"Higti carl ft IKIN PUNNING THIS AND THAT Piincc Uupctt Dailp j3ctos ; Tuesday, October , 1948 meeting was organized by R. K.1 Montador and Stan Savllle. To start the merriment off, three members were asked to attempt reading a tongue-twlstlng test used on aspiring radio announcers. The readers were asked to try to do It In less than 30 seconds and they did with FOR HALLOWE EN r J C52MBBB1 Community Bonfires Ain-Other Fall Activities Considered Who get palpitating Paulctt ... who'd rather roll die than romance . . . rather cut cards than kits tne tayii It's WALLACE'S 5 Rill Lone setting the best pace out When the goo...... " "T. with 26 seconds, nosing riding witcnes au --,-.,, Cameron and Herb For BLANKETS J PILLOW SLIPS BEDSPREADS SHEETS-PILLOWS Z .v. - - Kinsmen ienuu.B the in t h same i a se&siuu ui 5' 1 V.- I . ...... blazing beacons if tv.air I w: nrir.rt Rill Lone ana Bl KOOIC locations as last year I . m IT.,;: m.pin held last night the heavy prize winners. Among rifTTiTiialT. Cafe, the at the Commodore hte useful awaras presemeu were a very serviceable looking VMiUUI.ilU floor scrubber's knee pad, a corn Kinsmen voted to plan their Hallowe'en entertainment along lines similar to previous cob pipe, a one-egg frying pan it M voir.., I m m 'Tut . 1 For guaranteed sleep satisfaction, DON'T buy from m just any old store. Buy from the store of your choice. WALLACE'S of Course j and a bottle of wave set lotion. a sueeestion was put lorin TRY A CLA&SIFIED AD! which called for one central fire on Roosevelt Hill and a large scale fireworks display but the majority of members pres ent felt that, in the long run, the children would get more NOTICE OF KKIZl KE AMI SALE OK THE VEHKEL "PITT" Prince Rupert Fishermen's Credit Union, the Mortgagee of the motor' screw vessel "PITT." 8.6 registered enloyment out of treats, prizes TWO COMEDIES SHOWING HERE Entertaining Double Bill on p.nd entertainment provided at fires In their own neighbor .nbs. IE iir2! hoods. "S'long, Ed keep your proboscis clean." Screen of Capitol Theatre Herb Young, cnairman of the T.B. seals committee, reported Robt. Taylor Audrey TWl tons. Official Number 1340HS. oi Prince Rupert. B.C., having seized said vessel by reason of default In payment of the mortgage monies and Impairment of security by O. W. Whatman, the registered owner thereof. HEREBY GIVES NOTICE that the said vessel will be sold to satisfy the said mortgage on Thursday, the 4th aay of November. 1948, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock In the How to get into the HIGHLY PAID Beauty Profession LtaraiDf how la Ul baauty proloa is I ha 8rt stp towards a lurrauva bustnaas of your own. Motor's aipari-aneMi, hifhly-qualined Instructor. you ft thorough training ia all branrnaa . . . quickly enaUl yvu to alp into a job whara advanonnant is rapid and opportunity always opaa. Writ or call today !o (raa dataila af how you, too, can bacoma a sklilad hif nly-paid beauty shop operator. HOLER SCHOOL of Hairdrcssing Dept. I SO J WEST HASTINGS ST. VANCOUVER, B.C. that the appeal letters have 7 p.m. "HIGH WALL" "Hazard," a breezy romantic comedy with Paulette Goddard and Macdonald Carey In the leading roles, and "Let's Live SCHOOL VOTING been prepared and will shortly HOW CAN I ? ? I By ANNE ASHLEY be In the malls In the matter of uniforms for Q. How can I prepare red rahhaee? RESULTS TODAY The proportional representa the Kinsmen junior .basketball team, the members of the club Again," another comeay romance starring John Emery and Hillary Brooke, are the feature offerings on a double bill at the Capitol Theatre here this Wed Is excellent Announcement n A. Red cabbage tion method of balloting was When shredded and served with decided to refer the matter to the manager ana committee In ETE CRAVETTO wishes to ann nesday and Thursday. "Hazard" is the story of a charge. , he now is agent for the well-know Entertainment at last night's CO-ORDH ungton ha forenoon, pursuant to section ou o the "Canada Shipping Act" 1934, 'unless the mortgage monies and Interest In default, with all charges and costs are sooner satisfied. Sealed tenders marked "Vessel "PITT" " will be received at the office of Brown & Harvey, Solicitors, Box 658. Prince Rupert. B.C. prior to the time of said sale; highest or any tender not necessarily accepted; terms cash. The vessel may be Inspected at the Co-op Grid, Cow Bay, by arrangement at the office of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association. . . ' DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., . . , i). v. ,ia nf rvtfnhpr 1048. penniless society girl, played by used Monday by Booth Memorial High School students in election of officers for the Student Council and, because of the involved method of counting the vo,tes, results were not expected to be available until late Wm. H. Leishman Miss Goddard, who cannoi siay away from gambling with the sour cream dressing. Mix powdered sugar and the sour cream and add vinegar to suit the taste. Then add a little seasoning. Q. How can I mend a hole in lace? Place a piece of paper under the hole and stitch on the machine until the hole Is filled. 'Makers of the Best Tailored Garment 1 iesult that she is neaa over neeis in debt to a tough gambling Ormes Drugs this afternoon. Under the proportional rep UEISHMAN Custom -Tailored c; DRUGS designed for men who know the resentation system, the voters mark their ballots as to first PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S ; Then pick out the paper. Fine CREDIT umun (256) thread should be used for the For further Information visit the stitching. Q. How can I clean gold TIP TOP TAILOR PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 PM. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 1 2 NOON t 2 PM.. 7 P.M. TO 9 PJ4. teeth? king. Whether or not sne marries him is decided on a cut of the cards. She loses and luns away. Then Macdonald, a private detective, is put on the trail and the piece ends up with a culminating romance between the girl and the detective. In "Let's Live Again" a chaotic courtship is filled with harassment by the uproarious antics of a mongrel pup and delirious nonsense is the order of the bill. "0!dat40,50,60?n choice, second choice, and so on. In order to be elected, a candidate must have a given number of votes and, If he cannot obtain this number on first choice, the lower candidates are dropped and the second choice votes for the remaining candidates are counted. A. By scouring with chalk, and then polishing with a soft piece of linen. Man, You're Crazy f ortr your wrel Thnuanda re peppy ? 1'r pepping up" with Ostrex. Contains tonic for weak, rundown leeling due solely to body' lack oi iroi which many men nrt women mil "old." Try Oft rex Tonic Tbleta tor pep. youngr leeling, thil very ttay. New "get acquainted" awm only 60 for t U drug Mom everywhere, i RUPERT MARINE REA EDMONTON (Cf A 2 '2-pound Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 pjn. till 9 pio. and Sunday Dally car delivery aerrlcc from 9 ajn. till S p.m. potato, almost circular in shape and 52 Inches in diameter, has been grown by R. Pelkie, in his (J.tLAVStN k SON) We Take Listings of BOATS FOR SALE OR CI I BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING t . try- Normally, the time required to tally the votes In. a proportional representation election Is much greater than In a straight balloting and the Booth election is further complicated by the fact that some candidates garden in Edmonton's nortn PHONE 81 end. RUPERT MARINE REAL are seeking more 'than one of FOR QUICK SALES OR CHAKTtK (Just East of Llpsetfs. Waterfron. Ph. fice. For the ten offices open, 33 candidates were named. Those seeking presidency of the School .dinatien 1 id event ol a hug? ma a me -With 11 0! the I Commerce Candian i. will d' 11 Vancouver Thursd; hernial 1 I: c ben I r and 2 will Hisnipep Kit 10 U h C. Br tan. On' Cir.adti , the ( lit compc -ilry an 1 the ri be acci .V Me! :nt at tjd R. C H.R 1: of 1 the (sKishei " Ch; raored Med krious ( 1 tw hr at f ! Jasp Box 548 meg Council are Diane Kennedy, Eric i M6ore, Laila Husoy and Joanne jLangrldge. ATM - & fit i 4l!lp SNii;T5P-y The proportional representation system Is used regularly in Alberta provincial elections and in many American 'state and civic elections. ' GIVE YOUR HOME THE "NEW LOOK" BY The Hot Waterway to Health, Cleanliness, Comfort and Convenience with amazing Inglis i f glass - lined ' ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS Sensational New Inglis Water Heaters- Are Class-Lined . . . Precision-Built For a GENERATION of Service ... .COST LESS TO OWN! FULLY AUTOMATIC Your Inglis Glasteel water heater Is a permanent home fixture, precision-built for a generation of efficient, trouble-free service. Each heater tank Is made of Glasteel, which la glass-fused-to-steel. This means each tunic is completed lined with glass. Glasteel won't crack, chip or craze. Your Glasteel tank Is guaranteed urrnti. nimrntr nv RF.AUTIFUL TINTS Fl niiu v Satin-Glo Enamel Satin-Glo . AN OLD HAND CHURCHILL; Man., ffi When Canada's governor-General Lord Alexander, piloted a train dur THOMPSON HARDWARE W ing a trip from The Pas to Churchill, trainmen wondered how he started and stopped the locomotive so smoothly. He ex i plained that he learned the trade during Britain's 1926 rail SEE THE Rjffll way strike. a against leakage due to rust, corrosion or chemical action of the domestic water supply. All Inglis Glasteel Water Heaters are approved .by Canadian Standards Association. Remember, too, that Inglis Glasteel Water Heaters can be quickly and inexpensively Installed. Terms are available. ON DISPLAY AT X a With FINGER FORM - TIMBKR SALE X-4.".:W! KEYSI Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Forests at Victoria f " ? B.C., not later than 11 a.m., on tne 4th day of November. 1948. for the purchase of Licence X-45382 to cu 20.179.000 f.b.m. of Fir. Cedar. Hem RUIPERT RAM & ESLECTEUIC lock. Spruce and Balsam, on part ot Timber Licences B4Bop ana iauop, Noch River, South Benttnck Arm, Range 3, Coast Land District. Three (31 years will be allowed for removal of timber. New! The most sensational typewriter improvement In year FINGER FORM KEYS designed to cradle your finger tipsl And only the New ROYAL PORTABLE the world' first truly modern typewriter has ' thil revolutionary feature t And more, beside I New Bemrtyt Speed Spacer! Rapid Ribbon Changerl "Magic" Margin! , An.l man other imrjortant Further particulars of the Chi.if Forester, Victoria, B.C., or District HEW ROYAL HOTEL Forester, Prince Rupert B.C. AlCTION MAI. 15 TIMHKK S.M.K X4.V.55 Come in anu---Portable! N There will be offered tor sale at Dubllc auction, at 10:30 o'clock In Biixlel, the forenoon of Tuesday, the 2nd ark of Roval T)P oin u a rPfjistprerl trade-m November. 1948, tn the office of the. Forest Ranger at Houston, me Licence X45555, to cut 3,145.000 I D. A Home Away From Bom , 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phono 291 P.O. Box 1M of Bpruce, Lodgepole Pine ana Balsam, on an area situated six (Hi miles Southeast ot Knockholt, Range Coast Land District. Pour years will be allowed for re 1 moval of timber. NEW LUXURY STEAMEB K Ore "Provided anyone unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated aa one bid." WHEN YOU BUY A WATCH Keep this in mind you musn't expect to get something "high grade" unless you pay a decent price. By a "decent price" we don't mean that you really must pay a lot oi money. Watches haven't advanced as much as lots oi other things. At least ours haven't-we bought the bulk of our stock quite a while ago. Railroad watches have actually been selling as low as before the war. But for a reliable watch it Isn't safe to go below $30.00 to $40.00. If you come here that much will get you a watch good for 15 to 20 years. If you've been thinking of watches even a little bit, it's time you called on us. K Further particulars of the De Repair Your Tires and Save puty Minister of Forests, Victoria. B.C.. or the District Forester, Prince c 5) Rupert. A NEW STYLE SHINGLE BY SIDNEY vith sweeping lines for that long, low look on new construction or re-roofing.' Built for western climatic conditions, Duroid 2-ten will not lift, curl or crack. The colorful elate granules will not flake off ... they give extra protection. 1 EXPERTLY APPLIED BY APPROVED SPECIALISTS A mighty important w;int. You get a first-class roof with years of experience and "know-how" going into its application. See your local dealer or write today. Make sure it's a Genuine Duroid Koof. Oct your money's worth out cf those tires. Let us repair and vulcanize them so that you can rrnt manv ryinrp mil PS of USG I.AM ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to I .rase Uind JiSXWJ , In Land Recording District of Prince Rupert and situate at Eucott frnm them. Bay. PRINCE GEORGE BAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Pint" m n ft a. r n m ethods and Take notice that Eucott Bay Mln rral Water Ltd. of Newton, B.C occupation Traders 4n Mineral Wat know-how ensure the best possible Job promptly and econo era and Clays, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described mically. GYRO AFPLE lands: Commencing at a post planted an 1" Tl' II I chains South and 3 chains East of Hade only by M1 the Southwest corner of Lot 1912, Ranee' 3, Coast District, thence 5.4 chains West astronomic: thence to chains Southwestwardly, thence 5 chains Northwestwardly to the Southwest corner of Lot 9: thence 31 1 1 Northeastwardly and following the Southerly boundaries of Lot 9 and of Lot 5 to the prit of commencement and ' containing 31.0 acres, more or less, tor the purpose of digging and removing clays. EUCOTT BAY MINERAL WATER LTD. P. L. English, President. Dated September 24. IB4B. Miriva FOB f' ADVERTISE IN THE VM rttJCft1 PLACE AN AD THE DAILY 1 1 : a t 1 1 " i . aar. . aa hit I li I t1 iMK i CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING RESULTS