' " Prince Rupert Daily New Friday, December 15, 1950 had come out feeling a full ' fledged member of the force.. 1 With work on the railway pro- i S ARE ESSENTIAL .tell how the 'great Indian hunt-ifiuwl from page 3) iln . Lceuing, me strength of the force " had been " increased """W from "om i west of Winning1;. , PtEASf! CLIP THIS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE ' PRINCE RUPERT AND DISTRICT MUSIC fiMD DRAMA FESTIVAL ' "w lu ouu- 1 e laborers caused : .. was InvartPd lnvade1 h b f- , iw" Tee I was sworn in as Chief traders with j ill reeling w;:n the Indians and ;nd Charles Brew water and permanent I made the job of the force 1 ector of police for the trading posts. The Indians dldiharder With the rush to the gold ny. Shortly afterward not like permanent settlements flelde of the Yukon e fore r found in the Fra8erjand ferock) w" Blttckfnr. ttckft . In- men to keep law and order.! 4 Brew organised thcjd, Eight officers and S3 men were the new colony, later wyW settlers and but- stationed on the Chllcoot and le the B.C. Provincial chered them wholesale. On re- Whitehorse passes, later with' j-ew's recommendations I Port of an official assigned by r headquarters at Dawson. members of the Irish the Dnmm In 1RM m ,. MAY 2-3-4 1951 MAY 2-3-4 1951 lary be brought over to:look lntn ta. . , 1 leave of absence to enlist in the demands placed on the " """ ;"2nd Canadian UmmM -.- Hie rough miners prov SYLLABUS for service in the South African war. m 1903 several posts wwe opened in the sub-arctic. In umi, lk wila entirely without law, the government authorized the establishment of lible because of lack of the force was organized One of the first duties the Northwest Mounted Police 1905 tne Provlnces of Saskatche lice was to collect reve ! MaV ZH. 1H7J Man hot,.,,,.... 1A PIANOFORTE (Continued) wan and Alberta were created and the force continued to operate with the provincial gov H I860 Vancouver Is-1 crultea ftnd tL cZmZi or-i the mainland were eanized as a rVQlr ,". Class tl Solo (2B) : Under 10 years. ernments, sharing the costs. In I form British Columbia Wth the authors 1911, the "Red coated troooers irol of the police was He told of the adventures of th shared ln the uard of Hon01" ut it Victoria. Augustus F the cronaUon original troop, on tlwir march King George in, who had organized WeSt to Fort Garry the'r oreani-fv- The force was "'"eased to' puver Island police, and Nation there and final arrival of 1268 men durlnB World War I. Kre appointed county the slx troopg at the Bow , In 1918 it was assigned the en-Igcs. The combined Belly Riveis Ffloviiision.1 ex- ' forrPnwrlt OT Dominion law west ires were then headed haimted, they headed south to- of P01"1 Arthur and Fort William erintendent. 'ward the international border In 1932 the marine section had 0 J. H. McMullin was within easy access of Fort Ben-1 Brown to such an extent that it ; commissioner. The pro-'son. where supplies were plentl-1 wf)S able to co-oDerate with the divided into five dls- ful. iU.S. Coast Guard in an exten- h an Inspector ln charge They headed north again in I 8ive war against smuggling. He district. British CoJum- search of Fort Whoop-up, a'toucned on the 8t- Roch's trip body be- notorious place that lived up to- through the Northwest Passage (enforcement provincial police, when its name, but found it deserted. from 1940 to 1944-py became a part , They finally settled at Fort Mc-1 Summing up, Sgt. Potterton (in 1871. The slowly Leod. Half the band remained raid the force had grown from Price -20 f g i5 .25 ,t5 .20 JUNIOR CHORAL CLASSES 1 Grade 1 : Singing games or action songs. Own selections. Time limit 7 minutes 2 Jrade 2: Singing games or action songs. Own selections. Time limit 7 minutes I Grade 3: (a) The Boot House (Williams) . jCramer 136 b Own selection Grade 4: (ft) Strawberry Fair (Gould-Sharp)..... Curwen 79027 (b) Own selection 5 Grade S:, (a The Caravan (Rathbone) i Arn 478 (b) Own selection 6 Grade 6: j (a) Cuckoo Sons; (Bilenko) '. Western 9203 (b) Own selection . 7 Grade 7-8: (a) The Ash Grove (Sharpe) LGB 64 (b) Own selection 8 High School Choir, Girls or Mixed Voices. (a) Elegy lor Summer (Kurth) Western 2032 b) Own selection 9 Rural Elementary Schools: 1 to 4 rooms, all grades - (a The Merry Aatumn Days (Dunhlll) Arn 817 (b) Own selection 10 School or Church Bsys' Choir: voices unchanged; any number (a) Jim, the Carter Lad (Albino) Western 108' (Descant optional) (b) Own selection , II Selected School Chorus: contestants from Grades 1 to 8 (a) Welcome, Sweet Pleasure (Rowley) Western 2015 (b) Own selection 12 Junior Choirs: Open to all other than Public School Choirs. . n:i. I 1 a a Clam Class Class Class Cis Class Class Class Class Class Class Class rlc .IS .12 .16 .10 .10 .10 .12 .12 .12 .10. force auraciea many, while the others went on. Those 300 men ln 1873 to 4,700 by 1044 In March 1949 the strength was 3,438. It had 862 motor vehicles, six aircraft. 159 horses, 18 police dogs, 281 sleigh dogs. The Marine Section had 200 officers and men and 21 vessels of various sizes operating mainly ln the Maritimes. Some were on the Great Lakes and a few on the Pacific. When Newfoundland became a orovlnce in April, the RC.M.P. took over federal law (a) The Garden of Music No. 10 Diversion (Oreenhlll)....Nov. (b) Own selection Class 32 Solo (3C): Under 11 years. (a Chinese Lanterns (Melecci).... Western 8013 (b) Own selection Class 33 Solo (4C): Under 12 years. (a) The Piper of Spring (Grcenhill) t. Nov. (b) Own selection Class 34 Solo (5C) : Under IS years, (a) Holiday Suite "The Train" (Foot) Weotem 8301 b( Own selection Class J5 Solo (-C): Under 14 years. (a) Country Dance (Ireland) Curwen 8145 (b) Own selection Class 36 Solo 7C): Under 15 years. (a) Shooting the Rapids (Dawes) LGB UPT 31 (b) Own selection Class 37 Solo (8B): Under 16 years. (a) Musical Box (Braithwalte) Curwen 9318 . ' (b) Own selection - ' Class 38 Solo 8U): Under 17 years. (a) Erotikon Op. 43, ' No. 5 (Otlegl Nov. b) Own selection Class 39 Solo 10C): Open. , (ft) Intermezzo in E Flat (Brahms) :. Nov. (b) Own selection Class 49 Solo: Open. , Selection of one Prelude and Fugue, fttm Bach' s "Well Tempered Clavichord." . Class 41 Duet: Under 12 years: one piano, four hands. (a) Pavanesque (Rowley) ...'Western 9003. Class 42 Duet: Under 16 years: one piano, four hands. (a) Nautical Toccata (Rowlev) Curwen 9715 Class 43 Duet: Open: one piano, four hands. Barcarolle (Rowley - Curwen 9714 Class 44 Duet: Open: two pianos, fout bands. (a) Sonata (Pasqulni) Nov. VIOLIN . Class 45 Solo (2B): Contestant to be enrolled In Grade 1 or 2 of the Royal Conservatory or equivalent, (a) Lullaby (E. M. Lee) ...Harris (b) Own selection Class 46 Solo (3C): Contestant enrolled m either Grade 3 or 4. (a) The Doll's Dance (Blachlord) , Harris (bi Own selection Class 47 Solo (5B): Contestant enrolled in Grade 5. (ft) Perpetuum Mobile (Warner) Harris t) Own selection Class 48 Solo (6A): Contestant enrolled in Grade . '(a) Simple Romance (Von Kunits) Harris (b) Own selection Class 49 Solo (7C): Open. (a Kuyawiak (Wienlawskl) ., Harris (b) Own selection Class 50 Duet: Under 13. a-Barcarolle (Offenboch) Class 51 Duet: Under 15. (a) Berceuse de Jocelyn (Godard) . Urning worm, me xorcei iert behind were surrounded by Sniforms until 1923. At- j Indians, who seenrc-d to respect )eneral Alex Manson the scarlet tunic. Native chiefs nly responsible for hav-, visiting first from curiosity, later arms Issued that year, (came to the fort with full con-jng an agreement reach- fidence ln Canada's intentions pen the provincial and 'n sending the force there. Bar-guvernments in March burlty and civilization met on i provincial policing wrs j common ground." By 1875 the Jrer by the R.C.M.P. in force was firmly established. In i' On August 14. 1950, at 1879 it became the headquarters, 1 the B C. Police, went which was moved ln 1882 to near Existence very quietly," PUe of Bones Creek on the Can-jtvrton said. "On August adian Pacific Railway. Later it of its members were In, was called Regina. MP." At the time the' 'Here Sgt. Potterton eave a vaina, ui uujs aiiu giris, nnucr is, (a) Prayer of Thanksgiving (Anderson arr.).... Western 1038 4Yl nn Dal ast rtt .65 .65 .75 enforcement and absorbed pcr-i sonnel from the Newfoundland staff.. In August it took over the B.C. force, its personnel and a! force had 124 detach- short sketch of the training depot uiPment XM men and a great deal which he attended recently. He I Luncheon was the the annual inent. all of which added . called particular attention to j five-course turkey dinner pro-to the size and strength 1 the museum where relics of In- j vided by the proprietor of the I.C.M.P. dians, whites and the force itself 1 Broadway Cafe, the club's meet- kn ar nf nun- -fi nnn can be seen. It Is open to the lng place. Harold Slmonds of Vancouver was a guest at the iiles. most of it thinly ! puW,c h sald- Sunday after- 1 .SO .50 ;.eo '.(.0 .60 luncheon. jd. British Columbia "has I tm course consisted or Hi nroud of the fact thni.l ,oot drl11- gymnasium and class- The club approved a $25 dona r-e was the oldest west room studies. He had gone into tion to the Salvation Army and Jreat Lakes." Municipal!-' Ule dpl,ot with the feeling he the .annual present to the wait- sergeant said, will re-, uumiuer. itv saiu, dul resses. icing cheaoer under the vc(('(('t;tc'tttxYc'(cccrcc(ccc(,(,( 400 per man per (!ing the history of the Christmas in Comfort! Give HIM a Gift He will Appreciate k! police, the speaker fe did a Job of which we with the Province, Iuroud and I am sure we old the traditions built fie B.C. Police now that fcembers of the R.C.M.P." lug of the R.C.M.P.. Sgt g fc told how in 1670 King v INSTRUMENTAL GROUPS and MISCELLANEOUS Class 52 Military Band: Open. . :. . Own selections. Time limit 10 minutes. .1, (For adjudication only.) Class 53 Orchestra : Open. Own selections. Time limit 10 minutes.' (For adjudication only.) Class 54 Rhythm Band, pupil conducting. Adult may play piano part. Own selections two of contrasting character. Class 55 Pre-Band Instrumental Group: Open. ' Two selections own choice. Class 56 Pipe Organ: Novice Class, under 21. (a) Andante in F (Shepherd). Presser 18089 b Own selection ADULT CHORAL. CLASSES Class 13 Mixed Voices (Open), 24 voices or less, vr 18 years. (a) Dear Lord and Father of Mankind (Parry- Chambers) Nov. MT 1175 .15 (b) Own selection Class 14 Male Voices (Open), 24 voices or less. (a) Two selections own choice choruses of contrasting character Class 15 Female Voices (Open), 24 voices or less. (a) Two selectlonsown ' choice choruses of contrasting character Class 16 Trio, female voices. (a) O Hush Thee, My Baby (Sullivan- ' Fletcher) - , Curwen 71230 .15 (b) Own choice Class 17 Quartette: Male Voices. (a 1 The Winter, It Is Past (Robertson Curwen 50651 .12 (b) Own selection VOCAL SOLOS AND DUETS Class 18 Soh: Girl or boy. areompanied by girl or boy under 12 years to be Jmlged as a team. ( By the River (Dunhill) Am 818 12 Own section Class IS Sl: GIN tr boy, accompanied by girl or boy, 12 to 18 years 1 t be Judged as a team. (a) Ask if Yon Damask Rose (Handel) Ndv. S8770 .12 (b Own selection Class 20 Solo: Girl, 9 and under 11. (a) The Dream Man (Bury) Arn. 393 .12 (b) Own selection . Class 21 Solo: Girl, 11 and under 13. (a) My Little White Boat O (Dunhill) : Arn 816 .12 (b) Own selection , Class 22 Solo: Girl. 13 and under 15. (a) Blossoms of the Night (Farjeon) Arn 13 .10 Class 23 Solo: Girl, 15 and under It. ta) Oontenent (Moaart). :. Ndv. SS380 .12 j (b) Own selection . Class 24 Solo: Girl. IT and under 19. I (a) Say, Ye Who Borrow Mofcnrt) : (b) Own selection Class 25 Solo 1 Boy, tinder 11 years. a) The Hayloft (Rhodes) Arn. 496 .10 (b) Own selection Class 26 Solo: Boy, 11 and under 11. (a) O, For the Wings of a Dove (Mendelssohn) (b) Own selection " . Class 27 Duet: Girls, Boys or Mixed, under 16 years. (a) The Dream Seller (Lee) Western 2013 .15 (bt Own selection Class 28 Solo: Adult (Open). (a Two selections own cholef solos of contrasting character. PIANOFORTE (Oradings by Royal Conservatory of Toronto are Indicated in parenthesis.) Class 29 Solo (IB): Cnder 8 years. (a) Donkey Riding (Jacooson) Curwen 9229 .25 (b) Own selection Class 39 Solo (IB): Under 9 years. (a) Learning to Walta (Howell) LGB UTP 29 0 (b) Own selection PIPES CIGARS TOBACCO It's Land to the Hudson's ihpany, how it was pur- y by the Dominion govern-! 1869 and how the city of i y S CHOCOLATti RONSON AND OTHER LIGHTERS a K was already establish- I 5 je gateway to the west j W N AND INDIANS I 5 DRAMA . PLAYS itnp sergeant went on to ,.X,,it,X:k,.kI....kk.il.X.llt.fctlltX,ikil F r a s e r7 a n d j P a y n e Class 1 -Up to and inhludin Grade VIII in the schools, or member of any organized group other than within the schools: age limit, 18 years. Class I Grade IX and uo: within the schools. Class J Adult or Open Class. ' j ELOCUTION y 1 Class 1 Grade 1, 2, or 3. Time limit 2 minutes. 1 Class 2 Grade 4, 5, or 8 Time limit S minutes. ' ' Class 3 Grade 7 or 8. Time limit 3 minutes. 4 For each of these classes the participant will recite a suitable story or poem selected by himself or his teacher. ' '" -- CHORAL SPEAKING Class 1 Graae 1, 2, or 3, or any combination thereof. ; -; Class t Grade 4, 5, or 6; or aqy combination thereof. Class I Grade 7 or 8 or any combination thereof. ' 1 The selection of poem or story to be presented Is to be made by the teacher. Each group to be directed by a teacher or student. ' DANCING . i Entries for solo or group dancing will be accepted. Dancing will e non-competitive and for adjudication only. . I i :' i 0?k Ladies' Nylon Hose HARVEY WOODS WHISPER SUPERSILK ORIENT 42 to 66 Guage All New Shades Sizes 8'i. to 11 1.35 1.65 1.85 1.95 2.50PerPair o LADIES' Lingerie Slips SULETTE, PACEMAKER and FORMULA Nationally Advertised 3- and 4- each ENTRY FORM MAY 2, 3, 4, 1951 Name of class entered No Name of Individual or group entering ...r Number of participants who will attend the Festival Name of test piece . , ,. . , Name of own selection . .... (To be ln the adjudicator's hands 24 hours before the performance.) If there Is any time between 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on May 2, $ or 4 which is unsuitable for your performance, please state it ....i....'. Amount of entry fee enclosed...-..,.-.- Do you wish an accompanist supplied?., Name of person ln charge of the entry (i.e., conductor) GENERAL INFORMATION Entries mdst be in the hands of the Secretary by March 1 1951. Fifty cents (50c) is the charge for Individuals entering and $1.00 the charge for group entries. This lives admission to the Festive! only for the session at which the entry is to be performed. All entries are competitive where there Is one or more , ntrv 1n a class, unless otherwise stated in the syllabus. Billets will be arranged for out-of-town contestants. MUSIC Music is to be obtained from "Western Music Ltd., 570 Seymour Street Vancouver, B.C.' Please Include composer and catalogue number as listed in the syllabus, when ordering. DRAMA. Lists of approved plays are available for all classes. It U not necessary to choose from the list. The Drama Adjudicator must be supplied with ft copy of each play produced twenty-four hours before its presentation. Lists of plays and further entry forms will be sent on application. Address alt correspondence to: The SecreUry, . Music and Drama Festival, . Box 1727, PRINCE RUPERT. Ardele Lingerie Tailored and Lace Trimmed Styles BENGALINE HOUSECOATS ALL-WOOL KIMONAS This advertisement has been sponsored in suppsrt of the Music and Drama Festiva by the following! BURNS & CO. LTD. KELLY-DOUGLAS & CO. LTD. B.C. PACKERS PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OP. ASSOC. W. H. MALKIhj CO. LTD. ATLIN FISHERIES LTD. NELSON BROS. FISHERIES LTD. CANADA PACKERS LTD. ; GOWNS, SLIPS, PYJAMAS, PANTIES, I etc, in Satins, Taffeta and Nylon TO CHOOSE FROM A-COMPLETE A'bUMrLCIC STOCK 3 I VWn tv - ft