8 Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, December 15, 1950 lag commissioner set-up, instead of 5-man, feeling that the $200 remuneration for the two commissioners could be put to better use In the town. At all "Union Station" Full of Action Gyro Activities During Yuletide Terrace Commission- Fire Dep't. Is Lauded . as r lino V 1 fi 1 events, the matter should be ief i Enacted by a top flight cast Children's party next Wedn.es-whlch Includes William Holden, 'day, members Christmas lunch-Nancy Olsen and Barry Fitzgcr- j eon a week later and the annual aid, "Union Station," coming New Year's Eve dance will be this week-end to the Capitol holiday events of the Prince Ru-Theatre, is an actionf ul story pert Oyro Club, arrangements for which opens with the kidnap- which were made at the club'a ping of the blind, teen-age monthly business luncheon Wed-riaughter of a wealthy Indus- nesday night, trialist from whom $100,000 ran- Joe Scott atid Jamts Fiel1 Commissioner Favor 3-Man Board Take I'P Cudgels For Aged TERRACE Concluding a successful year, the village commls- Man Oh Man ! FOR THAT CERTAIN SOMEBODY YOU LOVE Rupert Peoples Store '...WHERE YOU GET GIFT PAJAMAS - GOWNS - SLIPS 1 some is demanded. A rendezvous comprise the committee -which ! is arranged In the busy con- will be In charge of the party for , course of Union St-ation and Oyro children. William Crulck-j to the ratepayers and a plebiscite taken. The new water works pipe fitters are In town, but the work will not go ahead until the weather is more favorable. Expert advice Is being given on the Installation of these pipes .so that nothing goes wrong this time Considerable discussion took place on the care of old timers oi the district who are 111 and cannot care for themselves. If their case Is chronic, they can not be hospitalized here, as the local' hospital Is for emergencies only. The commissioners can not el-ways get satisfaction in handling them. A recent case whero a very old timer here was sent home from -hospital to be returned to die a day or two later, has brought the matier to a head, It was decided to write to ll.in, E. T. Kenney to ask him to n- n FINE PRINTING AT... K egafl Printers 21 M PHONE 21 W SECOND in lanroaa ana ponce neiecuves shanK Is convening the members quietly descend on the scene, Christmas luncheon at which Two members of the kidnap gifts will be exchanged, gang are caught, but the third' Joe McKay, Grant Stewart and escapes with the girl. The en-'Jo, gcott are the committee for suing manhunt and final cap- the New Year's Eve dance. sloners had their final meeting J I on Wednesday afternoon in the m I municipal office when all busi- ness was cleared uu for the New I Year. J; Village Chairman Emil Hau?-J land stated that It had been a H!Rood year and the three com- ! missioners had worked together very harmoniously. He earnest- ' ly hoped that the five commls-J sloners next year would work to- gether as agreeably. I There was a balance left In the ! bank from which $500 plus interest would be paid on the : town's fire engine. The remain- uire oi the nan-crazed abductor j - " ADVEHTIS1NO IH THE DAILY NiAVS BRlWr provide exciting scenes. Particu if you want to sell It, advertise it. News classifieds. larly effective is a chase through the underground tunnels of the railroad station. As the detective lieutenant OUR CLOSnJ "... OFFICE will be friend of the kidnapped girl and Terrace Civic Centre Plans. Adjudicators For Festival vesti?ate and advise the com- mg lunas wuuiu uae l ie v nay: missioners what to do With over the dull months when there who's in charge of Union Station is William Holden. Barry Fitzgerald is a grizzled police Inspector, while Nancy Olson is a a witness to the abduction. Lyle Bettger Is the heartless kidnapper and Jan Sterling Is his girlfriend. chronic incapable and senila - m the Christmos Holiday from Dec. 23rd fo D 26th inclusive. All- J l I U verv little coming in. The commissioners had hoped to have comolctelv pa'd the engine by the end of this year but were sure of doing It next year. The Music and Drama Festl- TERRACE An interesting val Association has secured the meeting oi the directors of t he services of Burton Kurth as ad- Terrace and District Civic Cen-judicator of music for the 1951 tre Association was held on Mou-fcstival. day evening when plans were mi oraers piacea up to and including Dec. l ?t'kst'fX'MCX?SM,ifX''Cif l FIIPMITIIDF MAKES A LASTING B 1 immiUKC GIFT FOR THE HOME In repard to the Fire Brigade, will be delivered before Christmas. I a.L I. ...... . I L k lM.f i kwu ui ywur vuui oin nvvY and order eorU to ovoid the rush W.U.N IT RADIO T.MU.F.S. curved ends. with drawers magazine holders $19.50 ! Mr Kurth has been chief su- completed for the New Year's Mr. Hausland voiced the opin-pervisor ot music in the Van- Eve Cabaret. Catering will be ion of the commissioners and couver schools for the last 13 carried out by Mr. and Mrs. Dav-j the townspeople in saying that years At present he is also or- idson of the "Motel." ,he beloved that there was ce-- canist and choir master of i Work Is going ahead with in- ; tainly none better In any small' Chown United Memorial Church sulating the auditorium to ensure town in the country. He also ex-i'i Vancouver For six years he a warm hall for the New Year's pressed the hope that the town lias been conductor of the CBR Eye Cabaret. Walls and ceiling r0uld pay the expenses of one fiiver-! on the CBC broadcasts. be Insulated with aluminum firman tvizo south In the sum- WAI.M'T COFFEE TABLE with glass top $24.5 WALM'T COFFEE TABLE, oval, removable tray $24.50 CRIB FOB BAH Y Natural finish. Spring can be raised to cases. The commissioners are constantly being approached it w;.s stated, with pitiful cases of old timers who need care but their hands are tied In dealing wit them because neither hospital is willing to admit them. T'i commissioners exp-e?sed Interest in welfare of the old people at large, who need care, and their desire to help then, in every way possible and to assW the' Public Health Nurse In placing these patients without tic much delay. It was pointed out that there are facilities here In the Home for the Aged for looking after old people. The water situation has be n alleviated at the hopital with the repair of ths pressure tank which had not been in use. A storage tank will be made ant, installed In the attic. Trades licenses were g"antnc to Joe Schultzic to operate 3 store in the former liquor stori for general building supplies hardware petroleum and furniture, and to J. N. Tomfin jn for iuii, int lu. i'uie ieuani'u uin- a mer, lor a monin s course, oenev-coal stoker installed. ins that there was always ?ome- The old loan having been paid thing more to learn, off. it as decided to float an, Kiman "Curley" Casey another ban in order that the ,nr.H ttl ,,, i no- t rennet He has Deen connected with the s festival movement as com-j pctitor. syllabus compiler and adjudicator lor over 30 years, having adjudicated 65 festivals three positions, with mattress PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 $45.00 rMvii Ppnlrp chnuM hp nmnprlv M the ia it 25 years. 'hpated Automatic door stODners tlvee mere plecas of eluirnienr two all-purpose re-pirn tors and two fiftv-fcot rials' cable life lirrs to fasten onto msm who COAL Ll'MBER Bl II.DISG StmiB HEUUOOM SI ITES, 4-plecv, from $129.50 CIlESTLKIItl-IJ SCITLS. 2 pieces, from $169.50 Mrs. St. Denys Johnson will are ais0 to be placed on the outer adjudicate the drama section of an(j jnntv entrance doors of lYn the 19ol festival if she is free building. y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y v "irst f.nte. a H'm'ng building ' io make the trip here at that Matters pertaining ti the res- ', ,,, Cl 0 VWAfAWAVA'.W.VASVAV.1.V,V,V.VW A. MacKenzie Furniture o toe. ngnation of Nick Schme mqap 20 fppf fi!0W t roof of ; If she comes, it will be her were ironed out to his satisfac- tnp f-rrh'l whe- the hoars can tion and he withdrew his resi- HC;oiHi adjudication at Prince v,P hoisterl to dry The sum of H-aperi, festivals. Local drama nat'on. The "Y" .oom will b rar.ted s200 was to pay for what LIMITED iiioups were pleased wan ner mtuc " hp he npprfpd needed - ' Now Open-' metal and heating works in the A GiKid riaco to Buy Over Quarter Century ' sKiil and assurance on the for- the room behind tne bowling: ilier occasion. Her criticisms alleys will be used by the boys wi re both t.'jUul and helpful. for their training and sottintj-up Ihc I'ri.'irc Rupert Little exercises basement of the former lion" store.. j A" a p-est"i- of rtitude Rewards Mr. pnrt Mrs. Cpv who ,h"ve char" if the V'rp. Hall, and .who do a let of wck voluntarily, the eommbsloHTS He;(dfi ti ! tve them a turkey for Christ- lita re thus far have been the Commissioners For Terrace o(ily adult siojp participating in that drama class. They are anxious for competition from o.ner loual groups or better still l'tom outside communities. mm inns- j U Three bv-laws had been passed the I ublic Works bylaw cor.- i ceming the parkland youth of the tracks, donated to the tow : by George Little, one for the i straightening of Park Avenue I near the Celanese quarters and! the plumbing and sewerage by-) law. The plumbing and sewer- Tose went with Mandy for TERRACE Sam Kirkaldy was r-elected to the board of village 4 1 at iut 10 years but never propos td because he first wanted to commissioners at the municipal OA n some poperty and an auto- election here yesterday, head-mobile. At last he could affo-d ing the poll. William Osborne loi i and he called her on the and Jeffrey Lambly won the 5$ m AND UP STORE Do Your Christmas Shopping ai This Bright New Store ace bylaw goes into effect on f'-one. other two seats. Kirkaldy and - V , r mmm mil lit1 forme terms ana Qnl J ' ( "Honey,',' he said, "I've got an Osborne get two-year automobile, I've got a house in Lambly ore year. obtained to hook on to the two existing sewerage llnes former army lines which drain into! t i counuy ana l ve got. $i,uuo . in the bank. Will you marry me?" 1 "I sho will!" said Mandy. "By! The vote was as follows: Sam Kirkaldy, 138 William Osborne, 112 Jeffrey Lambly, 91 C'.ark Alger 57 septic tanks east of the Civic Centre and in the old artill?--' camp south of the ra'lroad. To U-.c way, who's this speaking?" . LSLiLJL j j kuM n'm mi ririi n nrrin iVni'i - it ifcvrm those on the sewerage line th" I . uwmmmmnigjfi' j Ki kaldy and Oiborne elected will be a charge of $5 per year for two year term. se-vice 8nd, in th1 case wher one year ...and it takes time to train a tank crew: each man I.pmbly elected for term. users have more than average three-piece nlumbln?, there will ii i mi i be an extra 50c per year for eaci. additional piece of plumbing. 3-MAN COUNCIL . Thp rfimmlKslnriPK wpnt. nn must know his job thoroughly; he must bt an alert, skilled member of a fighting team. The Armoured Corps of the Canadiafl RTCH MINERALS Silver, lead and zinc are found in rich quantities in various parts of Australia. GIFTS ITEMS recc'd as favoring a 3-man vil- EVERYTHING IN AND VARIETY Army needs keen young men today . . . men Oppmilr "Id V"M "03 West Third Avrrnif ready to train for a man-sized place in one of its tank crews s tank drivers, gunner ,v.v.-.'.v.v.-.v.v."w operators, vehicle mechanics. Now is the time to report for training . . . make Canada strong by " ' - A.rn j-. 'k4 o 4" 654- j - ' v acting now i 5 rt doicn piid lot niptiai. Pl, 7 i ' '"Jlf when ikt J,l, U. ' ,oL',,-: by Ik. C.,.n. B.Buli Columbi.. If ml! Conodion Legion Prc-Christmas BALL in aid of CHILDREN'S 'XMAS TREE FUND Friday, Dec. IS S2.50 per couple REFRESHMENTS 1 ' ;1 SHOP EARLY FOR YOUR Hove .Ur" I just the type (J) ID snlitlvnn mud U-jwaj. GIFTS ! I "Dewar's Spbcuu," John Dewar 6-Soni L" r'd Lamp that woul Stnnda i m ' 292 for Christmas this ye" II PtHTM. B it M v - When entertaining visitors from the United States, Great Britain, Brazil, India ... or from any part of the world . . . you may serve Dewar's with confidence. For Dewar't, winner of over 50 gold medals, has an international reputation for unrivalled quality. 1. Be a Canadian citizen or British subject. 2. Be between 17 and 29 years of age. 3. Be single. ' 4. Meet Army test requirements. 5. Volunteer for service anywhere. Report right away fa: Rtcruiting Office, 475 Howe Street, VANCOUVER, B.C. Visil Our Furniture Depart HELP MAKE CANADA STRONG f ,iuseh..ld Tun You will find a wide range o GIFT SUGGESTIONS A KODAK CAMERA so "right" for so many. HSS" 1 ' 1 Ash CHAIRS CEDAR VIEW MASTERS, SCREENS. Diltilltd, btndd and bnld In Scotland in 26 ti oi. bottlu. CHESTS . FLASH ATTACHMENTS at WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Join the CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE Now! and ANDERSOH. GORDON BEFORE YOU SAY SCOTCH . . . SAY D I WAR'S "- it This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British ColumblC , . 3rd Ave- W. Federal Block