I -. i .1 mi imm .. Il Mla.Mrf-i,.i.ina -"1'l-T-if ilil,,...,.,,,,.!,.,.,,,,,,,, ii i, , , i- i ii Prince Rupert Daily News- Friday, December 15, 1950 " RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles RAITS ed and Printed SERVICE S STX'DIO et Box 645 339 Prince Rupert 12:25 Program Resume -12:30 Musical Program 1:00 Pops on Parade 2:00 Dance Music 3:00 This Week 3:15 CBC News 3:25 Rec. Interlude HEAVY IMPORT Venezuela imports nearly half of Its' annual consumption i (Subject to Change) FRIDAY P.M. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude RESTRICTED HONOR t Britain's Order of Merit, established in 1902, Is restricted to 24 members with additional foreign honorary members. cement, using a total of 850,000 3:30 Saturday "Pops" Concert tons. ft &,hMyMY tew. EATING ; Best ID - -HATERS it, ii hanlcal Square Dancers Whoop 'Er Up The Civic Centre square dancing class last night went Into a real hoedown as they wound up their pre-Christmas season. Instructors Rowland Miles and Gloria Sather could be proud of their instruction during the fail as students went through their paces with the greatest elan and virtually shook the premises. Officials and others who had remained for the ballot count from the civic election gathered at the doorway to the auditorium as they came out of the Teen Age Room where the ballots were counted. Many was the sigh of envy as they watched the happy throng whirling and bobbing as the caller's voice came over the public address system. It was interesting to note that the classes were free to Civic Centre members. The hill-billy music was appropriate and vivacious. The music makers wcr-a Rowland Miles at the piany, W. H Dou-mont with his i.uuie, una Paul Doumont and Richard Tweed with their geetars. All in all, everyone had a good tlniD even the Jealous : Burners jg In hratlng IRRANCED "Oh, yes. Mr. Barnes, he'll be back towork soon he can take a 1 1 1 1 1 e nourishment today." lilTED ' and Heating-I P.O. Box 274 4:30 Sleepy Time Storie "4:45 Lyrical Lady 4:55--CBC News ' 5:00 Int. Cdmty. . 5:10 There's Music in the Air 5:30-rNow I Ask You ' 6:i0-'7upper Serenade 6 : 1 5-rHenri Rene Orch. 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45-Saddle Rockin' Rhythm 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Easy Rhythm 8 : 00 London Cavalcade 8:30 Opening' Night , 9:00 -Rums Chuckwaon" . 9:30 The Universal Declara-'-tioB of Human Rights 10:00 CBC. New , 10:10 CBO News V t 10:15 Club Date , : -10:30-Riverside Rancho 10:55 Interlude -11:00 Weathei 11:06 Sign alf SATURDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical Clue B: 00 CBC News, 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Hits and Encores " 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty. 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 CBC Stamp Club 9:45 The Answer Man 9:59 Time signal 10:00 Bandstand v 10:15 Minuet ' 10:30 "Melody Time" , ' 10:45 CBC News 10:55 Wentnei and Interlude 11:00 Saturday Date ' 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period -11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies SATURDAY P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies MORE POPULATION BUT felt V - t T is I ' i Dominion Seeks More Settlers, Big Drop in '50 By D'ARCY O'DONNELL, Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP) While Canada's population nears the 14,000,000 mark towards the end of 1950, immigration authorities are deeply concerned about the decline in the flow of immigrants from Europe. The number from the United Kingdom declined SPORT SHOTS (Continued from page 4) the total of Detroit's Vic Wcrtz. Joe DiMaKgio of the Yanks batted In 122, two more than the total registered by Boston's Bobby Dooer. Al Rosen of Cleveland, the league's homer leader at 37, drove In 116 runs and was followed by teammdte Luke Easter at 107, Hoot Evers of Detroit at-103, Larry Doby of Cleveland at 102. and George Kell of Detroit at 101. jtolity ond I ...and welcome wherever he goes for Captain Morgan is Canada's largest selling rum. .Try Captain Morgan Rum ;f you'll like it, too! j Food" pur First Aim 7 for Ordrrs Jake Out :dore Cafe 46 per cent in the first nine months of 1950 the last period for which figures were : available. The number of emi- j lmmigranu coming to Canada. . prants from all countries dur-, cTi nv ship nora r m lilt m-d At the same time, the depart ing the period dropped 28 per cent. ment canvassed shipping com- . ine decreases led the govern-j panics on the possibility of get- 210 were adult males, 17,808 ment to ease Immigration re-, tins immigrants lower nassaee adult females and. 14.232 were CaptainMorgan NOTICE y Steamer COLD LABEL Rich and full-bodied I GEORGE Extra smooth. fy and flavourful Anyone knowing of a Veteran's family in need of assistance over the Christmas season is urged to telephone particulars to Uw Legion KUIYi strictions. to subsidize the air, rates during the winter months, children under 18. . passage of emigrants from Eu- j In previous years the movement The. immigrants and the new rope and to send top officials of immigrants during the winter births, pushed the population up j from the immigration depart- months was small. But because to 15,921,000 at September 1. It ment to Europe to study what of the increased demand for Is expected to pass the 15,000,- could be done to Increase" the workers In Canada, the govern- j 000 mark before the end of the movement of new citizens to this ment decided to try to keep the year. The September figure rep-country, (movement rolling during the resented a population Increase Immigration Minister Harris j winter months. .of 285,000 in a 12-month period. AILS FOR Office before Tuesday, Decem Blended to Perfection from Carefully Selected Rare Old Rums THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS NOT PUBLISHED OR DISPLAYED BY. THE UQUOR CONTROL BOARD OR BY THE GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA . - ber 19th, 1950. Your co-operation is ur gently needed so that no announced early early in in December December In September, tna government families will be overlooked. that, through arrangements with the government-operated Trans-Canada Air Lines, prospective Telephone 479 294 lifted an 11-year-old Immigration ban against German nationals. From 1939 the German nationals were considered en- emigrants from EuroDe could 6 Mai M M M M M M k tha I emy aliens and were baaed 4 book art air air passage passage from ? ! ID mm (COUVER llornifdiale Ports ;h Thursday 11:15 p.m. KETCHIKAN MAY MIDNIGHT fur Reservations I Write or Call CITY OR DfcPOT j OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. I BC. f i NOW under Immigration regulations. pp dan United Kingdom to Canada (at a cost to themselves of not more than $160 the equivalent of a tourist-class passage by sea. The regular air fare from Britain to Montreal was $383.25. Under the new plan the government will reimburse TCA to make up the difference on all bookings. Mr. Harris fald it was hopol the move would stimulate mi- On lifting the ban, Mr. Harris said care would be taken to see that Nazi party members an ' Communists are kept out of Canada. He could not estimate how many Germans might come to Canada as a result of the government's action. Late in the year, Mr. Harris sent his director of immigration, C. E. S. Smith, to Europe to sec Christmas j Gills ! Cords Books I Condy Novelties ! j PETER PAN GIFTSHOPPE 1S3 what could be done to interest more Europeans to move to this migration. It had been taken in1 View Of the Scarcity Of North -nlint.rv Thp ronnrt. nn hl t.rtn For Your Atlantic shipping, a factor which was not- made publlc had prevented many prospective nNXARIft,. P, . w The need for more Immigrants was underlined in November when Premier Frost of Ontario HIV In. Last Minute CHRISTMAS SHOPPING! fP Kids annouficed that his province planned to bring In lV,400 skilled workers. They are needed on hydro projects, in mines and for other work. In the, nine months ended September 30 there were 9804 who emigrated from the United Kingdom to Canada. This compared with 18,285 in the corresponding period of 1949. 'Ine number coming from all countries was 54,250 compared with 76,149 in the first nine months of 1949. Of the total 22,- 1"" T your parents J L I to' pick up Tickets for tJio Co-op Show ft I the Capitol Theatre on Ihursday, Dcvcinttcr' 2 Tut 2-30 p.m. They aiet FRET for the fa ft I m ft ASK FOR SCOTLAND'S FAVOURITE SON JOHNNIE WALKER To better servo the ciiizens of Prince Rupert and district the Robert Simpson Pacific Ltd. have arranged air cargo delivery to you on the following arrival dates in Prince Rupert Dec. 20th, 21st and 22nd., EXAMPLE: You place your order Dec. 16th and it arrives on Dec, 20th. Orders placed Dec. 18th or 1 9th will arrive Dec 21st or 22nd. (NOTE: This offer excludes heavy goods such as chesterfields, stoves, refrigerators, etc.) 1 (ishiiii i ir to anta Claus will be there SCOTCH WHISKY 1 fT'CKETS ARE IORH 1820 . STILL GOING ' STRONG real good Scotch $1.00 85c 90 c .75c . 75c Decorated Dark, per lb. ... Underrated Dark, per lb. Decorated Light, per lb .. Undecorated Light, per lb. Christmas Puddings, lb. .. i AVAILABLE I or the MIEN CO-OP., cvcnth Avenue, p-OP STORE, I Cow Bay I nd at the p-OP BAKERY I where fXMAS CAKES ARE SELLING I AT LAST REAR'S PRICES VISIT TODAY Pistilled, Blended and Bottled ii Scotland THE ROBERT SIMPSON PACIFIC LTD. I t i n uir ADC CUOWIK1A PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. JOHN WALKER SONS LTD. Scotch Whisky Oitiillvs KILMARNOCK, SCOTLAND This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ot British Columbia. 312 3rd Avenue West Phone 460 I inli TEAK TTS rtt. i 1K0MEDIESJNDCM00NS D20