II Prfiuc ttiiprrt Daili rectos Wednesday. -December 29, 1943 '.-.- f Rrnwnscwires By W. J. - "and 'REFLECTION 8 New Year s Eve. you know, Is on the -way. And -may we suggest the possibility of the night not being silent. An 1r.Spjde&t rtniw n-prr rt"tti to the upbuilding nl Prlnre Bnpert ftnd U rfimmuniii rfinp'nji northern tnd central Brltiali Columbli , (Author m Second Class Mall. Post Offlw Department, Otuw) Published rwn afternoon except Sunday bl Prtnf Rupert Dally Nrirs Ltd , Srd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia i O. A. Hl'NTER. Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director. ' MEWBFn OF CANADIAN PRFS3 ATOIT BrREAD OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION BTTBSCRIPTION RATFB . OitT frrlr. Prr Work. 2So: IVr -Ic.r.ti;, 75?: Per TJf MOO. By Msil, Per Month. 50c. Per Year. S 00 vr Santa Claus and his reindeers probably reached Prince Rupert over trie Skeena Highway, a few drifts and pot holes bein mere trifles for such seasoned '1 4 travellers. Besides. Ihey avoid- j ed the mountain differentials1 one hears so much about. j .i V "A. .1 Someone has starieu the un-i confirmed report that con-; swmers in some part of Canada ; had side dishes Of roast 'buffalo.) alottsr 'with turkey. And per-: haps a chaser ef pemmiean w ith ; cniart 'bottles-of 'Brw River port! ! Strengthen U. N. By Using It T. A S00D MANY PEOrLE are unhappy about the 2 A United Nations. Results of the session of the I Assembly which has just ended in Paris are not 1. enouprh to satisfy them. Thi unsated appetite for 5 peace is healthy. But it is healthy also to appreciate progress. the Assembly failed to bridsre the chasm be- - tween Russia and the West. In fairness, we should .. recocnixe that in the U.N. Charter we did not equip Z it for such a Tusk. '-We .rave the Assembly little more than the functions of -a debating- society. Those functions are not to be despised. For ideas have a - power in themselves, as the totalitarian reco?riize when they deny at home the freedom of speech - whioli in the 'U.N. they cannot stiTle. Even Russia appears at times to be affected by r world opinion asexpnssed in 'the U."N. forum. If one doubts it. he should note how earnestly its dele- gates 'Strive to win debates in "the Assembly. iHe ; should note-the pains the Soviet goes to in the effort - to present itself as a democracy. He should note that it refrains from votintr rather than appear in the minority ujjainst the genocide resolution. So, A eloren ninerican airmen, stranded -on a 'Greenland Icecap since December ninth, were taken eff "j-esterday. One someh.T.v feels that -9. hen Christmss dinner romes before 110 W j j 9 f $ 3. 4 '4 liyuiiiMMU &mm ATTEND FARMERS' CO-OP MEET J Russell Love, Edmonton. leU. president of the laterpravincia! Co-operative, chats here with W. C. Good, Brant ford. Ont., during: the United 'Farmers Co-operative Co. meeting in Toronto. Mr. Good, who has worked for many years to bring about the reorganization of the cooperative a, a wholesale controlled by the local co-operatives, saw his dream come true at the first annual meeting of 'the United Co-operatives of Ontario. "Ae United Farmers Co-operative Co. Ltd. was reorganized during the-past year to pmvlde for control by over 100 local co-operatives under the -.new -name. Both individuals and local co-operatives owned shares under the old structure. ihem. there ill be no reluctance -about second helpings. Two of the lareest of Can-j sda's rean liners xvere on the Atlantic. Christmas Day. Leave ' it to the tars to take-care of an ' weasion like that. It is no ed oniv to make -voluntary" hardship to be travelling. nder i payments of an agreed sum. such circumstances. There are Inere Is no machinery " to stop vietides at -sea. when It s wases at their source. - more ,jfee ,he other way aroimd I The situation is further cam- LACK OF CHILD LEGISLATION CREATES PROBLEM too, m the AemtiJv American pohc-v has haa to plicated, say the magistrates,' , 'by the fact that a man may! i aisree to support his children one COSTLY BIRD KINISTINO. Sask.. 0 A plain unadorned turkey sold for $1,355 .t an auction in this town of 750 JOHANNESBURG J 3 liven Nceck. and deliberately stop ; ile court magistrates here say ' work the next. When that hap 'that lack of suitable social le?-j both the law and social ana l Ior me pens. ! islation in the Union of South welhire -Focietles are powerless.' ,ne Tl tnanian region nau. i Africa is niacins a ereat bur j cen on charitable Institutions, j The 'African Council of tKiiKjnf t and "sll" 21 times, j the "Secretary lor Justice that '"S""1- ! pawers be given magistrates to impose orders for the support dren nao ' ro s'r nstItu-, tion. ! of children Qrowded children's homes In the Union show social ness. There is a serious short liifre 4S no ia in use iiiwu to compel any wace-earner to pay for the upkeep of any of his children in an institution, r.or are court orders for the payment of maintenance binding. Because of this, say the jurists, thsuNar.cis of men are defaulting and many . children must be taken into charitabk organisations, which are finding it diflicult to carry on. Oiie of the main reasons advanced for failing to pay for the maintenance of children, apart from lack if responsibility, is that post-var optimism and temporary high wages ted men to agree to pay age of foster parents willing to; ! look after children for a num- j ber of years without actually ' adopting them. r Pi, ": 1' submit to criticism by the small powers and the "neutrals." The great function of free discussion in sifting the truth has been performed. In the jrenocide resolution and even more in the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights the Assembly raised up standards of conduct for the nation Avhich can have a tremendous influence. Critics say these codes will not be obeypl because they cannot be enforced. They have said the same thing about all standards of conduct from the Ten Commandments to Magna Carta. Moreover, the Assembly recognized that it should grow as a peacemaking agency. Under the leadership of -Seretary Lie, Senor Bramuglia. and Mr. Evatt it has pushed unremittingly its own efforts for conciliation of the Berlin dispute. It.also continued the Ralkan Commission, it has played a useful role in the plans for Palestine pacification, -and ht eontriinnwt to 'better understanding of othef di.pute?. . ,,t TW$ istVt iitJjyiiirse. U.N. holds little promise of Soon de 'eloping into the kind of world government 'which could require the big powers to abide by peaceful settlements. But that, it seems to us. is a growth which must start at the grass roots in the member countries. Only as they are willing to use U.N., to let it decide disputes and to support its decisions, can it acquire the necessary power. In this Assembly session the United States did submit its case over Berlin to international judgment. The result was of mixed utility. Undoubtedly, world opinion was erystalized in" some measure against Russian intransigeance, western ojv mion was united. This may in the end bring Rus- i There is so much difficulty in amounts mey can no lonser ai- - . , . LAKGwAOE SIIOKT-cc i r..i ii mi nt.x r f .md teachiai! la laia. j , ' ri t unamg losicr parents inai me 'National 'Council of Child Wel- '1'noWDF.n Sfare has been trvinz to find a Waee-earners can be order- MONTREAL. 0 Attendants! new DfcLHI W The Indian iities. La-t yrjr t INSTITUTIONS ! reason, tack of housing is one responsible' reason, the eounfil stid. but the meeting Immigrants at nearoy eovernmeni wiu esutousn nine Dorval might hnve to peak 13 1 fllowhip in IS49 to etMiU languages were it not for onetrrench stodenn to tio rrscarth airline's ide-a. The immigrant ! - -cholar'hins toTfi-IU: Another reason to be for the overflow in Institu-: main reason is thought Pocket Knivl Carving Sets tions for unwanted children is lack of feeling among South n0w is handed a printed sheet; that many men have married Africans. . wnh questions In English and again since the war and feel There Is also a shortaee of in his native tonene. All he has their responsibility lies more Institutional accommodation u do is nod or ,hake his head with the second marriage than for non-European children, whj in reply. 1 PYREX DOUBLE BOILERS 1 he first, particularly if there have been committed for their: I any children of the second protection. S END OK A LINE 1 Table Cutlel 'Ul mar riage. The last known p-KM-nscr i Casseroles A woman who divorces a man Advertise in the Dallv Nev s! ! pigeon died In captivity In 19H i JF I B ! I! THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. I ia iu ii more conciliatory attitude. nut lor the pre eiu u nas seemea to widen me oreac ach. And it was Vl d? ' use U.N. against : it"-"; -) strengthen U.N. K motivated more by a purpose to cannot claim maintenance. The , jurts have no power to order ! a divorced husband to main- tain his former wife, although maintenance can be ordered under a separation order. j Some men agreed to pay! weekly sums for each of their -children. This sum often ; amounted to two-thirds of I neir .wa&es. They then re-; nr.rried. could no longer pay ! .he maintenance, and the chil- BUSINESS AND PROFESSION ; Russia in a power struggle than to To ()ii(,(in(l All . . . A Happy and Prosperous New Year , -. rwi, t jut v ;a? a world iieace organization able to prevent such MARGARET 5! OPTOMETRin PRINCE HUl'KRT BOTTLE COLLECTOR AND MESSENGER B -r. 5c:da. Perfex and Ginger Ale Bottles PHONE RED 751 STONE F ROOM m. PHOS'E struggles.-; I ; Any use of U.N. -to further nationalistic aims , threatens its fundamental purpose. "U.N.'s great 1 need is for people everywhere to develop an international patriotism which will resist abuse of U.N. tTby their own governments.'- Understanding of the 1 -necessity for the rule of reason and international agreement to supercede nationalistic lawlessness is ' a first step. Devoted allegiance to that ideal, alert j attention to the patient steps required in practical ' .".application of it. and firm support of the most j promising machinery available should follow. Mr. j Evatt gives us gTwi advice. "Hold on to the United I'. Nations : it is all youVe'goL' ! P.I.I IE W ft MATTSON'S UPHOLSTER LTIS AND FURNITURE REPAIRS Plastic Materials Dunlopiiio Mattresses Drapes Curtains R"d Spresrts Cushions, etc po Bn mmm. OUT A-HUNTING Winston tthurchn.. 74 years of age, is still active today and here he is shown as he recently went hunting at Chortwel! Farms, Westerham. Kent, adjoining his home. Second -Hand Furniture Phor.e Blue 813 P.O. Box 5:1 330 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. HELEN'? BEAUTY SI Permanent W" Beauty Cultua 11 its bran.'W 1 JM 4th Street NOW AVAILABLE t GEORGE L. RORIR l Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. ; fncorne Tax Returns Compil"! HANDYMA HOME SEEV GENERAL CONTP.1 Bsr.er B!oek Phone S87 I PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHING Building and repal" Announcement . ... BOAT OWXERS are invited to visit our showroom to see the SIMPLEX Gas and CUMMINS Diesel Engines now on display. We mainiain a parts and first class repair serTice and are equipped to service all makes and types of internal combustion engines. If yoa are contemplating the purchase of a new motor be sure to see the SIMPLEX Gas and CUMMINS Diesel lines. T large range of s:?es and types to choose from. Economical to buy, dependanble to operate. Bytovn Machine Works (W. J. RICHARDS) i Latest Shades, Styles and ClorsiRoof$ chimneys - C IF IT S A SMARTLY STYLED SUIT FROM ACME n-S RIGHT AND DO NT FORGET OUR SPORTS JACKETS. TOPS IN STYLING AND SO PRACTICAL. WE THANK OUR CUSTOMERS FOR OUR GOOD BUSINESS IN 1948. WE HOPE THEY'LL HAVE A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON-ALSO A 'GOOD 1949. FOR WE STILL 'NEED THEIR BUSINESS j J. P. MOLLEu ! Phone BLUE 155 PHONES Black 687 w P.O. " LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE COID SE&L LABEL DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5. SMITH BIX)CK ACME CLOTHING k t 5 Phone 765 P O. Box 1401 i PIANO TECHNICIAN FOR Y0C ROCK and f 0 WORK , CALL B'E ' M. J. SAUN New. Modern El All Work Gnar It's the Toning, Voicing and Repair MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East Cafte for Tasty Meals HUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN ft SON) We Take Listings of BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IX BOATS. MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Lipsetfs, Waterfront) Box MS Phew Green 975 Chop Suey Chow Mein Ql'ALrTT Bf and "W ' Chines Dishes a Specially Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 am. to 3:30 ajn. Phone 173 for Outside Orders Wells Cartage Ltd. Complete MoTlng Serriee Cratine Packing Cartage BU'E 78 BLVF. 9 if ir RIAL, JIM rVn 774