The-Daily-News Boys I jounce Uupcrt DaMp rectus LtD. , .. , Monday, March 8. 1948 ANNETTE MANSELL DRESS SALON UPSTA1IIS IN HTONR HUM.DlNfj AND SO THE , SWjMMIHO POOL-ICE ARENA GOES; BIRDS DEBATE ISSUE An unkonwn author at the week7end pulled a double-cross by tapping the wires of the web-foot tJahranli Tt i a fact that the mills and the ducks An independent dallv newspnr-' devoted to the unbuilding of Prin Rupert and all communities compris. lg northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Stcoud Class Mail. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Piiblish-cl every afternoon except Sunday by Prlnn Rupert Dallv News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. G A FTJNTEH. Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS ----- - ",ifi,ui' are in favor of a swimming pool but the crows and SUBSLl-fi.Fl 1UP4 tlAIt.O Vk I Faisliioii Ivh, By Mall. Per Month. 40c; Per Year, 4.00. TOM HOLT PRESIDENT OF STUDENT COUNCIL, ENTHUSIASTIC IJASKETIIALE PEAYEU Originally irom Irma, Alberta, where he was horn, Tom lfok lias spc-nt the last five of his fifteen years in Prince Rupert. For more than a year he has boon delivering the Daily News in the district south of Borden Street and west of Fulton Street where be has over KM) customers. A student of Booth Meimuiil What Should We Eat? ravens are noiuiiii; mh iui au hi unt un m ainu. When leading members of the black clan read the item in the Daily News dealing with the gulls proposal to havf floor could be laid over the pipes Hays Creek flats made into a so that indoor sports such as swimming pool they immediately "crack the mussel" contests called a meeting to discuss the misht b? lifld. All birds of the situation. ! wat prfront, with the possible ex- ' ' Rave the Raven" was tho ft ption of the ducks, are adept chief sneaker of the evening and, at carrying mussels and other SPUING STYLE PUESENTAT OF LADILS WEAR FROM mt L-r-LMru KASTERU Hinh School. Tom is in Oracle 9 and a member of I he Drama HE'S A LEADER M A IN U I AC TU 1 1 KRS S Club. Popular with his fellow hrien iisn ill tiieir riaws ami as he uointed out. a swimming CANADIANS are finding it difficult to MOST buy all they want to eat. Few Canadians are unable to buv all they need to eat, at least twice as much as the British diet. Almost all Canadians are complaining bitterly about the cost ot what thev eat, although most of them do not work I students, Tom was tins year (chosen president of the Junior dropping them from the air, said "Rave " and this sort of recrea pool was alright for those bird, with web feet but how about the hundreds who were not so equipped? He claimed that a sheet Council. When it c;mies to KVKNlNCiS OF of ice protected from the snow. Tumlay, Murtt tion lent it.ell U variations. Dances, indoor carnivals and various other types of I cereal ion and exhibitions could be held dunny the sinner monUi.s .said the speaker. CAPITOL THEATRE rain and wind would provide fun for birds of every discrrip- Wednesday, p, i ts. Tom would as soon play basketball as eat and this season lie is a hurd-workiiiu m.'in-Li-r of the 6!" Taxi team. Although Tom spent of his life on the lulling prairies of Alberta, he has a wt'aknesi for ihe rolling main and. through the activities of tile Sea Outlets. tion ami at. Youngsters and According to the Web-foot ISoiv it ti Unhid have barrels of fun sliding on Telegraph the majority present their tail feathers after taking it an artificial , rink would be more beneficial than a swim- srt. j off from a flying Sliding teams, especially among minS lool Margaret MdJ .salislics his to be asso orcoMttKis! IN NEW OFF the younger boys and gins couici be organized and sponsored by ciated with hie on the .salt I water. A member of the Civic! Centre. Tom si ill finds lime t) pursue hi.-, hobby of stamp col-1 the various service clubs such CFPR .Radio Dial 1240 Kilocyelw BEWSPAPEBBOY KOOM II) as the KUnsmen, the Floatarians lectin, to read and to play the (Subject to change) and Ovrators, he said. He felt STONE piano. I that due to the popularity cf ', MONOAY -P.M air travel it would be a simpl io n i in. iu' up hi urn... vocation U' ";iy lh" t'U about a lifetime yet but , rUll.DIM u iv r i in the meantime he is saving oi ms vum I tl O N K 1 halt as much as the people who produce me lomi. In the circumstances it seems wise to consider how much we should eat, at the least cost, to keep ourselves efficient and to provide food for the millions who cannot eat at all unless we eat less. Surely it is the duty of our scientists to tell us how we can get the most nourishment with the least demand upon the total production of food and other essentials of lite. Di. L. 13. Pett, chief of the dominion health department nutrition division, recently published a diet f 01 a family of five, which could be bought for S16.36 per week at December prices. Howls of deri-ion created widespread suspicion of the value of the information yet many Canadians have succeeded in living well on a smalfer food budget although it must be admitted that there cannot be as many beefsteaks, pork chops, roasts of beef, ham and eggs, bread and butter and plenty of fruits and vegetables as the most of Canadians feel they are entitled to since they are produced in such abundance in this country. MAKING ENDS MEET THE COMBINED PRICE of total production WHEN becomes greater than the aggregate income of all consumers who, therefore, find it impossible to purchase all that is made, watch out for more vacancies than jobs. As simple as that, say you ! But the knowledge, true that it is will not pay for a meal or settle room rent. And some folks at home and abroad are discovering it. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 Especially For You 4:43 Magic Adventure 5:00-Latin American Rhythms 5:30 My Sonp.s For You 5:45 -Yours Sincerely, Wpg. 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs 6 : 30-Musical Varieties mater to Induce other eoimnu-; nities up and down the coast to participate In a junior or senior' sliding league. j For those who didn't fancy sliding on their tail feathers, a space of ice could be provided where members of teams could slide pebbles at a target on the Ice. In this game their tail BLUE U)OK FOR TH. NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL SHIPS and WATERFRONT 53 O:U0 -BBC News ): 15- Morniii'j; Uevo' ion.s y :3U Mornin:; Concert. 9:59 -Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit "10 15 Melodies 10:30 -Purity Flour Program 10:40 Recorded 10:45 - Scandinavian Melodies . 1 :(!.i CBK Presents 3 1:15 Songs of Today : 1 r Weal her Forecast !::! Messase Period Recorded Interlude ! -If. Ft.hcl and Albert. ARC ' VM SsSgf ) vermes uruf 6:40 Recorded Int. 6:45 . Plantation House Party i :U0 CrJC News 7:15 CBC New.t Round-up 7:30 Solo Guest 7:45- One Man Says 8:00 Stump lh.- Professors 8:30 Thi Smiths of Hollywood 9:00 - National Farm Radio Forum and News- OHO, feathers would still be an asset; when it came to sweeping the S stones past the hog-line. Carnivals would draw 1:1'' crowds, according to the hpeak-er, who went on to 'name some of the attractions which could be featured. He suggested a , i PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS j llaviiii; been Urlayed by stor- my weather. Union steamer Cussuir, Cupt. Alex Mtl.fnnan, arrived in port at 4 o'clock Sun-d.iy liiorniiii; from Vancouver vi.i tiie south end of tho Queen Charlotte Islands and sailed at noon for Massett Ink-1 points A-iicnee she is due back here it t 0 o i l ek this rv.-ninn and ! will sail ai 10 p.m. m her way back to Vancouver via the .sojtli chorus of beautiful starfish dancing to the music of a band of sandpipers as the headline attraction. For comic relief, "Oscar the Octupus," wearing a skate on each tenacle. would provide more laughs than half a dozen Bob Hopes, declared "Rave." 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 32:15 CBC News 12:3) Prof.ram Resume 12:30 B. C Farm Broadcast 12:5.) Recorded 1 The Concert Hour 3:30- ArUst of Tomorrow 3 :45- Commentary and String Melodies CBC News IS C News Provincial Affairs Dance Orch. Weather and Sign-'jff TUESDAY ft. M. Musical Clock 9:30 -10:00 -10:10 10:15 10:30 il:0ti- 7:30 Daily rar delivpry servire from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. F.mrrpipncy bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday PHONE 81 Aside from these items ther Rivifiight on a Star -A Moment in Mii.sic Divertimento BBC News I. N Smith '1:15 3:20 3:30 3 15 3:55 FJhelwyne Hobbes 2:00 B. C. School Broadca 2:30 Sheila Prrsen. 3:00- -Varieties in Music 3:00 -CBC News 8:15 -Morning Song 8:30--Music for Moderns 8: 45-Little Concert would of course be the usual fancy skating and perhaps a couple of light operas. During t.h? summer months i n nl Iff' RCA. VICTOR offers everything AUTOMATIC RECORD ?UK ATTACHMENT a young man wants j PHK'K REGIMENTING MEDICINE OF BRITISH DOCTORS to boycott the VOTE, universal free medical service plan passed by Parliament evidences the unwisdom of the Socialist Government in rushing through regimentation of so old a profession as medicine, says Christian Science Monitor. The doctors did not disagree on the major features of the new system: continuation of government sickness insurance, plus free medical care for all. They difi'tfved on lesser angles of its operation." Obviously .the Minister of Health should have worked o1-.!. theVV details instead of charging the British Medical Association with conspiracy and sabotage as,hl Uid just before its balloting. The needles? tangle. .this' leader of the "further left" of the British' LaW Party has gotten the Socialist Administration into raises question as to whether the power it has in Parliament is always going to be usd judiciously in solving the much more complex problems of production. This setback for state medicine will be welcomed by objectors to the introduction of compulsory sickness insurance in the United States. The tendency of socialized medicine is always to expand to become more compulsory in its requirements of . medication and of Kervices demanded of doctors. ImlurrM ii :( u; i d t'r.'i- hu'i..-U"D " nuuiui. '' O ( 1-W You'll learn about the operation of modern aircraft and technical equipment. You'll make friends . . . master a valuable trade under the guidance of experts. And while you're still young enough to enjoy it, you'll be able to retire on pension for the rest of your life. ila-.tljl- iuro' SfS You need no previous experience or W special training. And you draw full . niu tmm tha ctnrt You'll have a r ' " chance to see Canada . . . SEE THEM ON DKSI'IY AT IJ 5 J-f perhaps take part in thrilling McRAE BROS. Um and important exercises such as northern transport flights or summer photo .. . l' 'oil r or rrufupi rfruv DCDT'C TDAMFFD A hi graphic surveys. It's a job in which you can take pleasure and pride. AutO Logical! MESSENGER SERVICE Coinbinecl With Prince Ruport Hot lie i'olU-ctor YOU GET ALL THESE Continuout employment and pay. Technical trades training. Full opportunity for advancement. Progreuive pay increaet. Sports and recreational facilities. 30 days vacation a year with full pay. Medical, dental and cloth An old car is better than none. But having no ear is better than having one unsafe on the road. We are equipped and staffed to check your car point by point, and 30.1 3rd Ave. West. ' ' "' (Wire Phone: lue 810 - 1 TTCi Don't wait to make necessary repairs reliably. Drive in now ! RUPERT MARINt i ijmimtkmimL (J. CLAI'SKN M'7" We LItlnRs or . . . .of ing service provided A 131X X-i Retirement income assured. BKOKFRS IN BOATS. MARINE AND Mn rupertIviarine REAL SALKS OR CH8 FOB QUICK (just East ot Upsfttt. WU"V(, 0 "nORt7 WESnirTcOMMANDT lii. STATION "J I - I M M, Ladies 11 You Must See These J7INE TOWELS, FACE CLOTHS, TEA TOWELS AND CLOTHS, TABLE CLOTHS, RUNNERS, PLASTIC TABLE COVERS, PILLOW SLIPS, APRONS. FOR THE BKST IN AI TOM0TIV1- EDMONTON, ALBERTA . . .mrnRS DEA Please mail me without obligation full particulars regarding enlistment requirements and openings now available In the R.C.A.F. Hniik .U(f i I'ontiac OldMi"l"le fl NAME me wnti. ADDRESS I I Tprrarp Mafhine bhop c - (1) Canadian tlllicR f ihtr Irlllth lub(t I VI I vl VW TOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY If YOU ARE (2) Bhykoll III P.O. Box 1118 518 Third West RED 400 , (I) kwtwMn 17 and tO van J A.A.I