Vancouver Girl Success in Gotham prince Uuvttt Dailp fSrtos Wednesday, December 29, 1948 her" said her w f'"'"!'.,; hit(.r sbni, , the army BaVe K ......,..,..,, MOTHER DIES AT BIER OF SOLDIER SON NEW YORK No tear? were in Mrs. Nettie Le Voffs eyes as she entered the funeral parlor, where the flag draped casket, containing the body of her son who had been killed in 1944, during en action in the South Pacific, had been placed. "Sonny," she murmercd softly, "you've come home." Then she sank to the floor, dead of a heart attack. "It was the waiting that killed - m m m use VOI R MVIAS GIFT MONEY BOYS' Windbreakers and Snow Suits For Ail Ages 1 fx o . m 1 s J v Air Ai VV tired" from the stage until she was 12. There were elocution lessons and singing in 'amateur shows in Vancouver and then, in 1912, her Hrst job, as cigaret gill in the Vancouver Club. She vas then 16. The job three years and during its later stages she appeared as a singer in some of the club shows. At the eume time she studied dancing. In September, 1945, Mbs Browning came to New York, "on spec." She got into the Shubert Reperatory Company for a six-month tour as a dancer in "The Merry Widow," '.'Rose Marie" and "Countess Maritza." The tour covered the northeastern United States and included a stand in Toronto. After another dancing engagement she became a singer at the old Knick Music Hall on m BOY'S WINDBREAKERS AN1 SNOWSl'ITS Z " Complete stock of all sine boy's Windbreakers and both two-piece and three-piece Snow Suits. l" how h tS 11 i)ar'-nt.x u:..i.-.. " wail of their S()1(li;r Iur k, brvwht back " "SliC hurl n l we firs, : tatJ fth," said Lo'voh'M In bed iv , ., ' s' J she spent mi i '. Aflef & for the ,.. ..".' un back." 10 br0l Classified Advert k,. i.. . . U1C Uililv X U. II: M,,,,'-l luae I I 'Keeper in of the BeJ RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE' TODAY AND THURSDAY 7:00-9; n n n r.JLJL.J mum ROYAL INTERLUDE AT THE "FLICKS" Queen Elizabeth, with her son-in-law, the Duke of Edinburgh right i and Princess Margaret left i are shown in high good humor as they attended a royal command performance of a motion picture at the Empire theatre. King George would have attended too, but for his recent severe ailment which has caused him to curtail all social activities for the time being. Johnny Weissniullcr Urenda Joyce hi 'Tarzan and the Mermaids' TICKETS Show Starts at ON THE STACiE GIFTS TO LUCKY GUESTS sr.. Lorraine Browning fci"BS Dames and Ails Im "New Faces," at Persian Room By PAT USSHEIt Canadian Press Staff Writer NEW YORK-Six years ago, Lorraine Browning was cigaret girl at a supper club In Vancouver, where she was born. Now the attractive, aburn-haircd singer and dancer is about to step Into a role in a revue-type show opening at New York's swanky Persian Room this month. Miss Browning, now 22, related some of the incidents of her career in an interview to which she hurried the other day from a rehearsal for "New Faces." Her real name is Lorraine Ilavercroft. For stage purposes she changed it to Browning, the maiden name of her mother, Mrs. Ethel Ilavercroft, who used to live in Winnipeg but now Is in Vancouver. A stage career was one of Miss Browning's earliest ambitions, but not the only one. "I was dying to be a veterinary surgeon at one stage, but I couldn't afford it," she says. So she settled for the entertainment world, aided by the Lions Club of Vancouver which financed her In a course of singing lessons. Miss Browning, blue-eyed and five feet, two inches tall, has appeared in night clubs and theatres in Vancouver, New York and else,vhere in a bewildering variety of roles. She has been singer, dancer, cigaret and hat check girl. Her main objective is "straight acting." "I want to suceed in show-business; then 1 want to get married and have children.' She is fond of animals, especially horses and dogs; likes to cook and knit, and prefers country to city for scenery. Her stage debut was in Vancouverat the age of four In a performance of -'A MirlKunvmer Niyiu s Dream." Then she "re riii irnif II ip-w THOM SHEET 253 East First Avenue FIREFIGHTERS' ' NOW ON SALE ll:.'i0 Friday, Dmuiiitr ::i New York's East Side. "I was tirled of just dancing,", she says, "it was like beating my head against a wall." The old Knick job covered a lot of territory: at one time she was in a horror show an J subsequently played the lead i.) "The Drunkard," a comic version of the old drama. Before she knew It she was dancing there again, too. Then Leonard Sllman. producer of "New Faces," daw her performing and engaged her for his show. It Is a revue, with a cast of 12. The dances are by Charles Weidman. Miss Browning is the only solo dancer in the show, In whicl she also sings and acts. Advertise In the Dally News! CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.O, Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLl'E 412 for Appointment HOI KM 1U:3U a.m. to U ;)() p.m. mid a to b p m. M CMMiH Mmnliiy and Friday. 7:;0 i in foi thrjbc utmblr to rami (tuning ti tiwir.-" HiiJibl'i,i'Offi8'f In attendance afternoons. Our Sincere Wishes to All for a Happy, Prosperous New Year METAL LTD. Plume BLACK 881 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Concert Hour 1:30 Bernie Bradcn Tells, a Story 1:45 Commentary and Talk 2:00 Feature Concert 2:15 Family Favorites 2:30 Musical Program (Olt.) 2:45 Western Five 3:y0 Ethel and Albert 3:15 Spotlight on a Star Steamship Movementi Fur Vancouver Sunday ss Coquitlam, 11 p.;-.i Tuesday ss. Carclcna, 1 :30 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Cworgc, 11:15 p.m. l''ron VafJtoursr Sunday ss. Cartlena, p.m. Wednesday ss Prince George 10 a.m. Friday ss. Coquitlam, 1 p.m Fur Alice Arm and Port Simpson Sunday ss. Cardena, 11 p.m. from Alice Arm and Port Simpson Tuesday -ss Cardena, a.m. From Ocean Falls Wednesday ss Prince George 10 a.m. lor Ocean Fef.s Thursday ss. Prince George, 11:15 p.m. For Alaska Wednesday ss Prince George rr GOLF" CROWN CHANGES HANDS To the average person, golt is a game played on a glorified pasture with a club and hard rubber ball, but to members of the Prince Kupert Fire Fighters Recreational Association, the greensward is replaced by the green baize of a billiard table and the club by a pool cue. What happens thereafter has little relation to ttye outdoor game, other than that it is also jailed goi:. The boys held tiieir annual golf competition yesterday and the chasnpiotishSp eiwu changed hands. New champion is W. H. Buster i Hill w:.o :,n.shed oH the finals by defeating .lark Fur ness, John McLean and SgA. L. A. N. Potterion. Jack Ewa. holder ol tin: crown last year, was eliminated midway in the evening's play. Formal methods ol addressing the new champion is "Kin" of Golf." midnight. iTom Alaska ' Thursday-ts. Prince Ueorge. p.m, i 15 CBC News Roundup :30 Maitland Farmer. Organist :00 A Christmas Story 30 Vigil of Christmas 00 CBC News :15 Dr. G. G. Sedgwick :30 Biltmore Hotel Orch. 05 Weather Forecast and Sign Off THURSDAY-- A.M 00 Musical Clock : 00 CBC News 15 Morning Song :30 Music for Moderns :45 Little Concert 00 BBC News and Comlry : 15 Morning Devotions 30 Morning Concert : 59 Time Signal 00 Ellen Harris : 15 Morning Melodies :30 Roundup Time ' 45 Scandinavia?! Melodies 00 Musical Varieties :15 Songs of Today :30 Weather Forecast :31 Message Period :33 Recanted Interlude 45 Let's Waltz P.M. : 00 Mid-Day Melodies : 15 CBC News A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" NEW YEAR CUTS AND VERY APPROPRIATE LARGE ROOMY ROCKING CHAIR covered in tapestry, fit in with your rln-st-vr-ticld suite. Priced ul, S92.50 BED RECLINING RELAXING CHAIR can be made into a bed for your guests. Priced S!)8..r.O OTTOMANS covered in green velour with attached cushion '. S35.00 I.iqi'OR CABINET wilh all accessories, finished in walnut burl. Priced $125.00 Many other items suitable for New Year gifts. Hume 775 'iil 3rd Ave.i SKIERS r F I JUST ARRIVED CILSON CIAS WASH Kits HriKjfs and Slratton .Motors 2-Year Guarantee Rupert Radio and Electric It m s Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycles Usubject to Change) WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 Edmund hocKritrgt 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int. 4:30-Maggie Muggins 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 Rendezvous Room 5:30 Christmas Carols 6:00 Supper Serenade 0:15 Sammy Kaye 0:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Plantation House Parly 7:00 CBC News Greer & Bridden CONTRACTORS t-and BUILDERS CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS Floor Sanding " A Specialty RED Bl P.O. BOX 721 NEW LUXUKT STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OF1 ICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. f Phone 311 s easons llox 132:1 Motorists ON Till: M ;i t; t.INGEK RlMitK COKNEL WILDE in "It Had t 5c You" .113 3rd W ATiON tin Hume "5! 4k 41 in jBLONDIE -Too Many ( ih,!,s . . . By CHICK YOUNG ( L?'",0 AN 1 - NEtGHScPS ) I'M ON M 11 -AMD ' f: BE WINTER-WISE! Present road cunriiiioiis make ymir rar rk harder. Protect it by liuvmc a eotiipleti' lulintaliim job ilone. Drive in now to BOB PARKER'S UPTOWN SERVICE ST 2nd and MeBritlc ii !.,-., rsr r a.i i . j t u . e j -a . : n r k muss i . . i , ii i mm w m i u & -fxi U-j,iSij lMJ She's the Economical Type! SWISH., into llieNewYear Clet your supplies at Clor-don's. We are in a position to oiler you an excellent stock of equipment. wltli the gay assurance that comes with that feeling of beinir .groomed for uny occasion. Sweet Sixteen has l 1 i ; 1 a fine display of striking formals and uuer-nvc gowns that fit right with the holiday mood. MARKDOWN NOTES Prices are reduced on (:ATS, i;i'K-TRIMMED AND PLAIN I HEPE and WOOL DRESSES BLOUSES and CREPE SMUTS. Solid Booking ! 7 713! Mellride St. Greetings A small deponit holds any purchase and the Sweet Bixtef--Personalized BUDGET T1.AN can be used to take can' 11 the balance. No Interest No Carrying Charge. f nt.tXANDEi7. COVE ALL RIGHT V I I' I Si ' ' ' ! kS: d 1 WHILE IVACUUM r IVE PINISMEO-O MIWTM! T I -t E bOFA T-' NOW COME ti I ACK TMl WAyJ - LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. (tr,