Prince Rupert all? Trtns Zft. - Wednesday, May 6, 1948 ' 7 . -i Ml A PARTY AFFECTS YOU Skipper Quits Sea To Start Laundry HALIFAX Q Capt. Fergus Cross of Halifax Is forsaking OPERA IM ITALY FACING DEFICIT, FEW HOUSES OPEN Production Costs Soar, But Devotee Cannot Afford Average Price of $3 a Seat r";. ' Mi'Mx raw, BARBARA ANN COULD MAKE - ' $100,000 AS PRO , , OTTAWA Barbara Ann Scott could make $100,000 during the first year he was a professional. Hotel.. Arrisa Is Frinoe Rupert H. Herget, Edmonton; W. H. I? Z4 14. 4 i . Wi the quarter deck for the laundry; the mainsail for the diaper. The 33-year-old master mariner who commanded the Montreal - Australia-New Zealand Line ship Ottawa Valley, will help the city's mothers by 'Washing infants' unmentionables. "Only $2 a week for the service and we do everything except put the diapers -on," said the 250-pound skipper recently. He's the latlier of three small ROME, (Reutersi The visit, to Italy early this summer of Arturo Toscanini will coincide with one of the most serious financial crises in the history of Aodelet, Alice Arm; Wm. Greer, Terrace; J. Dunlap, Smithers; Mr. and Mrs. C. Michiel, Terrace; K. R. York, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. M. Hamilton, Pre- according to Jack Harris, Chicago sports promoter. He is in Ottawa as manager of a tennis team appearing here. He has in mind the making of an offer to Miss Scott, the world's figure skating champion. Be -says "the ice business needs her." ... f'$ time you tried THfS sum it s potrs man -eKurej VOW HHDtKHMMUlf Imier; T. Britton, Smithers; Mr. , and Mrs.. J. Chapman, Shawat- Italian opera. The famous Italian conductor is reported to have accepted' chlldren and he knows whereof J lans; H. Brockington, Vancou- he speaks. k-ver; D. Caridow, Vancouver; and rou'H in rAi, too; Fur POST'S -BRAN FI.AKKS have flavor that't differtnl a flavor that makes health-earing, plea mi re-eat ing, too. And POST'S BRAN FLAKfcS, eatea retsularly for hreaktutt, act a a gentle, matmrtU regulator, because btaa u a natural bulk food. Other part of wheat provide added wheat nourishment. Van r!amn5c with "enthusiasm and emotion" the invitution of the playwright, Sabatino Lopez of Milan to be present in Italy for the celebrations next June in honor of the Italian -composer Arrigo Buito. It is hoped here that Toscan X f V. ft M His venture wilj be shared by Edward Chrisholm, a former flying officer with the R.C-A.F. Mr. Chrisholm, who just completed a commerce course at Dalhousie says he hopes to be the book- Mrs. Brown, Port Essington. 1 " GREAT TIMBER ASSETS The value of pulp and paper produced' in Canada is a fifth greater than all the mineral 0 PORK and BEANS I too. ! keeper of the outfit. Capt. Cross production . 'including prepr,",! ini will take the opportunity of, initiating a special summer season of opera at the famous Bcala Opera House in Milan, now one expects to get all the dirty work, i A fiWvcf f taaKl faoih metals, iron, non-ferrous metals, coal, gas, asbestos and salt. kv mert aaIFit oi tne lew in Italy winch has REALLY BIG THEN thcrtraa. auinL-ieui. lunus to luiicutm. Louisiana, when it was pur S'ou saw it In the bally Newt ine wen-Known Italian com-'cnase(j from France the Uni i I r-v r m. m a v t r-v I Topics from Terrace Timely poser and music critic, Renzo ted states, included all the ter V PUIiLIL ULMAINU ... ?! itossemni, commenting m a xe ritory from the Gulfof Mexico to the Canadian boundary and from the Gulf of Mexico to tie Rocky Mountains. cent Interview with Reliters on the financial crisis which has hit Italian opera, suid: "It arises principally from the f .u..4 i i ' . r Civic Centre Drama Removal SALE CONTINUES errace Be'"umi;i ui op-1 EPPING, Essex, England era houses are unable to reopen lS,vtn bbi. hprp f..otn , Club Presents Fine Show mysterious and virulent disease. KSDAV and WEDNESDAY, May 5 and fi ItK AI!K STII.L MANY ATTRACTIVE I5MM.AINS I'Oft TERRACE Two one-act plays Nothing can ; be done about and a variety of solos, dances ! the bane hall at present but it Automobile (toners- Frcczc-up dangers are past. It is 'time to drain off antifreexe and 'Pcwcr Flush' the cooling system of yur car r truck in preparation for mariner weather and longer runs. LINDSAY MOTORS ITO. PHONE :m THE THRIFTY SHOPPER Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE is hoped that soon It may be this season owing to the gap between increased production costs and the increases which can be made in prices for admission. "Unless a radical change improves this situation, it is difficult to see how and when the traditional activity of the opera in Italy can be restored to pre )nlv SH0RT1E COATS Plain and plaid. Q. Is it an act of refinemen' to talk loudly in a public place? -,e with hoods. Regular Value Q4 QC converted into some semblance of an auditorium by next tall so -that an audience may enjoy stage presentations in more A SAKE 1K1CE , A. No person of refinement j is ever guilty of this not even mlv SI'ORT JACKETS Iiejrular QQ (!Z and impersonations provided lively entertainment for the' audience that crowded the Terrace Civic Centre recently to witness the Drama Club's initial presentation. Much of the success for the show is due to the work put in i by Mrs. W. Chesher, chairmen I of the drama committee and to .Alt Yoxall, who, as director of J the plays was continously faced war level." $2,200 000 SUBSIDY in his own home. A quiet voice ... Stir.lir. SALE IMMCK HITS Wool and plaid. The Italian government hs , , . ,.. , , , , , . , . speak for the benefit of other stated j to have set aside funds , , comfort. G. McAdams, who acted as master of ceremonies during the evening, announced that the new Symphony Orchestra had joined the Civic Centre group of activities and that next fall people in streetcars, buses, the- Cl.KAK AT $3.95 $1.95 (USES Assorted. totalling 1,200,000,000 lire (about $2,200,000) to cover the present opera season. This represents an Inor-pnKf. nf JWfl Ann flOO irr ; atres, elevators, stores, on the ! street, is considered the height 'of vulgarity. Cl.KAK AT with the problem of finding new a bigger show would be staged Finest QUALITY SEEDS Q- When a woman -meets a compared ...iti, with i, the in,, 1946-47 An sea-1 ,. , , . , , , . man of her acquaintance, which AUv UI'STAIUS AND SAVE members to fill the vacancies He inviled everyone who cared left In the cast by members lQ t0 come out and help m the leaving through sickness or other : ,,v o actors or workers siiuuiu spean nisi i 3 T-- But In spite of this large con- Best gardening At A. The woman, However, XI 4 9 mnunne . .. .. trfhiitinn frnm tVio unvw-nmpnt tNNETTE MANSELL'S ,l""'"c' iDenina ine scenes, mey were - thev are are old 01(1 friends D,end8' he ne maj mav For a time the bare ore.a needed he said. some 286 provincial opera houses sented difficulties in the forml 1 are still closed in Italy, causing " H h' ;M k ' of poor acctmstics but this was Thanks were extended to all unemployment among at least xv, hlc, t!, Li, i9 overcome m a larce extent by those who helped with the show 50,000 workers. I equipment, enriching fertilisers, insecticides! We have 'em all to assure you of a line productive garden. IN the Stone Building SeVfl al ClVlC-minOeu ClUZens W TlO 111 Buy way, uic vcu viuaa iuuo-,1 a. i caumuiru iii uijcmw: f.i AnioA tvPir nnrp limp nilal. for the use of ft wheel circles here that everv ooerai For your gardening supplies' "phone or call at to the lob of sealing the etAge chair and the Oddfellows Lodge produced is put on at a deficit France and now is preparing 4o of at least 1,000,000 lire per pro-, leave Rome again lor South ' for the loan of chairs were par Business and Professional America where -he 'has made his ... in and attending to other essary jobs. duction. At the same time, the m - r sr -m w m -t i ticularly mentioned. , home Buenos Aires; and the f mass of Italion opera lovers can- not afford prices which average eomraiu), -cioe mmo, wno is iw- about 1.000 lire i$3 a seat. ,lnS e vmiea otateS SUPERIOR ' HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY I The Communale at Reggio Cal TERRACE GUIDES' TEA AND SALE 1K( 'ORATORS Mi Bride Street Phone 311 abria has announced that it will Q. How can I make good po- shorUy open its opera season, FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment NO :: PAPERIIANGING " Blue B52 or Black 245 ichins Bill Thornton tato cakes? . but otherwise only four large IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE In tlir Miitti-r r the AilinltiMnitlim Ait" aiHl III flic Mllller of I hp UstlllP lif AllHM-t suniiM1! iNM4innifM. tthtrwiM kniwn us amurl IX'm'Iu.iiiiik. 4Mm wimhI, -in- TERRACE Charming young A. Pare and boil one ouart state-aided opera houses are at LIIIG. .waitresses, in pink and wniie of potatoes, then mash and present putting on shows in I aprons and caps serving at season with salt. DeDDer. and Italy. All Work Guaranteed (tables decorated wltn spring paprika, and add 1 tablespoon They are: the Scala at Milan; NOCE that by m Hie melted butter; mix lightly. I Venice at Venice; Teatro Dell Honour Judw w. o. fuitoa. mode tin-Take a spoonful of this mix- Opera at Rome; and San Carlo 3rd day of May. ax. i94. i was ap- JON ES N EWS STAND eol II. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST ITE 5, SMITH ELOCK 1C5 P.O. Box 1401 we nnoaie cumciii anu ncaic.u DEVFXOPING PRINTING ENLARGING Sl'PERPAN PRESS KODACIIROME and KODAK FILMS Chandler & Cowgil! Fourth St. box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B..C. sored by the Girl Guide . .so- ture in fioured hands and roll at Naples. Aibert DeBchamps. ot.her- ciation of Terrace last Saturday rjjp m egg beaten with 1 1 Four of the leading Italian i wise known as Samuel Deschamps, afternoon. ' ! tablespoon cold milk, then in opera houses which are closed .d?ttes havm claim, .gainst the THE TAILOR ;.,! ve are taking icIeBnInf mA preMtic "n4 itaut yresslac t vbUe yo wm. PHONE 849 22C Sixth Street Papers Swedish-American Tribune and Western Miner Guides and Brownies, parenis , flour, and fry in hot fat. iims year are: me uano ence gam estate are hereby required to Sixth Street Red 80B;and visitors thronged the base O How can I polish chased at Genoa; the Communale at;i"sn "a- propeny vemiea, to me on or before the 15th day of Y5. r. i-, x Bologna; the Politeama at Flor-)Jurie silver? 1B48. after whlch olaims iiieti A. Brush it thoroughly with ence and the Massimo at Paler- j may be paid without reierence to ment of the Knox United Church H & ELK INS LTD. umbin" and Heating Engineers where they received prompt at- Finish Finish by by washing washing, mo. ! -"V'"B - - ention from the Guides and 'whiting. 1 174 P.O. Box. 274 All parties indebted to the estate lire required to pay the umount of PIANO TECHNICIAN TunlnR, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone RED 739 1301 Overlook Street their lml'bti.wsi o me forthwith. their leaders who' were respon- with a little turpentine and sible for the tea arrangements. I soap, then polish with cham Brownies, with help and direc- ois. lion from their leaders, were in I Q. Is it better to mend tho Another serious problem is the emigration of most of the best-known Italian singers to more profitable centres abroad. The "emigrants" include Beniamina GORDON F. FORBES, Official Administrator. (Prince Rupert. B.C. SPECIAL -59c i.N' V. L. IIUdHES Chiropractor -22 I3ERNER BLOCK charge of the white elephant . domes oeiore laundering.' candv stand and the A. Yes. The economical Gigll, who recently concluded ! stall, the Prince Rupert Florists S0O 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions 'ix 8)4 Phone Blue 442 housewife mends .her clothes successfully tours in Britain and . fish pond Presiding as pourers j during the afternoon were Mrs. before laundering instead of j -i Head, a ii,. Mis. nnvan Gavan Mrs jvirs . Nor- w i after, as the clothes will las' in the . supreme court op British Columbia Deem All Star Records HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavjig Beauty Culture in ORfiE L. RORIE ringlon and Mis. rienneuy. "f . . ' in probate In charee of the kitchen was Q- How can I bleach clothes i me Matter r me A.iininuinui,,.! ' . w., t, when launderine- and also cut! "t" AtTomitant, Auditor, etc. all Its branches Mrs. Haaiana, assi-swu uy . - - Ami Phone 655 f Tax Returns Compiled. 2o4 4t.h Street uin gicuoc nuu uni,.- the Mutter of the i'.stilte of Alfred A. Try adding a spoonful Of HJelm. Keeem-ed. intestate Guides and their leaders, Mrs. Mcllray, Miss I. Smith, Mrs. ....u;i v, vtr Clifford. Mrs. nrr Block Phone 387 LOWEST PRICED , RECORDS IN CANADA By JBING CROSBY INK SPOTS MILLS BROTHERS Gl'Y LOMBARO OUCH. ANDREWS SISTERS CARMEN CAVALLARO DICK IIAYMES And tunny others. . turpentine to the boiler of 1 ra notice that y order or SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Annuel - . heloed , j elntries ciomes a r?ir,i-o Vfolvin EORCE McWHINNEY cal Judire of the Supreme Court of Biitish Columbia. I was on the 30LH u.r a. How can I clean oven HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS F'AINTING AND Drownea pie aisnes. Administrator of the Estate of Alfred A Rnnlr thpm r n slrnno' -Hiplm lnt. nf At.lin Rrititri finlnm. OUl at UlC v-aiiuj Kennedy at the white elephant .tnii TrooD leaders assistad at ! WKR HANGING P O. Box 1426 solution of borax and water. S;-,h n ,0ab".l,t..t, . 1 nrA Oet.pH ftS IDC llSn W1'U a..." P.O. Hot 514 j ' tish ColnmhiH All Dersnns Indebted Phone S7 OUTSTANDING VALUE lr'n St. phone Oreen 394 V...,.,. Pnnnirifnf all kinds cashiers. :to the said estate are required to ptiv DEFECT IN VISION I the amount of their indebtedness to .rjuimius on A large angel food cake, do FRASER STREET j Prince Rupert , j rU Rnrners 'TITTT-.X, , KOOIS, ijniiiiiii-ya nated by Merle West, was won by Mrs. Alice Campbell. PIANO TECHNICIAN me ,orthwlth ncl all persons having Mvctalonia rviyciaiopia is s a a defect aeieci in in vl- yi ,lajmg ,galnBt tn(. 8Bld estate ftre sion Of people Who can see dlS- required to file them with me pm-tinctly in a faint light Only, and P"1? verified on or before the 15th dftV f June. 1948, falliiiK which dls- 4. i u ..... j I. not in bright daylight. -trlbutlon will be made haviiiR re- gard only to such claims of which I ahall have been notified. NlNG AND REPAIRS PHONES: Green 486 Rd 894 1!,5 411 Wtt ItY, Iw To keep carrots, beets, turnips. dated at Prince Rupert. B.C. this parsnips and radishes Iresh, cut lst ALFRED ' "JL1 Train Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday-8 pm. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday-10:40 p.m EDWARD RODDIS. QUALITY REPAIRS off the tops before storing them f'"iS the Fisheries Industry Official Administrator, Atlin. BC. for future use. mmmmmmmmammmmmmt JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd, Third Avenue (117) I rlls (pro Ltd. SEEDTIME Clover Seed Rubber Hose Bamboo Lawn Rakes Garden Tools Flower Seeds For Downtrodden Heels 1 and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Second Ave. Box 774 r5' litht'lling. Weighing IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE fn the Matter of the "ArtinlnMnitlon Alt" in. the supreme court op british columbia in probate In the Matter of the ' AdailiiKtrntlon Aet" CHEW CARES AWAY rhewins; eum containing vita "J BUTE !R0 a nil min K is said 16 be a good preventative of tooth decay. and THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD" 255 Third Ave. Phone 101 In the Matter of the f stale nf 4nme In the Mutter of the Kstntr of Arthur Keuveil. lte.-eUK.ed. 1'estate l-everelt. Ieeael. Intestate TAKE NOTICE that bv Order of TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor Judge W. O. Pulton made' His Honor Judtje W. O. Fulton made the 2Bth day of April. .A.D. 1948. I the 28th day of April. A D. 1K48. I was appointed Administrator of the I was nppoinUd Administrator of the estHte of James Nedved. deceased. estate of Arthur Leveret t. deceased. All parties having claims against All parties havlnt? claims against the said estate are hereby required to the Raid estate lire hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to .furnish same, properly verified, to TRY Htex Caie FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Siicy - Chow Mein me on or toetnre the SOth day m me on or ociore uu- j'-m "j June 1B48. after whk-h ctBtms filed Jure 1B4B, after wnicn claims in may be paid without reference to any may be paid without reference to any GREER. & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alteration! Floor Sanding: a Specialty- OPEN Moving, Parktnr Cratinr, Shipping Mid General Cartage and Storage for Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. all Lindsay's Cartage &. Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones CO and CI fAM TO 2 AM. CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY claims of which I then had no Know- ciainia oi wnicn i men nu "u ledge. ledge. All parties Indebted to tlie estate All parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of are renuired to pay the amount of FECONn .rr,. ntmrCT TIDTEL their Indebtedness to me forthwith their indebtedness to me forthwith nvtPiUJ!;, OPPOSITE r"KllNi-;rL nuit,. Dated this 2Uth day of April A D. 1B48. Dated this 29th flay of April AD. 108. ALBERT E. RODDIS. Official Administrator. Atlin, BC. (113) P.O. Box 711 Phone RED 561 ALBERT E. RODDI8. Official Administrator. .AtUn, B.C. (113) PSSWIED AD rN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING RESULT