di News Items . . . CITY MAN IS -WED IStinw Rupert Dailp lOetos HtB. DC IN EAST Monday, March 8, 1943 -i !"" ' K'".""1 . 111' j il!, Civic uciiuc. v? Mair (11) Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Adams, who have been in the city f(r the last few days attending the native basketball tournament, will sail by the Cassiar Sunday to return to their home at Mas-sett. Canadian Legion Executive V. Hxs.so-Ueit 4suw in. hi Nuptials of Krrit llasiiiiissen and Allan Armstrong at Tcmiskaming TEMISKAMING. Quebe c A charming wedding took place at Trinity Anglican Church hereon February 28 when Rev. A. S. Mitchell joined in a double ring ceremony Berit Emilie Yordanl Easmussen, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rasmussen, of TemLskaming, and William Allan Armstrong, son of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Armstrong, of Prince Rupert. The rite took place before the altar, banked with spring flowers and ferns, flanked with candles. The bride, entering the Meeting, Legion Hall, 8 tonlKht. Annual General Meeting, with election ol officers, Legion Hall, Wednesday, March 10, at during the signing of the register. A family luncheon and reception followed in the Kipawa Inn. Guests wcrd received by the bride's mother, wearing a smart gown of grey duvetyn, small feather toque in American beauty shade trimmed with navy blue veiling. Tlie groom's mother, assi.stcd in receiving. She wore a triple sheer gown of navy blue, a navy blue hat of baku straw trimmed with beads. Her accssories were black and her corsage American Beauty rosess. Miss R. McKinnon of Toronto, cousin of the bridegroom' mother, also received. Her costume was a cinnamon brown ensemble with a small dusty pink hat and corsage of Ophelia roses. For her honeymoon in Ste. Adele.cn Bas. Quebec and Toronto, the bride chose a two-piece suit of dectori green, over which she wore a Mouton, lamb coat. A leopard skin hat and corsage of roses completed her ensemble. Out-of-town visitors included Mrs. W. L. Armstrong of Prince Rupert and Miss R. McKinnon of Toronto. 8 p.m. ut) Making an early arrival in port, CP.R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. Fred McOraw, reached here at 2:45 this afternoon from Vancouver and way-points and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return south over the same route. Wr.ell Wi" r " JTy rlty ii.M May 10 l)ay a te i,:,y Tlu v will sail Yuik t'ny. Sr u:t:iA.i Ilu'.llliuht-s". ; Airiiib.iM. M I'.. Tues- jyAiuiiTS'ii. P'onccr resi-. Mm- Arm and re ', kitted in Ui' eity, sailed je,. Arm on tin' Coquitlam yf rvrilill!-' gil'mvm- ttlm lias been a filn tin fit lor the past n-turnui:: to Vancou-('(iiiiiU.un tomorrow fl M M .Stephens Will fitliin ii few weeks to fe, K.iiihii.iv.1 where lie ii en lur more Ulan 35 M; Stephens was ill phoenix and other Hiii ir, ilunim a time ol For QUALITY. j STYLE and j SERVICE ... j FASHION CRAFT... Suits for Spring that are smarter in ap- , pea ranee and better ; in quality. New ; shades of brown, : grey, and blue, the ; most attractive in years, make our Will llllll-.. -,y " M . v ... y.y,, fM r . , ftfataUy i PH. top dps A "im- W: I J IS.' 4 , 4. I V 7TJJ" , . !-J I i f -,t--.-6w.- MMtfMMStVB MMPMMi?'ii'(ifiitiiiri i.n.RytWfc inm 11 11 mm MOOSE BAZAAR ATTRACTS MANY Second day of the annual Spring Bazaar, of the Women of the Moose, held in the Moose' Temple Friday afternoon, cli-.maxed a successful affair that 'hiiiiiK activity, lie plaus B:i;4 the trip by air. ,ic.s 4n,i!i; Cle.;ieist .111 J (ti 1 1 v ry I'honc 283. (tf) church on the arm of her father", looked lovely in a gown of ivory slipper satin with round neckline, long, tight sleeves and long train. Her flowering veil of embroidered tulle, fell from a coronet of seed pearls and extended beyond her train. She wore silver sandals and carried a shower bouquet of Am-trican beauty roses, sweet peas and fern. Her only ornament was the gift of the groom, a sterling silver bracelet, set with rhine-stones. Attending the bride as matron of honor was Mrs. Ole Bak-kelund, who wore a floor-length turquoise jersey gown. She carried a colonial nosegay of pink carnations. Bridesmaid was Miss Pamela Hardy, who wore a gown of floor-length pink net over taffeta. Her halo was of matching pink and her colonial nosegay was of pink carnations. Groomsman was Ole Bakke-land. while Gordon MacRae and Roy E. Swanson were ushers, Mrs. Alec Welbs, organist, played through the ceremony and accompanied Mrs. Florence who sang Schubert's "Ave Maria" proved popular on both days. Convener was Mrs. E. Blair, while the guests were welcomed by Mrs.s P. A. Bond. Regent of AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver Miss C. Riel, Dr. F. McGilvrey, Miss M. Webber. To Sandspit Mr. and Mrs. D. Smith, Mrs. M. Arason, Mrs. A. Baardsen. l M UM. NOTU I) H . 1,1 in- fit y. Saturday, the Chapter. I 0, liH.'i. Arnold Thomas V. Spring arrivals outstanding. You may be sure of expert styling, correct fit and top quality when you buy a Fashion-Craft suit. The attractive articles In the various booths received wide attention and the sales volume was satisfactory. The fancy work booth was directed by Mrs. O. Stegavig and Mrs. R. Frank McDonald well known local old timer has taken charge of the city weigh scales, on First Avenue. FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN Paul Martin, Minister of National Health and Welfare, opened the Crippled Children's Easter Seal Campaign in Toronto by purchasing the first hundred seals from "Timmy" a little crippled boy who 'ms chosen as the symbol of the work done by the Society and hundreds of service club members. Immediately after the sale, Mr. Martin presented the seals to His Excellency the Gover nor General for his personal use. Shown here are left to right: Hon. Paul Martin; "Timmy"; in the rear Miss Zelma Creedon, Crippled Child-rens Nurse; and His Excellency the Governor General. Viscount Alexander of Tunis. ft. aned 71 years, beloved .l i.I Mr. Caroline Parol Em U.irclcn Street. Srr-ijviU be conducted at 2 jTicmIu:.. March 9 at St. .v IV.ln drill, with Rev. Of Lr.v.i. U Gibson Of-'M : Ititrrmciii. to follow irii tvmi-icry. B.C. Un-Je- m charge of ar- m- ; 'Hi Giske, while Mrs. L. Tattersall was In charge of the home cooking. The Mooseheart committee. under leadership of Mrs. Alfred' CIVIC CENTRE BRIDGE PARTY i Moose Card Party , And Dance Enjoyed Announcements All nilvrrlisrini'lil., m Hits rolilnill will be cfmrKerl fur a full niunlti at 25 cents a word Ritchie, acted as serviteurs. ; They were Mrs. John Morrison, Mrs. 11. Dickens, Mrs. C. Hinton i and Mrs. William Graham. i :9 1 Ml TO ( I.ASS.Kk' BIHTH NOTICE March 17 Catholic School Hall Tea. Home Cooking, Apron and; j Cashier in the tea room was , CARLSON-To Mr. and Mrs The week session of card playing and dancing sponsored by the Loyal Order or Moose and held in the Moose Temple enjoyed its usual success Saturday night. Winners at whist, which took up the early part ol the evening, were Mrs. L. Weather- Progressive bridge was the-order of the evening at the first1 of the bi-weekly aduit card parties held in the Civic Centre ladies' lounge Friday night , under the direction of Garnet Hull. There were nine tables in play. Objective of the functions, Novelty Sale, 2:30 p.m. Card Party. 8 p.m. Booth P.-T.A., March 17. i 6AI b 3i iior.M'power h.d. XA S:.uul;ird absolutely pk . $.iltn Apply Mc-J'I Siiipv.ial. (62l 5.T.W. st TICEas Mey i i;;ynntinuinK adver- Ernest Carlson t nee Iris Ed-lund ), at Burns Lake, B.C., formerly of this city, on January 20, a daughter. Mrs. Sam Haugan. In the evening, games and aj dance were enjoyed, with niem-j bers of the Moose Lodge assist-i ing with refreshments. Winners of the various raH fles were: Junior Chamber St. Patrick's Day Dance, March 17, Civic by and Mrs. Anne Matson with Centre. that v.. uiui; Sim auuil M:.i,.,.i, W.,ir ,,,, Kl.lnr Anrlnr- w n Xh IK. .ill coupons must later than 6 p.m. Stone Block. 158) lnterest in the Civic Centre by Mn UUvm h h ur nrOVlfilno intprivnl inn rarrnglu.n . , "-"-"'-""". men. Dancing to music pro j Eldor Andersen cushion; (Mrs. E. Blair woolen dog; Gun-j varAsprcm apron; W. Bus-sey apron; Mrs. W. D. McAra candy; Mrs. E. Hague vanity set. 'BENT-Cabin for single. Aimlv M. T. Le, vided by the Moose Orchestra commenced at 10:30 with C. E. Brechin as master of ceremonies. During intermission relrcshnients were served and prizes distributed to the winners at whi.st. (tfl , LING 1 rrB ' the tailor I , J1 "re akinS cleaning sod nrs.sinjt and steam pressing J t while you wait. j PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Your Smartest Bet mommm.,.. was explained oy Mrs. J. 1 . nar-vcy. She inviicd suggestions from those present with the aim of obtaining opinions fur broadening the scope of such activities. Winners of the evening's play ere: Presbyterian Tea. March 13, Presbyterian Church Hall. Rebekah Easter Parade, Civic Centre, March 19. Queen Mary Chapter. I.O.D.E, Daffodil Tea, March 29. Sea Cadets and Jobs' Daughters Combined Show and Musical Revue, March 31 and April 1, Navy Drill Hall. Canadian Legion W. A. Spring Sale, March 31. Do you suffer distress from v Ladies -Mrs. L. Franklin and Mrs Hill. Men-G. Adam and I IOTEL ARRIVALS Bert Loughlan. 1 Anglican Easter Sale, April 1. J.C.C. Smoker, Moose Temple, During the evening, refreshments were served from the For the Perennial Parade is this handsomely tailored three-piece ensemble in lightweight wool. Matching topper can be worn over everything-. I'rinec Kupcrl J. Crawford. Mont, Nebo. Sa.sk.; S. Joy, Prince George, A. M. Wilson. Prince George; G. J. Man.son. Vancouver; G. W. Inch, Vancouver; S. Sulay, Vancouver; M. Mastilak, Vancouver; F. H. Eilert, Billmor; H. M. Ran-, wick. Vancouver; M. B. Mae- ! Donald, Vancouver; B. Duval. Civic Centre dining room. Steamship bailings I'nr V.tiiiiiiiTrr Monday--ss Princess Louise It p.m. Tuesday -ss Catala 1:30 n.m JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue 4 IF YOU WANT . . itli Its Nervous, strung Feelings? llMMIlll V , I. . 1 . :uid Thursday ss Prince Rupert tll,,,'n Charlotte City; Mr a Suit Mrs. n. Reid, Port Essinuton: 1 a Skirt a Blouse 11:15 p.m. Coat April 2. Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra Concert, April 9. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 15. Women of the Moose tea at the home of Mrs. C. Mclntyre, 546 8th Ave. East on April 22. Orange Tea, April 21. United Church Spring Sale, April 29. St. Peter's spring sale, May C. Train Schedule For the hasi Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. I rom the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday t"wk. m.lv -t well 1 '' K. I'inkli.,,,'. l-tlll,ll,...i ... . I 1. ri'iifVA atirti I t.VUlM, NOTICE ' V., '!( I I A. Dargie, Chatham. New Brus- j jwiek; J. Mills, Chatham, New' 'Brunswick; S. Ribarich, Bute-' dale; E. Caldwell, Seymour; G. Kaaehuk, Cumshewa; Mr. and j ! Mrs. G. M. Perry, Terrace; T. j 'Woods. Smithers; H. II. Church.' fC 1 if 1 'ir l.v tl. u..ui.nU 'Hikalilv Ix'nvhm. "Kmnil ,, I ,., H h.. a Kranl 11 0'."' innn'ii iiumt l.tkcn rt'ifiiiurly . '""' ll-lw Im.l.l .... fiV a Dress a Mat a Purse, etc. Just make a small down payment and pay-as-you-wear on Sweet Id's personalized BUDGET PLAN. NO INTEREST 'Iwlrwu. Il .AI.H.I PARKIN -The Mineral service ol' Nt.v Westminster; B. M. Os- ! ' 11 tiruKHlorus. SPECIAL ! PHOTOS for Easter CALL AT Chandler & Cowgill Fourth St. ' Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT. B. C. Female Pains ".r: ""Life 7 0111' Int.- brother Arnold borne and sons, New Westmin-1 Thomas "Dick" Parkin will be ster; B. Collison. Crofton; A. i held in St.. Andrew's Calhed-1 Grant, Vancouver; Miss A.' No-j al on Tuesday. March 9. 1948.' ble, Vancouver; W. W. Stephen, at 2 p.m. Members of Tsimp-j North Vancouver; A. Streeter, scan and Tee Lodges and so- Stavely. Alia.; W. Tesluk, Van-journing brethren are request-J couver; Dr. F. McGilvrey, Ter I" e,,,,,nuo, j( lirry rr ,.. ' J" "1''' '"'. l.... ,Mlhy k, l, y '' l.'lmil.. luinuuiuil ' UiM.trlKtti, t. NO CARRYING CHARGES Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions w. u. Vance, soc- race: r'. Anderson. Vancouver: ' 1 cel ui to iw u ai tenet, iniu. j rctary. ( It' , W. Fuller. Vancouver. i SAVOY THIS AND THAT ESQUIRE FEATURES THEM HOTEL iREER & BRIDDEN Efts AND CONTRACTORS Carl Zarelii, Prop. . GOING OUT OF G A The HUNCi: KIPEHT FISHERMEN'S CO-OPEKATI VK ASSOCIATION, Waterfront. " is discontinuing; handling breakfast and dinner sets. The remaining slock will be on sale at special prices this week. 10 Only 32 Breakfast Sets 5 Only 41 Dinner Sets 5 Only 53 Dinner Sets 1 Only 97 Dinner Sets A few other items in Chinaware will also be on sale Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op S Phone 37 P.O. Box 514 j FUASER STREET j Prince Rupert f lr Construction Alteration JrSanding a Specialty, AVOID AGGRAVATION 9 l Mt A"- KMHIKEMENTS IN Wfice Siiiilics 'l U.S f I iiu needs in all typea 0f riuUiig work. -4 Evcrvliii.... ... ... THE FAMOUS Art Vogue SHIRT With the nuo-la.sual Collar. Sold Exclusively by Acme CLOTHING STORE ry. Z "b 111 "U;li-class statione lur rv,.,,, . Hollywood Cafe FRINCE RITEKT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 4:0C P.M. TO 3:30 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 4 1 occasion Fountain Pens. IB PRINTING POMP A MY LET US ATTENl) TO YOUR FLUMBING PROBLEMS Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating Second Ave. at Seventh St. PHONE 108 St 111 - ' v wwiii nni tUt ('rnrf.t MhIhm- AiIjui wlf-f. Iih:. THIRD AVENUE "No, I did not send for a polienman!