ptintt Utwett Dafip ietos tuesday,. October 19, 1948 f X D D Raclio Dial I I 1 1240 KUocycles (Subject to Change) It's Rust-Proof! it's Insulating! SEA AIR AND SEA WATER DO NOT AFFECT IT! - NATIVE WOMAN IS BURIED AT INTERIOR HOME KITWANG A Villagers from along the upper Skeena River paid final tribute to the late Mrs. Hazel Slaeey at funeral services held here following the arrival of the remains from Prince Rupert where she died two weeks 'ago. The furwral service was eon-ducted by Rev. J. Hayhurst with Mrs. Hayhurst playine the orr, ALUMINUM Ribbed Roofing fvfi i I v ; 7yftfel:i ,u$ $ I N C I5SS-yi75 0 ftinoda by CaiVfTt DiaUrs (Ccmqdo) limited A ' Order TUESDAY P.M. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int. " 4:30 Children's Program 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 The Looseleaf 5:30 Platter Tarade 5:45 Tommy Dorsey antf Oreh. J)0 Supper 'serenafle 6:15 Dinah shore -6:30 Musical Varieties 6:40 Recorded Interlude 0:45 Smoke Rings 7:uu CUC News 7:15 CBC RounduV 7:& -Leicester Square to Broadway 8:00 Music by Eric Wild 8:30 Mystery Theatre :00 Points of View 6:15 Zapateo ?:30 Heritage of Music 10:00 CBC News 10 riO CBC "News 10:15 Neighbourly News 10:30 Pacific Pianoforte 11:00 Weather and Sign Off WEtx li.SUiy A M ff:00 Musical Clock 7:45 Singing Sam o.uu CJMJ "New. 8:15 Mornliig Song 8:30 Music for 'Moderns ;.45 LittU; Concert i : 00 BBC News :15 Morning Qevotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning visit PHIIPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. ? PHONES 651 -152 COAL, LUMBER and BUILDING "SUPPLIES ' i ,i til - f i i i !I A. ' 7:: I 7 s ' ' A 3 ; 1 I In , tl" i and SIDING Available in 0, 8,1 J fc 10-foot lengths, 28 Inchfs wide,. L Yours From 12:28 ProgTam liesume . 12 : SO B.C. "Farm broadcast 12i65 Reeorded Interlude 1:00 Concert Hour ' ' 1;30 iBernie Braden Tells Story 1 r-45 Gommentary and Talk 2r00-JB.C. "School Broadcast 2 :30 -Recordings f inly-ppointd "Prineeii" j tttmen offer unexcelled accommodation -end tempting mk tor miful, om(ort bW tip loutn. PRINCE RUPERT SAILINGS ' Southbound ' "Wednesday, Oct. 27 Saturday, Nov. 6 . "Wednesday, Nov. 17 For information and reservations contact bUS S I N C Z 1750 THIS AND THAT Canada by CalvfTt Distillers (Canada) Limited GABARDINE AND NYLON The latest in women's fashions a classic suit and uat of a worsted type gabardine made by blending nylon staple fibre with wool. Addition of 20 per cent nylon staple to woollen yarns imparts crease-resistance and greater 'Strength to the finished fabric, It is claimed. Apparel shown is considered superior In quality and costs less than garments of pure worsted. Nylon taple was Introduced in Canada for the first time this year. i durine th singing of the hymns uiiee aays prior to the burial, community gatherings were held in tribute to the deceased. Criticism of the manner in which he died in the Prince Rupert city jail was levelled at the authorities by speakers. Chief Harold Sinclair suggested to a Catherine noHa' parents should keep their chll-' dren away from the city "in the interests of self protection." Accompanying the remains from Prince Rupert were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tait. parents of the deceased, and .Chief and Mrs. Robert G. Harris. The cas- 1 ket was taken by truck by Chief Fred Johnson from the station to the village. Chief Philip Ryan. Harold Sinclair, Solomon Bryant and Harold Daniels acted as pallbearers. Then an assembly wis held at the home of Mr. end Mrs. I Edward Talt. where refresh ments were served and an address given by Harold Sinclair. Villagers from Kitsegukla. Kllwancool, Cedarvale and Haz- jelton attended the" funeral service. Speeches of welcome featured the proceedings which pre-j ceded the funeral service. Among the - speakers were Chief - Fred I "i ! Johnson and Chief Stanley Wil liams. During the church service, Chief Robert G. Harris addressed the congregation on the evils of liquor among the native popu-, lHv, Iln. V,n 1 ,r.A fiiiiwu, jiuuu, lie ucv.iairu, iiau been responsible, for many so- called accidental deaths. Floral tributes from the Up,r Skeena, coastal villages and the Naas River settlement -attested n thP PstPPm in which Mrs Stacey was held among the na-; tlve people. t . ; , MANCHURIA MISSIONING i Joys and trials of their years I of missionary work in Northern Manchuria were graphically described by Rev. ' and Mrs. Lorl- . isement is not publisnec or displayed by the Liquor rd, or by the Government of British Columbia TERRACE Wna Restaurant TEKKACE LLOYD SAUDER, PROPRIETOR II) FOOD C.OOI) SERVICE 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Ittrtoaie 11:00 T.B.A. 11:15 Songs of Yesterday 11:30 Weather Durecsst U Message Per.od fl"33 Keearded imerlude 11:45 Famous Voices P.M 12:00 M'd-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC ew at that pet shop owner's son!" Phone 'Red 400 ? JO a.m. till midnight. Closed 9 p.m. Sundays DINE AND DANCE Bring your friends and enjoy yourselves AFTERNOON TEAS 3 TILL 5 D. H. E. Maclean, General Agent 7 lMA I III I ITh. Crorf Mth.w Ailann rire. fiV "I sure hope she stays angry " m& POWER OVED GggP n,,: caw - -- vnaiu jnif $295.00 at" CHINAWARE GLASSWARE DINNER SETS BREAKFAST SETS CUPS AND "SAI CERS mer G. Baker of Vancouver in, " " in First United Church u .ternoon an evangelical meeting at Regu- lar Baptist Church here last by Rev. R- A. Wi Is oq Mr. and H iMrs. E. Kelly of Port Simpson ni ht the attendants of the. Mr.' and Mrs. Baker were pio-'re couple The bride is the daugh-l field neer missionaries in the late Mr. and Mrs. ter of Ihe had the which Mr. Baker said ,,.-,,f pkh. .p,n,,n of David Johnsonn. The groom is CER'S GARAGE, Terrace, B.C. PLATES TUMBLERS BOWLS PITCHERS COMPLETE LINE OF PYREX SUPPLY HOUSE P.O. Box 772 New Hazelton Sawles iiavc Have minivcrMry Anniversary NEW HAZELTON Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Sawle of New : ' Hazelton were thirty-nine years married on Saturday. Their! wedding took place in Ontario nilfl tRCV PIMIP WfHl. OlirlnC IBP ' " " i construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. After residing ' in Prince Rupert for about a year they moved to New Hazel- ton which has been their home town ever since. Mr. Sawle is proprietor of the well known weeklv. the Omineca Herald, and to himself and wife numerous friends "have heen extending sincere congratulations and best wishes. JOSEPH SANKEY MARRIED HERE Mrs. Elsie Sankey and Joseph Sankey, hoth of Port Simpson,! mfiarf lata CafiifHov of. me eon ui wie la mi . uuu mi a. Robert Sankey. After the wedding ceremony, there was a iweddine suDoer at the Commo- - , , , , ,Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Sankey Uailed Sunday night on tho Camosun ror a trip to Vancou ver after which they will return to Prince Rupert to reside. ton saw tt m the. Daily News! s 1 0ptCA J.UO ion ;! J1 " . ...Oil nl in Jll - Belief In God Is i : i n i: vunciusion i'ln the days when Christ was teaching, it was not necessary for Him to convince people of the existence of God, they al- ready Denevea, saw Kev. k. a. "UOUU UU1111K ilia OCUIIUII b ...... . First United Church Sunday morning. "But Paul commenced travelling and teaching outside the borders of his native land and he found many beople that j had to be shown that there was ,ne Ood" Mr- "Wilson went on I to urge how important it was for modern people to have a firm belief in God based on logical conclusions derived fom obser vation and study. The junior choir, under the direction of F. Huber, acting in the absence of J. S. Wilson, was in attendance. Mrs. L. Dakin supplied the organ accompaniment. "Juliet, may darling, I am aflame! I am burning with love foi you!" "Come, come now, Romeo Don't make a fuel of yourself!'-) , Recent Te$Js Proved this , Great to Relieve Monthly COMPLAINTS Are you troMed by dintrfwi of female functional monthly diturhant? Ihtm thts make you surfer, feel no nervous, weotk, hitihutrunK t such twitst? Then o try Lydia E. Pkikham'a VeetaMe Compound to relieve such symptoms! In a racent tmi thin proved very helpful to women troubled this way. Any druewtore. NVnilf PiNKKSM'C "SHHiJ biwin k i iiiiiiinm w wnruunu ) i Mi 0 It a trada-mark ewnvd by General Foodt, BRIDDEN . w. 518 3rd Ave. CONTRACTORS Alterations a Specialty P.O. Box 721 1 or CE RUPERT Jl REER & gggS AND r Construction Floor Sanding TO 561 j? to HIGH ). e have the j ..u Kpcnaiiy "We UllS i-Uee f lit Dm i " "T , Uot wat "' ui. it you ' H? Will Kn l J i iiiaka K dU lo r still mA. 'Cma m u FISHERMEN WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING, Developing, Printine . i. Enlarcrinc r UICK SERVICE h Amateur and 'Professional Sunnlies Your Best Eating Place FULL COURSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners and Parties - Chinese Dishes II CAFE 608 3rd Ave W. Phone 200 BATTLE OF THE SEASON! Is your furnace fit for a bout with winter? Don't wait until it folds at the critical moment -call us now and let our skilled men check and overhaul your heating unit. Thorn Sheet Metal Limited FAWCETT DEALER 253 East 1st Ave. Black 88f SPEED ENGINES is our latest in modern ma- lunoov vii..o.... any country in the world. Despite the opposition of the Japanese, the activities of bandits ' ... wno were every wnere, me cum- petition of the opium and 4he aambline dens and constant dangers, Mr Baker described it as a highly fruitful field for missionary work. His only desire was to get back as quickly as possible to the work of winning Manchuria for Christ, Descriptions of the country of Manchuria, the area of which was as large as that of British Columbia, the great Russian-built city of Harbin, the huge and fertile plain, the rainfall of 200 Inches per year made interesting telling for the audience. , Mrs. Baker told stories of simple faith among the women and children of a primitive and often pbveryt-stricken people and recalled incidents of redemption work in the prisons. The service was led by G. R. S. Blackaby, local Regular Baptist mentor. Advertiw in me taliy News; Chandler & Cowgill Photographer Developing, Printing Enlarging BOX 845 216 4th Bt IRON FIREMAN STOKIRf IT 3 OS MOII NIAf TRAINED MECHANICS I. t t TRRESIST1BI.E eye appeal , . . matchlessly bright, tangy flavor . . . just -right consistency Jell-O offers all the things you want most in desserts. And it's unbelievably easy to make. Add the fact that Jell-0 is about u-i us nave jour ""til the last minute for are thinking " of an over- . i ,OOK yur motor over v""'",cuaiion. I'liuiM'i us or and talk H over with our the most economical dessert you can serve, and you'll agree "Jell-0 has everything". Only Jell-0 with itsexcIusive"lock-ed-in" Jell-0 flavor gives the most satisfying results. Look for the big red "JELL-O" letters on the box. MOTORS LTD. "O tin.. . j a uP-To-T)ate Cafe In Trince Hupe.rt wn from 5:3d p.m. to 5:30 a.m. r-1 Limited Gnral ropen Wbfj -fou4 cny in Jell-0 ? n rfTi ,peclallze C UIU31UC h, .1 14k l " 11 ...i.-J?jTiV orders Phon 133 M-inJ40 flavor I SMITH & ELK INS Phone 114 Box 271 There are seven famout Jell-0 flavor "I i CHOW MIEN 1