'4 tfftuc Ritprrt Oaflp iUrtos Wvdnenlsy. December 29. 1948 FRANCOIS LAKEL- DANGEROUS TRIP ON ICE FAILS TO SAVE SAWMILL FROM FIRE Hans and Peter Hamre and Nils Waale nmnaped to pusii a log towards him but it sank. Then they tied a rape to a slab of wood and pushed this out. Young Cowan ?ot hold of I and was pulled out still wearing his .classes and cap when rescued. The bicycle was lost. The mill caught fire and burned down on Sunday afternoon. Commences Thursday Dec. 30 Thcc Values Available for Limited Time Only " FRANCOIS LAKE On Sat-tirc'ay morning Everend Hkkcy "brcucht word to tl.e Landing fht the sawdust pile near " Hamre and Waale's mill w.s burning fierely and threatening Ihi- mill Itself. Mis. Cowan, of Ckmretta was informed by telephone and asked to set word to the brothers ,-Hamte who have moved acro?i the lake for winter logging. Tom Cowan borrowed a bi-rycle and !n spite of his mother's ' advice- cycled over the hettly-formed ice to carry the . rtv.9s.ige. Wtien a- hundred yads from the other shore the itx gave way and he went tfc-oush. As he tried to climb up on the ice U kept brenkinc av ay under his weight. m Francis Kennedy who taught school here last year is spending the holidays at the Keeie tanch. wenm haboa "Sandy" Junkons has moved back to Colleymount from the Landing where he has been working on the Perlite Claim. A U TV" V ebghahij a m Timely Topics from Terrace Mrs. C. R. De Kersommeaux, Terrace Reporter DRESSES . . . fa H was a very quiet Christmas hi Terrace this year. The weather was seasonal and ideal for gc:tlhg out on foot to "make Mrs. Sherwood returned to J Smithers on Tuesday morning's ! train after spending Christmas j with her son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. V. Giraud. ; AW I "fir the rounds." There were no disturbances on Christmas Eve' I8. Mrs. D. BrenUen and daugh- j ters left on Tuesday's train for their homes in Prince George,! after a Yuletide spent in Ter- j ' race IN OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT YOU ARE SURE TO EIND JUST WHAT the new YEAR ORDERED WOOLS - CREPES -BENGALINES - TAFFETAS - GABARDINES 7 Jimmy Arseneau is spending a few days in Terrace. lit ai d tlie local policemen wer? atle to enjoy the festive seasan ' with their families. Over 30 guests attended a banquet given . b the SilverUp a.afi. There were five adult patients and one baby to spend X:nas in the hospital ( jThe wards were d.eorated by the nurses and a large : XmTSs t res held gifts for all. A turkey dinner wjs served ' and the whole staff joined in making the occasion as happy ' as possible for the "shut-ins." 1 Bf:isa Absent members of the trv-, ing family "local station agent) have returned home to spend : the Christmas holidays. Dor -othy Irving R.N. will be leaving at the end of the week for , the Royal Inland Hospital, Kam-loops. where she is supervisor of the operating room. Gerry living, operator of the B. C. Power Commission at Vander-hoof and Victor Irving of Bt. Anthony's College, Edmonton savoy I ff. I Mhk HOTEL Will be leaving early in the New Year. - Carl Zarelli, Prop. FBB mi$ Here is the sale you have In'en waiting for CONEYS, FRENCH SEAL, SPOTTED LAPINS, CANADIAN SQUIRREL, MUSKRAT HACKS and MOUTONS, now reclined for your savings. PHONE 37 P.O. Bos 541 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT mm Alfred TImm. who has been visiting his parents at Kitselas! leavrs on Tuesday for the south 1 where he will rejoin his ship.) the oil freighter. "Imperial Ed-1 monton." I Mm The L.O.L. held their annual ! Christmas party in the Orange hall last Thursday evening. The! hall had been seasonably decor- ated by the lodge members and ; under a larg Xmas tree, gifts for 25 children were placed ready Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay' Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 6 and 68 t t? w n mined COATS - I iof Santa Claims to distribute. A ! ilerig table was set up and re-f:thments were served to the. .children after which games were played. In charge of the! I refreshments and children's j frames were Mrs. R Jakson. Mrs. If. Fisher and Mrs. Gordon Haug-; land, while, the men served the n If. "A I : And Plain Prince Rupert Florists 3fX)3rdAve. Box 518 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions Vou'll find the II AN DRAG or PURSE to match your New Year ensemble here among our fine collection. All handbags and purses -educed to clear. ' . refreshments. A social evening followed for the adults. Mr. O. Haugland was Santa Claus. I ' vTi ".IT - Opposite ANNE'S A value-wise assortment of COATS you can't afford to overlook. A wonderful opportunity lo select your next year's 'best' at a greatlv reduced, price. . Health Unit n a K ft 4 Miss Patricia Moore left on , yesterdays plane for Vancou-i ver after spending the Christ-i mas holidays with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Priest, Graham Avenue. i HOME-MADE CANDY Phone BLUE 389 210 FOURTH STREET A New Leaf For u NEW YEAR Sweet Sixteen's Personalized BUDGET PLAN will assist you to take advantage of the reduced prices being Offered In this semiannual sale. No Interest No Carr'ing Charges. Be ready fro the New Year at home and in the office with CALANDER PADS that will help yu keep your appointments. We also have assistant Daily Journals and Pocket Diaries. t 'tmwii in. ft- xv.: - ft' Perfect for about town, the office, high school Wear our blouses are tailored to perfection, styled to the minute and are now reduced, to prices that are amazingly low. 'ft mm 0 C SEASON'S GREETINGS and Every Good Wish . for the New Year FLASH!! Have the Children's Photos taken at home around the Christinas Tree. For Appointment PHONE GREEN 389 Chandler & CowgilI R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) 216 4th St. ' Evenings Phone Black 615 j