i City Counters Ketjuest For Growl (Continued from Page 1) l?rfnce Uuprrt Daflp JVttios Tueday, October 19, 1943 ferred to th time lapse An Independent- dsllj netrptper flaWfea to the pbiliiS!ne"M Prinr Rttpwt U coramunlttes rompris-.ng northern and central British ColumW -(AuUioriwd u Second Clasa .Mall, Post Office Department. Ottawa) . Along the river (By W. J. R.) Pacific Comes Back After Floods i u(ure deliveries but still balked at allowing Mr. Hankey an ex- "technicality." Alderman Casey had similar Published err -afternoon except Sunday by , tension. ! Alderman T. B. Black made views, charging thaf the city Prince Rupert Dally Newa Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prlnee Rupert. British Columbia. O. A. HTJNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director. IrVBEH OP CANADIAN PRFSS AFDrT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER-ASSOCIATION y cUuse had lost out at every turn oi ! roforenre to the refund -BUBSCRTPTION RATES City Carrier. Per Week. 20c: Per Month. 75c: Per Tear. -MOO By MaU. Per Month, 50c; Per Year, & 00 iln'the city's original contract meraaui iiiu.....,...,,. 'with Highway Construction Co. company. instruction of the Fair- -Because they could not de- view Bay road more than a year liver the gravel, we have missed Power Wasting At Hagwilget Pacific was one of the now located at copper '.RiW, points along the Skeena,nearer the coast . River, during last sum- Gust chrlstlanson, New Haz-mer that rising Waters elton hotel man, has recovered did not overlook. The from the effects of severe burns f 1 n n A anroxA nvuv trip! tna' last December made it ne:- was the Dest summer we ve nau ju d his suggestion - . kJ .T( 1 . .1 . t bv Alderman casey w years, jic ussn icu. dWhy Woo Spain? caught up be another 40 years Deiore we and Alderman McKay. . i get anotner iiKe n. DEPENDS ON RtFlND , A,derman c said thal he ...r i.tl Urt avtmic nil nf InP TAIN HAS SUDDENLY become a centre of in S1 yard and tracks station and cafe. and around Today, how essary to receive months of rest and special treatment. His son, Carl, is now personally manag- present contract should be con terest in the plans of the western democracies tingent on us getting a -efund ever, there Is nothing to remind one of this. Station lawns and ornamental shrubbery are trim and neat, affairs move along a ing the hotel. The -establish-1 on the Co-op road contract," ment has been mederijlzed, the 1 Alderman Black decided. "Thf improvements including hot and company would not be asking cold water in the bedrooms. fnr it if it were not tu their ad tension be granted providing Highway Construction would grant a refund. When the motion was put. the aldermen supported It unanimously. The company's response was expected to be learned usual and Mrs. Anderson, pion vantage." - for the checking of Russia in Europe. American politicians, business men and military leaders have . , . been seeing General Franco at the Prado Palace in ;. .Madrid and returning to urge that Spain be re-, admitted to polite society and given money and munitions. ; There is something sickening and morally weak -w erring about the spectacle of Americans even suggesting that a partner should now be made of the eer hotel woman, looking hal and hearty, greets all guests. J. H. Willan recently bought the business of W. J. Larkworthy, pioneer merchant at New Hazei-ton. It is here the post office The refund clause referred to. stipulated that if Highway Construction Co. obtained work for its machinery within six months i Hagwilget -is an old native village standing on spacious, gently sloping ground where the Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE is located. It will be recalled afr completing the road, the that Mrs. Larkworthy died tmejcHv would be refunded the $2.- ; 'dictator who was so recently aligned with Germany i,ofty- hieh level bride llnks frownine cliffs of Bulklev River Ume aS-survived by her :600 cost of transporting the ; 'and Japan, lor this is the rraneo Spain which -Hit- nusband nl young daughter. from Vancouver to canyon. Here, the water foams equipment Q. If the hostess is still busy; receiving guests and a guest is' ler and Mussolini used as a training ground for the -rf"" jt V - . ILUW leaving, should he Interrupt the hostess to tell her goodby? A. Under these circum I Prince Rupert on a pro-rata People find reason for deep in- basis, teres! indeed, in the recent eon- Tne clttuse specified that the flrmatton of a report that ur- amount of work on future con-! anium ore had been found at trauiet within six mnnth. r - ' ' J I and roars forever and a day. In cidentally wasting power on a major, scale. The remote ancestors of the Hagwilgets are said to have come originally from across Behring Sea. Looking out from where they dwell, natural ET.mdeur flaunts the Rocher de the Boule, spectacu- the compietion of the original Fool Luxurious. jar looKing peaK mat, onea seen, is not so easily forgotten. All changing, vivid tints of October. aKree that, if the strike is ome Look 1mm . , . Forty miles away, along the shores of the Skeena, the -silvery summits of the Seven Sisters rU3 thing genuine, it can have far-reaching results. Poles, poles, poles thousands stances it is not necessary, but il possible, the guest should yait for a short time until the de- ( fired opportunity presents Itself. - ' ' 'I Q. Please give some sugges-' tlons of suitable gifts for a bride? . ' j A. Articles of silver, cut-1 glass, jewelry, painting.4, ru?s, table linen, chairs, tables, mirrors, clocks, and lamps. Q. Should the woman go first when a man and a woma i are descending stairs? A. Yes, and also in ascending stairs. sharplv in the clear, cool air contract must equal the original contract price $34,000. The city already has received $200 back on the cemetery ditching job last winter. Pro-rata refund on the' current $30,000 gravel contract would be about 2.200. The aldermen chose to disregard the fact that the six-month time limit on the refund clause had expired two weeks before the present contract was signed la.st May. Alderman McKay re ramshackle and thousands of - them, fresh Behind the gray. village is what Nature perhaps irorn the wilderness and now awaiting shipment to various - legions thev later threw -at the western i-cies. This is the dictatorship whose record in per- rJeeuting political prisoners and denying genuine . freedom of speech and worship parallels Russia's. ." This is the fascist regime which even the United Rations voted unworthy of diplomatic recognition . by member nations. i Fortunately, it -seems that only in the United - States is such advocacy on behalf of Spain taking' any hold. In Britain Foreign Secretary Ernest ' Bevin is still most ardently urging the continued ." ostracizing of Franco. In France such proposals ; are doubly distasteful. ' In addition, the whole project would appear to " be highly reckless. Its certain result would be to - ' further wreck -the United Nations by alienating the neutral nations. Even from a military standpoint it is to be questioned for who knows how unstable Spain might be herself in time of turmoil? How much could one authoritarian state be depended -upon as a bulwark against another? Why should JlUnited States or any 'Other country become the bed-TlUellow f one form of totalitarianism in order to curb another? intended to be golfing ground. But the Hagwilgets do not play, .destinations, from railway point oi assemoiy assemoiy such such as as Terrace, Kltwanga, Nash and New It's more than five years since R. J. Morrison, in the employ of the public works department, . . . in this beautifully matched Natural Musk rat fur coat. Delightfully warm, the coat has a new-season, high-riding collar, full cuffed sleeves See this and other lovely creation in fur at SWEET SIXTEEN. For casual wear, two-piece wool dresses top milady's wardrobe. Elephant Gray, Pale Blue, Gold and Wheat shades. Black Ls smart -for j-arty dress wear and the inset lace adds glamor. Choose your style today. Sweet Sixteen's PERSONALIZED BUDGET PLAN . was designed for your convenience. Ue it when you buy. - - No Interest No Carrying Chatges New Hazelton, has been in Prince Rupert. A former resident of this city, where he will be remembered by many old timers, his interest in the coast centre remains keen and he had many questions to ask about local progress and people. Rancfler Bill Uttle of Woodcock had ' not harvested his apples up to last week. From the railway station, it did not appear that the orchard trees had been disturbed. Mr. Little has been located at Woodco:k for a good many years, ind developed a fine property. During It's tb e i t t j Hex Cade ffi ... for Tasty Meata 0il' 5,t ; O ChopSuey O Chow Mein tS Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7 00 a.m. to 3:30 a m. i is X re 1 x J Ml cow BOAT M Albert Mercer, handy as hun- j tne "war some of the la-d was ter and" mountain climber, who sold for ftlr force pu.-tsosrs. thinks nothing of ' scaling th; dizzy erest of Rocher de Boule ( A chip on the shoulder in-(peak of the rolling stone i, is dicates there's wood higher up. 1 gjp f " jt 1 I f HOWE CHANGES HIS MIND I IT'S A GOOD MAN who can change his mind and J I so we take off our hat to Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe, ; minister of trade and commerce, who goes so far a to admit that he has been "seized with the eco-ramie importance" of a TransCanada Highway as I -" 'a national project. This is the same Mr. Howe who not -so long ago expressed the opinion that con-struction of a TransCnnada Highway should be re-served until times got hard when work would be '-needed to relieve unemployment. Since making that. statement,. however, Mr! Howe has been gradu-. lly coming around to a dif ferentpoint of view until ..t jiow he unreservedly admit that ,a TransCmada . . Highway is something that could well be con-' sidered. Accordingly a conference on the matter .-""Tdll be held in the near future. "Now that Mr. Howe ; has seen the 'light 'we may -expect some" action be-I ore long since his views had for some time been ; considered as constituting one of the major ob-; -stacles- in the 'campaign to induce the federal government to do something -about a general national - highway program. . BUSINESS AND PROFESSI5 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. A. P. CRAWLH Designing Income Tax Returns Compili'. Besner Block Phone 387 Fine Workman Agents for K PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHING Latest Shades, Styles and Colors FOR A P.OCK AND J. P. MOLLER Phone BLUE 155 WO CALL B'J M. J- ?A NURSING ANNIVERSARY DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 Npw. Modw All Work 0 3 HE MODERN NURSE is so skilful in helping the physician that many medical functions are now relegated to her, according to the Ameriran MARGARE' OPTOM-In New R(K)M 10 6T0 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East ,1 IK AlM s r .7 - v i i New FI P.O B1 HEL MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERERS AND FURNITURE REPAIRS . Plastic Materials Rubber Mattresses Drapes Curtains Bed Spreads Cushions, etc. .Second-Hand Furniture Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 52G 330 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Easy as lifting a feather! In fact - hardly anything could be easier. Any bank or ' investment dealer can arrange it fir you in matter of minutes. You can buy on instalments, spread over a twelve month period, or cash . . . you take your thoice And they're as easy to redeem as they are to buy. They're cashable at any time at any bank at fulj face value, plus interest. Order yours flow REAUTV Permanent Beauty Cu all its B' 204 4th Street I ZZurses' Association, sponsor of this year's nation-! SllVide Diamond Jubilee, from November 14 to 20, ! iTlnarking the 75th anniversary of professional nurs-! ZZimg in the United States. I tST- "In many cases today," the ANA declares, "it ! 1". is. the nurse who administers anesthetics and medi-! SL.cines, assists at operations, washes out the stomach, gives hypodermic-injections and enemas,.and makes ! ttmetalolwm test nd cardiograms. She is the I "'physician's . colleague and aide, but her salarv and ! , status 'have not caught up with the importance of ... her present duties. Nurses are still paid only slight-; sJy more than $35 to $40 a week'; they work 48 to M I hours a week; and -are victims of he split shift, ; Avhich prevents tlrem from leading a normal social . : life." . I " " ' In connection with this year's celebration of the 75th anniversary of the profession, Ihe ANA urges ; "an economic security program for nurses. This : calls for an 8-hour'day and steps toward a 40-hour I 5-dy week; salai adjustments for evening, night and on-call duty; extension of forms of social in-: surance to include nurses' sick leave and vacation -1" with pay; removal 'flf restrictions on place of resi-denee and greater recognition of professional and personal status. It is to be noted that the above comment is ap-. plied particularly to the nurses of the United States, i. -In British Columbia the nursing profession appear to be operating under much better conditions than - In the United States having already won several I of the items which the ANA is still seeking. HANDY fejfafej HOME S GENERAL CON' n,.nrllne and BtfH JOHN F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor 21-22 BESNER BLOCK P.O Box 894 . Phone Blue 442 PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR PHONE BLUE 810 Roofs, Chlmneyssj ftnnn nn " .,11 n r pHon: P 1!) y nl'ALITT nowntro' 3ro SERIES Serrinf the Flaharies Induatr; WelU P.R.) Ltd. and Worn MAC SHOE Cartage, I .a Helling, ' Weighing Hot 77 9LVF.7M BjLOE0J