GMTCHED j CABS . vicrm.; , !?. : X Daily 'V uenrery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada' Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" j Phone 81 VOL. XXXIX. No. .292 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS UNITED NATIONS IN 1950 I r .,-.. a : jm 1 -" United Nations Trying To. Retain Escape Line Eiiinjii.ii'j'.j.M..pmj mi CIVIC ELECTION Dagget and Yhalen Jleck-and-Heck T o Head Poll Frizzell, Gomez Win SEOUL (CP) A big battle raged tonight on the northeast Korea coast as Chinese forces tried to Canadian Legion Land Sale and Tax Exemption I ;S ' 1 I ' '' JH"1' 1 drive American defenders oft their beachhead ib.j the sea. The attacking Cninese pulled up temporarily after overrunning United States outpost lines which Bylaws Approved Two 1950 Aldermen Fail to Retain Seats A neck-and-neck contest between ex-Mayor H. M. Daggett and ex-Aid. Harold Whalen for leadership of the poll featured jpterday's civic election. Onlv one lone vote was Mr. Daggett's margin. Aid. were abandoned. Trunrt an Ta Roaring guns in no-mans , i ijtH that. two SUf- f 4- -A milix uiuiv.v - rounded American platoons 80 II I - ' llUlliail IV Make Call if ... t h Douglas Frizzell and Darrow Gomez, young tiaooi candidate and returned manwon the other two seats , . . . . 11. with suostanuai ieaas over v.x rest of the field of eleven. Aid Frizzell was the only mem HARRY DAGGETT to 100 men fougnt on. Massed artillery is hurling shells into the approach areas to cut up the Chinese before they reach the front lines. The swarming Red Chinese attacks drove on into the shrinking Allied beachhead in north- irr-oa (Ma roared on to- Working On ber of the 1950 city council seek-' Vital Broadcast to Be Given by Chief Executive wnsHiNOTON KB Adminis Cease Fire in re-election to survive tne pop. Aid. Wilfrid McLean was edged out into fifth place Aid. Wsjlter MacLean was also defeat- tration officials said last night Ctlilb iwivM ""j night with the aim or anninnu- President Truman s expecieo, proclamation of a national emergency may be quickly fol ine the . United Stales ibuui But United Nations Seems to Have Little Hope of Success rnrns defenders. I 1 'V-l ' .' Darrow Gomez becomes an al-'derman for the first time in bus lowed by calls lor a ,uuu,uuu- r!hlnpsi were reportea killed in headlong charges ot NEW YORK A three-man VI .w Red infantry and cavalrymen United Nations cease-fire com- v,uiaw. involvina Canad- nar 4iHori t.anK armierv a"" oir onunter-attack and against mittee today began search for - iQn property were ap-ways and means to persuade roved man army and an eventual expenditure of $100,000,000,000 yearly for defence. " " . 'These officials made It clear the President's broadcast to the country tonight at 10:30 p.m. (EST) will be back by triphammer jolts for the home front. . Th said the nroiected boosti withdrawing doughboy defences. Chinese Communists ana oai- n the KViaws authorizes But the Reds kept coming uu -ntn thP hiazine flatlands of the Sea of Japan coast in the Ham- tered United Nations forces to the outright to the Legion end their bloody war in Korea. ftt the asseSsed value of a lot on Outspoken Russian opposition Tnlrd Avenue occupied by the promised little success tor their OJd Legion club premises which pffnrts but the committee went v0. nns (wph loased to private hung-Hungnam port area. . First ma or attack attacK was was made mauc de'fence spending will "take shouting mounted ,ld al, previous esti tiie im v, t- by some 2500 ahead nevertheless. business interests. In favor of and foot soldiers who leapea aboard American tanks and tore at them with small weapons and The president of the General the land sale bylaw were Boa Assembly, Nasrollah Entezam ofyotes and against 185. Iran, heads the committee along Although also approved, a by- mates and compare with secona world war spending. The President s speech will ba hnth networks of the 1 fit Vt S ' . .. -f bare hands. ' HAROLD WHALEN wlth India's Sir Benegal N. Kau law providing lor tne exempuun and Canada's L. B. Pearson. Tlreir from taxation of -waterfront t k. coolr frnm nrnncrlu rwciinifld bv the new I II rr-n-m nr TT -am--ymwmmmamtwum CBC tonight at 7:30 Pacific Standard Time. Its duration will Bigger attacks were expected tonight out of a force of 100,000 Chinese ringed about . v. t, i riv.lnn .(.nrficuntiups ironttion T virion clul DremiSeS be approximately one hall nour. DI CH little proeress was made in break- I was the aim of Trygve Lie s 10-poiut peace plan t deadlock between East and West, U.N. whicft he took In person to the capitals of the Big id its efforts to ease world tensions. Such 1 Four. Mr. Lie Is shown here arriving in Faris. lilt' IVCU V. llil 1 ltnvauiwn.'.i.VBtMiu.iMi - O - ..... t t i . n,kl Vifo trnv- AiA nrtt ViavA Klir.Vl paSV Sailing, in wiiau 1110 uw4 iwu WU n."ilU-V..liirtii, , .. .... ernment considers acceptable favor of this bylaw (so voiea cease iue icima. 0 The United States is reported Sixty percem, voi wj have said it will stop fighUng Wd to apwove these bylaws. Trapped Man Is Shoufinq -4tf the Reds do the same. 1 ALDEftMANlC VOTE - fight off Chinese soldiers who pried at the tanks in frenzied hand-to-hand combat. s , The "tanks -withdrew uhdani--aged after they had run out of ammunition. ' " In northwest Korea the two-weeks' lull on the Eighth Army's front was expected to be broken v,.. nt.Vipr nhinesfl hordes. the United Nations ior backed up against the Sea or Japan. The beachhead is the last t refuge in the , .northeast for around 60,000 Allied troops who were lorced to retreat by: the Chinese entry into the war late-in November." i One American platoon normally 40 riflemen and one junior officer was cut off and presumed lost in the initial attack by the 2500 Reds. ).v,irioH pnlnmn failed to Although Wu has made noi Tne aiaermamt iwc r, public statement, Russia's Jakob! follows: jty of Power Will Be ailable For Emergency (After New Installations River in Partial Production Again . I Tower Repairs Big Job Harold Whalen. 645 will withdraw from Korea if foreignUnited States troops also pull out. I i i own KJJ , . A big Red troop movement on SELLECK. Wash. . W John Wolti, aged 54, trapped coal miner who was buried In' a rock slide Wednesday night. Is alive, rescue workers reported today. No detail were immediately available on how Wolti miracu the Eighth Army s rigni, in central Korea, northeast .Of Nofed Baseball Douglas Frizzell, 574 Darrow Gomez, 531 (elected) Wilfrid McLean, 4S7 W. D Griffiths, 393 Martin Krueger, 379 T. N. Youngs, 330 ' trie Faure, 240 . Walter MacLean, 180 J. W. Prusky, 168 contests for Seoul, is reported. w and had to rescue the platoon Surgeon Passes lously escaped death in a slide 01 tons of rock. There is still a solid harrier of rock and gravel betw3en a rescue crew and the trapped man TODAY'S filUiAO ST LOUIS W Dr. Robert F. full service of Northern B. C. Power Corn-Is now been restored, according to an anient in today's isue of the Daily News. The I River crossing near Tyee has been repaired t ,i...i . HonfnmitiHviiinH Tinted sureeon of the three school board and three parks board seats. Tmirtesv 8. D. Jonnston Co. Ltd.) t0 him .. I baseball world, died yesterday In DARROW GOMEZ Dr. R. G. .barge, a., a. b"" j t-.- s-ori Ror.kpr were elect- The rescue crew can hear him hospital oi a uver - aim IVliO. shouting. ! ' iplicateq py uremia. ed by acclamation to ine scnuui board as were Aid. G. B. Casey, Beattie - Bevcoutt v - Bobjo - - I1 Buffalo Canadian n k x,. s 125.00 Arthur Murray and r. f. rormau frgy from the Falls River plant is again oeing I into the city. However, General Manager T. if the company warned i - - frible that there might casion, when the Falls River and llmenU in case of a Shawatlans power plants were iprm or unforeseen clr- temporarily out of service, tne L I .,m ri!.nf at. thp rirv dock and ....... i-iU Conwest Biggest Herring Set on Record Is Reported In Nearby Waters mm It was an .off-year for the mayoralty with Mayor G. w. Rudderham's term extending 1(K1 111 LU latf. . -.43 223i 6.90 $.75. -.33 ft .21 .06 ft Sue statement is- one diesel engine nanmeu u k fh L ft requirements of the Ihe press h by Mr. Riack Black entire e power k m voluntary Donalda Eldona East Sullivan Giant Yellowknife God's Lake Hardrock Harriearta 1 t-7ct,a Believed to be the biggest catch ever taken on the west coast 12G0 tons of herring was estimated fm: .. . ..J reductions as had been made, Continuing memDers oi n-j city council are Aid. T. B. BlacK, Aid H F. Olassey Aid. G. B. Casey and Aid. Donald Fitch. W J. Scott and A J. Domin-ato carry on as school trustees. tinirc -WSCVT HFiVV Is made at the bKecna . . . mintM . Il)r it uniuu jl v. ....... . .07V VANCOUVER Bralorne 6.00 B. R. X O4 Congress Hedley Mascot 41 Pacific Eastern 05 .Pend Oreille 7-50 Pioneer 176 Premier Border -07 ft Privateer 06 ft Reeves McDonald , 3.60 Reno 03 Sheep Creek - I-22 Silbak Premier -28 Taku River 05 Vz Vananda -09 Salmon Gold 03 Spud Valley 04 Silver Standard 1-96 Western Uranium -98 Oils . Anglo Canadian . 4.35 A. P. Con .' 32 . Atlantic : r 2.00 Calmont 68 Central Leduc 1-95 caught in one set by an Alert Bay fishing crew vveu-thP Department of Fisheries. "It can be safely said that. irmanent. The original PARLIAMENT ADJOURNS LONDON Parliament adjourned today until January 23 with the understanding that it might be recalled at short notice in case of emergency. INQUIRY ENDS ' EDMONTON The Board of TMnGiwrt. rinmmissionerK yes " , f.t-t Hosco -?ft when the final two units are consisted of six con- rr'u' M.nint.o.f Mel Stauffer. a B.C. Pack- three of which were Although voUng opened light in the mo. ning. it picked up dur-oAh In all 1262 bai- added to the new piani, mere will be a considerable surplus available in an emergency." boat, took.the record catch with one drop of the ers tia " i nHo r-Viannp at mid- three conductors have fully damaged that they ",c T . " . nor. nev in w&wv-ii w... p entirely cut away ana It was midnight before tne contest" day. a a : mw my net. there M was as fish were unloaded from the ta. The other tnree terday concluded its hearing anDraximatelv 50 per heir strength. THE WEATHER Previous high records oi 000 tons were caught by B.C. Packers and Nelson Brothers .itv.i tho last, twn vears. The I ubles nre alreadv on W will be installed on y Synopsis eeneral along HOCKEY SCORES National Toronto 7, Chicago 1. Detroit 4, Boston 2. Pacific Coast New Westminster 2, Portland 2. Mainlinc-Okenagan Kamloops 5, Trail 4, into the collision Devwccii passenger and troop trains at Canoe River late in November. It heard several recommendations for safety measures on the line through the mountains. Announcement of the findings will . be made later. Jackknife u Joliet Quebec 177 Lake Rowan Little Long Lac ."W Lynx "ft Madsen Red Lake 2.00 Mackenzie Red Lake .40 McLeod Cockshutt 1-9 Moneta 3 Negus - Noranda 68 BS , Louvicourt - -l6 Pickle Crow - l-61, Regicourt -'St' San Antonio a-25 Senator Rouyn " Sherrltt Gordon 2.63 Steep Rock 8.10 , sturgeon River - -1 Silver Miller -81 Upper Canada I-60 B.C. B.C. Packers Packers Eastile, Eastile, Capt Capt. John jonn which cannot be de-at the nresent time due December 16, 1950 rolumbia coast over- Saturday High Bordevlk, caught tne" previous night - -- while , -no w fe ell at many high set of 1100 tons ta the Gu f interiQr 7:18 18.7 teei 19:18 ' 16.5 feet 0:32 6.5 feet 13:30 ' 8.8 feet ferclty of materials. To-fcpment is a major un- I already been reported of Georgia near ipen, """,?,""";,nulne mUd. unsettled Low years ago. weather Is expected while an Home Oil 13 00 Mercury 10 Okalta 165 Pacific Pete 6.65 Princess I-27 Royal Canadian .1 08 Royalite 12.00 TORONTO Athona -07 ft Aumaque . -22 other storm approaenmg nv.. "But we don't exactly welcome the big catches they take too much trouble to unload," said the west will Dring ram strong southeast winds io uie NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS one fisherman today. sss, one unit of the new fit Is In operation. Com-if the two remaining Impendent on the man's delivery. These are ' on the way and will rpH h., Krin trrxm Van- coast tonight, saiuraay snuui be showery and a little cooler. tirnv, fv,o .lnsinor tomorrow bf herring fishing in this district, NEW WESTMINSTER MAYOR NEW WESTMINSTER New mayor of New Westminster is Frederick Jac"kson. He deteitr ed Lewis Sangster, the present incumbent. The vote was 2822 to Z310. EDITOR DIES NELSON H. H. Currie, 71, former managnig editor of the Nelson Daily News, died last night at his home here. He forecast North Coast Region Cloudy with showers today. Rain to 5110 tons were caugm rann r. o n wpdnesdav and noon pis month. Wantee was given to I B. c. Power Co. by the Thursday. With a quota of 30,- 000 tons for tne nortnern u"- night. Cloudy with showers tomorrow. Continuing mild. Winds light, increasing to southeast (25) by this evening and becoming southerly (20) early to fturers of deliverv not n August or September district, the fishermen nave totalled to date 23.200 tons according to the Department of Fish retired in October l4. wt the manufacturers Hble to secure alloca- Repairs having been made to transmission lines and plant equipment voluntary restr.ct.ons on power use are now unnecessary. interruptions to service. These We regret unavoidable as extremly heavy icing were conditions severely damaged transmission Jmes caused repeated outages at generating nTants with failure of auxiliary equipment under excessive strain. Likewise failures in djstnbutian contnbuted to ond f street lighting circuits also 7-iT.. .nnlv in certain sections of the City. eries today. morrow morning. Jjows wiuc" and "highs tomorrow At Port Hardy, Sandspit and Prince Rupert, 40 and 45. jsions of such materials I urtrpnt. mtvcnra phief- To the Travelling Public NOTICE is hereby given that the Northern Trans-Provinciai Highway from Skeena to Terrace is officially closed to traffic due to snow conditions and will remain closed until further announcement. (Signed) L. E. SMITH. Divisional Engineer. Department of Public Works, Province of British Columbia. I Strong Man of . Would Remove !f government agencies. W the period of inter-Pl the service under abl Severe Weather India Is Dead weather conditions it f found that, on one oc- Dean Acheson WASHING-ION KB Republican members of the House of Repre-spntntivpq vpRterdaV adopted a LONDON CO Deep snow and ! We wish to thank individual customers and . ,i ,r inHut;triGs for their co- BOMBAY Oi Sardar Vallab- ?l discussions of plans 1 1W Vx..clr,ncO hai Patel', India's deputy Prime resolution calling for ouster of Secretary of State Dean Acheson. opSon in reducing power requirements while the coldest December weather in thirteen years crippled British railway lines and blocked highway travel today. In Somerset the gales whipped up drifts fifteen to 25 feet deep. Some villages are isolated. Minister and strong man oi me ruling Congress party, died to The action was taken at a ciosea hut; uuonrew f the Moose Legion last their regular meeting. Walker was In the chair meeting of House party mem repairs were oemg cun.picic. NORTHERN B.C. POWER C. LTD. day Sardar Fatei lost cuiistiuua-ness early this morning after a bers. The resolution will be tan-en to President Truman. heart attacK. . . P'ness session at the Temple -,&s preceded by It tVlP TlViSaM-t,.. raf. . u. v VdlG.