws -ha . a e v I U!k ant Ser baUle between c- hoi.ld be welome here Zit; int0 nt a better tnan and Eownwoods. I'll take heir panfcu'a-Ttyle played w nTorlh DonH" be STT" V tWS meetI 'he fast breaking operation that of adm?ssL : Prward s rate if,hthey " thV did th? 1a made them famous. In rTn'n . . 2 evenin aainst Gordon & my " an on ,hp h Sa'nts q ir; u Anderson. the opinion the-e is ntv,! Theyll have a few HSfr ionge - iJHhjico.the midget class in most coUe.e Aiex Bill reveH o . i Gcnerol j Electric i? Products! ;i THf ' (X . : WHISKY l ATA r J V POPULAR PRICE i Check your Furance and Chimney Now! We have the most modern come-ences. Coach John GagH-' news a day or so ago that D 2 a ai. nowevr. makes no bones Hart The traditional high quality of "Special Old" stems from almost a century of distilling Fine Whiskies. O E. Toasters. ! Prince Rupert Florists ! Flowers for All Occasions 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 II59.M from $9.95 to Hia O E. Washer and pump Q E. 9", ft. Kcfrlgerator vacuum equipment for clean-in; furnaces anH ihlitin OE. Radios .. Kettles . sua S429.M O F L r,,,., - ' yuW"s lOTln Ior fis buddie 1 1 ' t PHONE 884 V y WAlKIVILtl lltllllllll . n ..... . ' "t1LlV Royal Vacuum Cleaner S80.S5 Table Lamps S4.9J to $6.95 Trlllte Lamps .... $1595 up Toasters DISTILLERS OF IDIOM THE FAMOUS Esit,nssir, m u , . . . . " ii i a i Control Board or bv theti E Washing Thig advertisement U not published or displayed by the Liquor Mcchines w v V NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO, SHEET, METAL LTD. CHECK; YOUR FURNACE STEWART, IIC. 1 S .Woffle PRINCE RUPERT PHONE 210 ror Christmas j U I C FAVORITE i n 1 3 SHIRTS J Once ogain ACME CLOTHING Leads in GIFT SHIRTS , ' t CERTIFIED Irons . Ironers, Electric Perculators Refrigerators AUTHENTIC TARTAN SHIRTS Pyre Virgin Wool 9.75 VANCOUVER VICTORIA NYLON SHIRTS '.Vhltc, Blue and Grey 9.50 f J y Kitchen and Bedroom Radios Combination Radios and Record Players 11 Sunday, 8 p.m., Chilcotln Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun M ICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 pm FOR NORTH QLEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss.- Chilcotin, Dec. 22 and Jan. 5 - 9 p.m. '" 9 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin. Dec. 15 and 29, 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 McRAE E1R(D). BOB PARKER'S 171 PHONE - 93 .a.j,iaM,3tliaAJIJl . 3 SPECIAL FOR THE WEEK-END SLIPPERS at fashion Footwear!,! WCVVWffic i S GABARDINE SHIRTS 6.95 8.25 BLONDIE 1350 CHEV. FOUR-DOOR Ehowroorn condition. Only $2250 J 0; a Stev of Ham on Toast By CHfC YOUNG ii! llllllilllMnnn rrTTIMliilmmmTnTrn i , '' 'inn iiiiij j . rrnn : :,, 11111111111111111 SAFE BUYS 'what hav vou in i'mtu E .'iiiiiiii'niiiiiii 1WE PEFPiGFPATOP V FPOM rio h V THEPE MKT CP iii c i- L I II ' .' RESSSH,RTS - 4.50 7.50 Various Other Gifts for Brother and Dad ALL GIFr ITEMS BOXED FREE! ACME CLOTHING ' g95.W FOP A BEDTIME n( CHINESE ( WAY OF DOlNK Tu.c J vO- -i 1 X-. i .-..... T7l '47 FORD 4-Door ......... '40 FORD 5-rassenger r- 7 oimnei? n v , - ri r i give iip )7;?..' ri : 1X1 I r ' . 1 I ika N I Aki 1 I T ri.c MS "ft TRICK BUYS, '41 SEDAN DELIVERY. Snap at 421" ri l a- . rm i i rij kxtMA . 1 1 Serving the Public of Prince Rupert'for over 33 years r' v !',.iiS,3,.S,S.,l,.,.il,..ii,ii..ia, ,,, VARIETY m for )l 'mas ShnDDIflS!