( ! prince RuDert'DoJiv KJew3 Friday. December 15. 1960 Announcement fo Our Customers I i The office ond worehouse will be closed from December 23 to December 26 inclusive. Coal orders booked by December 20 will be delivered before Christmas. Orders placed after the 20th will be delivered the following week. Let HIM Choose It A STETSON For Christmas Frozen pipes? Phone Thorn S.O.N. Whist and Dance can-bneet Metal, Black 884. Uf) celled until January 12. (292c) There are only 7 more shop- Samuel Lincoln, George And-ping days till Christmas GET!erson and Harold Helland, all YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS from Prince Rupert, were recent NOW. We still have a fine sele3-1 visitors in Juneau. tion at the VARIETY STORE. Soraetnlng dwferent( money 293 1 well spent. THE TOTEM POLE ! GIFT 6HOP- ltc Dance. Sons of Norway Hail, sponsored by Badminton Club I Mrs. Peter Byrne sailed last fn December 15- Dancing,1 night on the Prince George for 10-2 Music by Mike Colussi. Re- Vancouver. She expects to spen.l Ireshments. Everybody welcome, some time In the south . (292c) : , . i A WnTTIJ O ; t ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. v viii genuine i(IV XjUI'" 'Relax! Choose a Gift you know will please Hinij Give Him a Gay Miniature Stetson Hat Box Avoid disaDDolntment nrripr1 fish and Alaska Fat Herrintr for your Christmas flowers NOW! ! the Christmas season. Ordw' .aalagnu Florists. (293c) i yours now at Rupert Butchers. Phone 21. 707 3rd Ave. (293c) M m 'fob m Keep the youngsters haopy! Shop for TOYS at the VARIETY STORE. We have a eomnlete ANNOUNCEMENT In line with the policy of other grocery stores in our district, we will be open every evening until 9 p.m MIDWAY GROCERY. ' (243c) The Loyal Order of Muosu w . .vv-3- , i, - . f , VII stock of TOYS at prices that will with the little hat inside, plus a handy Gift Certificatj that will redeem the Stetson he llke3 belt. The ideal solution to your Christmas problem, STETSON HAT CERTIFICATES are suitably worded . for presentation. - Frked from $8.50 to $15.00 Watts & Nickerson The Men's Shop 'f ? Ur r The very moment you put a - "See' Doesn't that prove something?" Vicks Va-uo-noi in he ,eel SatStarVh. Relief miserable tuflinesso Vt spe. comes so fast because va (ere sun your pocketbook. 298 Called south on account of his father, D. C. McRae, pioneer local business man, having taken a serious turn in his illness, J. D. McRae, M.L.A., left on today's plane for Duncan. Van- Christmas Tree will be held Saturday, December 16, at 2 p.m. In the Moose Temple. A full program for the children is planned. (292) The new minister was calling upon the members of his flock. "What a cute little girl!" he gallantly remarked, 'upon viewing one of the children. "And this . . . . Cn Vfi l nnH TV.. fT- i ANNOUNCEMENTS December 15 Canadian Legion formal pre-Christmas ball. Job's Daughters Variety Musical Show. Civic Centre, Monday, Dec. 18. m jods uaugnters variety r ; mcnae . u Musical Show-Fortv beautiful ' i? serious condition in the King's . - NOSE VICKS VA-THO-HO drops girls colorful cost umes-preci-1 "auenters Hospital at Duncan. sion marching melody and mu ! sturdy littli urchin in the bib (belongs t: the contrary sex. I tomorrow's plane. ic laughter and song. Civic Centre, Monday,' December 18, 8:15 p.m. (294c) The heat was oDtressive at. thp Canadian Legion card party, presume? December 18. I "Oh. yes," said the mother, 'she'3 to" December 20 -Canadian t.p-1 ' cattle market, so aftpr Sweet Mystery How can Raspberries be so good? DELN0R, but definitely klR PASSENGERS -r. v, , . . was al1 over. Farmer No. 1 asked The beauty of sterling silver Farmer No. 2 to "step across tableware u that it lasts for, home and have a glasTor S ever Solid right through, noth- He went, sampled the cid'r ing to wear off. Bulger's carry ! and was asked his opinion glon Bring-ur-Missus Nite. j S.O.N. Christma- tree and dance. Dec. 27 Junior Chamber of Commerce i t !' it Sandsplt (Thursday) sett, C. Valley. L. A. Johnson, J. F. Edens, T Jones, H. .J. Semmens, J. F. Evans, J. D. McRae. To Masset (today) R. Lun-dal, Mr. and Mrs. Ormorak and two children, M. Abrahams; Allen Justkalla. From Stewart (Thursday) Mis. Paul Mcger, M. Magnusson, L. W. Vanheckhouse. '. n many Darreis did , ye say .Enchantress, Pine Tree, Joan of I ye made?" he asked. Christmas cabaret party, Dec fin Vancouver (Thursday) 23. mc. wuuaco sienine- in KO.se "Ftft.v-t.hraa uiw and n,A Stroriivarp DUniiin.n also t Lrrnls T..ll - - Point Farmer No. 2 shook hu hpari .uigan, R. Dodd, T. Llndall, illlZ. Vancouver (today) J. THE WORLD OVER FOR ITS AGE Am MELL0VTJZ23 Presbyterian Burns Banquet, Friday, Jan. 26. New Year's Eve Dance at Oddfellows' Hall, 12:01. (p) .-adly. "Tis a great pity ye didn't have another apple. Ye could have made fifty-four." XVI. For something good always go to Bulger's. (ltc) Lltlit nil nirfl ripenratp for imiisl, Put. Vomer, J. Haff-Vic Curolie, M. E. Martin, Iindd, Miss Brydon. Mrs. Christmas! You will find just i utiaia ui ioo-o ueuig Quebec's total area of 594,800 square miles is 15 per cent of all Canada. wiia., ,uu icmuiic wr yuui iioiucuoo, Canada's cost-of-living In-at the VARIETY STORE. 298 Ulex was only 79.1 in 1913. t. J. Black, Mrs. Collin, Tells of R.C.M.P. Quarters Are rT " ; t S. V 1IIIIU.M . Q) lows An Essential mkmm Local Sergeant Gives Kotarians Some Police History Foremost in Frozen Foods The cities of British Columbia will have to bring the quarters up to the standards of the Royal ALL-CANADIAN COMPANY AN Canadian Mounted Police if they i Distributor: H. SWAFFIELD, PRINCE RUPERT M" STETSON ' ' 1 " " ' ' 0j(t CeittftC&ks (of GhrtSitote i (3iriHlmas morninj;, each lucky man on your list receives a miniature Slelnin hat ami box with his certificate (you get them at any Stetson dealer's from J8.50 up) . You receive a big kiss for letting him pick the stylo ' I I 1.. 1:1 I,-..! ! V If mtl f (rtwn nivm him a National want the force to continue policing them, Sgt. L. A. N. Potterton told the Rotary Club at their luncheon meeting yesterday. Sgt. Potterton spoke to the club on his own history as a policeman, the history of the British Columbia MUMKJC! OP SCOTLAND 9 I -- I W. ! LHKI3-I MA3 13 lUMIflU! 1 1 ml v II El"".1"'" I f Provincial Police and that of the R.C.M.P. Thirty years ago, the Sergeant PHONE O'rtifwate, n-ileeniable at any Stetson dealer's from coast to coast. J j Jj f atmuvw.umni m mmmjmm u I m7Zm cmwnwn H ' LET US BAKE YOUR CAKE ORQil mm NOW More people wear STETSON HATS than any other brand said, he landed in Prince Rupert.. Shortly afterwards he joined the Prince Rupert police force as a special constable and was hired and fired from that position as RUPERT BAKERY LTD. the coffers of the city budget i i i i j i nine - I M J!llSi!a-2lSii.Sli'aiSlj:5 ma i j BROADWAY CAFE ouigea aiiu saggeu uiuu im, when he became a permanent member of the force. In 1926, policing of th-a city was taken over by the B.C. Provincial Police and he, along with other city policemen, was taken into thei larger force. He was then sentj to Stewart, which was a booming j mining town. After eleven years I Best Food Km there, he was sent to Ocean Falls. (fmlhlVA FRGCURAILE a paper town, for seven years, While there he received a pro 02 I1HS 111) Finest Cooking Hours: 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. For take home orders Phone 200 ' Board or by the. Government or British Columbia. This aaven.oi'ment ts not published or displayed by the Liquor Control motion to corporal. In 1944 he was sent to Vernon, which was overrun with soldiers from the military camp. He was there seven months, during which time he was promoted to sergeant. Following that he spent two years and two months in Smithers before returning to Prince Rupert, where he has been for the past four years. On August 15, 1950, th pro vincial force was taken over by SANTA'S Walked Right In S V OTJ" ' W V CIGARETTES : '( ' , - 1 J i , vi - $rztf 0R C0RK Tlp IN the R.C.M.P. & 1 I 6. with Sgt. Fotterton went back to November 19, 1858, when Governor James Douglas of Vancouver Island read a proclamation from Queen Victoria by which the ungoverned mainland became the Crown colony of Brit ish Columbia. Mathew B. Beg-(Continued on page 7) 1 GIFT For Every GOOD BOY 2? S 8 AIID GIRL!! PERIODIC PAINS...use PARADOL with ... fl i Overflowing His Bag is DOLLS CARS M'AGOHS P ; M : I ft SLEIGHS BUGGIES TRAIISS A I I SI ; CANADIAN LEGION O SHOP NOW FOR THE BESi; SELECTION! p fa 15 I LOADS OF TRICKEY LITTLE TOYS! CHRISTMAS TREE The annual Christmas Tree! of the Canadian Legion Willi THE SPORT SHOP be held in the Legion Auditor fa ium at 2:00 p.m., Sunday.l December 17th. 2931