VICTORIA, B. C. 165 EAT 31,-49' onr.iEs DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PH0IIES1 VOL. XXXVII, No. 304. ' PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1948. PRICE FIVE CENTS inlands Yield ib Url De maids ii Mdies Melee f i 1 1 . V ' V- " Y HOSTILITIES TO TERMINATE DECEMBER 31 Publisher to Sue Gov't for Denying Entry intoCanada VANCOUVER (CI') KegiiiaH llipwcll, outspoken Uritish publisher who flew from EiiKlatid to be with his two Hons here on Christmas, was denied entry to Canada at Seattle because of his criminal record. In Seattle Tuesday, Ilipwell, 41- said that he intends to sue the Canadian government for its action. He said the v i rLJ in v 1 7 PARIS (CP) The Nether lands told the United Nations Security Council today that they government refused him entry because of bis "moral "Si will order the end of hostilities in Indonesia at ptmtti mil''? midnight, Friday. The' representative also an THREE PERSONS ASPHYXIATED IN VANCOUVER ! VANCOUVER (CI" In a telephone interview from Seattle he said 'I'm advised that I'd never get a judgment against the government in Canada, but In England I'll take it, if necessary, to the Privy Council." i t - ' thf DIE AS "SABOTEUR" general manager of Hungarian-American Oil any. Dr. Simon Papp i a final statement at trial in Budapest on s of sabotaging Hun-i nil production. A famous geologist, Dr. Three jwrsons were asphyxiated Tuesday in two separate mishaps, one of which snuffed out the lives of an nounced that the Netherlands will soon release President Soekarno of the Republic, and cabinet ministers captured at the outset of the Dutch operations. The release will be "on the understanding that persons concerned will refrain from activities endangering public security." The statement came within twenty-four hours of the deadline set in the order served on Holland yesterday. BIG U.S. NAVY MANOEUVRES 11 -year -old irirl and her was seniencea 10 cue. Communist government cd he followed instruc-uf U.S. superiors. mother. WAYFARER FROM CARROT CREEK, ALTA. PigtaTIed Margaret Elizabeth Karl, nine, radiates confidence in her ability to take care of herself as she pauses at Idlewild International airport at New York, en route alone on a 6,300-mile trip from her home, Carrot Creek, Alberta, to Lima, Peru, where she will live with an aunt and uncle for the next three years. She left New York for South America by plane. Margaret Elizabeth is the daughter of an Albetra farmer. A ,w HOYAL PRINCE Princess Margaret, rear, aunt of Piincess Elizabeth's baby son, joins Sister Rowe (centre! and another woman t unidentified as they walk the baby carriage of the infant prince, around the grounds of Buckingham Palace. 1INCIL URGES OFF ALASKA TERMINAL ISLAND, California J--The United States Navy announced today that it will send 18.000 sailors and mar MPLETIOM OF CANADA TO PARIS, (P The United Nations Security Council appeared ready today to order the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Negcv. Observers said that the . The father, the only surviving niember of the family, is in hospital in poor condition a.i Is the brother of the victim if the second accident. Dead are Mrs. Eva Gagnier, 30, and her daughter, Barbara, and Noel Smith, 60. In hos-pilla are Joseph Gagnier, 52, und Joseph Smith, brother of Noel. Mr. and Mrs. Cannier were found in the front bedroom of their home and the girl, in night attire, in the rear bed WIEW ROAD : : TOD A TS STOCKS : : Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. ltd. THE WEATHER Synopsis The remnants of the storm which gave rain to the coast yesterday is moving slowly through the interior preceded bj considerable snow This sys British demand for the withdrawal from the southern Palestine desert had a good chance of passage, with or without Am PRODUCE U.S.-JET FIGHTERS TORONTO 9 Toronto plane factory, De Havilland Aircraft, ines on thirty four ships in wide-spread tests next month on Alaskan operation. Rear-Aflmiral L. T. Dubo.v made clear that the "exercise will test, men in cold weather and rotteji conditions." It is not to be construed as a major naval operation. The locale will be Kodiak j Island where a ba.-e is already I in operation. tem will move into Alberta by art of the HUH city roun-ii:.hl was to pavs.a resolu-sins! the federel i:wrn-i! kivc "immediate atu-n-ii completion of a road !i (4i the Fairview Bay .ini's floats. rc-iilu'ion was 1 1 if final art of Alderman Robert . who rrt ii ts at the end year. Mr. McKay told evening. Behind the disturb- ftiu r.oliKiHprahl-ci lfnHinp;G ts Canada, on Tuesday night was erican-support. The delegates meanwhile awaited its own 11 o'clock deadline for Netherland to liberate Indonesian leaders captured by the Dutch. The Security Ooun- reported to be negotiating fori . . ,,n anH Kmiu, f,llr,,os aro room. Cause of death was ap- parently coal gas from an open fireplace. The Smith brothers were found in their auto court produiHon of Canada's newest, p lhe lnlcrior and thp military aircraft. North AmcrlJ ..,,,, r lU, cwst. can ir -Kb fiuliUtr. .-- . . . .- ..rv"-'-".. -"i-" - cir faslTiigfitgave them' twenty- This unsettled weather is ex At Ottawa today, LV'fence cabin. Four gas jets ana a heater were turned on. hour hours to free the captured pected to persist through tomor Vancouver Bayonne :.. .06 Bralorne 8.75 B. R. Con 03 B. R. X .08i i Cariboo Quartz : 121 Congress .to 14 ' Hedley Mascot y - -39 Pid Oreille ":. .'"S35"' Pioneer 310 Premier order ".03'A Privateer 14 Reeves McDonald 2.95 Reno .06 Sheep Creek 1.50 Silbak Premier .35 Salmon Gold 11 V2 Spud Valley (ask) .09 Oils-Anglo Canadian 4.50 A. P. Con. .: 23 Atlantic 95 Calmont .'. 50 C. & E 6.25 :' That roilipl" Hon 'of the is beinu mkr-n up by "iMnizatiou in town." and ft that city council press njiuplelion. approach conslilnles tlir runt end of a road built ; is ii"o bv Hi- eilv at. r YEAR'S LABOR PROSPECTS GOOD OITAWA r - Canada's three lop labor men. Iabor Minister ISUAIXl TltOOPS PKNIOTKATK K(iVPT LONIMjN Israeli troops have penetrated Egyptian territories and are less' than 100 miles from the Suez Canal, reports to the British Foreign Of rices indicated today. British Torres arc still stationed at the Canal under the terms or the IDiSO Anglo-E';yp-tian Treaty. Minister Claxton disclosed that i oust ruction programs will include F 80 which is said to be the fastest operational jet fiuhlcr in the world with a .-peed record of G7U miles "per hour. De Havilland officials made no comment but other sources said it was likely that the firm would build F-86 for domestic use and export to governments allied with Canada and the United Stales. Republicans. 34 PERCENT OF HOSPITAL CARDS ARE MAILED OUT Figures from the Hospital Insurance Service office in Victoria showed that by Christmas Eve approximately 125,000 Hospital Insurance Cards had been Bevcourt .22 Bobjo 13U Buffalo Canadian .19 Consol. Smelters 121.75 Con w est 130 Donalda'. .... ." ' .53 Eldona 71 East Sullivan 3.15 "TSiant Yellowknife 4.55 God's Lake .42 Hardrock .21 Harricana 03 Heva 0934 Hosco 18 Jacknife .04 Joliet Quebec 43 Lake Rowan 05 Lapaska '. .: , 0! Little Long LaC .80 Lynx 12 ',4 Madsen Red Lake 2.40 MeKenzie Red Lake 35 McLeod Coekshutt 97 Moneta -40 Negus 2.16 Noranda 54.50 Louviourt .38 Pickle Crow '. 2.14 Regcourt 05 San Antonio 3.80 Senator Rouyn 42 Sherrit Gordon 2 25 Steep Rock l.GO Sturgeon River 13- Silver Miller -.: 42 I : more than SmoiKi Be row but with some clearing in most sections over night. Temperatures are expected to once more fall below the freezing mark in all sections of the province overnight. Forecast Queen Charlottes and "Nortli Coast Cloudy with snow flurries today and tomorrow. Wind southwesterly (151 except '251 exposed sections today and westerly 15) tomorrow. Colder. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow. At Port Hardy 26 and 36. Massed 24 and 34. Prince Rupert 28 and 35. ll is on government in-il) -ikI cross the Ilumhprey Mitchell, president peirv Bcngour.h of the Trades mailed to different parts of the if-way, outride au'U-irtly ii'.plei." the road ' V lor it-- completion was parliament at its la.'.t but since then, no action ni taken. ic money is not prut by -I i f ih-. govnimf ni 's f Is-"' next March, it will re- Central Leduc 1.55 Home Oil 14.00 Mi rrury .19 '4 Okalta 165 Pacific Pete 2.90 OTTAWA O -Tin: New Year and Labor Congress, and A. R. Mosher, the Canadian Congress nt Labor, agree that the outlook for the new year is good. Mr. Mitchell said that 1948 "lias been a good year." Km-pluyniiiit had passed the five million mark for the second .s1 rair:ht year. The effectiveness CALIFORNIA NEWSPRINT PRICE RISES VANCOUVER if' Upward adjustment' of newsprint prices i'nrral funds and most of!' red promise for Canada's hungry aircraft and shipbuilding industries. Defence Minister Claxton announced that 1949 will see construction programs started for three types of air and .sea combat craft. vi t r-f j fur that Mtecilic o' lab'T had lccn increased by .38 .15 .19 .11":., .I6V2 .50 I Princess -. Royal Canadian South Brazeau Toronto Athona Aumaque Seattle "l d! imv fli-lav w'ii-h province. This represents about 34 per cent of the total number of cards to be distributed. In giving out this information, a spokesman for the service said that; it had been hoped that all cards would be in the mail before the New Year. But, although a reinforced staff had been working in two shifts, to achieve this, many people would not receive their cards until the middle of January. It was stated that the main reason for ! to California consumers to the deline in Industrial disputes e lueuned bv such rever- We have spread effect of hirdier freight Mr IJengougli said I rates was announced inesoa.v M-.ison to expect to get before "'by Powell 1;iver Silll's Cu L,(1 things clone than ever '"iiicil will request the "cm!, Hint, the funds be 'l" in ease the work can--'-bo-Led bv March, i'-i'iu mil;. I, also be oh li' in the Heurd of I' i I - I .OCAL TIDES U.S. TO GIVE $3 BILLION IN ARMS TO WEST WASHINGTON The United States seems likely to give allies in Western Europe between two and three billion dollars' worth of arms next year. But much of what Europeans need in the way of military equipment is already available in the forces' storehouses, and can b? shipped at a fraction of its original cost. President Truman is therefore expected to ask Congress to appropriate only about one billion for rearmament program next year. Kfiectivi: January 1 pi icrs increases would permit California consumers full water freight instead of restricted amount in effect since last August 1. Thej price of newsprint at New York remained at $100 per BAKERY PROBE NOW POSSIBLE VANCOUVER (P Federal pio.seeution of the alleged bakery combine Is now possible. Bri Thursday, December 30, 19-18 High 1:40 , 191 feet 13:09 21 9 feet Low 7:12 8.3 ieei this is a slow down in the Mechanical tabulating section wtiere the sorting and filing machines have been under heavy pressure. The hospitals have been informed of . this Situation. Any COUNCIL HOLDS FINAL SESSION Prince Rupert's 1948 city coun-il sat In Its last and briefest session last night, oncludlng its business with a wave of seasonal greetings half an ligur after it was called to order. First meeting of the 1949 1.8 feet ton 19:55 tish Columbia has cbared the in mis .'Inner for the road s the railway's right-of-Ibe floats. Arnold reminded coun-1 it had Informed flshrr-"r::aiilnMons that such si m would be necessary ' months a so and asked l'i aclivelv .support the This. Mayor Arnold said, it been done. s 1 way by agreeing to give Federal authorities the to take trs. whatever action may be person who has to go to hospital in the early part of 1949 will be admitted under the Hospital Insurance Plan provided he can produce a cash receipt for at least six months' premium payment. Persons who have "We havo told Ottawa to do as they sje lit, saw attorney TREMORS PERSIST council will take place on Man-day, January 3 with five new members replacing those on this year's municipal body. "I take this opportunity Ho general Gordon Wi.uier. Earlier, Saskatchewan and Alberta had IN WESTERN U.S. 0 kESUMES ESTINE FIGHT J paid the required amount but consented to Federal action. The Federal Combines invest RENO, Nevada Power teb-phone lines were knocked down and minor highway slides touched off by renewed earth, tremors mislaid their receipt, need not worry. In their case the hospital will be able to check their eligibility with the records, of the Hospital Insurance Service. igation committee bad charged that five western bakeries in the three provinces had a combine for price fixing. I V ' thank the members of this council for their devotion to cMity," Mayor Arnold said. "We have done a large amount cf'work during the-year and if we have not accomplished all that we set out to do, it was not becasue we did not try." Mayor Arnold paid tribute to retiring aldermen Robert McKay, A. H. Nickerson. Arthur Brooksbank and Ralph Morin FOUR HALIFAX t:W"S J1 J k t w; I I'M HDAI), CP Iraq's prime 'r. Miiahim Amln Pac.h-!"ia,v said that Iraqul ''"'sinned lighting in Pal- "c said that the govern-ri'lnscd the request from ""cd Nations' chief ob- Brlgadier General Win ''.v to accept a permanent "'' ndded that he wait 11 that an agreemenl ! ''c reached for the uni-''"nimand of thu Arab which shook Reno heavily today. Shocks, apparently centering here, extended through Sierras into northern California, as far west a-s San Francisco and as far south as Fresno. Three quakes were so severe that they knocked awry the seismograph at the university, Nevada. Jeane tte WINS AGAIN Mis DAILIES JOIN HALIFAX F'or reasons of economy, four Halifax daily papers will merge on January 1st into one morning and one evening; pauer. The Journal WHEAT CONTRACT MAY BE EXTENDED OTTAWA. 'CP' Agriculture Minister Gardiner said today that the possibility of the extension in the four-year Anglo-r.-madian wheat contract was for their efforts in behalf of the city Alderman Morin was absent from the meeting. A will bp published at the Halifax Altwcgg of Liverpool, won the British amateur ice figure skating championship at Wembley. London, Miss Barbara Wyatt was second and Miss Bridget Shirley-Adams third. 9,000 people attended and Mrs. Attlee, wife of the premier, presented the trophies. Jeanette Altwegg is shown with the trophy after her victory. SOAP TRADE CHINA LEADERS MEET FOR TALKS NANKWG, CP) From all quarters of China today came Nationalist military leaders to talk war or peace with Chiang Kai-Shek. .The president, urged by many to quit, has called the con 'Mt:unatiai. BASKETBALL KETCHIKAN AU-Alaska Champs I'KlNfE Itl'I'KKT HC. Oiainns "I regret that come of this council will not be here to serve again next year," she declared. "We will particularly miss Alderman McKay, whose service goes back with only one year's interruption, to 1943 when city coun-il government was re-established." Alderman McKay, Nickerson and Brooksbank then each addressed the council briefly. Herald's plant. The merger of the Halifax Herald and Halifax Chronicle, rivals for seventy-two years, was announced yesterday. Now the Chronicle-Herald today announced that the Halifax Mall affiliated with the Herald and the Halifax Daily Star, affiliated with the Chronicle, will form the Mail Star. 'mil CAKE Miss Irene Podd CHRISTENING TOP OF ROYAL at wo TIJuLJi confectioners, s McVitie and Price's under consideration as part of the current negotiations on the 1949-50 yheat price. He said that the question was whether Canadian farmers can be better served by a cash settlement that would close off the contract at the end of the four year term or by greater stabil-iy and security which would attend extension. ference. On the decision may The soap trade first began to flourish In Europe during the 13th century. rest the future of Nationalist Chnia, now beset on the north PUSDAY, 9 P.M. K d " b 5.SU tot Wednesday. Hr crad,, w.U. by conquering Communists. uhday; 8 P.M.