prince Rupert Daflp HctoJ Monday, July 11, 1949 .ihii:ii!lilli..iil:iiiifl! l'lil:lti.lliiti!l'1;hi 5 BURNS CLUB GETS CHARTER Sixteen 13 El Universal devotion to the of' Robert Burns, Scotland's i a :nutei bard, was demonstrated Frday fj nght when Prince Rupert Burns jj Club was saluted by Its honor- p ary president, C. H. Orme, who Is jj currently touring Ayreshlre's "Burns country." j f The charter night meeting jil heard a message of congratula- j tion from Mr. Orme, pioneer p Prince Rupert citizen,' at Its g j - j Fl H rm jX iFV "" i ; 5i3sS5 1 if I- MDM NOWt charter night meeting In the Broadway Cafe where 34 mem- H bers gathered to see a charter iH Issued by the Kilmarnock, Scot- 3 land, club, accepted by the new- I ly-organized Prince Rupert club. U With Mr. Orme Is Mr. Justice fej A. M. Manson of the British Col- H i ymbia Supreme Court, also a 1 You're absolutely right, it Is vacation time now ... but in few month cold weather will be here again and you want to be prepared with a safe warmth-giving COAL supply. CALL 651 TODAY! PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED Lumber Building Supplies . former Prince Rupert man. Both fe are on a tour of Scotland. 3 The charter was presented to sj Club President J. A. Frew, ai ig Ayreshireman, by Robert Cam- H eron, who had the scrbll framed , ft lor presentation. 3 The dinner was followed ' by 11 community singing of Scottloh Q songs by the gathering. Stan pi Roberts accompanied the sing- ll ' ing at the piano. ; H IC HAS ACCOMPANIED CITY 'S 50 YEARS OF MARRIAGE aliage which has literally nisiral accompaniment' ,.,,, nf Rt 7 Phillip and St. last half-century will jaC0D in their native Bristol - nnILIF dDIFEFl .d here on August 6Englandi on August 6, 1899, and nnrl Mrs A fl nroln .... . . ( x . , ; ,nere 18 pleruy 01 UPP" Ior members proudly, "csmdn't be m of central British Col- thelr 8taU,ment that "we have matched between the coast and H ice 1920, observe their. bn verv hannv durine the lust Evim. ni-. " -.-. -i uuuiuiiiuii. uiuui ji uaiac ui , au years. chestra played In communities uutfig anniversary, juple, both of whom laughingly evasive about a s, were married at the Mr. Brain, a cheerful, rotund mrougnout tne central interior, gj man with a "bad leg" a me-! For seven year during the m mento of his First vrorld War Second World War they lived at fg experiences-provides the music,1 Vancouver. There, Mr. Brain m CHECKED Or Money Back but he Is quick to explain that Played in the Vancouver Fire gj Mrs. Brain contributes richly to Department Band and he still jj the harmony, in their married j cherishes an illuminated scroll p life at least. i signed by Fire Chief A. E. Con- g k f1 ir-f from itching catm-J by -mat Ut. ptmijlnatid ot hr ttcbtn. M V. f'Tf ri-,hiu, i)MlK-air$. tluuiq . frC SCRIPT. ON. (.irlt mrf , Noiltfi. tjtnMils and hum kly catmt ultii ii I hjn't iMiff . A-k vniir druggitt ur P. D. D. PRE&CHIPTION. - If C ATS 0 SHQ KDES Since long before his marriage, Mr. Brain has played the trom-l bone, an instrument, which he still plays lustily In the Prince , Rupert Shrine Club Band and 1 Symphony Orchestra. In that! time, he has played in many! bands and orchestras in Eng-' land and Canada. don and many, band members. g They came to Prince Rupert. 8 where both their children and p their grandchildren reside, In fa October, 1948. ' 1 A source of pride to the couple f is their 18 - year - old grand- H daughter, Margaret Brain, who, last year was "Miss P.N.E." at j S Vancouver's Pacific National Ex M$t ' -MISSES JOHN H. :ULGER 1 OPTOMETRIST ' -k t !whn Bulger Ltd. ,! Third Avenue They came to Canada in 1904, hlDUlon. Sne u the daughter of p settling in Toronto, where Mr. thelr only Lesl,e ..Thelr Brain took employment in a!daughter m ls Mrs Evelya Berry, leather company. They lived Tnelr three otner . grand.chudran m there for than 15 more years, Vlrl.r RraiI, 16 Gordon. m and Marlyn Berry, 10. " , L1 ' Their formula for successful marriage, has been a simple one. g then moved to Whitby, Ontario, before settling at Vanderhoof, B.C. MrVBralrrti musical"!' fe reach- i3 FV3 i 1 ) M 1 n E5 H "We have always, been able to ed its apex during that period see the humorous side of life anr. 0 5 in Toronto for In that time he have mixed a lot with the young-played In the band of the 48th sters. We think that is a good Highlanders, the Oovernor-Oen- thing," they agreed." eral's Horse Guards and the Tor-' The divine blessing of tht onto City Band, as well as sev- Ruler of the Universe had also eral orchestras. He was solo been with them, trombonist with the Governor-, Martial longevity is not un-General's Horse Guard Band. J common In the Bralnjamily. Mr Life at Vanuei:ioof, where he Brain's father and mother lived farmed and later managed the to celebrate their golden an-J Central Interior Grain Pool, of-'diamond anniversaries and a fered little opportunity for play- brother in Auckland, New Zea- mmodore' Cafe Ing In a band but he did organ- land, had his golden wedding Ize an orchestra which he re-'last year. "BettvT Thn Ever Oufsfqndng Values This is your opportunity to get outstand-' ing values in ultra-fashionable apparel. Every item on sale constitutes a real bargain, so it will pay you to get your share of these suits, coats and dresses in " styles and materials to suit every taste. There arc many beautiful summer dresses &t drastically reduced prices. Included are cottons, seys, shantungs, linens and also a few spuns. If you see them we . know you will buy. Take. Advantage. of These TREMENDOUS SAVING'S st .k1 and Service tn CUJ 7 for Rend-Out Orders J 1 Divid Chow, Mgr VAST REDHCTlOJiS SOW'S Y 01! it cimrE iir: A A a if AVAILABLE Bt RNF.TT POWER SAWS hn bmi redurrd Irrmcmloiwly ii prlr. Iler'i your chance to liu; the saw renowned few hlwli qiiHlit; workmanship and durability. Th prire la way, way down. i mm ' Vx -v li M . :r i Mall thiaeonpon today. We'll send I you full detajli and price lists by II return mail. Pfae tend mm thm ie Frir lUt mnd $OOK FOR THE MoA BSUX H F. 117 W RED AND WHITE . Tiro Man Sate. " ( ) .!() M" ' Model B6 6I1.P. 7S lb. Two M.n Sw S6"() 2") "" I I D SEAL LABEL By Using Our Personalized IB Hi LTD (K IE TT AIlllKtSi I I 1 tr OADWAY irpr POWER SAW SUES & SERVICE LIMITED VAJSCOl'VER, B.C U POWELL STBEET IP L A M PICIN1U UAY5 AHLAU PHONE RED 441 FOR YOUR SUPPLIES FOOD COOKING 1 1st If Dishes A Specialty English Wool Gabardine SUITS and COATS $i9 50 to $59-50 FREE DELIVERY AKE-HOME ORDERS PHONE ZOO irs 7 a m. to 1 a.m. THING DIFFERENT! Try Our TV n a to vrv?iP H3-Y 1 --vIZKU COMBINATION I STEAK "INNER TODAY Rfifl sirth Ave. E. ili!iilkiiii!wl!iiiliil!ll :i!!!!!a!ll!Ii!S!!!IIIl II''"""""""1!""!"; !" ' 1