I Little Amelia (sayinw her pr.y.; erM-'Tlease. Lord, take care of kv. Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, December 15. 1950 No Election At Smithers Papa, take care of Mamma. takA 01 . Blackwood On Bridge By Eosley Blackwood v sunt' Ask for Mercy Flight From Stewart A mercy flight by Queen Charlotte Airlines brought Mrs. dim Gidlund, long time resident of Stewart, to Prince Rupert General Hospital -for medical treatment yesterday afternoon. She is reported to be in "a moderately critical, condition" after a Tall at Stewart, in which her hip was fractured. When the cards are breaking right, the optimistic Miss Brash is really a killer. Here is another hand where poor old' Mr.-Dale suffered because of Miss Brash's aggressive tactics. mm l 1 A diamond, extract Mr. Muzzy's trumps and claim the balance. Poor Mr. Dale. He had no consolation except the conviction SCOTCH WHISKY Mm$B Ithat if Miss Brash continued to lliidd onrf Bolllld in Scotland ., This advertisement Is not published or Ulsplayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. HATER tells the troth about.,, WHISKY Put Sa9ram' "W to Hi. wotr te. For water (plain or parkling) jt your most reliable guide to the whole truth about any whisky. Water odds nothing, de-Iroch nothing, but reveals a whislcy'i true, natural flavour and bouquet, Say SEAGRAM'S and be SUR.it of fhe fined KAISER-FRAZER DEALERSHIP . PRINCE RUPERT AND VICINITY The Kaiser-Frazer Canadian plant at Leaslde, Ontario is now in operation and volume" production is being reached. As-a result we are in a position to consider an lmmediata increase in our dealer organization. ' Proper facilities and1 the ability to provide service are essential. Persons iiUotxssUHl in obtaining the Kaiser-Fraaer Franchise for Prince Rupert and vicinity are invited - to submit detailed applications to . NORTH WEST MOTOR CORP. LTD. 1795 West Broadway at Burrard. Bayview 4161 Vancouver, B.C. 294c Seajrit "83" P harms ThLodvertisementis not published o, dplovL Ifce l.quor Control Board or by Ih. Gormen, j Mr Gidlund is a widow, her husband having died fier a few month ago. I The Brazilian tucum nut gives an edible oil something like olive ' oil and the nut is good for cattle I feed. FOR RENT FOR RENT Sleeping room, gentleman onlv. Applv C15 8th West. 293pi FOR RENT First of vear: 7- ruom house, tullv furnished. Phone Blue 734. 2U7pi REAL ESTATE For Sale Wartime four in excellent shape, fullv turnish-ed. New oil burning range, washing -machine, refrigerator, bedroom suite, new chrome kitchen setk $4700.00 on terms or $4350 00 cash. For Sale Wartime four, close to schools, mostlv furnished. I $3900.00 cash. Immediate occupancy. For Sale 8 room house, partly furnished. Fulton St.. $3500.00 with half cash. H. G. HELGERSON LTD. Phone 96 (291c) j SMITHERS There was no election this year for village commissioners here. Stanley Gould, Alfred C. Fowler and Forcy B. Emerson had been elected by acclamation to fill three vacancies. Continues . , . '., ,1 tnHnnlk 11 ' aim xwriiiiciu Tvaiuri. Pr. George Buys Police Building PRINCE GEORGE BUYS 28 Three Aldermen Elected In Interior Town at Yesterday's Liertion FRINCE GEORGE ft Prince George clvctd three alderman and approved a bylaw authorizing the purchase of a building for Royal Canadian Mounted Police headquarters at the rlvlc election yesterday. The aldermen elected were: Harold Assman 511 Eugene Gabriele 439 John Aitken 43fl Nestor Izowsky and Gordon Nicol were defeated. The vote on the bylaw authorizing the $15,000 police bulldin purchase was 502 for and 117 against. Gory Visitor At Newstond Charging that her husband naa been beating her. a native woman with her face badly bleeding hurriedly entered a news stand late yesterday after- j noon. As It appeared that the quicker attention was given the 4ca.s, the better, the woman was soon off the premises. Blood marks dropped over copies of the Dally News and stained the; hand of a customer who had ' turned the door knob. ; Moving, Parking, ('rating Shipping ml Crnrral Cartage and Storage Complete, Rellaole and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Lto.. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 rtiw 60 and fiH JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Jiassified Advertising is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classirieds, 3c per word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth. Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Fun '" eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE w ALLACE p H WEEK O N E SUNDAYS: 7 9 HOURS: DAYS: 9 a.m. to 9 p 12 Noon to 2 p bid values she didnl have anl M. Champion continued to believe her, something gruesome was bound to happen to them eventually. Stewart Rejects Three-Man Board STEWART P Stewart elector, at th poll yesterday, named three Dew village comrtiUsion-ers but, In a plebiscite, favored retaining the forme rstatus of a three Instead of five commissioner board. Thomas Palmer and Henry Neilson were elected to two-year terms on the board of commissioners while William Orr won a one-year term. The voting was: Palmer 46 Neilson 44 Orr 44 An unsuccessful candidate, John McKay, received 37 votes. The The Plebiscite plebiscite vote vote was was 38 38 to to 19 in favor of retaining the three , commissioner status. Sixtv-one ballots were rnst and four were spoiled Vanderhoof Election VANDERHOOF Emil Ahlm, Kenneth Silver and May-nard Kerr "were elected village commissioners here yesterday. The vote was: Ahlm 68 Silver 51 Kerr 47 Unsuccessful candidates were: Mrs. Florence O'Meara. 43: L. C. French, 38: Earl Dahl, 24; George Hawker, 19. Elected at Burns Lake BURNS LAKE John Stew art Brown, Howard A. Ellis and Frederick Wesley Beach were elected village commissioners for Burns Lake yesterday. The votes for tha winning candidates were: Brown 76 Ellis 74 i Beach 63 Unsuccessful candidates were: Charles A. Beatty, 32; Alice E. Ecklund, 23. News Classifieds Make Sales.. AWAY, RIO SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AYE.M1 Both sides vulnerable. South dealer. North (Mlk llra-h) , tf i J 10 It 7 H J 10 8 7 D-A C 10 West !: (Mr. Miimv) (Mr. Ile) S 6 4 3 8 3 H A 4 H Q 9 8 2 D K 5 D J 7 8 2 C K QJIT1 C 3 ii Smith (Mr, t'kMiniititii) 8-A K. H K 5 D 10 9 8 4 3 C A 8 4 The bidding: South Wm North Fiiat id ac P; a a . p.- 4 ir 5 C Pass 6 D Pass 8 S All pass Her bid of four hearts was ;urely on the forward side. She had wonderful .distribution, but her lack of high cards should have made her content with a simple bid of four spades at this point". The four-heart bid sounded like a slam try to Mr. Champion. ! He seldom makes allowances for the temperament of his partner iike Mr. Dale does. He doesn't make any blddlnj errors himself and he bases his actions on the assumption that his partner, too, is always bid- ding correctly. Thia often gets j him into trouble but it some- times makes him lots of points, I too. I Mr. Champion's five club bid was meant to tell his partner n had the ace of that suit. He took Miss Brash's five diamond bid to mean that she had that ace. So, holding such good fits in both of her suits, what was he waiting for? He put the hand into six spades. Mr. Dale made the good opening of a trump. Miss Brash won in her hand with the ten of spades and led the jack of hearts. Mr. Dale did not cover and the Jack was allowed to ride, Mr. Muzzy winning with the ace. A trump return here will beat the contract because then declarer will be able to ruff only lone round of hearts in dummy !and must therefore lose another heart trick to East's queen. But Mr. Muziy, upholding hU dismal record of never dolnj ths diamonds, led another heart and ruffed with the king of spades. Then she led a club and ruffed it and followed with the fourth lmm1 nf Vinr.Hf.i t . . .1,1. 'uu w HCttl W, LI Uniting WILil dummy's ace of spades. On this tries jvir. uaie s queen 01 hearts Now Mlss Brash has only to enter her hand by trumping a For Action, Advertise! ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. S O FurK Stone Building. Red 593. (20m) '- FROM THE FACTORY TO YOU BABY CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Lowest Price in Canada. Beauti- j full first quality, completely tuft- ed. No sheeting showing. Ah colours, double or single bed sizes. Flowered or solid patterns. I $5.25 each. Sent COD. plu postage. Immediate money-back guarantee. Order one, you will order more. Town & Countrv Mfgrs., 6330 Mountain Sights St... Montreal, Quebec. (hpi O TAILORING for . Ladies and Gentlemen LING, the TAILOR 220 Sixth St Phone 649 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Av. (Near CFPR) FOR SALE Two-bedroom house ' rISht thing in a crucial situation, on 2 lols in Section 2. Full returned the king of clubs Miss price $2200. Available at $1000 1 Brash won with dummy's ace EXn&CltaS rent- (l8S2jeI the king of he.rU. went , ... to her hand with the ace of ruK bALE i-our-room wartime between b:30 and 8:30 p.m. (295p) FOR SALE Large 4. partially , llY furnished, vacant Tp- Blue 954. '293pi a needless death. FOR SALE CLEARANCE SALE .303 Rifles Hi-Powered Lous Ranse En-fiekis. Model P14 with built-in 6 shot magazine, only $19 95. SMLE Model i Mark I in with , . 10 .shot detachable magazine. " $24.95. Blade foresights. Adjustable rearsishts. Ranses to 1G00 vards. 26 inch barrels. 4. Fullv guaranteed. Box 48 rounds ammunition with rifle order $2 95. Prompt shipment ; COD. HUNTERS' S U PPLY COMPANY 193 Sparks St., Ottawa. Ontario. (T.F.S-Hi ' FOR SALE Order vour Christ- mas trees earlv Statp size and make. 50c per foot. Pnone ti'iip OPS. 293p, FOR SALE flno Hnllvujnnrf horl chest of drawers and chair to maicn 4 piece bedroom set. 5 piece chrome kitchen set RCA Victor 6 tube batterv set. $200.00 complete. Practically new. Phone Savoy Hotel asK for Mrr Perry. (293pi ELECTRIC train for sale like new. Phone Black 148. t293p HI-POWERED Sportin? Rifles .303 British Enfieids. Also BSA. From $33.95 up. Excellent values. Send name with address for free folders illustrated,! , with prices and detailed SDeci-1 lications. No obligation Deal- ers ennniripc invitoH Tior.rT SALES COMPANY. 154 Mac-! Laren St.. Ottawa. Ontario I . (T.F.S-H) FOR SALE 1949 Fargo ton Pickup radio and heater equipped. Phone Black 890. .M (296p) NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMESl Linobelt Sneeder Shovels:! Crans: Draglines: A d a m s i Road Graders: Littleford Bros.i Blac't Too Read Maintenance! Eciuioment: Owen Clamshell! Bucsets and Rock Grapples: T L. Smith Concrete Mixers; Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson I Bucket Voaders for Stockpile! and Snow Removal: Rice Port-j able Centrifugal PumDs; Na-I tional Drauline Scraners and! Backets: National All Steel! Gasoline Hoists: National j Portable Sawmills: National ; Rotarv Screens and Conveyors I "' Full inlormation from Na-I tional Machinerv Co. LtmifoH I Vancouver. B.C. (tf) ! FOR SALE Mew chesterfield I beds: beds comnlete: unaint-l ea cnesi oi drawers; sewing machine: kitchen stoves: heaters: hardware; coffee tables, -end tables; bedroom suites; ; brand new carpets. Axminster, sizes 2' x 4' 2': scores of other useful furniture at lowest prices. See B.C. Furniture. Black 324. (tf) 1 FOR SALE Coal and wood 1 ! heater. Wartime house front j room style. Phone Blue 165. 1 (tf) J FOR S"ALE Firewood kindling,! ! 50c Per- sack. Get vour winter FOR SALE FOR SALE 2 laree doll prams $7.00. 2 large doll cribs $a.uU. like new. Phone Blue 395. 297j) FOR SALE One Yukon sleeping bag. 90 x 90. Box 845. Daily News. 292p FOR SALE" Girls lJcvcleand other articles. Phone Black 2'JO. (295pi FOR SALE One white enamel coal or wood burning kitchen annex heater, like new. $45.00. Phone Blue 725. . (tfl FOR SALE 1950 Plymouth spec ial a e l u x e live passenser coach. Mileage 3000. Phone 234 or tiiacK ws. i292pi WANTED WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron steel, brass, cornier, lead, etc Honest eradirt. Promnt Dav-ment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver. B.C. Phone Pacific 6357. (tf) WANTED Cedar and fir poles,, all sizes. Quote price f o b. shipping point. Spot cash. Nieder- . mever-Martin Co.. Spaldina Building, Portland 4. Oregon. (296) m.NTm" wnrtiEjij 0 room furnished suite bv quiet couple. Box 850, Dailv News. (294pi RAW FIRS WANTED UP TO $60.00 FOR (Wild I MINK: As high as $4.00 for WEAS- 1 EL; MUSKRAT $3.50; BEAVER ! and OTTER $40.00; MARTEN 1 $75.00; SQUIRREL 60c enor mous demand for ALL British Columbia Furs. Complete Price List on request. NO EXPORT PERMITS ARE REQUIRED to send Furs to our VANCOUVER Receiving Office no incon-j veniences whatever, and you : are assured Too World-Market! Prices. Regardless of WHERE 1 or 10 WHOM vou have been (I .'eiiin? we arc confident. t.ha "SHUBERT" will pav you! MORE for vour Furs than it is possible to obtain anvwhere. ! Give us the opportunity to ; uiyvc t in vuu sena a trial, shipment TODAY!! Dent 194! A. B. SHUBERT CO. W'inni- i peg Shio to Receiving Office at VANCOUVER. (Hi 1 I HELP WANTED WANTED-Waiter. Applv Sandy's (292c)j FOUND FOUND Weddino- ring Owner! mav have same bv calling at I rf1? Da,,lv News and paving for this advertisement. (in FOR RENT West 9th. (293p) FOR RENT Three unfurnished', rooms for quiet couple. 1138 41 U-DRIVE Phone 41 711 Gren-ville Court. Fraser St. (14M) FOR RENT-Sleening room at; 215 4th E-ast. Call after 5. j (295p) I 7 p.m. to 9 1 Prnfpi I IVIVVV'v SCOTT McLAl CHARTERED ACCCV James Block Ml'-Prince BuprtJ Phone 347 f QUALTH Kf-q For D)Wiuroi(!er. 1 and om MAC SHOE H05P Buy the Bfst-Bir ELECTRON Cleaner and Us I Small supply r w.coai AutlwrM' PHONE 45' SERVICE &5 MARGARET OPTOMA Rnnffl iH ' STONE PH0N BLUE 5 P.O. box I'M MM l3UI phone ,v(fj ..sun 1 1 . ... flltft' ,. gecoiw"' - i F0ARoSAWt'!l1t?f,"rA1It5died and' bright. Including furni- ture almost new. refrigerator, wasning macnine, oil range. etc. Corner lot well drained.. A home to be proud of. Price very reasonable. Applv Prince Rupert Realtv Co.. over Broad way Cafe ' 9Q1pI 293c) TOR SALE -Bv owner 4 room- ed house; concrete foundation: ele;trified kitchen and water tank: clear level com-! pletelv fenced lot; new electric ranae ana JJuo-Tnerm oil 1 heater: new inlaid linoleum; ; iwiitiiuic uwiitjiiai, iiiiuiruiai" occupuncy. Phone Blue t',97. (293c) ' PERSONAL ARE YOU hard of hearine? Then hear ve! Hear ve! With the almost" invisible Vibraphone, no troublesome batteries, cords or wires. Onlv $15.00. Phone Blue 414 between 6 and 8 p.m., or write Box 1541, Prince Rupert. B.C. (300p) Ck lSt? Ca5 b?,ufp. 543 call 629 6th w.. ci'e (tf) NORTHLAND Dairy milk delivered 24- pe? quart. Whv pay more? Phone 18 for dailv de-livery service. (M-29) RELIABLE WOMAN will look after child while mother works or babv sitting. Write Box 849, Daily News. (294pl REPAIRS WATCH REPAIRS-Prompt. ef- iH.iem, service ueorgp Cook Jewe ler sausiacuon srUsfactiZuafan guaran- ' teed OIL BURNER SPECIALIST Stove service and repairs. G D. Ronson. Black 503 (tfl BI'II.DKRS & CONTRACTORS Hlieet. mn a u.iirk Tor tind PTavel roofing. Call 629 6th West. Phone 543. Letournerm and Sons. (tf) MODERN Painting and Decorat"- -and Mnt.iillf Phone Black 215 evenings or juoon nour, f .u. box 11 11. (tl) 1 uuMPLETE builders' supplies, I fast service. Island Citv Build- uiir ouuuues Blue R2U (18ml Business and A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. P. OARDNER. C.A. A. L. BELL, CA. 324 Second Avenue Box 203 Phone 88 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 24 4th Street Phone 655 COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agenta for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th 8t. Ph. Black 389 . RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS Sc AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 334 Red 894 P.O. Box 1670 SIDNEY GONICK ' OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 MOTORING COMFORT A new British product Is an electric tea or coffee pot which may be plugged into the dashboard Bocket oi a motor-car. supply at a bk' saving. Kaien;FOR RENT One furnished Transfer. Red 9C2. (7p) 1 In. bachelor nreferrPri rm We're bound for the Rio Grande, And meay, Rio ! aye, Rio ! Sing farc-yc-tvell, my bonny young gel, For we're bound for the Rio Grande! For over a century Lamb's Navy has been the call of those who know good rum. Smooth and mellow, it is marared, blended and bottled in Britain of the finest I )fmcrara Rums. Lamb's Wavy Im ! FOR SALE Electric rangette,! ! gooa condition. Apply 1424 : rigsou riace. J294p). TURKEYS DICKS GF.ESE CTIK Kr!NS . HAMS BACON SATISFACTION at your LOCKER PLANT OF COURSE 230 2nd Ave. Phone Red 3H7 (297c) ROOM ANn Rn.Iin t.K.,. n,,..irM'n". HEATINU V,. 596 or call 124 8th Ave. West.1 niuc (290 pi I FOR RENT Room and board hnrmpWP& "SI1? iTn i 1333 6th East. (294p) FOR RENT Unfurnished five-room anartment. Central Phone Black 277 or call Summit AdU. (293c) Thi advertisement i mi puhhOwtl or dnUml bv the I iqimr, Omtfinl rWwrrf'nr Hv'ibc Government of Bnto.h ( nlumht Ah WJ Srm Shanty