PROVINCIAL LI3.1A3yt j i i:o.' AL ( w A KURTBERH AND CKTTRJUi BlUTpVCOLOMBIA'S MIWSPAPKR VICTORIA, B, Ct ORMES DRUGS Blue Hilin rv STAR PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." Cabs M VOL. XXXV11, No. 57. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS ENDED FOR CONDUCT Fid To' .Negotiate With mo ussoa nn, conduct of almost: ves wh' were last wi-ck during I tctball tout nam. i... U bySKt. L. A. N. Pol- Ctliel. UlUS! y pullff s -an excellent di.s-1 .operation" of which; s had a right to be j Talks To Be Held In Moscow, 'Tis Announced HELSINKI (CP) Finland's iMiinnt. HpcidpH .- J .. t. im'lp In- 11,1V!- I wt trouble an-mi? ; jday to begin negotiations with Soviet Ruasia, a mem ball tournament, tgi. ,jid "Saturday mom- Jill .is not a single ease i ber ot the government reported. Finland is suggesting that the talks be held in Moscow. No decision has been announced on the make-up of the delegation that will go to the Russian capital. Un ruri. ! .. . " "s V, 1 icd Uiat a year ago, , nilar circumstances" 1 ' 50 natives had been , com! and received nig more than $1,000, intoxication charges. ( ,r, they showed ex-; A cabinet minister said he could not disclose whether Finland is advising Joseph gtalin she is ready to negotiate toward a military pact as well as a DEPORTATION NOT JUST YET I'nder New Ked Barring Authority Assumed by Federal Government Ill-control, anu uicv ONTARIO BAILS-H.M.C.S. Ontario,' Canada's newest six-inch gun cruiser and senior ship of Pacific coast force, steams out of Esquimau harbor tor the first long cruise of 1948. Among those serving aboard H.M.C.S. Ontario, 9,000 ton cruiser and largest unit of the Royal Canadian Navy, taking part in spring fleet exercises are 39 new entry seamen who are making their first extended sea-tramine, cruise are eight from British Columbia. One Is Alan Rands from Prince Rupert. Others are Jas. Cole, Jus. McLean, John Gillolt Donald lnkinen and Harold Madland of New Westminster, Murray Mitchell of Pitt Meadows and John Coibett of Mission City. .it to b- proud of it,' :ho ck. there wcic, .",0 and 1.1)00 natives i A yea; ago, about , CANADIAN AT U.N. Senior English announcer and pres-entaUun director for the radio section of the United Nation.'; i.s Don Pringle, a Can-aJian from Fredericton, N.B., who joined U.N. in October, 1940. He spent 10 years in commercial radio in Canada and with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation before taking his present post, which makes him chief English contact with radio specialists of 30 nationalities. In Canada recently, Pringle, above, appeared on a Canadian radio program to urge a more optimistic attitude toward U.N. He believes emphasis given differences between the great powers has obscured much of the valuable work done by the world organisation. OTTAWA '(. -For the time being authority of the Immigration Act will not be invoked to deport known or suspected com ANTI-CO mm .Jed tin' tournament thr Civic Centre. ISM TREATY IS READY friendship agreement. Whether Stalin's proposal for a m'utual assistance pact Is like those Russia now has with Hungary and Romania is causing much concern. Most Finns oppose any far-reaching military alliance wiUi the U.S.S.R. and the treaty that is concluded must be ratified by Parliament. The Popular Front, including communists and radical socialists, are the only bloc to support full military alignment with the Soviet Union. They have fifty-one out of 200 Parliamentary seats. munist aliens already in Canada but it is expected these will XLERA on ;;to u.s. ' joEK " American -un d" V.ilera arrive:! J. New Yolk today for ilvifll in Hie Unitid find it impossible to obtain renewal of their entry permits when they have expired. The decision of the cabinet to bar alien communists from the country is aimed particularly at Reds known to be entering Canada in recent years as labor union officials. The barring of the communists from Canada was ordered LOCAL STUDENTS PASS IN MUSIC The following is a list of successful candidates in examinations held recently by the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto in Prince Rupert. The names are arranged in order of merit. THEORY Five-Power Pact Is About To Be Signed i:iaiSSi;LK (CP) First articles of a pact intended to bind five western European powers in u n inn to n'sist further spread of communism were di alled tod.iy. Conferees representing Great Britain, trailer, Helghim, the Netherlands and Luxembourg n l erred the drafts to an editorial committee for Bulletins v I f -jti Three Lepers Find Their Life Lonely VICTORIA The leper colony on Bentinck Island, 18 miles south of Victoria in the Straits by the federal government after lit had received advice that it can do this under existing laws. Grade llli ' i Harmony i First Class Honors Olga Za-budney. ! Pass Yvonne Hamilton- of 'San Juan de Fuca, has now An authoritative informant de- clared that the decision had been reached after weeks of ses dwindled to three persons, and lt.:lili'fii years, lie is linn, to lake part) Jtii-k's Day celebrations , I f-unrry Thr nirmcr j 13t '.(: of Eire jlan.s to M:S. wrsc American HI .i'di'ii! April 0. IWEATHFR i I a.-.turb.niee ofl the j iuj; gave cloudy ti iiuii: Miiilliern Brit- j Jt i this morning with j ' k -h' coa.slai sections i ii "c as the distur-1 f" d iniand Cold air ! vmllnurd over the ' n I .!,:! iir and clear i r If,, . through - j t ::li!-in regions of the j k 'i lV A storm abou'. ' ''II tin Queen Char- fr ... . n it t ... . i , pollshiiii; ron.Mini;: before i!,nnf ioui'riiw tomorrow's 6 1 '"'n' I " tJiSw ja I l'"i't.s are circulating I "fi;3 the pact may be ready for 1 . . -'C-'S"fi '"g this week. that sign- they are finding life lonely. A small party of newspapermen recently visited the island. Grant; Loverna Llnney. Grade III First Class Honors Marjorie MAYOR PUT UP CUP FOR DRAMA legal study by the Department of Justice, culminating in a report to the cabinet this week that the present immigration JF. Simpson. Honor! Orace L. Merrill. ct gives the government enough powers to shut out the teds. Conrrrenrp circles said -Uiat Foreign Minister Georges Bld-iiuli ol I'Yanee and Foreign Sec-i t.i ry Er nest Brvin of Oreat Hiitain were ready to come here at any time to sign. The pact contains economic as well as military provisions. FATHER OF CHAS. BALAGNO PASSES Charles P. Balagno received word at the week-end of the M I IM AAT-HK.iI SCHOOL l,m al hanketball fans are Koiiik to gel an interesting hit of extra fare tonight with Hie arrangement of an exhibition basketball game between Kitimaats, who won the Northern II r 1 1 1 s h C olumbia Columbia native championship last week, and the unbeaten High School team of the local Intermediate League. The game will be played at the Civic Centre gymnasium. liAKIiAKA ANN HOME MOM KEAI. Barbara Ann Scott arrived here today, beaming with happiness despite a long and weather-slowed flight across the Atlantic. Snow and the 5:0.") a.m. hour notwithstanding, her subjects were on hand t'o welcome her home. She proceeds tomorrow to her home at Ottawa where a gala welcome awaits her. f "Miiiniii: will mvr- i A silver cup to be known as the Mayor's Cup will be presented to the group that wins the senior drama competition to be held at the Music and Drama Festival in Prince Rupert May 5 and 6. Carlo Hansen, who made the anouncement, said Mayor Nora Arnold had offered to put up the cup for annual competition as an encouragement to those who are actively contributing to the cultural development of the district through stage productions. PERON WINS IN ELECTION BUENOS AIRES O First returns from yesterday's national elections favored candidates supported by President Juan D. Peron. Although electoral boards will death at Victoria at 5 o'clock yesterday morning of his father, Queen Charlotte Is Getting Busy While it has been somewhat quiet of late, there is now considerable activity at Queen Charlotte City in preparation for an active season in fishing and logging, according to Fred LaSette, merchant of that com- tatlier along the: Joseph Balagno, pioneer resident ''"st toinuht with ; I'lcadini! over the ! Province tomorrow, j forecast I 1 '"'ft. Queen Cl,:ir. i of Vancouver Island. Death came I following a stroke two weeks ago. Mr. Balagno' had reached J the mature age of" eighty-eight i years. not begin the official count in ! munity, who was in the city j North Coast -Cleai-l I1 i-inu c 1 o ( j n e s s the congressional races until Tu. sday Con- for a few days last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. LaSette are opening up a self-serve grocery at Queen Charlotte City in addition to their general department store. ll'l. bviijn,, Hfillrlv Wednesday most of the returns of three provinces in municipal elections held simultaneously gave victories to supporters of the administration. I" Hie late after- SCARLET FEVER VISITS TERRACE Sell Power Plant At Prince George A lormer army power plant aT Prince George, will relieve peak winter loads and provide the City ol Prince George with emergency power. Disposal of ; the Army Brigade Camp power 'house and installations to the 'ciiy was made through the : Lands and Buildings Depart-i ment of War Assets Corpora-lion. Generating equipment ln-J eluded diesel engines, gas air ; compressor engine, alternators, ; control exciters, control panel : boards. fan , motors, water ' pumps, evaporation heat exchanger, and electric motors. .Surplus .structures previously .)ld by War Assets Corporation F'''A ll'-liit. ilH'rp:nOn.. ni li. t during ld slniim- to south-T'Hvdav afternoon OWN limifiht LOCAL TIDES Tuesday, March 9. 1948 High 1:06 18.7 feet 12:51 ,18.8 feet Low 6:58 7.2 feet 19:10 3.7 feet Tlli-vf'-,,. at r... BEN HOTKEY DIES VICTORIA Ben Ilcthey, who for several years was private secretary to Former Premier T. I). Pattullo, died here today al the age of ."; years. Rut Influenza Is Dnly "Catching" Disease Here Health Unit Report Mild influenza has been the only prevalent acute commu I lOCKLY SCORES National League .SATURDAY Toronto 2. New York 1 SUNDAY Montreal 2, Detroit 2 Uie SUNDAY f oid 4). Mas.sett 30 ANSWERS CHARGE-- Film star Joan Crawford walks along a corridor in a Los Angeles office building after making a deposition in the office of Attorney Albert Pearlson. She denied that, she had witnessed an electric shock treatment being given, to Mrs. Pauline W. MeK.iy. The actress i.s being sued for $200,000 on grounds that, she invaded Mrs. McKay's privacy during a visit to Pasadena Sanitarium in search of technical Information for a film role. Born in Italy, the late Mr. Balagno emigrated from 'his native land to San Francisco in 1890 and a year later moved north to Vancouver Island, locating first at Wellington. In 1903 lie moved to Nanaimo and, after a year there, went to Lady-smith where he engaged in the hotel business and also operated a bottling works. In 1911 he purchased the old Victoria Hotel at Government and Johnson Street in Victoria and operated it for several years before selling but to go into tho importing business with a. shop on Douglas Street. Mr. Balagno was a bandmaster In his younger days and his family Inherited musical talents. Predeceased several yeans ago nicable disease in Prince Rupert during the months of January flare Rupert 34 4 i l MltS. TOMMY fuelled the city al Vl of tin- death in f Irulav night of lnor Ti,.Vi ,j,m,,pr "P'rt miman. She " f W. . T.ilM-y, : : TOD A TS STOCKS : : Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. and February although several cases of scarlet fever have been reported from Terrace, according to a report for the period covering these two months which at Prince George, include a boiler house, recreation and stores buildings, and former Pan American Airways repair shop. Vancouver fisionai suocrinliiiil. Bevcourt .4'j Bobjo 14 Detroit 2. New York 2 die) Boston 3, Toronto 1 Chicago 9. Montreal 3 Pacific Coast SATURDAY 7, Seattle 5 Tacoma 4, Vancouver 2 Fresno 5, Oakland 3 Los Angeles 3, San Francisco 2 SUNDAY Seattle 8, Newwest 3 San Francisco 1. San Diego 4 Vancouver 1, Portland 8" has just been Issued by Dr. R. M Lane, director of the Prince Rupert and District Health Unit. :i"T ni'"iv years and o manager of the 9 Ml .o;!!-2 .07 Bralonie B. R. Con. B.R.X ' O I " If School medical examinations lUil- Cariboo Quartz 190 f lunrrai is takinc .HVi 95.00 .88 .80 ,84 .58 Buffalo Canadian Consolidated Smelters Conwest Donalda Eldona Elder lll,r i in Van- Dentonia Oral! Wihksne .04i by his wife, the late Mr. balagno is survived by four sons-Charles, Prince Rupert: Joseph and Peter, Victoria, and William. Seattle, and one daughter, Mrs. Josephine Lorandl, Victoria, The funeral will take place in Victoria voider Roman Catholic Church auspices. Giant Yellownlfe 4.75 JD COUNTRY FOOTBALL '"'Mill lilMIIld Portsmouth 1. Blackpool God's Lake Hardrock ... Harrieaila . Ileva Hoseo Jacknife 70 15' :- 0';- 13 35 . (14 U have been carried out In Terrace, Hazel ton and at Booth Memorial High School. Immunization, both reinforcing doses and initial series for diphtheria, has been administered at Booth Memorial High School and in Terrace, Usk and Haze It on schools. The Coast Travelling Tuberculosis clinic, in Prince Rupert from February 11 to February 20 and in Terrace on February 14. examined a total of 140 cases, eviitacts and suspects . In addition, a chest survey clinic for fishermen was held on four days. Unfortunately, the winter weather was at its height during tills Morion 3 ' 4M'mli'o,M. o 3. 3i. Min,,h ( I' Fife 0 rl'flhvisio "A" t Ahmiern 1 f hini,itT 2 Ass,,,.,,,,,,,, ,.( ! "'Hind ii-i.i-... i tie i Preston North laid 2. Grimsby Town 1 Sheffield United 3, Aston Villa 1 Stoke City 3, Manchester City 0 Second Division Barnsley 1, Millwall 0 Birmingham City 0. West Ham United 1 Cardiff City 1. Brentford 0 Covent ry City 0, Southampton i Fulham 0, Doncastcr Rovers 0 tie i Leeds United 2. Nottingham 2 tic I lji.jui. r'ltir 2 nradfurd 0 lledley Mascot 72 Min to 02 Fend Oreille "30 Pioneer 3.40 Premier Border 04 '2 Privateer 2! Reeves McDonald 1.20 Reno lOVz Salmon Gold 21 Sheep Creek 1.00 Taylor Bridge 45 2 Taku River ia Vanaiida 16 Congress 03 Pacific Eastern 07 Hedley Amalgamated .. .02 ',2 Spud Valley .12 Central Zcballos 01 m Silbak Premier 44 Oils A.P. Con 15 Calmont 45 C. & E 4.10 Foothills 3.50 Home 6.05 Toronto Athona 07 Vi Aumaque 20 Beattie 65 'i, . , "," Juliet Quebec 35 Lake Rowan 12 Lapaska 00 K'z Little Long Lac 1.27 Lynx : 10 Madsen Red Lake 2.95 McKenzie Red Lake .... .55 McLeod Cockshutt 1.33 Moneta 35 Negus 2.40 Noranda' 44.50 Wuccn's park. survey and the numbers x-rayed I k. ... . l ' lint.--" - mmummJr v Vwila. IS MOVING TO SPOKANE Rector of Terrace Anglican Church Is Leaving TERRACE Rev. Roland R, Hills will leave Terrace at the end of this month for Spokane from which point he will administer to the spiritual needs of eight outside communities. His brother, Charles, formerly of St. Helen's Church in Vancouver, is going to the church of St. Andrew's in Spokane and tho two brothers will occupy the Rectory there. Later on they will be joined by their mother who is leaving Vancouver to make her home with them. '"'--i Hsi vlsioM b' Wulverhampiu,, f B1'kburn Kovm (, Huddersficld were not as large as had been hoped for. Antu, for rat control, was prepared and distributed in Prince Rupert with good effects. R. Bowerlng, provincial public health engineer, visited the unit area from February 10 to February 16 In connection with the inauguration and supervision of community water supplies and other sanitary matters. LKOPOLD NOT TO ABDICATE -Following announcement by a high source In Belgium this week that, he would not abdicate unless asked by his people, King Leopold continued his travel in the American hemisphere, where he i.s shown visiting Cuba's President Grau San Martin in the presidential palace in Havana. Shown, left to right, are Princess de Rethy, wife of the Belgian monarch; President San Martin; King Leopold and Senora Paulina Alsina Vda De Grau, Cuba's first lady and sister-in-law of the president, while Prince Badouin. Leopold's son. stands the ' '' ' .- behind group. Louicourt 1.30 Pickle Crow 2.16 Regeourt 07 Vi San Antonio 4.15 Senator Rouyn 5ZV2 Sherrlt Gordon 2.05 Steep Rock 2.03 Sturgeon River 20 Silver Miller 30 a' Sunder- Luton Town 1, Sheffield Wednesday 1 tie ) Newcastle United 1, Bury 0 Plymouth Argyle 1, Tottenham Hotspurs 1 (tiel West Bromwich Albion 1, Chesterfield 0 I1' "'ited I Chelsea ()