pRor CITY DRIVERS OBSERVE RIVER FLOOD prince tlupcrt Daflp jftttas Ltd. Monday, May 31, 1943 Local News Items... Dozens of city motorists Bun-day saw the highway which only week before had led to Terrace disappear abruptly beneath the muddy, overflowing water PROVINCIAL FUND FOR FLOOD RELIEF A province-wide fund to aid sufferers In the flood-stricken areas of British Columbia was opened today by Premier Byron S. Johnson, according to word received from Vancouver by R. o. Hopkins, manager of the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. the Skeena River after theyjthers. sum muniis Women' Party Is Coming This Week a Representatives ol Women's Canadian, Business and Profes of sional and Soroptomist Clubs will Join Mayor Arnold this Friday In welcoming to Prince Ru pert a party of 19 American club women who will be .coming noriK aboard the Princess Louise to make the round trip to Alaska after attending a convention In Portland of the General Federation of Women's Clubs. In addition to Mrs. Arnold, the reception committee will Include Mrs. F. Eve, Mrs. P. M. Ray and Miss Frances Partridge of the respective local clubs. The visitors will be taken for a drive around the city with such other amenities as the time at their disposal during the stay of their ship will permit. Advertise In the Dally News! Fluorescent kitchen . fixtures with colored plastic ends are something that should please the keeper of the house. She can choose the fixtures that match her kitchen color scheme. I For a while barrettes seemed go out of style even among the young gins oui now mey are' Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Swanson left at the end of the week on the Coquitlam for Massett. H. A. Black made the round trip at the week-end aboard the Coquitlam on business. Jack Garrett, provincial assessor and collector, sailed last night on the Cardena for a trip to Alice Arm on official business. H. S. Nickerson returned to the city on the Cardena last night from a trip to Vancouver and Vancouver Island. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Moore who have been on a trip to Van- couver, returned to the city from the south on the Cardena , .last evening. Due to Increased cost of milk shipments from Vancouver, milk price has been advanced two cents per quart. Quarts 22c, Dinio 1 0r Trt Iflntino Tin i ft Phone 657. (1291 SATURDAY NIGHT PARTY ENJOYED Prince Rupert Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose, was host Saturday night to scores of members and their friends who enjoyed an evening of card play ing and dancing. Winners at cards, which took up the early part of the evening, were Mrs. Applegate and Mrs. M. Ratch-ford with Ted Latch and H. E. Jensen tallying high scores for the men. Dancing to music provided by the Moose Orchestra commenced at 10:30 with Carl Brechin and A. Taft in charge of proceedings. During intermission refreshments were served and prizes distributed to the winners at whist. WUATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Develonine. Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies for the Text of the telegram from the Vancouver office of the Cana dian Bankers' Association is as follows: "The Premier of the Province W. has set up a committee to solicit and administer contributions to a flood emergency fund for relief In all areas effected. No other appeals are authorized. "Please advise all banks to accept contributions and remit, free of charge to the Royal Trust o. ior credit to the fund. The need is urgent." CEEING . . . At no other time In the history of Prince Rupert has there been such a boom In the retail seed and fertilizer market as this spring. Pride of ownership and economic reasons are probably the causes for this urge to make the soil yield vcgKTjles, flowers to or grass. Already housewives are preparing for the harvest of resp-berries, strawberries and vegetables by acquiring pressure cookers and Jars. Speaking of housewives is a reminder that waffle irons and combination waffle irons and so sandwich toasters are now available. An inexpensive kitchen gadget for beating cream, eggs and such is on the market. The glass jar with Its little plunge doesn't hold much but It would eliminate tnc splash common with open bowl and egg-beater. Open stock dinner sets are on display so If the lady of the house I.O.D.E. BRIDGE AND CRIBBAGE Both ladles' and common lounge of the Civic Centre were used Friday night when Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, held a bridge and cribbage tournament which proved a very pleasant affair to all. Mrs. J. A. Teng was general convener and A. W. Allaire was master of ceremonies for bridge and J. A. Teng for cribbage. I At the conclusion of card playing dainty refreshments were served by the ladies. Mrs- B- K-iemacK,. regent or the chapter, distributed prizes to the following winners: Cribbage Ladies' first, Mrs. J. Delorme; second, Mrs. J. Mor- in. Men's first, T. H. Priest; sec- end, Mrs. M. McGowan. Bridge Ladies' first, Mrs. Mc- Clintock; second, Miss E. Sharpe. Men's first, Mrs. A. H. Sllversides; second, Mrs. A. M. Martlnusen. AIR rASSE.XGEUS To Smlthcrs E. G. Kane, E. Magaw, G. L. Rorie, L. Harris. To Sandspit Mrs. Grosvenor, K. F. Harding. To Vancouver M. Sekora, M. Gargrave, P. L. Norlhcott, M. Dohanlc, Mr. Walsh, R. Hale, K. Williams. ANNOUNCEMENT Cruises, Charters Commencing soon. Scheduled trips, Salt Lakes and return. Watch this space for further particulars. Cfor "Chicken in the Rough' J TO TAKE HOME Call the f J CIVIC CENTRE : $ DINING ROOM ;I PHONE 231 COTTAC.E CHEESE , New Creamed Fresh Mado VALENTIN DAIRY Tour Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE ) NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone Ml P.O. Bos 196 back in favor stronger than ever. line, which parallels the highway Most of them are made of plas- ,from Tyee to Kwinitsa, also dis-tic and some of them are orna- appeared under the river east mented with gaily colored ani- mals or birds. I ,, .... Young mothers aren't having much trouble applying the needs of their Infants this year grade beside the flooded high-as they had last year. Diapers way for about 100 yards. had driven 45 miles from Prince Rupert to Kwinitsa where the flood damage begins. They found the artery between the citv and Kwinitsa in nnrmnl condition but, with 100 yards of the Kwinitsa railroad -station, the first of the muddy overflow a began pouring over the road, channelling its surface crosswise In a h'df-dozen places. The real flooded area, how-, ever, begins 'about half a mile east of the station. Here, sight seers stood along a swirling belt of water that was literally a part of the boiling Skeena divided from it only by a thin belt of roadside trees .that had their roots deeply under water. Along the soggy roadside there was little evidence that the water level had receded since its first came boiling over the road last May. At low tide, there were indications that the river level had dropped a few Inches but, apparently at the high tide stage, me waier DacKed" up again. Huge trees, borne on the 15-mile current in the main channel flashed by toward the sea. Many of these were deadheads which had been stranded along the river banks for several years. The extremely high water had picked them up again alon with new trees which had been bowled over by the present flood. rneir tangled roots were still heavy with earth and silt. Canadian National Railways of Kwinitsa, although its higher grade kept it above water for a slightly greater distance than the hlRhwav. sirttr., r,,,. At one time during the after noon more than a dozen cars were parked at Kwinitsa and vehicles were coming and going continuously. ' ' " Some hardy groups took picnic lunches and camped along the road. A paradoxical picture' was the dust cloud raised by cars approaching Kwinitsa, while only a short distance away, the road was under water. TESTED This scientific instrument tells us what's wrong when you bring your watch in, tells you it's right when you take it away Faster, more economical repairs, with printed prooi ol accuracy. . BULGER'S Upholstering are more plentilul, It appears, u"vers panted tneir cars near loa walked the half-, and, if they are not the type pre- th,e, stf mile to see the flooded road, ferred, mother can make someMany carried cameras to rec01.d from the flannelette sheeting , their first views of the situation lot? PROOF j, BOARD asily and (y Erected , no muss nur with Gyproc a permanent, f jb. Improvements Vcpairt NOW SUPfLY ALL VOU ItlllDUS SUPPLIH liKKT & FKKY LTD. c I.l'MllER I0NK 116 L'RANC'E AGENT Franklin helped es-itual fire insurance the United States buncements ' nrnw n this column irt tor b full mouth Id cents a wurd ar Ten, June 3, at alls' home, 435 4th ilury United Church i n Tim, home of eMiTkiii, M2 Tatluw viwol Hall, June 24, .e rooking sale, 2:30 lurnument finals, 8 ry i.o.D.E. Bazaar, j Steady fm mm PREME i PTICE M- COLLECTIONS J"W 1 1948, It will to necessary for s to place garbage "nt to streets. be picked up : is In approved adequately cov-n an easily acces-'n. usually collected 'H now be collected u' C. STEWART, c'ty Engineer. (Hi lret McLeod rMKTRIST W OFFICES Melvin Forbes of Burns Lake arrived In the city bjr airplane Saturday afternoon from Smi- Mrs. W. J. Crawford, returning to her home at Stewart after a visit In Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Cardena last evenln8 B. T. Phillips, after spending couple of weeks In the city, left by the CoquiElam at the end of the week on his return to his home at Massett. Special "Clean-up" garbage collection by city trucks Thurs day, June 3. Have garbage ready, ! trucks will call. J.C.C. Clean-up , Campaign. (129) J. C. McCutcheon, mine sup erintendent at Silbak-Premier, was a passenger aboard the Cardena last evening returnine north after a business trip to Vancouver. Mrs. A. E. Martin and family are leaving on the- Princess Louise Friday morning for Wrangell where they will spend the summer with Mr. Martin who has been stationed there as Canadian customs officer for the season. Mrs. J. H. Paterson, whose husband is an official of the Mining Corporation of Canada and has been spending the past week at Torbrit mine, was a passenger aboard the Cardena last night bound north. She and Mr. Paterson will be here tomorrow returning to Vancouver. Capt. K. F. Adams, R.C.N., Director of Naval Reserves, accompanied by Lieut. Command er J. Pratt, assistant director and Lieut. Commander (E) Simms, of the naval technical staff, Otta- 1 wa, arrived in the city this af- I ternoon on the Princess Ade-1 lalde to Inspect the complement ! of H.M.C.S. Chatham tonight, j They will leave tomorrow by air to return to Vancouver. Everything The Bride's Mm on SPORTS I For Consult us for your needs in all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. Cards for every oecasion. Fountain Pens. DIM Printing C7 BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE BAP gets one, one doesn't have to be In some measure to the general quite so nervous about drying Increase In the amount of mater-the dishes. At least broken Items lal being Imported from the Unl-can now be replaced. 'ted Kingdom. ALL SWIM TRUNKS' , AT SALE PRICES5 The best known brands and most popular style Swim Trunks, Gabardines, Wools, Satin Rayon, in a; wide variety of colors," td be ' sold at less than cost price. Reg. Price $2.49 to $2.75 Sale Price $1.85 Reg. Price $2.95 to $3.51 Sale Price $2.25 Reg. ' Price $3.95 to $4.50 Sale Price $2.95 Reg. Price $4.95 ; Sale Price $3.45 Reg. Price $5.50 to $0.00 Sale Price $3.95 A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE Limited Lean Back and LA-Z-BOY leans back1 with you for reading, reclining, relaxing, reposing, retiring. Call in Seeing is Believing Phone 775 327 3rdAve. Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave4 Box 518 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions Larss Laroo Lillie Bolero Perry Como-Blng Crosby Kig 'Brass Band From ISrazif Danny Kay-Andrew Sisters Haunted Heart Perry Como-Blng Crosby Information Please ! . 1 Ink Spots Baby' Face : V .Henry King Orch. LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 640 220 Sixth Street June ltride "gown" is the climax to a trouseau but if you are preparing for the great moment, TOGS, LINGERIE, HOSIERY and ACCESSORIES will take added importance. "going-away" choose a tropical worsted suit, priced at $22.50 Whether you are a June Bride or not, use Sweet Six-teen's personalized BUDGET PLAN when making your purchase. No Interest. No Carrying Charges. aaEaEesaaiMHa that Is available-. Baby vests and other togs aic easier to ae quire too and this Is probably due CATHOLIC CARD PARTY Sixty players enjoyed the Catholic Women's League card party In Annunciation School hall Thursday evening, playing bridge, cribbage and whist, after which refreshments were served. Mrs. C. Schaeffer was in charee of refreshments, assisted Mrs S- Dickens, Mrs. P. Le land and Mrs. Cloutier. Mrs. E. Tclseth was cashier. Prize-winners were: Bridge Mrs. R. E. Moore, M. Matson. Cribbage D. Garon, N. Dod seth. Whist Mrs. S. Dumas, Mr Sappola. LO.B.A. LADIES' HEAR DELEGATES Reports on the recent provin- i clal conference of the Ladles' Orange Benevolent Association at Nelson were given to the local L.O.B.A. chapter at a meeting held In the Oddfellows' Hall Thursday evening. Delegates were Mrs. J. L. Johansen and Mrs. George 'Howe. Mrs. M. Thomas of Princeton was elected grand mistress in succession to Mrs Howe. Mrs. Johansen was chalrman 0f the meeting. The organization also laid plans for a church parade to be held on July 11. PUFF, PUFF! An average size railway box car will hold about 17.000,000 eglarettes. the Wheel FLOOD RELIEF SUPPLIES ARE DROPPED AT USK A p.ane, loaded with supplies for the residents of the flooded i vlllnup nf Usk east of Terrace. .. t.n take off this afternoon. The supplies were to be dropped from the air as the plane circles the high ground above the vil lage where the people have taken shelter. Sponsors of the flight are Mr and Mrs. William Wasyk, proprietors of the Skeena Grocery here, who have close relatives at the village. Mrs., Wasyk, whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Poburncy live there, was aboard The plane was a Central B.C Airways pontoon craft which flew to Prince Rupert from Fort St. James Sunday afternoon. Its pilot Is Capt. Pat Carey with R. F. Qulnn was mechanic. Mr. Wasyk made an appeal today for blankets and clothing which he says are badly needed by the stranded families of the village. He will look after transportation arrangements. The supplies, to be sent up this aitcrnooi! n paiceis were to be dropped on the high ground near the village school where the villagers are congre gating. The supplies are tightly sewn in padded bags. FIRE HAZARD One of the greatest causes of fire is collections of "Junk" old newspapers .magazines, clothing. Relax at S-h-i-n-e , , Mills Bros. What! No Phonograph? The RCA. Victor Record Player V-16 "records through your radio only $21.50 ' ; OCEAN VIEW HOTEL (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, Pleasant Place to Live COMPLETELY RENOVATED Rooms Redecorated Spring-Filled Mattresses New Management Proprietor, TOM PESUT PHONE 71 -T IEE CEMENT Moving, Parking Crating, Shipping and General Carta se and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 rhoncs 60 and 68 TRY OPEN Chop 6 A.M. TO 2 A.M. CHINESE Do you steer your car or "HERD" it? Steering Wander? Shimmy? Tire Wear? Restore new car steering control! Inspection and correction can be carried out accurately In accordance with only by use of specialized equipment. the LINDSAY policy of having the right tools for the job. WHEEL ALIGNMENT and BALANCING equipment has been installed and is now in operation. check and report on your front end Drive in and let us condition. ' LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. PHONE 866 FURNITURE REPAIR TRUCK ANI) AUTO CUSHIONS RECOVERED Ask for PLASTAHIDE available NOW! put-of town orders given special attention LOVIN'S 'Wcxt'tb CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 Rex CaH e , FOR TASTY MEALS Suey ( Chow Mein DISHES OVR SPECIALTY WaterprboTa STUCCO and all porous Masonry $3.25 for 10 lb. sack THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. 4 SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL LTD.